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The Catholic Prayer Book and Manual of Meditations/Litany for the Sick

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The Catholic Prayer Book and Manual of Meditations (1883)
by Patrick Francis Moran
Litany for the Sick
3909917The Catholic Prayer Book and Manual of Meditations — Litany for the Sick1883Patrick Francis Moran

Litany for the Sick.

LORD, have mercy on me. Christ, have mercy on me.

Lord, have mercy on me.

God the Father, Creator of the world, Have mercy on me.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on me.

God the Holy Ghost, perfecter of the elect, Have mercy on me.

O Blessed Trinity, three Persons and one God, Have mercy on me.

Holy Mother of God,

All ye holy angels and archangels,

All ye blessed company of the just,

All ye holy patriarchs and prophets,Pray for me.

All ye holy apostles and evangelists,

All ye holy disciples of our Lord,

All ye holy martyrs,

All ye holy bishops and confessors,

All ye holy virgins and widows,

All ye holy saints of God, make intercession for me.

Have mercy, O Lord, and spare me.

Have mercy, O Lord, and hear me.

From all my sins and offences, and the punishment due to them.

From all temptations, and the snares of the devil.

From all impatience and repining at thy just chastisements, O Lord deliver us.

From dejection of spirit, and diffidence in thy mercies,

From all undue fears of death, and all immoderate desires of life,

From distraction of mind, and neglect of preparation for eternity,

By thy cross and passion,

By thy death and burial,

By thy glorious resurrection and ascension,

By the grace of the Holy Ghost, the Comforter,

In the hour of death, and in the day of judgment,

That it would please thee to comfort me in sorrows, and enable me to look to a blessed life beyond death, I beseech thee, to hear me.

That it would please thee to remind me of all thy mercies, and by them encourage me to a sure confidence in thee, I beseech thee, to hear me.

That thou wouldst grant me the grace to order all my temporal affairs with prudence, justice, and charity; and with a free and quiet mind wholly to dispose myself for heaven, I beseech thee, to hear me.

That thou wouldst sanctify this thy fatherly correction of me, that the sense of my weakness may add strength to my faith, and seriousness to my repentance, I beseech thee, to hear me.

That thou wouldst grant me the grace to confess sincerely, to repent of all my sins, and bestow on me perfect remission and forgiveness of them, I beseech thee, to hear me.

That thou wouldst grant me the grace heartily to forgive all those who have offended me, and to satisfy to the utmost of my power whoever hath suffered the least prejudice by me,

That being thus reconciled to thee, and to all the world, I may, with assured hope and steadfast faith, receive the sacrament of thy blessed body, and by the strength of that heavenly food, cheer my fainting spirits, and continue with joy in thy favour to the end,

That a patient submission under the pains of my sickness may expiate the punishment due to my sins, diminish my love of this world, and increase my desire of the next,

That in whatever thy providence hath ordained concerning me, I may readily acquiesce, and both in life and death, be always thine,

Son of God,

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Spare me, O Lord.

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Hear me, O Lord.

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on me.

Lord, have mercy on me. Christ, have mercy on me.

Lord, have mercy on me.

Our Father, etc.

O Lord hear my prayer,

And let my cry come unto thee.


ALMIGHTY and eternal God, in whose hands are life and death, whose infinite wisdom disposes all things advantageously for those who love thee; behold thy servant whom thou hast cast upon a bed of sickness; comfort, I beseech thee, my afflicted spirit; increase my faith, strengthen my hope, and perfect my charity, sanctify all my sufferings, and if thy mercy shall restore me to health, may I carefully correct the errors of my past life. If it please thee to call me out of this world, grant that I may safely pass through the shades of death, transported by thy holy angels into the mansions of bliss, where no fear shall trouble me, no pains afflict me, no grief disturb my peace of mind, but pure delight, unspeakable joy and perfect security shall be for ever confirmed to me: Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


O DEAR Jesus, I adore thee with my whole heart; I give thee thanks for that infinite love which thou didst show to poor sinners in dying for them on the cross, and for the unspeakable goodness displayed in thy heavenly banquet, to which thou art now pleased to invite me. How dare I approach, who have so ungratefully offended thee, and have lived so long unworthy of m>* profession.

