The Child's Own Music Book/Hark! the Herald Angels Sing

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For other versions of this work, see Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.
2530362The Child's Own Music Book — Hark! the Herald Angels SingAlbert Ernest WierFelix Mendelssohn


F. Mendelssohn

\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { \time 4/4 \key g \major \tempo "Moderato" <<
\new Voice = "melody" { \relative d' { \stemUp
  d4^\mf <g d> q <fis d> |
  <g d> <b d,>^\cresc b^(\! a) |
  <d g,> <d fis,> d4. c8 |
  <b g>4 <a fis> <b g>2^\> |
  d,4^\mf <g d> q <fis d> |
  <g b,> <b g> b^( a)^\cresc |
  <d fis,>\! <a e> <a fis>4. <fis d>8 |
  q4 <e cis> d2^\< |
  <d d'>4^\f q q g^\< |
  <c a>\! <b g> q(^\> <a fis>) |
  <d d,>^\f q q g,^\> |
  <c a>\! <b g> q(^\> <a fis>) |
  <e' e,>^\f q q <d e,> |
  <c e,> <b e,> <c e,>2 |
  <a fis>4^\dim b8\!^( c) <d g,>4. <g, e>8 |
  <g d>4 <a fis> <b g>2^\< |
  <e e,>4^\f q q <d e,> |
  <c e,> <b e,> <c e,>2 |
  <a fis>4 b8^\dim c\! <d g,>4. <g, d>8 |
  q4 <a d,> <g d>2 \bar "|." } }
\new Voice = "two" { \relative d' { \stemDown
  s1 s2 d s e4 a s1 d,4 s2. |
  s2 e s1 s2 d s2. g4 s1 |
  s1*4 s4 fis s2 |
  s1*3 s4 fis } } >> }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \set stanza = #"1. " Hark, the her -- ald an -- gels sing "\"Glo" -- ry to the new born King! Peace on earth and mer -- cy mild, God and sin -- ners re -- con -- "ciled.\"" Joy -- ful all ye na -- tions rise Join the tri -- umph of the skies, With th'an -- gel -- ic host pro -- claim, "\"Christ" is born in Beth -- le -- "hem.\"" }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \set stanza = #"2. " Christ by high -- est Heav'n a -- dored; Christ the ev -- er -- last -- in Lord; Late in time be -- hold in come, Off -- spring of the fav -- ored one. Veil'd in flesh the God -- head see; Hail th'in -- car -- nate De -- i -- ty: Pleased as man, with men to dwell, Je -- su our Im -- man -- u -- el! Hark the her -- ald an -- gels sing "\"Glo" -- ry _ to the new -- born "King.\"" }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { \set stanza = #"3. " Hail! the Heav'n -- born Prince of peace! Hail! the Son of Right -- eous -- ness Light and life to all he brings, Ris'n with heal -- ing in his wings. Midl he lays his glo -- ry by, Born that man no more may die. Born to raise the Sons of earth, Born to given them se -- cond birth. }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key g \major <<
\new Voice = "tenor" { \relative g { \stemUp
  s1 s2 g4^( fis) s1*3 |
  s2 g2 s2 d'4. a8 s1 d4 d d s s1 |
  d4 d d s s1*2 s2 a d4 d d4. b8 |
  s1*2 s2 a d4 d d4. b8 } }
\new Voice = "bass" { \stemDown
  <g b>4 q q <d a> |
  <b, g> <g, g> d2 |
  <b, b>4 q <c g> <c c'> |
  <d d'> q <g d'>2 |
  <g b>4 q q <d a> |
  <e g> <d d'> cis a, |
  <b, b> <cis a> d fis |
  <g b> <a, g> <d fis>2 |
  d'4 d' d' <b d'> |
  <fis d'> <g d'> <d d'>2 |
  d'4 d' d' <b d'> |
  <fis d'> <g d'> <d d'>2 |
  <c c'>4 q q <c b> |
  <c a> <e gis> a2 |
  c'4 c' b g |
  <b, b> <d d'> <g d'>2 |
  <c c'>4 q q <c b> |
  <c a> <e gis> a2 |
  c'4 c' b g |
  <d b> <d c'> <g b>2 } >> }