The Children's Plutarch: Tales of the Romans/Index

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New York: Harper pages 169-171

3642638The Children's Plutarch: Tales of the Romans — Index1910Frederick James Gould


Age, Old, respect for

  • Pompey,111


  • redeemed. 55–56, 59–60
  • power of (Mantis), 76
  • unstable (Antony), 153, etc.


  • Marius, 75–76
  • Brutus, 134


  • Mutius, 22–23
  • young Roman, 28
  • Fabius, 33–34
  • Varro's fortitude, 35–36
  • cowardice contemptible, 49–50
  • Life of Marcellus, 56, etc.
  • rises above failure, 55–56, 59–60
  • v. talk, 79–80
  • before king, 86
  • v. numbers, 87
  • Sparatacus, 94
  • Pompey's, in misfortune, 112–113
  • Cæsar, 119–120
  • Cæsar's dice, 121
  • Caesar's fortune, 124
  • Ensign, 125
  • facing death (Caesar), 128
  • boy Cato, 134–135
  • Xanthus, 163–164


  • v. affection (Brutus), 16–20
  • v. affection (Fabius), 36–37
  • neglected (Antony), 158–160.


  • boy Cato, 134–135
  • Xanthus, 103–104


  • Cato's slaves, 65–66
  • Spartacus, 94.
  • Cato's cruelty, 140

Friendship and Fidelity

  • Coriolanus, 40–41
  • Old soldier, 114
  • Lucilius, 166


  • Meanness (Perseus), 47–52
  • remembered (Æmilius), 53–54
  • Hannibal, 61–62
  • Meanness (life of Crassus) 92, etc.
  • Cæsar 114
  • Antony, 154
  • Brutus's foes, 162–163

Honesty and Honor

  • Roman respect for property. 13
  • Sulla's appeal, 81
  • death for, 83–84
  • disgrace, 85
  • Cæsar's soldiers, 119
  • v. material reward, 138
  • in act, if not name, 147


  • v. talk, 63, 124
  • See also "Peace and War"


  • Brutus, 16–20
  • injustice to conquered (Brennus), 29
  • Cato and public, 137
  • Cicero's rule, 150


  • to prisoners (Fabius), 33–34
  • to distressed (Coriolanus), 40–41
  • popular sympathy, 54
  • to animals (Plutarch), 67
  • Plutarch's daughter, 68
  • to distressed, 73–74
  • cruelty is brutish, 82
  • Sertorius's fawn, 100, etc.
  • to sick (Cæsar), 119
  • See also "Age," "Generosity," "Mercy"

Kings and Rulers, Qualities and Vicissitudes of

  • Æmilius, 53–54
  • Marius, 75–76


  • Cæsar, 127, 149


  • Minucius, 34–35
  • humility in triumph (Æmilius), 54
  • vanity (Crassus), 95–96
  • vanity (Pompey), 109
  • vanity (Pompey's men), 111


  • power of (Volumnia), 43–47
  • respect for (Sertorius), 106

Peace and War

  • women and peace, 6–7
  • peace and industry, 14
  • temple of Concord, 30
  • women and peace, 43–47
  • war v. science, 58–60


  • life of Fabius, 31, etc.
  • life of Cæsar, 114, etc.

Riches and Poverty

  • Agrippa, 38–39
  • Cato, 66
  • Lucullus, 89–91
  • The Gracchi, 141, etc.

Self-Control, Self-Sacrifice, etc.

  • Romulus's anger, 4
  • temperance and strength, 8
  • silence, value of, 12
  • Roman endurance, 16, etc.
  • self-sacrifice (Camillus), 23–24
  • patience (Fabius's life), 30, etc.
  • self-sacrifice of nameless Roman, 83–84
  • Sertorius, 103–104
  • self-sacrifice (Gracchus), 141
  • v. excitability (Caius), 144
  • intemperance (Antony), 154
  • luxuriousness (Cleopatra), 156. etc.
  • self-sacrifice (Lucilius), 166

Simplicity of Life

  • Catto, 62–63
  • Manias, 62–63
  • Marius. 69–70
  • Cato, younger, 135–136

State, Politics, Legislation, Patriotism, etc.

  • political problems (Romulus),4, etc.
  • political problems (Numa). 8. etc.
  • self-sacrifice for State (Romans) 23–24
  • self-sacrifice for State (Camillus), 23–24
  • social classes, 25
  • faithful senators, 26–27
  • self-restraint, patriotic. (Minucius), 34–35
  • gratitutle to patriot (Fabius) 37–38
  • patriotism v. affection, 37–38
  • social classes, 38–39
  • social classes (Coriolanus), 41
  • women and State, 44–45
  • science aids patriotism,57–59
  • public funds, economy (Cato), 65
  • order v. disorder (pirates), 107–109
  • patricians v public, 109;
  • political problems (Cæsar), 114. etc.
  • work for State (Cæsar), 128
  • public funds (cato) 136–137
  • patriotism (Cato), 138
  • social classes (Gracchi), 141, etc.
  • citizens of the world, 153
  • social classes (life of Brutus), 161


  • candor (Mutius) , 22–23
  • treachery despised (Camillus), 24–25
  • deceit in var (Parthians), 97
  • deceit in war (Sertorius), 100–101
  • conspiracy (Cassius), 130
  • Cato, 137
  • pretence exposed (Antony), 157


  • in country's service, 57–58


  • Sabine and peace, 6–7
  • Volumnia. 44, etc.
  • patriotic (Cimbri). 71
  • mother of Gracchi, 147
  • See also "Mother"