I acknowledge, O God, that I am a sinner. Thou alone art my hope: I raise my eyes to thee, who art rich in mercy, who art my advocate and most powerful mediator. I commit my cause into thy hands. Help me now in my distress; let the infinite treasure of thy merits supply all my deficiencies, while I partake of this sacred food. Thou knowest my weakness and unworthiness; thou seest how unfit I am, through the multitude and enormity of my sins, to appear before thy judgment seat. I tremble for that dreadful hour when my manifold transgressions will be laid before me. What must become of me, if my iniquities are to decide my eternal destiny? O Jesus, let me not go alone before the throne of divine justice; come thou into my soul; accompany me to 1 he tribunal of God; there let all thy mercies plead for me. I have nothing to trust to in myself, but upon thy infinite goodness I have every reason to rely. Let us then, my soul, confidently recur to the mercies of our Lord; there let us shelter ourselves in the virtue of his blessed wounds; there, though our sins cry aloud for justice, his precious blood cries still louder for mercy. It is in this mercy I place my confidence, and in this hope I desire to die. Come now, dear Jesus, into my soul, and possess it for ever.

Thou art “ my Lord and my God ” ( John xx. 28); behold I am thy servant; give me understanding, and strengthen me, that I may ever conform to thy holy will.

Thou art the Lamb of God, the spotless Lamb, who takest away the sins of the world. Cleanse me from all that is sinful, and give me that which is pleasing in thy sight.

Thou art my love and my joy, my God and my all; thou art my portion and inheritance.

Let the powerful force of thy love affect all my faculties; let it entirely change my heart, that I may die to the world for the love of thee, who wast pleased to die on the cross for the love of me.

“ Into thy hands I commend my spirit ” (Pa. xxx. 6), my whole being, and the remainder of my life, whilst I am in possession of it, and have the power of making the offer and sacrifice. Amen.


GLORY and thanksgiving be to thee, O Lord, who in thy sweetness hast been pleased to visit and refresh my poor soul. “Now thou dost dismiss thy servant, O Lord, according to thy word, in peace; because my eyes have seen,” and my soul hath received, my “ salvation.” ( Luke ii. 29, 30.)

Now I willingly bid farewell to the world, and with joy I go to thee, my God. Nothing more, dear Jesus, shall separate me from thee. In thee I will live, in thee I will die, in thee I hope to abide for ever. Now life seems uneasy to me; I “ desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ” (Phil. i. 23), “for whom have I suffered the loss of all things, and count them as dung, that I may gain Christ.” (Phil. iii. 8.) Now “ though I should walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I will fear no evils, for thou art with me ” (Ps. xxii. 4), O Lord. “ As the hart panteth after the fountains of water, so my soul panteth after thee, O God: my soul hath thirsted after the strong living God; when shall I come and appear before the face of God.” (Ps. xli. 2. 3.)

Give me thy blessing, O Jesus, and establish my soul in everlasting peace; such peace as thou alone canst give: such peace as it may not be in the power of my enemy to destroy.

O that I were happily united to thee for ever; that I were wholly swallowed up and buried in thee; that my soul were at rest in the enjoyment of thee, my God, for ever. “ What have I in heaven, and beside thee what do I desire on earth” (Ps. xxii. 25), my God?

Soul of Christ, sanctify me; body of Christ, save me; blood of Christ, purify me; water issuing from the side of Christ, cleanse me; passion of Christ, strengthen me. O good Jesus, graciously hear me; within thy sacred wounds hide me; never suffer me to be separated from thee; at the hour of death call me, and command me to come to thee, that thou mayest associate me with the angels and saints, and the whole choir of celestial spirits, to sing forth canticles of praise and glory to thy holy name for ever and ever. Amen. ,


