The Child's Own Music Book/Lullaby, Baby

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An excerpt from the song "Birds in the Night", with music by Sullivan and lyrics by Lewin. Sullivan reused the melody, which he had originally written for the operetta Cox and Box.

1593708The Child's Own Music Book — Lullaby, BabyAlbert Ernest WierArthur Seymour Sullivan and Lionel H. Lewin


Sir Arthur Sullivan

\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { \time 4/4 \key ees \major \tempo "Andantino" <<
\new Voice = "melody" { \relative e' { \stemUp
  <ees g,>8^\p^\( <f aes,> <g bes,> <f aes,>\) <ees g,>4\( bes\) |
  <ees g,>8^\( <f aes,> <g bes,> <f aes,>\) bes2 |
  <f aes,>8^\(^\markup { \italic cresc. } <g bes,> <aes c,> <g bes,>\) <f aes>4\( c |
  <f aes,>8^\( <g bes,> <aes c,> <g bes,>\) <c aes>2 |
  bes8^\( c bes4\) <g bes,>\( <ees g,>\) |
  bes'8\( c bes4\) <g ees> ees8\( bes |
  ees2.\) g8^\(^\markup { \italic "cresc. poco a poco" } ees |
  g2.\) g8^\( ees bes'2.\)^( ~ bes8 g | bes2)^\> r4\! f8.^\( g16\) |
  <ees g,>2^\markup { \italic sempre \dynamic pp } ees4. ees8 |
  ees'1 ~ ees ~ ees\fermata \bar "|." } }
\new Voice = "two" { \relative g' { \stemDown
  s1 | s2 <g ees>8 f e4 | s1 | s2 f8_( g^\markup { \italic dim. } aes g) |
  <g ees>2 s | <aes d,> s | s1 | r4 <ees c> <d bes> s |
  r g f ees | ees( d) s2 |
  s2 <bes g>4 <c aes> |
  <bes' g> <c aes> <bes g> <c aes> |
  <g ees> r q r | q1 } } >> }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { Lul -- la -- by, __ _ ba -- by, While the hours _ run, Fair __ _ may the day be When __ _ night is done __ Lul -- la -- by, ba -- by, while the hours run, Lul -- la -- by, Lul -- la -- by, Lul -- la by, __ Lul -- la -- by, Lul -- la -- by. __ }
\new Staff \with { \consists "Span_arpeggio_engraver" }
{ \clef bass \key ees \major \relative e {
  ees4( bes) ees( g) |
  ees( bes) ees( c) |
  f( c) f( aes) |
  f( c) f( c) |
  <bes bes,>2 <bes ees,> |
  f'4( bes,) <ees ees,> r |
  << { s4 <aes c> <g bes> } \\ { ees,2. } >> r4 |
  r4 <c' g'> <g g'> r |
  r bes'( aes g) |
  <aes f bes,>2 r | \set Staff.connectArpeggios = ##t
  << { ees8( f g f) ees( f g f) | 
       ees\arpeggio( f g f) ees\arpeggio( f g f) } \\
     { c2 bes4 aes |
       ees2\arpeggio ees\arpeggio } >>
  <ees ees'>4 r q r | q1_\fermata } } >>