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The Catholic Prayer Book and Manual of Meditations/Aspirations after Holy Communion

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The Catholic Prayer Book and Manual of Meditations (1883)
by Patrick Francis Moran
Aspirations after Holy Communion
3910457The Catholic Prayer Book and Manual of Meditations — Aspirations after Holy Communion1883Patrick Francis Moran



I. ENLIGHTEN the eyes of my soul, O Lord, with the rays of divine faith and wisdom, that I may ever look on thee as the way, the rule, and example of all thy thoughts, words, and actions.

What am I, Lord, or what claim can I have on thy bounty, that thou shouldst thus bestow thy blessings upon me? Yes, thou hast created me for thyself, and mayst thou alone be the rest and centre of my soul.

Good Jesus, my hope and only happiness, I here return thee thanks for all thy sufferings, and beg that I may ever find a place of refuge in thy sacred wounds against the assaults of all my enemies. Imprint the memory of them, I beseech thee, so deeply in my heart that I may ever love thee, and in all my sufferings never forget what thou hast suffered for me.

Take from me all self-love, and grant me a perfect love of thee, that I may hereafter be more devoted to thy service, and suffer nothing to prevent me from a faithful discharge of my duty.

Oh that I could ever remember thee, ever think of thee, and love thee only ! Oh, that my senses were ever shut against vain and sinful objects, and my mind freed from all fruitless solicitude, that I might ever abide in thee! From henceforth I will with the utmost diligence, seek thee, my only good; my desires shall be fixed on thee alone, and all my actions shall be directed to thy glory.

I resign myself into thy hands, O God, desiring that thy holy will may be done in and by me, both now and for ever. Be thou my instructor, director, and helper, on all occasions, that I may neither do, speak, think, or desire anything but what is according to thy good will and pleasure.

II. Grant thy servant, O Lord, understanding, that he may learn the way of thy commandments, and lay aside all interests but those of heaven.

O sweet Jesus, thou fountain of goodness, direct my steps in thy paths, and teach me to do thy will. Inspire me with courage to take up my cross and follow thee. Disengage my heart from all unprofitable cares and vain affections; and though I dwell among creatures, yet may I ever live in thee and for thee. Grant me true fervour of spirit, and enkindle in my breast the fire of divine love, that I may find no rest but in thee.

How sweet, O Lord, is thy spirit! how pleasant to my ear are the words of thy mouth! Oh, that I could ever be attentive to them, and fulfil thy law. May I die to the world and all its concupiscences, and let the greatness of thy love make all that is earthly appear to me as nothing. Protect me against my enemies, and in all danger come to my defence; make haste to help me, O God, and say to my soul, I am thy health and salvation.

Remember thou art my Father, and have compassion on my distressed soul; clothe it with all virtues and feed it with thy grace, for it belongs to a father to be careful of his child.

As it is in thee I live, sweet Jesus, so it is in thee I desire to die; and both living and dying I will ever profess that thou art good, and that thy mercy endureth for ever.

III. O sweetness of my life, and life of my soul, withdraw my heart and thoughts from all creatures, that they may find no rest but in thee.

My God, how long dost thou permit me to wander from thee? When wilt thou consume in me all that is corrupt and contrary to thy will? Draw me after thee, I beseech thee, that I may walk cheerfully in the way of thy precepts. Make me according to thine own heart, and let my soul be now thy habitation for ever.

My soul without thee is parched, like earth without water; moisten it, I beseech thee, with the dew of heaven, and grant me thy blessing from the land of the living. Wound my heart with thy love, that it may relish no earthly objects, but entirely depend on thy will.

Hail, dear Redeemer, whom I now desire to adore with the spirit and affection of thy elect; to thy direction I commit all the motions of my soul.

Ah! when will the day of eternity appear, that, liberated from this prison of flesh. I may join with the saints in thy everlasting praise? O sweet light, inflame my heart with the fire of celestial charity, and let its divine flames consume my bowels.

IV. O that I could give thee, dear Lord, as much praise, glory, and honour as is given thee by the angels and blessed spirits in heaven ! But as this in my present slate of existence, is impossible, accept at least my desire and good-will. Deliver me from everything that is contrary to thy will, and dispose my soul for thy greater glory.

Into thy hands I surrender, myself, O my Creator, and laying aside all private wishes, desire to depend on thee, not only as to the whole state of my body and soul, but also as to all the accidents and events thou mayst be pleased to appoint for me, asking nothing more but that thy name may be glorified for ever.

If it be more for thy honour that I should suffer interior desolation, I accept it from thy hand, convinced that whatever I suffer in my soul for love of thee is for my good.

O my God, how little art thou known, how little loved! Come to me, dear Lord, and if thou nowhere else findest rest, infuse thyself wholly into my soul. May the fire of thy love, O God, ever burn in my heart, and increase to such a flame as may consume not only the sacrifice but the altar also.

Let nothing be my comfort but thou, my Lord Jesus, nor anything afflict me but my sins and whatever is displeasing to thy divine Majesty.

O blessed Jesus! Life eternal! by whom I live, and without whom I die, grant I may be united to thee, that in the embraces of thy holy love and divine will I may rest for ever.

When shall I behold thee, sweet Lord? When shall I appear before thy face? When shall I see thee in the land of the living? Till then I sigh and bewail my banishment, desiring to be dissolved and be with thee.