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The Catholic Prayer Book and Manual of Meditations/Five Acts of Virtue

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The Catholic Prayer Book and Manual of Meditations (1883)
by Patrick Francis Moran
Five Acts of Virtue
3894836The Catholic Prayer Book and Manual of Meditations — Five Acts of Virtue1883Patrick Francis Moran

Five Acts of Virtue

To be performed by those to whose lot they shall fall.


ADORABLE Heart of Jesus, hypostatically united to the Eternal Word! ever present in the Holy Eucharist, receive my homage and the tribute of adoration which I here bring, prostrate at the throne of thy glory.

Mayst thou ever be reverenced and adored by all creatures; may the raising of hands, bending of knees, prostrations of body, practised in our devotions; may the prayers, vows, and sacrifices of thy servants, be ever agreeable and acceptable to thee. May the angels in heaven ever adore thee, and may the hearts of all the faithful, especially that of the most blessed Virgin, ever breathe out in thy honour a most sweet odour and perfume of love, esteem, and respect.

Sweet Jesus! receive this act of adoration. May it be acceptable in thy sight from my hands, and those of thy servants of this Association, whom I particularly recommend to thee. Amen.


MOST munificent Heart of Jesus, hypostatically united to the Eternal Word! ever present in the Holy Eucharist, receive my homage, and the tribute of thanksgiving which I here bring, prostrate at the throne of thy bounty.

In the joy of my heart I render thee thanks for all thy favours. Ye creatures of God, brought forth from nothing; ye children of men, created, redeemed, and sanctified, praise and magnify your great Benefactor; but chiefly thou, O immaculate and most pure Virgin! preserved from all spot and blemish, enriched with the fulness of grace, exalted above the nine choirs of angels, and next in dignity to the throne of God, extol, praise, and glorify this munificent dispenser of all good gifts.

May thy name, O most bountiful God! be ever blessed; mayst thou be ever praised, and may thy bounty be ever glorified.

Sweet Jesus! receive these my thanks. May they be acceptable in thy sight from my hands, and those of thy servants of this Association, whom I particularly recommend to thee. Amen.


MOST amiable Heart of Jesus, hypostatically united to the Eternal Word! ever present in the Holy Eucharist, receive my homage, and the tribute of love which I here pay, prostrate at the throne of thy charity.

Be thou ever, O sacred Heart! obeyed and loved by all creatures, even as man is always cherished and loved by thee. Thou hast settled thy affections upon him, and with him thou hast ever desired to dwell. O that I could love thee as thou deservest, and as thou art loved by the angels and saints in heaven; at least with a love, if not corresponding to thy favours, equal however in some measure to the greatness of the obligation I lie under. Ye Cherubim and Seraphim! ye thrice happy citizens of the heavenly Jerusalem! and principally thou, O most pure Virgin Mother! supply by thy love whatever is wanting in mine. May thy goodness, O Jesus ! be ever praised, magnified, and exalted: mayst thou ever reign as King, Lord, and Sovereign over all hearts, and may thy amiable Heart draw all hearts to thee.

Sweet Jesus! receive this act of love, May it be acceptable in thy sight from my hands, and those of thy servants of this Association, whom I particularly recommend to thee. Amen.


MOST compassionate Heart of Jesus, hypostatically united to the Eternal Word! ever present in the holy Eucharist, receive my homage, and the tribute of atonement for sin which I here pay, prostrate at the throne of thy justice.

What have we hitherto been doing, my God? Thou hast bestowed on us most signal favours, even to the surprise of heaven itself, and these without any merit on our part, even while we offended thee; and as thou lovest us beyond measure, so without measure thou continually heapest thy blessings upon us. For all these what return have we made? what ingratitude have we not shewn? O God of pity and compassion! cast the eye of thy mercy on our present repentance, or rather look not on us; look on the blessed spirits in thy heavenly court, and especially on the ever faithful Virgin; look on thy devout servants, who always obey thy commands, hearken to thy inspirations, and follow thy directions. These will intercede with thee in our behalf; these will atone for our sins, plead our cause, and obtain pardon for past neglects. These will keep us firm and unalterable in our present purposes and resolutions of loving and serving thee more fervently hereafter.

Sweet Jesus ! receive this act of atonement for sin. May it be acceptable in thy sight from my hands, and those of thy servants of this Association, whom I particularly recommend to thee. Amen.


Most bountiful Heart of Jesus, hypostatically united to the Eternal Word! ever present in the Holy Eucharist, receive my homage, and the tribute of prayer which I here offer, prostrate at the throne of thy mercy.

To whom, my God! can I address my petition with equal confidence? Thy care watched over me from all eternity; in time thy indulgence drew me out from my non-existence ; thy goodness preserves me every moment of life, and thy manificence supports, feeds, and nourishes me. But still, my Lord and Creator! I am environed with a world of enemies, who continually disturb the quiet and peace of my mind interiorly, and exteriorly assault my weakness with violence. I am tempted to cry out a thousand times in the day: Save us, O Lord! we perish. Open then a sanctuary into which I may retire; a refuge, where I may be covered against the attacks of my enemies; a harbour, where, after escaping from the tempestuous waves, I may repose.

Thou hast granted the Sacred Heart of Jesus unto us, and in it thy servants have found these advantages.

The Associates of the Sacred Heart have a particular right and title to this holy and safe retreat ; give them then a distinguished place in it. Thou, O Virgin Mother! enforce my petition by thy powerful mediation.

Sweet Jesus! receive this my prayer! May it be acceptable in thy sight from my hands, and those of thy servants of this Association, whom I particularly recommend to thee. Amen.