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The Californian/Volume 6

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The Californian / The Californian and Overland Monthly
Volume 6

"The Overland Monthly" was added to the title during this year, reflecting a merger with a publication that had ended its run several years prior.

3940365The Californian / The Californian and Overland Monthly — Volume 6

Contents by issue Alphabetical TOC transcluded from original


American Officers in the Peruvian Navy

Among the Basques.

At the Foot of the Rigi

Azores, The

Bancroft Historical Library, The
Frances Fuller Victor

Big Indian Wedding, A

Burroughs, John

By Stage and Rail

Carlo Goldoni

Civilization in South America

College of California Water Plan

Contemporary of Washington, A .

Decorative Art Society of California .

Doctrines of Ralph Waldo Emerson, The

Does it Pay to be Educated?

Down the Mississippi

Duffy, Sir Charles Gavan

Evil Literature

Face in the Picture, The

Fragment of China, A .

George Elden’s Love Story

Glimpse of the Coast Range, A

Gravitation . .

Herbert Spencer’s Political Institutions

Intellect versus Influence

Iron Baron, The

Is Color-Blindness a Survival?

Japanese Bonze's Story .

La Camicia Rossa

Late Publications—*


Walter R. Butts Edward Kirkpatrick S. H. M. Byers . W. H. Faques ,

S. A. Beaty William Sloane Kennedy Warren Cheney Charlotte Adams Charles A. Washburn S. H. Willey Alfred A. Wheeler . S. R. Heath BR. SH ° : Andrew McF. Davis . Fohn Manning C. H. Shinn ‘ Emily Browne Powell Will Brooks . ° Graham Eames . ; Clara Spalding Brown Mary H. Field W. W. Crane, Fr. C. T. Hopkins G. S. Godkin . E. Pontoppidan . William Elliot Griffis G. S. Godkin .


178, 273, 368


461 487 433

187 532 543



Garfield's Place in History; James Abram Garfield; Noah Webster; Numa Rumestan; The Concepts and Theories of Modern.Physics; Great Movements, and Those who Achieved Them ; The Creed, »and Modern Thought; Studies in the Life of Christ

Cassell’s Popular Library; Guerndale; An Echo of Passion; Residence; Money-making for Ladies;

A Tallahassee Girl;

California for Health, Pleasure, ‘on The Four MacNicols;


Lucas; Peabody’s Hand-Book of Conversation ; French History for Children; Field anand Mis-


Wells’s Merchant Marine; “Mozley’ s Reminiscences ; Anne; Aspasia ; Recent Novels ; Three in Norway Thomas Gray; Opium- Smoking i in America and China ; ; The Russian Empire ; Miscellaneous

Niagara, and The Defence of the Bride; Eve’s Daughters ; Henry D. Thoreau; Camps in the Rockies ; .

Charles Lamb; Arctic Sunbeams ;

Bjérnson’ s Fisher Maiden and Bridal March ; Three Transatlantic

Novels; Dick’s Wanderings ; Putnam’ s Hood; The Eleventh Commandment; Comic History of the

United States; Miscellaneous

Andrew Jackson; Social Equality ; Ballads wal Lovies: Commi Hyperemia; Outlines of indians History ; Vegetable Life; Beauty in the Household ; American Prose ° A Fair Philosopher; Spoiling the Egyptians; Elfin-Land; Diddie, Dumps, and Tot ; A Red- Letter Day, and Other Poems; Elements of Political Economy ; The Bodley Grandchildren, and Their lemony | in Holland ; Flip, and Found at Blazing Star; Those Children and Their Teachers; The oetical Works of Alice and Phoebe = Cesette; under Green —_— — ; Mother Goose for

Grown Folks; Miscellaneous Logical Sequence, A . Miss Vesta's Prodigal Modern Ethics and Egotism Music-Teacher’s Sweetheart . Note Book One Afternoon r Our Mysterious Passenger ‘ Out of Reach: A Camping Medley. Outcroppings— Accommodating Landlord, An Dips and Spurs . Ho, for Idaho! How to Secure Good Husbands New England Autumn Pictures North Wind of Yolo, The Old Settler’s Reminiscence,"An Perverted Public Taste, A® .


Warren Cheng . Mary W. Glascock

Milicent Washburn Shinn .

W. C. Morrow

Kate Heath Wilson Péirce

  1. . TG. C.

Lock Melone

Harry L. Wells .

Lydia E. White . Lucie R. Fuller

5. £. Sherman


496 103 295

27 553 471 442 539

269 236 160 413 127 230 353 308


189 285



69 428 375 357 386

133 48

98 484 100 387 197 545 389 Page:The Californian Volume 6 Table of Contents.djvu/2