LORD Jesus Christ who in thy great mercy hast provided powerful resources for Si our necessities, grant me grace to have recourse to them with such dispositions, that my soul may partake of all those great advantages and salutary effects, which thou hast appointed in their institution. Thou hast instituted the sacrament of Extreme Unction for the benefit of the sick, who in their extremity stand more particularly in need of grace and consolation, I now desire to receive this heavenly medicine* for the ends for which it has been instituted. Grant, I beseech thee, that this holy Unction may produce in me all its happy fruits; by healing my soul, by fortifying me against all temptations, by supporting me in the hour of anguish and distress, and by preparing me for a happy passage, or for whatever may be thy holy will. If thou foreseest that my health shall be conducive to thy greater glory, and expedient for my eternal salvation, let this be the means to restore it. I absolutely submit to thy will: I wish not so much to live as to serve thee. Dispose of me as thou knowest best; all I desire is the accomplishment of thy will: give me health or sickness, life or death; give me whatever thou pleas est: not my will but thine be done: it is a greater happiness to fulfil thy will than to enjoy ten thousand lives. How happy should I be, it the destruction of my body could repair the injuries I have offered to thy divine Majesty! My eyes, alas! have seen vanities; my ears have been open to detractions, to profane and unprofitable discourses; my tongue has many ways offended both in speaking and tasting; my hands have contributed to many follies; my feet have often gone astray in the paths of vanity and sin. By this holy Unction, and by the prayers of thy Church, pardon me, O Jesus, all the sins which I have committed by my senses. Let those avenues, through which sin has made its way into my soul, be now shut to the world. Let my eyes be open to thee alone. Let my ears be attentive to thy commandments. Let my tongue be solely employed in soliciting mercy. Let my prayers ascend like incense in thy sight. Let my hands be lifted up to heaven for pardon. Let my feet walk in thy ways; and let my heart be the living temple of the Holy Ghost. Into thy hands, O dear Jesus, 1 commend my spirit. In thee I will live, in thee I will die, in thee I will abide, and in thee I hope to possess eternal rest for ever and ever. Amen.


O MY God, thou hast created, redeemed, and sanctified me; thou hast preserved me in many dangers, both of soul and body. Thou hast nourished me with the adorable sacrament of thy body and blood, and granted me to receive the rites of thy Church, preferably to so many others who were carried off by a sudden death without having been favoured with those succours which thou hast bestowed upon me, a most ungrateful sinner. For these and all other blessings I offer thee innumerable thanks; to thee I resign my heart; receive it for a holocaust. I do not desire to be freed from my pains; thou knowest what is best for me: take from me all murmuring! give me patience to suffer whatever thou pleasest: if it be thy divine pleasure to inflict on my weak body greater punishments than I now suffer, my heart is ready, O Lord, my heart is ready to accept them, and to suffer in whatever manner and measure shall be most conformable to thy holy will. This one grade I most earnestly beg of thee, my God, that I may die the death of thy Elect, and be admitted, after the sufferings and tribulation of this transitory life, into the company of thy glory, there to see and enjoy thee, in the kingdom of the blessed, for all eternity. Amen.


ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, I here acknowledge thy blessing in the recovery of my health, and return thee my most hearty thanks for it. I beg thy grace for the making a better use of it than hitherto I have done; that I may correct all the errors of my past life, that I may improve in virtue, be an example to others, and dedicate that health to thee which is now thy special gift; that thus living to thee, I may be ever prepared for my last hour, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Bless the Lord, O my soul: may he be praised and glorified for ever.

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.

Blessed be the Lord God of our fathers: let praise and glory be given to him for ever.

I will praise thee, O my God, while I live; I will glorify thy holy name while 1 have my being. O magnify the Lord with me, all ye holy angels; praise him, all ye saints.

I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall be ever in my mouth.

Give glory to the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy endureth for ever.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, from henceforth, now, and for ever.

From the rising of the sun, unto the going down of the same, the name of the Lord is worthy of praise. Glory, etc.


MY most sweet Saviour! I must soon combat with hell and death. Thou knowest the power and subtlety of my enemies. If I be left alone in this combat, I shall be lost. Have compassion, dear Lord, on my soul when it shall be exposed to so great dangers. I have no one but thee, O my Jesus, no other than thyself to afford me the aid I shall stand in need of in my last moments. If thou come not to my assistance, I shall not be able to resist the power of my adversaries. Be thou my protection, and the place of my refuge. The enemies I shall have to combat are thy enemies, and it is thy image that they would destroy. Suffer them not to boast that in overcoming me, they have prevailed against thee. When near to thee I am strong, but when left to myself I am nothing but weakness. Have mercy on me, O Lord, and forsake me not; do not depart from me. Amen.


