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The Child's Own Music Book/Little Miss Muffitt

From Wikisource
For other versions of this work, see Little Miss Muffet.
4027101The Child's Own Music Book — Little Miss MuffittAlbert Ernest Wier


\new PianoStaff << \override Score.BarNumber  #'transparent = ##t \relative c''
\new Staff << { \time 6/8 \key f \major \tempo Andantino \phrasingSlurUp \dynamicUp
<bes g>8\mf\( <a f> <bes g>\) <g e>4 <g e>8 | <a f>\( <g e> <a f>\) f4 f8 | <bes g>\( <a f> <bes g>\) <g e>4 <g e>8 | c4.~c4 <a f>8 | <bes g>\( <a f> <bes g>\) <g e> <g e> <g e> | <a f>\( <g e> <a f>\) f f f | g\(\<bes a\! g\> f e\!\) | f4.~f4 r8 \bar "|."
\addlyrics { Lit -- tle Miss Muf -- fitt sat on a tuf -- fet, Eat -- ing some curds and whey, There came a great spi -- der, And sat down be -- side her, And fright -- end Miss Muf -- fitt a -- way.
} >>
\new Staff { \clef bass \key f \major
c4. c | f <a f> | c  c | <a f> f,4 r8 | c4. c | f <a f> | bes,8(g, a,) bes, c <bes c> | <a f>4. f,4 r8 