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The Clipper Ship Era/Index

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1438192The Clipper Ship Era — IndexArthur Hamilton Clark


Vessels not otherwise designated are American

Abbot Lawrence, medium
clipper ship, 255, 256, 258
Abergeldie, British clipper
ship, 205
Abrahams, J., builder, Bal-
timore, 357, 362
Abrahams & Ashcroft, own-
ers, Baltimore, 357
Achilles, British iron screw
steamer, 332
Ackley, Samuel, builder
N. Y., 16, 17
Ada, Brit, clipper ship, tea-
trade, 325-6, 371
Adamson & Bell, China
merchants, 325
Adelaide, packet ship, 44
——clipper ship, 298, 360
——British iron screw
steamer, 286
Admiral Gardner, Brit. E.
Indiamen, 25
Adriatic, Collins Line S. S.,
49, 250; med. clipper
ship, 258
Ajax, Brit, iron screw
steamer, 332
Akbar, clipper ship, China
trade, 62, 138
Alarm, Cal. clipper ship,
289, 299, 363
Albert Gallatin, packet ship,
42, 48, 142
Albion, packet ship, 38
Alert, Cal. clipper ship, 350

Alexander Marshall, packet
ship, 41
Alfred, Brit, ship, 36-37
Alhambra, med. clipper
ship, 258, 291
Allen, Wm. H., N. Y. packet
captain, 44
Alliance, U. S. frigate, 1778,
Alsop & Co., S. Francisco,
agents of Challenge, 187
Amelia Packet, Brit, barque,
America, Brit, fifty-gun
frigate, built at Ports-
mouth, N. H., 9
Amos Lawrence, med. clip-
per ship, 255
Amphitrite, Cal. clipper
ship, 232, 256
Andrew Jackson, Cal. med.
clipper ship, 253, 295;
362; 89 days to S. Fran-
cisco, 144, 178, 296, 300,
369; other records, 247,
295, 297, 298, 368
Andrews, Capt., later ship,
341; Red Gauntlet, 359
Anglo-American, packet
ship, 56
Anglo-Saxon, packet ship,
Angola, clipper schooner,
opium trade, 58
Ann McKim, first clipper
ship built, 60-2
Antarctic, ship, 66

Antelope, clipper brig,
opium trade, 58, 59,
——Cal. clipper ship, 353 ;
records, 290, 296, 298,
299, 368
Appleton, Wm., shipowner,
Boston, 361
Archer, Cal. clipper ship,
248, 356; records, 248,
, 299, 367, 369
Architect, clipper ship, 70
Arctic, Collins Line S. S.,
Arey, Capt., Spitfire, 359
Argo, Brit., first merchant
ship with steam power
to circumnavigate the
globe, 287
Argonaut, clipper ship, 196
Ariel, clipper schooner,
opium trade, 58
——clipper ship, China
trade, 68
——Cal. clipper ship, 353
——Brit, clipper ship, tea
trade, 324, 347, 371;
racer, 324-30, 332-3, 335
Aristides, Brit, ship, Aus-
tralian trade, 333
Arizona, S. S., 278
Aryan, last Amer. wooden
sailing ship, 1893, 340
Ashburton, N. Y. packet,
41, 54
Atlanta, clipper ship, Cal.
trade, 298, 299
Atlantic, first Amer. ship in
India, 12-13
Aurora, ship, 236, 299
Austerlitz, ship, 193
Austin & Co., builders,
Damariscotta, Me., 356
Australian, Brit, screw
steamer, 286
Avery, Capt., Euterpe, 363
Aymer & Co., owners, N. Y.,

