The Canadian Soldiers' Song Book/When Morning Gilds the Sky
For other versions of this work, see When Morning Gilds the Skies.
When morning gilds the skies,My heart awaking cries, 'May Jesus Christ be praised!'Alike at work and prayerTo Jesus I repair: 'May Jesus Christ be praised!'
Whene'er the sweet church bellPeals over hill and dell, 'May Jesus Christ be praised!'O hark to what it sings,As joyously it rings, 'May Jesus Christ be praised!'
When sleep her balm denies,My silent spirit sighs, 'May Jesus Christ be praised!'When evil thoughts molest,With this I shield my breast, 'May Jesus Christ be praised!'
Does sadness fill my mind?A solace here I find, 'May Jesus Christ be praised!'Or fades my earthly bliss?My comfort still is this, 'May Jesus Christ be praised!'
In heaven's eternal blissThe loveliest strain is this, 'May Jesus Christ be praised!'The powers of darkness fearWhen this sweet chant they hear, 'May Jesus Christ be praised!'
To God, the Word, on high,The host of angels cry, 'May Jesus Christ be praised!'Let mortals, too, upraiseTheir voice in hymns of praise; 'May Jesus Christ be praised!'
Let earth's wide circle roundIn joyful notes resound, 'May Jesus Christ be praised!'Let air and sea and sky,From depth to height, reply, 'May Jesus Christ be praised!'
Be this, while life is mine,My canticle divine, 'May Jesus Christ be praised!'Be this the eternal songThrough all the ages on, 'May Jesus Christ be praised!'Amen.