LORD Jesus Christ! we beseech thee through thy bitter agony and prayer in the garden, that thou wouldst be pleased to be an advocate with thy Eternal Father, in behalf of this thy servant. Lay before him all those drops of blood which in the anguish of thy spirit flowed from thy body, and offer them for the remission of all [his] sins; that, in this hour of extremity, [he] may be discharged from that handwriting of sin which stands against [him], and from that punishment which [he] fears to be too justly due to [his] sins.

Our Father, etc. Hail Mary, etc.

Lord Jesus Christ! who for our salvation wast pleased to suffer death on the cross, we beseech thee to offer up all the anguish and pains thou didst then endure in behalf of this thy servant, that they may be accepted in [his] favour, for the good of [his] soul, for the obtaining a happy hour, and for the release from that punishment which [he] has deserved for [his] sins.

Our Father, etc. Hail Mary, etc.

Lord Jesus Christ! who hadst such a boundless love for us as induced thee to become man for our salvation, we beseech thee to let this thy infinite charity and goodness towards mankind so plead with thy Eternal Father in behalf of this thy poor servant , that, by thy powerful mediation, [his] soul, at the moment of its departure from the body, being freed from the bonds of sin, may find a free admittance through the gate that leads to the mansions of eternal bliss.

Our Father, etc. Hail Mary, etc.

Lord Jesus Christ! who by thy precious blood hast redeemed *us, we beseech thee to imprint deep on the sold of this thy servant, the memory of thy most sacred wounds, that having them perpetually in [his] sight, [he] maybe encouraged to suffer with patience and resignation, and be armed against all the pangs of death. Thus let [him] cheerfully submit to all the difficulties of [his] condition, and begin, even here, to be united to thee with a love that shall never end.

Grant [him] now to partake of the fruit of thy holy incarnation, of thy bitter passion, of thy glorious resurrection and admirable ascension.

Grant that [he] may be sensible of the effects of thy holy mysteries and sacraments, and of all the prayers which are offered to thee by the whole church.

Remember, O Lord, that thou wast once in the straits of death; that in this extremity, after crying out to thy eternal Father, and commending thy spirit t6 him, thou didst expire. Behold now this thy servant in [his] anguish crying aloud to thee; stand thou by [him], defend and comfort [him] in this [his] distress, and receive [his] soul into thy merciful embraces.

Remember, O Jesus, that thy arms were stretched forth, thy side opened, and thy sacred head bowed down from the cross; have regard now, we beseech thee, to the soul of this thy servant, which, departing out of this world, seeks refuge in thee; receive it into thy arms, clasp it to thy breast, and there let it hide itself, secured from the attacks of all its enemies, till the anger of God pass over. Into thy hands we commend [his] spirit which has been created and redeemed by thee; despise not, we beseech thee, the work of thy hands.

O Christ Jesus, who wast crucified for our redemption, we beseech thee, by that love which brought thee from heaven, to have compassion on the soul of this thy servant; forgive all [his] sins, and by the merits of thy bitter passion satisfy for all [his] failings, and supply [his] defects; let [him] now experience the multitude of thy tender mercies, and be sensible of thy goodness. Dispose [his] soul by thy grace, that [he] may be prepared at thy call to go forth to meet [his] heavenly bridegroom. Grant [him], we beseech thee, true patience and perfect resignation in [his] pains and anguish. Give [him] full discharge from all [his] sins; confirm [his] faith, strengthen [his] hope, and perfect [his] charity, that departing hence, [his] soul may be received into thy mercy. O dear Redeemer, by that distress which thou didst suffer on the cross, when thou didst cry out to thy eternal Father, we pray thee to have mercy on this thy servant in [his] extremity; hear the sighs and desires of [his] heart; speak thou for [him], we beseech thee, who art the Eternal Word, and to whom the Father will refuse nothing.

By thy victory over death, and the infinite merits of thy passion, we beseech thee in behalf of this thy servant, that [he] may have no other thoughts but of peace, mercy, and comfort, and not of affliction. Bear [him] up against all distrust and despair; deliver [him] from [his] necessities, and be [his] comforter in [his] distress. Let those hands which were once nailed to the cross now plead for [him], and obtaining [his] pardon, conduct [him] into thy eternal rest. Amen.