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The Chronicles of Cooperstown/Index

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and thanks are tendered, with due appreciation, to those friends who have kindly contributed toward making this book of interest and worth to those to whom it is specially dedicated:

  • To Miss CARRIE M. HILLS, for her finely written article on "The Glimmerglass," much assistance in collating and preparing for the press data embraced in "The Chronicles" from 1838 to 1886, and proof-reading.
  • To Mr. G. POMEROY KEESE, for his valuable article on local "Meteorology," and the statistics accompanying it relating to the ice leaving the Lake; an article on "The Cooper Monument," etc.
  • To Miss SUSAN FENIMORE-COOPER, for her interesting articles on "The Thanksgiving Hospital" and "The Orphan House of the Holy Saviour."
  • To Mr. ELIHU PHINNEY, for his article and valuable statistics on "Fish and Fishing in Otsego Lake."
  • To Dr. JOHN K. LEANING, for his brief sketch of Fly Creek and its early settlers.
  • To Mr. ISAAC K. WILLIAMS, for his chapter on Pierstown history, of special interest to the families who were the principal early settlers of that neighborhood and their now widely-scattered descendants. He has collated and put on record facts which might otherwise have been lost to the next generation.
  • The Essay of the late Hon. ISAAC N. ARNOLD on Mr. Cooper, is the tribute not only of a warm personal friend and admirer, but is the most discriminating and just, and one of the best written panegyrics on the great Novelist and Naval Historian, which has ever been published. Mr. Arnold wielded a polished and scholarly pen. We also give an extract of local interest from an address which he made in Cooperstown a few years before his death.

by James Fenimore Cooper (1838)

Preface & Introduction 5 – 9
Chapter I 11 – 18
Chapter II, From 1780 to 1799 19 – 25
Chapter III, From 1792 to 1797 26 – 35
Chapter IV 36 – 39
Chapter V 40 – 47
Chapter VI 48 – 53
Chapter VII 54 – 61

THE CHRONICLES OF COOPERSTOWN, Continued by S. M. Shaw (1886)

Chapter VIII, From 1838 to 1851 62 – 68
Chapter IX, From 1851 to 1861 69 – 76
Chapter X, From 1861 to 1871 77 – 91
Chapter XI, From 1871 to 1881 92 – 115
Chapter XII, From 1881 to 1886 116 – 129
"The Glimmerglass" 130 – 140
The Town of Otsego 212 – 223
The County of Otsego 224 – 236
Index 237 – 240

Sections: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y.


Abbe de Raffcourt, 23
Academy, subscription, 29
Acknowledgment to contributors, 237
Agricultural Society of Co, 73, 231
Aqueduct Association, 108, 153
Arnold, Isaac N., address, 167
Arnold, Isaac N., tribute to Cooper, 192 – 206
Averell, William H. 161


Ballard House, 103
Bank of Cooperstown, 71
Bank Robbery, 68
Bank incorporated, 50
Banks in Cooperstown 152
Baptist Church, 91, 120
Barber, Andrew M. 72, 162
Bible Society, 231
Boucks visit, Gov. 61
Bowen, Samuel A. 121, 162
Bowers, Henry and John M. 41
Bowers, John M. 163
Bowers, Martha S. 162
Bowers, Mrs. 7
Bowers’ Patent, 6
Bowerstown, 7
Bowne, George L. 78, 161
Bowne, Samuel S. 163


Carter, Mrs. Jane R. 109
Catholic Church, 86, 87
Centennial Year, 103
Central Hotel, 121
Christ Church, 123
Churches in Cooperstown, 143-146
Churches, early established, 36-39
Civil War, meetings, 78, 82, 84
Clark, Edward 73, 118, 161
Clarke, Alfred 163
Clarke, Thomas 162
Cooper House, hotel, 93, 106
Cooper Monument, 75, 208
Cooper, Miss Anna 37
Cooper, personal recollections of 206
Cooper’s libel suits, 64
Cooperst'n facts and incidents, 164-167
Cooperst'n walks, drives and sails near, 170
Cooperstown in 1838, 54
Cooperstown RR. Co., 153
Corporation of Cooperstown, 141
Cory, Ellery 160
County Buildings, 100, 107
Court House, laying the Corner Stone, 109
Court House, 43
Court House built, 63
Crippen, Mrs, Schuyler 162
Chronicles of Cooperstown, Cooper, 9-61
Chronicles of Cooperstown, S. M. Shaw, 62 - 129
Clinton’s Campaign, 8, 14
Cooper. William, 12, 170
Cooper. William, death of 42
Cooper’s Patent, 14
Cooperstown, first settlement, 19, 20
Cooperstown, first buildings, 21, 22
Cooperstown, first store, 23
Cooperstown, first child born, 25
Cooperstown, first minister, 29
Cooperstown, first M. C. elected, 31
Croghan, Col. George 11