Babcock, Col. Harry, 160
——Maj. Paul, 84, 160
——Capt. David S., 84;
Sword Fish, 160-1, 213,
352; Young America, 233,
Bacon, Daniel C, owner,
135, 349; Pres. Amer.
Nav. Club, 202-4
——D. G. & W. B., owners,
304, 358
Bailey, Capt., Yorkshire, 46
Baines, James, owner,
L'pool, 342
——& Co., L'pool, Austra-
lian Black Ball Line, 266,
268, 272; vessels for, 273,
Baker, Capt., 352, 357, 363
Baker & Morrill, owners,
Boston, 352, 355, 357, 361,
Bald Eagle, Cal. clipper
ship, 216, 237, 343, 353;
story of race, 200-2; re-
cords, 299, 300, 366
Baltic, med. clipper ship,
——Collins Line S. S., 309
Baltimore, shipbuilding, 54,
60-62, 70, 136, 254, 350,
357, 362
Baltimore, Havre packet
ship, 41
Bangs, Benj., owner, Bos-
ton, 360
Barclay & Livingston, own-
ers, N. Y., 159, 352
Baring Bros. & Co., 203-4
Barrington, ship, 193
Barry, Commodore, 11
Barry, Capt., Saracen, 361
Barstow, Gideon, of E. Bos-
ton Timber Co., 49
Barstow, Capt., 351, 354
Bartlett, Capt., 352

Barwell, Capt., 362
Bates & Thaxter, owners,
Boston, 362
Bath, Me., shipbuilding,
105, 152, 351, 353, 357,
Bavaria, packet ship, 48
Baxter, Capt., Nabob, 361
Beacon Light, Cal. clipper
ship, 362
Beauchamp, Capt. Isaac,
Defender, 255
Beauregard, Confederate
privateer, 14
Beaver, ship, China trade,
Bell, Jacob, builder, N. Y.,
47, 136, 152, 164, 216, 352,
354, 358, 360; see Brown
Bell & Co., builders, Bal-
timore, 136, 350
Belle of the Sea, clipper
ship, Australian trade,
Belle of the West, Cal.
clipper ship, 299, 356
Belted Will, Brit. clipper
ship, tea trade, 320, 371
Ben Nevis, Brit, clipper
ship, Australian trade,
266, 268
Benefactor, clipper barque,
China trade, 209
Bengal, ship, 193
Benjamin, Capt., Helena, 62
Bennett, Capt., Oliver Ells-
worth, 16
Bergh, Christian, builder,
N. Y., 17, 47, 48
Berry, Capt., Courser, 350
Bertram, Capt. John, Salem,
141, 166-8
Best days' run, 69, 70, 178,
179, 207, 220, 221, 228,
266, 278, 281, 295, 320,
327, 330, 334, 336, 338
Bishop, J., & Co., owners,
N. Y., 358
Black Ball Line, N, Y.,

L'pool packets, 38, 39-40,
41, 42; vessels, 38, 41, 52;
flag, 42; match, 45; cap-
tains, 39-40; discipline,
44, 73
Australian clippers, see
James Baines & Co.
Black Hawk, Cal. clipper
ships (Webb), 291, 364;
(Currier), 364
Black Prince, Brit, clipper
ship, tea trade, 322, 371;
race, 325-6
——Cal. clipper ship, 360
Black Warrior, Cal. clipper
ship, 356
Blenheim, Brit, merchant
frigate, 36
Blessing of the Bay, colo-
nial barque, 1631, 2
Blue Jacket, clipper ship,
Australian trade, 270;
later ship, 341
Bombay, Brit. E. Indiaman,
34 Bonita, Cal. clipper ship,
356 Bordman, Wm. H., Amer.
Nav. Club, 202
Borland, Capt., Gauntlet,
357 Borrows & Spooner, owners,
N. Y., 84
Boston, packet ship, 52
Boston Light, clipper ship,
253, 300, 356
Boston & Liverpool Packet
Company, 61-2
Bowditch, Nath., navigator,
141 Bowers, Capt., Black Hawk,
Boyd, Col. Geo., 1767, 53
Boyd, P., & Co., owners,
Boston, 359
Brenda, packet ship, 52
Brewster, Capt. Geo., 249,

