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The Catholic Prayer Book and Manual of Meditations/Novena of St. Francis Xavier

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The Catholic Prayer Book and Manual of Meditations (1883)
by Patrick Francis Moran
Novena of St. Francis Xavier
3911451The Catholic Prayer Book and Manual of Meditations — Novena of St. Francis Xavier1883Patrick Francis Moran

Novena of St. Francis Xavier.


O LORD God, who didst vouchsafe by the preaching and miracles of St. Francis Xavier to join unto thy Church the countries of the Indies; grant, we beseech thee, that we who reverence his glorious merits, may also imitate his example; through Christ our Lord. Amen. O Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, my Creator and my Redeemer, for thy sake, and because I love thee above all things, I am truly sorry for having offended thee: I firmly purpose never again to fall into sin, to shun all occasions of offending thee, to confess my sins, to perform the penance that shall be enjoined me, and to make restitution and satisfaction wherever it shall be due from me. For the love of thee, I forgive all my enemies; to thee I offer up my life, my actions, and my sufferings, in satisfaction for my sins; and I trust in thy infinite goodness and mercy, that thou wilt forgive me, through the merits of thy precious Blood and Passion, and that thou wilt also give me grace to amend my life, and to persevere in thy service unto my death. Amen.

Most glorious St. Francis Xavier, Apostle of the Indies, if that which I desire to obtain by performing this Novena be for the glory of God and for thy honour, do thou intercede for it with our Lord; if otherwise, do thou obtain for me some grace more conformable to his divine Will, by which I may the more surely promote thy honour and benefit my own soul.


LORD God of the Angels, to whom thou dost commit the guardianship of men, I offer unto thee the merits of these heavenly spirits, and those of thy servant St. Francis Xavier, who also was called an angel for his purity, and because he preserved men from many spiritual and corporal dangers. I beseech thee to grant me that purity of soul and body which thou didst confer on this thy holy Apostle, and that particular grace which I beg in this Novena, to thy greater honour and glory. Amen.


LORD God of the Archangels, to whom thou dost intrust the most weighty concerns of thy glory I offer unto thee the merits of these most diligent spirits, and those of thy great servant St. Francis Xavier, whom thou didst make the minister of thy glory, and to whom thou didst commend the spiritual welfare of innumerable souls. I beseech thee to grant that I may perform those duties which thy most holy will hath imposed upon me, and also that I may obtain that particular grace which I beg of thee in this Novena, to thy greater honour and glory. Amen.


LORD God of the Principalities, through whom thou dost enlighten, instruct, and govern mankind, I offer unto thee the merits of these most zealous spirits, and those of thy servant St. Francis Xavier, who, not only by himself, but also by his disciples and followers, enlightened and converted many provinces and kingdoms, and in them innumerable souls instructing, teaching, and baptizing. I beseech thee to grant me the zeal of this holy Apostle, and the particular petition I make in this Novena, to thy greater honour and glory. Amen.


LORD God of the Powers, to whom it especially belongs to curb the infernal spirits, I offer unto thee the merits of these mighty spirits, and those of thy servant St. Francis Xavier, to whom thou gavest singular power to expel devils from bodies and souls. I beseech thee to grant me the grace to overcome all the temptations of the devil; grant also that which I beg of thee in this Novena, to thy greater honour and glory. Amen.


LORD God of the Virtues, by whose means thou workest miracles and prodigies peculiar to thy sovereign power, I offer unto thee the merits of these most wonderful spirits, and those of thy servant St. Francis Xavier, whom thou didst make a worker of new and prodigious miracles, renewing in him the signs and wonders of thy blessed Apostles, that he might make known the gospel to strange nations. I beseech thee to grant me that profound humility wherewith St. Francis Xavier amidst so many miracles sought thy glory, and not his own honour, as also that which I beg in this Novena, to thy greater honour and glory. Amen.


LORD God of the Dominations, who as ministers of thy providence preside over all inferior spirits, and submit themselves to thy will, being ever ready to fulfil it, I offer unto thee the merits of these excellent spirits, and those of thy servant St. Francis Xavier, who though he excelled many, yet humbly submitted himself to all superiors, and readily fulfilled their commands, in them acknowledging thy majesty. I beseech thee, to grant me ready and perfect obedience to all my superiors, and that special petition which I make in this Novena, to thy greater honour and glory. Amen.


LORD God of the Thrones, on whom thou dost repose as on the seat of thy glory and chair of thy majesty, I offer unto thee these merits of the supreme spirits, and those of thy servant St. Francis Xavier, that throne of thy glory, that vessel of election to convey thy name to heathen nations, who denied himself to himself, and to all worldly things, casting them out of his heart, that thou alone mightest possess it. I beseech thee to grant that I may despise all worldly things and rest in thee alone; grant me also the petition I make in this Novena, to thy greater honour and glory. Amen.


LORD God of the Cherubim, who are adorned with the most perfect wisdom, I offer unto thee the merits of these most glorious spirits, and those of thy servant St. Francis Xavier, to whom thou didst give the grace of super-eminent wisdom, and to whom thou didst reveal most profound secrets, that he might teach thy law to many people and nations. I beseech thee to grant that I may learn to fear and please thee, which is true wisdom, and that by word and example I may teach others to keep thy commandments; grant me also the favour I beg in this Novena, to thy greater honour and glory. Amen.


LORD God of the Seraphim, who are inflamed with most ardent love of thee, I offer unto thee the merits of these most fervent spirits, and those of thy servant St. Francis Xavier, who, like a Seraph, was inflamed with thy love, conquering innumerable hardships and dangers of life to please thee, and to make those know and love thee who before offended thee and knew thee not. I beseech thee to grant that I may love thee, my only God and Lord, and may endeavour to bring all men to the knowledge and love of thee; grant me also that which I ask in this Novena, to thy greater honour and glory. Amen.

Here say thrice the Lord’s Prayer and thrice the Hall Mary, and then the fallowing prayer to St. Francis Xavier:

MOST holy father Francis Xavier who didst receive praise from the mouths of innocent children, I humbly implore thy bountiful charity, for the sake of the most precious Blood of Jesus, and of the immaculate conception of our Blessed Lady, Mother of God, to obtain of God's infinite goodness that, at the approach of my last hour, my heart may be separated and withdrawn from all worldly thoughts and distractions, and be fixed in the most ardent love of him, and the desire of a happy eternity; so that, laying aside all earthly things, which have hitherto perplexed me, I may most diligently seek and perfectly find that one thing which is necessary, to die and rest in peace, under the protection of the most holy Virgin Mary, in the wounds of Jesus her most blessed Son, in the sweet embraces of my God, and in thy presence, holy Saint, through whose intercession I hope to obtain this mercy. But yet, whilst it shall please the divine providence to preserve my life, I beseech thee, my loving protector and affectionate father, to obtain for me of his divine majesty, that I may live as one that is to die, and as I would wish to have lived at the hour of my death; ever imitating thy virtues, and fulfilling the most holy will of God, that so my temporal death may be to me a passage into life everlasting. I also beseech thee to obtain for me that which I ask in this Novena, if it be for the glory of God and for the good of my soul. Amen.