Death of Old Residents, 173-177
Dedication, 3
Distinguished Visitors, 84
Dix, John A. 52


Early Society of Cooperstown, 167
Earthquakes, 88, 105, 125
Edwards, Edward 100
Empire House, 68, 73, 90
Ernst, Rev. John F. 37


Facts of Interest, 164 – 167
Fire Department, 151
Fire Engines first obtained, 44
Fires, 46, 49, 66, 78, 106, 108, 125
Fish & Fishing in Otsego Lake, 165 – 191
Fly Creek, 212
Fowler, Dr. E. P. 120, 122
Freeman’s Journal, 102, 108


Garfield, President, 117
Gas Light for Streets, 78
Glimmerglass, 130
Grant, Gen U. S. 126
Gregory, Kate Worthington 168


"Hall, The" built, 33, 52
"Hall, The" changed to hotel & burned, 70
Harris, E. M., appointed Co Judge, 83
Hausman, Esaias 41
Hop Growers’ Association, 65
Hotel Fenimore, 102, 121
Hotels, early established, 48, 49


Ireland, relief, 65


Jail burned, built, 63


Kingfisher Tower, 104
Keese, Theodore 160


Lake Navigation, 74, 93
Lake Otsego, 55
Lakelands, sale of 119
Lakewood Cemetery, 73, 126
Lathrop, Horace 160
Lawyers,the first, 48
Le Quoy de Mersereau, 27
Lee, Frederick A. 121, 161
Library first opened, 34
Lincoln, President 85
Literary Society, 151


Manufactories, 59
Marcy, Gov. Wm. L. 69
Masonic Hall, 42 127
McIntosh, Thos. 162
Medical Society, 232
Members of Congress, 48
Memorial Day, 125
Meteorology, local, 137-180
Methodist Church. 103
Military Companies, 45
Morehouse, E. B., 68
Morehouse, Mrs. E. B. 162
Musical Convention, 72


Newspapers, 44, 59, 149
Nelson, Judge Samuel 52, 93, 99, 159


Oldest residents, 51, 157-159
Orphan House, 117, 118, 123
Otsego Co. Bible Society, 84
Otsego Lake and Vicinity. 6-8
Otsego Lake Building Association, 89
Otsego Republican, 73, 102, 122
Otsego, County of 224-238
Otsego, Town of, 212


Phinney, Elihu, Sen., 159
Phinney, Elihu, 31
Phinney. Henry F. 90, 91, 160
Pierstown, 214-223
Pioneer Boat Club, 86
Pioneer Mills, 106
Points of interest near Cooperstown, 170
Pomeroy, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 160
Population of Cooperstown 1812, 44
Population of Cooperstown 1820-35, 49
Preface, 5
Prentiss, Col. John H. 77, 160
Printing house destroyed by fire, 66
Printing house of H. & E. Phinney, 59
Professional and Business Men 154-157


Roads first built, 32
Railroad projected in 1839, 62
Railroad Matters, 70, 83, 89, 91, 102


Schools, public and private, 147
Scott, Henry 161
Secret Societies, 150
Seminary, The 70, 85, 87
Seward’s first visit, Gov. 63
Sewerage System, 118, 120
Seymour, Gov. 88
Sheriff’s Residence built, 63
Sill, Jedediah P. 161
Skating Rink, 122
Smith, Dr. Thomas 162
Snow Storm in April, 74
Society in Cooperstown, 57
Spafard, Dr. Ariel 163
Steamers on Lake, 90
Story, Joshua H. 161
Sturges, H. 103, 109, 123,162
Sunday School Association, 232


Telegraph Line, 69
Telephone Syslem, 119, 153
Temperance movement, 64, 65
Thanksgiving Hospital, 86, 87, 91, 180
Thanksgiving Sermon first preached, 32
Trials for Life, 232


Union School, 88, 91, 147


Village Trustees elected, 43
Van Buren’s first visit, President 63


Washington, Gen, 7, 12
Water Supply, 65
Weed, Thurlow 92
Whipping Post, 31
Williams, Isaac K. 164
Williams, Isaac, Jr. 163
Wilson, William 162
Wilson, Mrs. 7
Wood, Mrs. Levi 163
Worthington Bank, 72, 92
Worthington, John H 160


Young Men’s Association 86