Brewster, Capt. Wm., 227
Briganza, ship, eighteenth
century, 16
Briggs Brothers (E. & H.
O.), builders. South Bos-
ton, 50-1; Cal. clippers,
152, 163, 233, 351-63
Brighton, packet ship, 40
Britannia, Black Ball
packet ship, 38, 43, 47, 73
Britton, Capt. John, Con-
stitution, 43
Brookline, ship, 52
Brower, J, H., & Co., own-
ers, N. Y., 295, 361,
Brown, Adam & Noah,
builders, 17
——Charles, builder, N. Y.,
——David, of Brown &
Bell, 47
——Vernon H., owner, 303
——Bates & Delano, build-
ers, E. Boston, 50
——& Bell, builders, N. Y.,
47-8, 53, 58, 63, 70, 72
Brown, Capt., 359, 360
Bryant & Sturgis, owners,
Boston, 52
Bucephalus, Brit, frigate, 36
Buckinghamshire, Brit. E.
Indiaman, 32, 34
Bucklin & Crane, owners of
first Cal. clipper ship,
N. Y., 135, 159, 349, 350,
363, 364
Burgess, see Snow, owners,
304 Burgess, Capt., 349, 355
Burgoyne, Capt., Titania,
347 Bursley, Capt. Ira, 43, 350,
356 Bush & Comstock, owners,
Boston, 360, 362
Bush & Wildes, owners,
Boston, 362


Cairngorm, Brit, clipper
ship, China trade, 208
Cairo, ship, Boston, 54
Caledonia, ship, 47
Calhoun, ship, 47
California, Pacific Mail,
S. S., 103
Caliph, Brit, clipper ship,
tea trade, 332, 372
Callahan, Capt., Storm
King, 359
Cambria, N. Y., packet ship,
Cambridge, N. Y. packet
ship, 41
Cameron, R. W.'s Austra-
lian line, 284, 304
Canada, N. Y. packet ship,
38, 47
——Cunard S. S., 221, 309
Canfield, Capt., 351, 354
Canning, Brit. E. Indiaman,
32, 34
Canvasback, Cal. clipper
ship, 250, 360
Capitol, ship, 193
Carmelite, ship, 1807, 17-18
Carnatic, Brit, ship, 36
Carrier Dove, Cal. clipper
ship, 253, 362
Castle Eden, Brit, ship, 36
Cathay, Kathay, Cal. clip-
per ship, 232, 358
Cave, Capt., Panama, 358
Celestial, Cal. clipper ship,
first to be launched, 135,
136, 159, 349; records,
145-6, 229, 300, 365
Celestial Empire, Cal. clip-
per ship, 353
Challenge, Cal. clipper ship,
152, 156, 164, 174, 222,
337, 350; vicious crew, 77,
181-9; in China trade,
196-7, 206-7; records,
181, 299, 301, 365

Challenger, Brit, clipper
ship, tea trade, 206; race,
——Cal. clipper ship, 271,
356, 367
Chamberlain & Co., owners,
N. Y., 351
Chamberlain & Heyser, own-
ers, N. Y., 351, 355
Chariot of Fame, med.
clipper ship, Australian
trade, 270
Charles Carroll, packet
ship, 41
Charles Grant, Brit. E. In-
diaman, 32
Charles H. Marshall, N. Y.,
pilot boat, 305
Charlestown, ship. South
American trade, 161
Charmer, Cal. clipper ship,
253, 254, 362
——later ship, 341
Chase, T., & Co., owners,
Boston, 363
Chase & Tappan, owners,
Boston, 357
Cheesborough, Capt. Robt.
B., 254, 363
Chinaman, clipper ship,
325-6, 346
Chrysolite, Brit, clipper
ship, tea trade, 199, 202,
205, 206-7
Chrystall, James, British
owner, 35
City of Glasgow, Inman
Line, S. S., 314
City of Pekin, Pacific S. S.,
Clarke, Capt., Canvasback,
Cleopatra, Cal. clipper ship,
216, 353; records, 253,
299, 367
Climax, Cal. clipper ship,
298, 353
Coggin, Capt., Panparo, 358

