The Canary/Jeanie Shaw
Jeanie Shaw.
O whither wad ye down the rill,That wimples gayly by the mill,Or will ye up the castle-hill,A boon the garden wa'.Or west the gate your foot to bend,Will ye gang to the gay green-end.O, there my heart it's time wad spendWi' bonny Jeanie Shaw.
Her gowden locks, her gracefu' mien,Her pawky smile, her witching een,Her jacket jimp of silken sheen,Alas, this bosom staw.Her charms shall aye my praise employ,But ah! she seems unconscious why,And laughs still when she hears me sigh,O cruel Jeanie Shaw.
She's fairest aye where maids are seen,The smartest dancer on the green,For ever handsome, tight, and clean,Nae lassie busks fae braw.
Of Glasgow's wealth were I the heir,Or had all Grampia's fleecy care,With thee the fame I'd freely share,My bonny Jeanie Shaw.