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The Canoe and the Saddle/Vocabulary

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The Canoe and the Saddle
by Theodore Winthrop
A Partial Vocabulary of the Chinook Jargon

This Vocabulary was published as an addendum to The Canoe and the Saddle.

394918The Canoe and the Saddle — A Partial Vocabulary of the Chinook JargonTheodore Winthrop
Aha yes.
Ahti or achti sister.
Ala I wonder; surprise.
Alki future, by and by.
Alta now, present.
Attle to be pleased.
Ankoti before; time past.
Aquine or aquatine belly.
Boston tilicum American.
Bôte boat.
Callapooya mean Indian.
Canim canoe.
Cansu how many.
Chaco come.
Chick-chick wagon, etc.
Chicu or che-chu new, clean.
Chickamin iron, etc.
Chil-chil button.
Chuck water, river.
Cli to cry.
Cloocheman woman.
Closche nanitch look sharp.
Cluckamon money.
Cochon pig, pork.
Copa mitlite pire to burn.
Copa nika mitlite it belongs to me.
Cop-su-wallah steal.
Conway (courez) cooly run.
Cultus common, inferior.
Cultus hee-hee dance.
Cultus tee-hee play.
Cum-tux understand, hear.
Dah-blo or derb devil.
Ding-ding hour.
Dlie dry.
Drait straight.
Eh-ee uncle.
Elita slave.
Enetee across.
Esik paddle.
Essil corn.
Gleese, gleach grease, oil, tar, etc.
Gleese-stick candle.
Halo none, nothing.
Haloa mah another kind.
Hankachim handkerchief.
Haul pull.
Haus sail, tent.
Ho let; an interjection.
Hoel mouse.
Hooe-hoo swop, sell.
Hooihut road.
Hui much, many.
Hui-haus town.
Hyack quick, make haste.
Hyas very, greatly.
Ichfat bear, animal.
Ikta what things.
Illahee earth, dust, floor, etc.
Ilip or eelip the first.
Inati over, across, outside.
Ipsuit find.
Iscum take, bring.
Ittle-whilly flesh.
Ituel victuals.
Kah where.
Kah mika chaco where do you come from?
Kah mika klatawah where are you going?
Kahquah or kapwah alike, like.
Kah ta mika wah-wah what did you say?
Kaloock swan.
Kaliaton lead.
    k. hyas balls.
    k. tenas shot.
Kamooks dog; mean, poor fellow.
Kanoway all.
Ka-puet needle.
Kappo coal.
Kap-sualla steal.
Karabine rifle.
Kata why.
Katock year.
Kaw-kaw crow, raven.
Kaw-heloo goose.
Kaw-wash afraid.
Kee-a-wali love.
Kee-la-pi turn over.
Keelapy come back, return.
Kiasee or ’sie how many, much.
Kicemali down below.
Kicuali tyee devil.
Kimtah back.
Kinny-ki-nick smoking-weed.
Kinoose tobacco.
Kitlo kettling, kettle.
Klatawah go, walk.
Klale black.
Klahyam, klah-hye-am good by.
Klahya, klah-hyg-gah how d’ ye do.
Klahana out.
Klaska them, those.
Klaxta who.
Klimmin little, soft.
Klipsc upset.
Kliminwhit, klimink-whit lie.
Kloneas don't know; may be.
Klosche good.
Klowawah slow.
Knitan house.
Knitan house, stable.
Ko stop; arrived.
Kock-sheet break, strike, kill, etc.
Kock-sheet-stick war-club.
Koll cold.
Kollo fence.
Kollaps or k'laps find.
Komsock beads.
Konamoxt both.
Kopa with, by.
Kopet enough, done; stop, let me alone.
Kotsuck middle.
Kowee tie in, tie up.
Kullu or kulla, kullie bird of any kind.
Kum-tux know, understand.
Kutl or kul-kul hard.
Kwanasim always.
La bouche mouth.
La coope, te-cope white.
La crame yellow.
La hâche axe.
La lâme oar.
La vest jacket.
Le bya (la vielle?) old woman.
Le cassette trunk.
Le cou neck.
Le dents teeth.
Le langue tongue.
Le loim sharp.
Le molass molasses.
Le mouton sheep.
Le main hand.
Le nez nose.
Le pied foot.
Le pipe pipe.
Le plush boards.
Le polo pan.
Le pomme apple.
Le pois peas.
Le poshut fork.
Le porte door.
Le poule fowl.
Le selle saddle.
Le shabree plough.
Le tête head.
Lip-lip boil.
Lolo carry.
Lope rope.
Lum spirit of any sort.
Mahcook buy.
Mamook work, do.
Man man.
Masatche bad.
Masatche man enemy.
Memloose die, dead, destroy.
Mesika ye or you.
Mika you.
Mitlite leave, stop; place, set down.
Mit-mit-stick mast or tree.
Moon month.
Moos-moos beef, cattle.
Moosum sleep.
Mowitch deer.
Muck-a-muck eat, drink, food.
Musket gun.
Musket-stone flint.
Musket tenas pistol.
Na-wit-kah yes, indeed.
Nanitch see.
Neim name.
Nesika we, us.
Nika I.
Nika attle copa mika I am pleased with you.
Nika sia my love.
Nik-wah here to me.
Oapcan basket.
Ocook this, that.
Oelk snake.
Oelhin seal.
Olilly or olalely berry.
Olo hungry.
Olyman saolrocks second-hand, old clothes.
Opitchure knife.
Opotche back (vulgar).
Oree brother.
Pasaiooks French, foreigners.
Pat-le full.
Pe and, but.
Pechi green.
Pel red.
Pesispy blanket.
Pesispy sail woollen cloth.
Peshooks thickets.
Petick (?) world.
Pil-pil blood.
Piltin fool, foolish.
Pire fire.
Pire-gleese tallow.
Pire-ship steamer.
Pire-stone flint.
Poo, plook shoot.
Polikely night.
Pose if, suppose.
Pusse cat.
Quak-quak duck.
Quallon ear.
Quanisam always.
Sah-hah-lee high up, heaven.
Sah-hah-lee-tyee God.
Sail cotton cloth, etc.
Samon fish.
Sapolel wheat.
See-ah-hoos face or eyes.
See-ah-pal hat, cap.
Shecollon pantaloons.
Shixe friend.
Sitcum half.
Siwash Indian.
Siyah pay off.
Skookum strong, stout; ghost.
Skookum man warrior.
Snas rain.
Sonturé (ceinture) sash.
Stogeon sturgeon.
Talipus wolf.
Tamala to-morrow.
Tamanoüs guardian spirit.
Tamoluck barrel.
Tatoosh milk, cheese, butter.
Tee-ah-nute leg.
Tee-coop or t’kôpe (côpe) white.
Tee-hee or hee-hee laugh.
Tenas infant.
    t. cloocheman girl.
    t. man boy.
    t. le porte window.
Tikky want, wish.
Tilicum people.
Till-till tired, heavy.
Tin-tin bell, watch.
Tipsoo grass, feathers, hair, beard, wool, etc.
Tipu ornament.
Tissum pretty.
Tit-the-co-ep cut.
T’kôpe (côpe) tilicum white man.
Tocta doctor.
Tolo win.
Tumpelo back.
Tum-tum heart.
Tyee chief, master, etc.
Utescut short.
Uttecut long.
Wah-wah talk.
Wake no, not.
Wapato potato.
Weltch more.
Yack-wah this way.
Yah-hal name.
Yah-wah yonder.
Yaka him, she, it.