Coleman, Wm. T., & Co.,
owners, N. Y., 106
Collins, E. K., manager of
Dramatic Line, 40, 43
——Capt. John, Shake-
speare, 43
Collins Line S. S., 250, 271,
309, 312
Collyer, Thos., & Mm.,

builders, N. Y., 49, 232,
Columbia, 1773, first Amer.
ship to sail round globe,
14, 51
——N. Y. packet ship, 38,
40, 43; No. 2, 48
Columbus, N. Y., packet
ship, 41, 43, 45, 52
Comet, Cal. clipper ship,
152, 153, 159, 193, 337,
343, 350; records, 213,
224, 227, 297, 299, 365;
China passage, 208; Aus-
tralian trade, 283
——later ship, 340
Commodore Perry, ship,
Australian trade, 273
Composite build, 321-2,
Condry, Dennis, owner of
Delia Walker, 63-5
Congress, ship, 47
Connell & Co., builders,
Glasgow, 324, 371, 372
Conner, Capt., Carrier
Dove, 362
Constant Warwick, first
frigate built, 5
Constantine, packet ship,
Contest, Cal. clipper ship,
216, 227, 344, 353; rec-
ords, 224, 296, 297, 299,
366; race with Northern
Light, 227
——Brit, ship, 267
Coolidge & Co., owners,
Boston, 361

Cooper & Slicer, owners,
Baltimore, 359
Cope, Thos., Phila., owner
of packet line, 40
Copper fastened, 10, 30, 33,
34, 61, 285; sheathed, 61,
285, 320, 322
Coquette, clipper barque,
China trade, 64
Corinthian, packet ship,
Cornelia, ship, 48
Cornelius Grinnell, packet
ship, 42, 56, 141, 236
Cornwallis, ship, 193
Cortes, N. Y. packet ship,
Courier, packet ship, 1816,
——early clipper ship,
1842, 54, 62, 162
——Cal. clipper ship, 1855,
298, 363, 367
Courser, Boston packet
ship, 52
——Cal. clipper ship, 299,
350, 366
Cox, J. W. builder, Rob-
binston. Me., 233, 359
Creesy, Capt. Josiah P., boy-
hood, 153-5; Oneida, 155;
Flying Cloud, 153, 211,
248-9, 253-4, 297, 351;
race, 214-15 ; "obituary,"
222-3; Mrs. Creesy, 306
Creole, N. Orleans packet
ship, 41
Cressy, Brit, ship, 36
Crest of the Wave, Brit.
clipper ship, 208
Crocker & Warren, owners,
N. Y., 304, 356, 359
Crosby, Capt., Kingfisher,
Crowell, Capt., Boston
Light, 356
Crowell & Brooks, owners,
Boston, 360; see Howes

Crowninshield, Jacob,
owner, Salem, 13
Cunningham, Capt., 354,
——Bros., owners, Boston,
——& Sons, 354
Cunningham's rolling top-
sails, 163
Currier, John, Jr., builder,
Newburyport, 52, 68, 232,
357, 364
——& McKay, 53-4
——& Townsend, 52, 243,
Curtis, J. O., builder, Med-
ford, 52, 152, 216, 352,
355, 357, 361, 363
——Paul, builder, Chelsea,
136, 350; E. Boston, 216,
350, 353, 354, 355, 359,
Curtis & Peabody, owners,
Boston, 354, 356, 361
Cutler, Capt. Benj. F.,
Mary Whitridge, 254
Cutting, Capt. Robt. C,
packet ship Adelaide, 44
Cutting, Francis B., part
owner of Dreadnought,
N. Y., 244
Cutty Sark, Brit, clipper
ship, tea trade, 332, 336,
346, 372
Cyclone, Cal. clipper ship,
300, 356
Dale, Capt Fleetwood, 353
Daniel Webster, packet
ship, 56
Daniels, Geo., owner, Bos-
ton, 233, 303
Daring, Cal, clipper ship,
253, 362
Dashing Wave, Cal. clipper
ship, 356, 369

Dauntless, Cal. clipper ship,
343, 363
David Brown, Cal. clipper
ship, 232, 356; records,
248, 290, 296, 297, 298,
367, 368
David Crockett, Cal. clipper
ship, 232, 356, 369-70
David Malcolm, Brit, ship,
Dean, Capt. Stewart, sloop
Enterprise, 1785, 6
Deas, Capt., Ganges, 200-1
Decline of American ship-
ping, 290, 292-3, 314-17,
Defender, med. clipper ship,
255-6, 300
De Horsey, Capt. of H. M.
S. Brisk, 251-2
Delano, Capt., Ariel, 353
——Capt. Joseph, packets,
——Warren, owner, Bos-
ton, 70 ; Amer. Nav. Club,
Delia Walker, ship, 53, 54
Dent & Co., owners, China,
Depaw, Francis, owner of
Havre packet line, 41
De Peyster, Capt. P. A.,
packets, 43, 45
Derby, Elias Haskett,
Salem merchant, eigh-
teenth century, 12-13 ;
Jr., Capt., Atlantic, 12
Devonshire, packet ship,
"Diadem," Brit, brig., Capt.
Johnson's story, 157-9
"Diving Bell," Lord of the
Isles, 209
Doane, Capt. Justin, 225,
354, 360
Donald McKay, clipper ship,
Australian trade, 273,
280, 346

Don Quixote, packet ship,
——Cal. clipper ship, 357;
records, 253, 299, 367,
368, 369
Dorchester, Boston ship, 54
Dorsetshire, Brit. E. India-
man, 32
Douglas, Mr., chief officer
on Challenge, 182-3
Dragon, Brit. E. Indiaman,
23, 32
Dramatic Line, 40, 42, 45
Draper, 18th cent, ship, 16
Dreadnought, 44, 235 243-7
Duchesse d' Orleans, Havre
packet ship, 41
Duke of York, Brit. E. In-
diaman, 32
Dumaresq, Capt. Phillip,
62, 71, 138, 175, 205, 233,
289, 297, 350, 353, 359,
Eagle, N. Y. packet ship, 38
——Cal. clipper ship, 297,
299, 350, 367
Eagle Wing, Cal. clipper
ship, 357, 367
Earl of Balcarras, largest
ship of Brit. E. India Co.,
32, 33, 34
Echo, early N. Y. ship, 16
Eckford, Henry, builder,
N. Y., 17, 47
Eclipse, Cal. clipper ship,
136, 175-6, 211, 349, 364
——later ship, 340
Edward Everett, ship, 255
Edwin Forrest, Cal. clipper
ship, 357
Elder, Randolph & Co.,
builders, 347
Eldridge, Capt. Asa, 43,
247, 271
——Capt. John, 43, 271

Eldridge, Capt. Oliver, 43,
64, 70, 271
Electric, Cal. clipper ship,
299, 300, 360, 367
Electric Spark, Cal. clipper
ship, 299, 362, 368
Eliza Shaw, Brit, clipper
ship, tea trade, 322, 371
Ellis, Capt., 241
Emanuel, see Wells
Emily C. Starr, barque, 345
Empress of the Seas, Cal.
clipper ship, 232-3, 357
Englis, John, 149
Enright, Capt. Anthony,
Chrysolite, 199
Erie, Havre packet ship, 41
Erl King, Brit, auxiliary
steamer, China trade, 331
Espirito Santo, 78-9
Esterbrook, Capt., Winged
Racer, 355
Esther May, clipper ship,
Ethiopian, Brit, ship in
Australian trade, 333
Eureka, Cal. clipper ship,
Euterpe, Cal. clipper ship,
289, 363
Fairbank & Wheeler, own-
ers, Boston, 56
Fairlight, Brit, ship, 333
Falcon, Brit, clipper ship,
tea trade, 319-20, 324,
347, 375
Farran, Capt., Eagle, 350
Fast days' runs, 179, 180,
195, 214, 219-20, 245-6,
271, 277, 281, 334
Fast passages: Atlantic, 46,
221, 247, 254, 277-8
Australian, 266, 268, 281-
2, 284, 336, 338

California, 213, 218, 225,
227-8; (eastward), 233,
293, 296, 365-9
China, 199, 207, 208, 209,
329, 335
Fastest ships: packet,
Yorkshire, 46; clipper,
Rainbow, 67; Sea Witch,
192; Gt. Republic, 243;
Lightning, 278
Fearless, Cal. clipper ship,
271, 357
Federal Eagle, brig, 15
Fennell, Capt., Flying Mist,
Fernald & Pettigrew, build-
ers, Portsmouth, N. H.,
52, 152, 216, 352, 355,
356, 361, 363
Fessenden, C. B., owner,
Boston, 360
Fidelia, N. Y. packet ship,
41, 48
Fiery Cross, Brit, clipper
ship, tea trade, 320, 335,
371; race, 325-30
Fiery Star-Comet, 343
Flavio, ship, 52
Fleetwing, yacht, 159
——Cal. clipper ship, 250,
Fleetwood, Cal. clipper ship,
Fletcher, Capt., Maury,
209; Oriental, No. 2, 358
Florence, Cal. clipper ship,
289, 363
Floyd, John, builder, N. Y.,
Fly Away, clipper ship, 232,
297, 368
Flying Childers, Cal. clip-
per ship, 216, 236, 354
Flying Cloud, Cal. clipper
ship, 152, 153, 155, 174,
205, 217, 237, 254, 337,
342, 351; N. Y. to S. F.

Flying Cloud — Continued
in 89 days, 144, 17R-8J,
248, 296, 297, 300, 365,
367; log, 179-80, 248;
other California passages,
214-15, 224, 253, 298-9,
366, 367; other passages,
195, 208, 222; story of
race with Ganges, 200-2
——Brit, clipper ship, tea
trade, 208
——Cal. clipper ship, 357;
records, 295, 296, 297,
299, 368
Flying Dutchman, Cal. clip-
per ship, 216, 344, 354,
375; records, S. F., 297,
299, 366, 368; Australia,
Flying Fish, Cal. clipper
ship, 152, 155-6, 173,
193, 205, 237, 302, 337,
342, 345, 351; race with
Sword Fish, 212-13;
other Cal. passages, 224-
6, 253, 295-9, 366-8
Flying Mist, Cal. clipper
ship, 289, 363
Flying Scud, clipper ship,
Flying Spur, Brit, clipper
ship, tea trade, 325, 326
Food on board ship, 29, 78,
90, 107-8, 188, 231-2, 262
Forbes, Capt. James, Nicoll,
Marco Polo, 266; Light-
ning, 275-6; Schomberg,
Forrest, Capt., Rattler, 361
Forward Ho, Brit, clipper
ship, tea trade, 332, 336,
346, 371
Foster, W. H., & Co., own-
ers, Boston, 359
——& Nickerson, owners,
Boston, 358, 363
Francis, brig, 84
Francis Depaw, ship, 47

Fraser, Capt. Geo., Sea
Witch, 69, 145, 189, 192,
Freeman, Capt., Undaunted,
Friend, Capt., Sancho
Panza, 361
Funch & Meincke, owners,
N. Y. and Baltimore, 136,

Galatea, clipper ship, 299
Game Cock, Cal. clipper
ship, 135, 173, 205, 271,
302, 337, 342, 349; rec-
ords, 195, 299
Ganges, Brit, ship, 200-1
Gardner, Capt. E. C, Celes-
tial, 159, 349; Comet,
159, 224, 350; Intrepid,
Gates, Capt., 360, 364
Gauntlet, 267
George Canning, ship, 47
George Peabody, ship, 255
Gerry, Capt., Noonday,
Gibb & Livingston, 325
Gilman & Co., 325
Gipsey, brig, 1804, 17
Girard, Stephen, capt. and
owner, 15
Glidden & Williams, Bos-
ton, owners of line of S.
Francisco clippers, 136,
141, 172, 349-61
Globe, Brit, merchant ship,
Gloriana, Brit, ship, 36
Glory of the Seas, med.
clipper ship, 258, 369
Goddard, N. S., owner, Bos-
ton, 358
Goddard & Co., owners of
Race Horse, Boston, 135,

Golden Age, clipper barque,
Golden City, Cal. clipper
ship, 216, 354; records,
297, 299, 300, 367
Golden Eagle, Cal. clipper
ship, 354; records, 297,
299, 300, 367
Golden Fleece, Cal. clipper
ship, 362
Golden Gate, Cal. clipper
ship, 351; records, 297,
298, 299, 366
Golden Light, Cal. clipper
ship, 233, 343-4, 354
Golden State, Cal. clipper
ship, 216, 354
Golden West, Cal. clipper
ship, 216, 354
Goodhue & Co., N. Y., own-
ers of Mandarin, 135, 349
Goodwin, Gov. of N. H.,
Gordon, Capt. Geo., Mem-
non, 145
Gore, Capt., North Wind,
Governor Morton, Cal. clip-
per ship, 136, 349; rec-
ords, 253, 299, 300, 368
Grace Darling, Cal. clipper
ship, 250, 360
Grand Turk, Salem ship, 12
Gray, Capt. Robt., 1788, 14
——Wm., Salem merchant,
Great Britain, packet ship,
47, 71-2, 138
Great Republic, clipper ship,
largest extreme clipper
ship ever built, 235-43,
337, 345, 357; launch,
236-8; masts and spars,
238-40, 242-3; burnt,
240-2; rebuilt, 242-3; rec-
ords, 293, 296, 297, 298,
299, 300; log, 294; esti-
mated speed, 343, 294-5

Great Western, packet ship,
Greenfield, barque, 368;
brought first cargo of
wheat from California,
Greenman & Co., builders.
Mystic, Conn., 232
Gregory, Capt. Michael,
250, 361
Griffeths, John W., 65-66
Grinnell, Minturn & Co.,
N. Y., owners, packet
lines, 40, 42; Cal. clip-
pers, 136, 153, 211, 233,
350, 351, 355, 358, 359;
flags, 42, 303
Griswold, John, N. Y.,-
London packet line, 40, 42
——N. L. & G., owners,
N. Y., 60, 62, 64, 68, 156,
189, 303, 350, 358
——Capt., Toronto, 162
Guest, Brit. E. Indiaman,
1611, 23
Guiding Star, Cal. clipper
ship, 232, 357
——Brit, clipper ship, 267,
268, 269, 272
Guinevere, Brit, clipper
ship, tea trade, Nos. 1
and 2, 347

Hackett, Wm. & John,
builders, Salisbury, Mass;
U. S. frigate Alliance,
1778, 6
Hale, Capt., Guiding Star,
Hall, Alexander, & Co., 58,
59, 198, 199, 208, 284,
322, 324, 371-2
Hall, Samuel, builder. East
Boston, 50, 137, 205, 250;
clipper schooner, 58;
China clippers, 62, 64;

Hill, Samuel — Continued
Cal. clippers, 135, 198,
216, 225, 232, 349-58
——Jr., 289, 363
Hallet, Capt., Radiant, 355
——& Co., owners, Boston,
Hamilton, Capt., Eclipse,
175-6, 349
Handy & Everett, owners,
N. Y., 136, 349
Hanscom, Saml., Ports-
mouth, N. H., builder of
Nightingale, 164^5
Harvest Queen, packet ship,
——barque, 291
Harvey Birch, Cal. clipper
ship, 250, 344, 361
Haskell, Capt., Norseman,
Hastings, Henry, owner,
Boston, 361, 363
Hatch, Capt., Northern
Light, 228, 351; Mid-
night, 361
Hathorne, Wm., of Ha-
thorne & Steers, builders,
N. Y., 49
Hayden & Cudworth, build-
ers, Medford, 52, 354, 361
Hayes, Capt., lost on Rain-
bow, 68
Hays, Capt. Gilbert, of
Beauregard, 141
Hazard, Cal. clipper ship,
Heard, Augustine, & Co.,
owners, Boston, 303, 351
Hebe, French frigate, model
for British, 5
Hector, Brit. E. Indiamen,
in first fleet, 23, 24
Helen Mar, packet ship, 41
Helen Morris, clipper ship,
Helena, early clipper ship,

Helicon, barque, 56
Helvetia, Girard ship,
China trade, 16
Henderson, Capt., Gazelle,
Henning, Capt., Brit, ship
Alfred, 37
Henrietta, yacht, 159
Henry, Capt., Raven, 189-
92, 352; Skylark, 359
Henry Allen, ship, 193
Henry Clay, packet ship, 43,
48, 141; admired at
L'pool, 89
Henry Hill, clipper barque,
Herald of the Morning,
med. clipper ship, 253,
271, 363; records, 253,
296, 297, 299, 300, 367,
Hercules, early ship, 16
——packet ship, 40
Herefordshire, Brit. E. In-
diaman, 32, 345
Hersilia, brig, sealing voy-
ages, 77-80
Hibernia, packet ship, 43,
47, 84, 160
——Brit, clipper ship,
Australian trade, 266
Highflyer, N. Y. packet
ship, 244
——Cal. clipper ship, 344,
Hill, Capt., Challenge,
Hollis, Capt., Game Cock,
Holt, Alfred, L'pool, builder
of iron screw steamers,
Hood, Jas. M., builder,
Somerset, Mass., 136,
——& Co., builders, Somer-
set, Mass., 152, 356,

Hood, Walter & Co., build-
ers, Aberdeen, Abergeldie,
205-6; Thermopylæ, 333,
Hooper, J., owner, Balti-
more, 357
Witch of the Wave, 169
Hope, ship, 15
Horatio, ship in China
trade, 141, 162
Hornet, Cal. clipper ship,
152, 351; records, 224,
298, 299, 300, 366
Hotspur, Brit, merchant
frigate, 36
——Cal. clipper ship, 364
Hottinger, N. Y. packet
ship, 41, 43
Houqua, clipper ship in
China trade, 63, 70, 77,
84, 85, 162, 341
Howes, Capt. Frederic, 236,
353, 357, 359, 360, 362
Howes & Crowell, owners,
Boston, 353, 359
Howland, Capt. Williams,
141-2, 162, 350
Hubbard, Capt., Flying
Dutchman, 354
Huckins, Jas., Boston,
owner of Northern Light,
——& Co., owners, Boston,
351, 354, 356
Hudson, N. Y., packet ship,
40, 44
Hunnewell, Jas., owner,
Boston, 354, 355
Hunt & Wagner, builders,
Baltimore, 357, 363
Huntress, ship, 52
Huntsville, N. Y.,-N. Or-
leans packet ship, 41, 43,
Hurricane, Cal. clipper ship,
152, 163, 193, 337, 351;
records, 208, 218, 248,
296, 299, 367

Hussey, Capt., Westward
Ho, 355
Hyderabad, Brit, ship, 36


Inconium, ship, 193
Independence, New York-
L'pool packet ship, 41, 43,
45, 47, 48; carried Presi-
dent's message, 45
Innes, Capt., Serica, 326
Ino, Cal. clipper ship, 152,
153, 351; in U. S. Navy,
Intrepid, Cal. clipper ship,
289, 300, 363
Invincible, Cal. clipper ship,
152, 156-7, 159, 301, 351,
366; in Australian trade,
Irons & Grinnell, builders,
Mystic, Conn, 295
Isaac Wright, N. Y. packet
ship, 41, U, 45
Isaac Webb, N. Y. packet
ship, 41, 48
Isaac Wright, N. Y. packet
ship, 41, 48
Ismay, Imrie & Co., L'pool,
White Star Australian
Line, 268
Istamboul, Brit, auxil. ves-
sel, 287
Ivanhoe, packet ship, 48


Jackman, Geo. W., builder,
Newburyport, 52, 360-3
——R. E., builder, East
Boston, 136, 216, 270, 349,
355, 356
—— & Ewell, builders, E.
Boston, 358, 359
Jacob Bell, Cal. clipper
ship, 216, 298, 344, 354
——N. Y. pilot boat, 305

James Baines, clipper ship,
for Australian service,
273, 279-80, 281, 288, 334,
337, 346; carried troops
to India, 281-2
James Cropper, N. Y.
packet ship, 38, 43
James Monroe, N. Y. packet
ship, 38
Jamestown, N. Y. packet
ship, 43
Japan, ship in Australian
trade, 273
Jardine, Matheson & Co.,
China merchants, 59, 197,
208, 325
Jenny Lind, ship, Boston,
66, 217
John Bertram, Cal. clipper
ship, 136, 141, 173, 349;
records, 299, 300, 366
John E. Thayer, ship, