The Civil War/Battle of 1st Manassas

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2656471The Civil War — Battle of 1st ManassasClaude Wayne Secrest


The 1st battle of Manassas was not a planned battle, it was a battle fought by two raw, green armies. The 34,000 federal troops under General Irvin McDowell stationed in Arlington Heights, Alexandria and D.C. was made up of 90 day enlistment men whose time of enlistment was almost up and President Lincoln sent this army out of camp on July 16, 1861 to seek out the Confederate Army known to be stationed at Manassas, Virginia and to destroy it in this battle.

General P.G.T. Beauregard had a force of approximately 22,000 troops, also somewhat raw, at Manassas, Virginia and General J. E. Johnston had a force of 12,000 men in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. General Beauregard had drawn up a plan to unite these two forces and march on Washington and President Davis had approved his plan, but President Lincoln started his army after General Beauregard's forces before he could get started on his own plan and he had to prepare for battle on the west side of Bull Run.

He sent word on July 18 to General Johnston to move 10,000 of his men by rail to Manassas Junction and leave 2,000 to hold back General Patterson's Union forces at Harper's Ferry as a battle was sure to be fought any day now, as General McDowell's Army was now at Centreville.

General Beauregard had made ready for battle on the west side of Bull Run by placing a number of regiments of Infantary, some pieces of artillery and a squadron of Calvary at each ford on Bull Run starting at Blackburn's Ford, Mitchell's Ford and any other place Bull Run was shallow enough for men and artillery pieces to cross up to the Stone Bridge, these were General Longstreet's troops.

General McDowell's scouts were aware of the strength of the Confederate Army at these crossings, so General McDowell changed his plan and marched his Army up the Warrenton Turnpike within one-half mile of the Stone Bridge, then turned due North and marched six more miles through an old logging road to Sudley Ford and crossed Bull Run there and came at the Confederate forces hoping to hit their left flank, this march started at 2:30 a.m. in hopes of being in battle formation at 5:30 a.m. (July 21).

The Confederate Army was growing stronger as General Johnson's troops were arriving. General Beauregard had sent General Evans with his 4 Divisions to take battle formation north of the Stone House on Sulley Road. He sent General Bee with his 6th Regiment of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi troops to strengthen General Evans troops. About 8:30 Col. S. F. Barton and Col. John D. Imboden arrived with their regiment to add strength, all of these were Johnston's troops.

The battle was now in full swing, raw troops with dry throats, winter uniforms and 90° heat did not show the skill of veteran troops would later one, the battle was a see-saw fight, first the Federal forces would drive the Confederates back off Matthew Hill up Henry Hill then the Confederates would rally and drive the Federals back.

This type of fight went on most of the day, but by mid-afternoon Col. T. J. Jackson arrived with his 4 Divisions of Virginia troops and Col. Wade Hampton with his 3 regiments was to make the difference. The Confederates were being driven back up Henry Hill and General B. Bee saw Jackson standing in front of his troops in battle formation and called to his troops and pointed his sword at Jackson and said "Look at Jackson standing like a stonewall, rally behind the Virginian", which they did and Jackson moved forward to meet the enemy. A name had been born "Stonewall Jackson." General B. Bee was killed minutes later 100 feet south of where Jackson was standing.

The battle took a sudden turn and the Union Army had had enough for one day, they were driven back across Bull Run and headed back to Centreville and on back to D.C. A defeated army, but the Confederate Army was not in much better shape and made little effort to follow up their advantage and try to take D.C.

This was not a bloody battle as we will see later on. The Federal Army lost 2,896 killed or wounded and the Confederate Army lost 1,982.

No place in my studies have I found anything about the 42nd infantry division being at 1st Bull Run battle. They joined Jackson's command later in the year and were with him in his next campaign.