The Clerk of the Woods/Index
Alder, 159.
black, 135.
Anemone, 3.
Apple, 51.
Arbutus, trailing, 4, 143.
Asters, 59, 120.
Azalea, swamp, 22.
Barberry, 111, 172.
Bayberry, 136.
Beech, 163.
Bees, 58.
Birch, sweet, 119, 160.
Bittern, 31.
least, 30.
Bitternut, 113.
Blackbird, crow, 120, 240.
red-winged, 39, 240, 241, 254.
rusty, 155.
Blackberry, 172.
Bladderwort, 22.
Blueberry, 123, 136, 166.
Bluebird, 16, 52, 83, 120, 217, 230, 231, 234.
Bobolink, 19, 52, 83.
Butter-and-eggs, 114.
Butterflies, 57, 85, 108.
Canna, 62, 115.
Catbird, 6, 7.
Catnip, 54.
Cat-tail, 28.
Cedar, red, 39, 172.
Checkerberry, 161, 174, 176
Cherry, rum, 123.
Chestnut, 34.
Chewink, 24.
Chickadee, black-capped, 22, 60, 64, 66, 67, 73, 134, 150, 153, 154, 182, 205, 206, 234, 239.
Chicory, 27.
Chipmunk, 182, 226, 227.
Chokecherry, 41.
Clethra, 122.
Clover, rabbit-foot, 23.
Coffee-tree, 125.
Columbine, 3.
Corn, 52.
Cornel, dwarf, 4.
Cowbird, 235.
Cowslip, 3.
Creeper, brown, 155.
Crickets, 65.
Crossbill, red, 154.
white-winged, 154.
Crow, 24, 39, 42, 65, 154.
Dahlia, 115.
Dangleberry, 123, 174.
Desmodium nudiflorum, 36.
Duck, dusky, 102.
Finch, Lincoln, 70.
pine, 155.
purple, 8, 155, 203, 219, 225, 231.
Flicker, 64, 155, 231.
Flycatcher, least, 6.
Forsythia 2.
Fox, 183, 258.
Frog, spade-foot, 262.
wood, 257.
Frost grape, 111.
Galium, yellow, 21.
Gallinule, Florida, 32.
Gerardia, 36.
Goldenrod, 59, 121.
Goldfinch, 8. 27, 63, 134, 136, 155, 234.
Goose, Canada, 198.
Grass, 50, 76.
Grosbeak, rose-breasted, 5, 47, 72.
Grouse, ruffed, 83, 133, 143, 155.
Gull, black-backed, 108.
herring, 95, 108, 111, 156, 238.
Hardhack, 21, 37, 38, 39.
Hawk, red-shouldered, 239.
marsh, 108, 254.
Heron, great blue, 94.
green, 31.
night, 31.
Holly, 150, 175.
Huckleberry 123, 172.
Humming bird, 58, 61, 88.
Indigo-bird, 47, 70.
Jay, blue, 38, 120, 125, 154, 204, 221.
Jewel-weed, 26, 58, 62.
Joe Pye weed, 57.
Kingbird, 6, 24, 40, 52.
Kingfisher, 253.
Kinglet, golden-crowned, 134, 155, 182.
Lady's-slipper, 4.
Lark, shore, 107.
meadow, 19, 132, 234, 236.
Leucothoë, 164.
Loosestrife, swamp, 57.
Lucky-bug, 57.
Maple, red, 122, 124.
striped, 124.
Maryland yellow-throat, 6, 60.
Mayweed, 54, 114.
Meadow-beauty, 37.
Meadow-sweet, 21.
Morning-glory, 26.
Mullein, 21.
Muskrat, 136, 259.
Nuthatch, red-breasted, 154.
white-breasted, 35, 154, 205, 209, 225, 235.
Old-maid's pinks, 54.
Old Squaw, 156.
Oriole, Baltimore, 5, 7, 39, 60.
Otter, 259.
Oven-bird, 7, 273.
Owl, screech, 248.
Partridge-berry, 150.
Pennyroyal, 38.
Phoebe. 22, 40, 60, 233, 240.
Pickerel-weed, 29.
Pine, pitch, 35.
Plover, black-bellied, 92, 97, 99.
Quail, 41, 155.
Quince, 115.
Rail, Carolina, 31, 33.
Virginia, 31.
Raspberry, 21.
Redpoll, 153, 154.
Redstart, 7, 12, 55, 274.
Robin, 60, 67, 155, 232, 255.
Rose, swamp, 26.
Sandpiper, pectoral, 98.
red-backed, 99, 109.
white-rumped, 93, 94, 96, 97, 100, 109.
Sassafras, 3, 124, 166.
Saxifrage, 3.
Shadbush, 3.
Shrike, 155, 240.
Snipe, 25, 254.
Snowbird, 134, 154, 155, 234, 252.
Sparrow, chipping, 19, 70, 271.
English, 14, 16, 52, 156.
field, 24, 39.
fox, 235, 244, 250, 255.
grasshopper, 17.
Ipswich, 102.
savanna, 18, 107.
song, 19, 38, 60, 68, 234, 235, 253.
swamp, 13, 22.
tree, 134, 136, 154, 155.
vesper, 19, 24, 253.
white-throated, 6, 69.
Spatter-dock, 29.
Spice-bush, 3, 123, 162.
Squirrel, gray, 118, 227, 259.
flying, 177, 259.
red, 227, 259.
Swallow, barn, 38.
tree, 15, 16, 237.
Swift, 38.
Tanager, scarlet, 36, 47, 60, 72.
Thimbleberry, 21.
Thorn, 111.
Thoroughwort, 38.
Thrasher, brown, 23, 270.
Thrush, northern water, 13, 61, 71.
Swainson, 7, 69.
wood, 7.
Titlark, 93, 94, 102, 107, 108.
Veery, 6, 23.
Vireo, Philadelphia, 71.
red-eyed, 7, 55, 73.
solitary, 23.
warbling, 6, 60, 67.
yellow-throated, 6, 60, 67.
Warbler, black-and-white, 273.
Blackburnian, 274.
blackpoll, 68, 73, 274.
black-throated blue, 10.
black-throated green, 23, 73, 272.
blue golden-winged, 274.
Canadian, 22.
Cape May, 274.
chestnut-sided, 7, 274.
golden, 6, 267.
magnolia, 274.
myrtle, 73, 136, 269.
Nashville, 7, 268.
parula (blue yellow-backed), 6, 274.
pine, 68, 270.
prairie, 7.
yellow palm, 271.
Waxwing, cedar, 8.
Waxwork, Roxbury, 111, 124.
Woodchuck, 182.
Woodcock, 242, 255.
Woodpecker, downy, 114, 154, 205.
hairy, 155.
red-headed, 42.
Wood pewee, 60, 67.
Wren, long-billed marsh, 30.
Yellow-legs, greater, 96, 101.
The Riverside Press
Electrotyped and printed by H. O. Houghton & Co.
Cambridge, Mass., U. S. A.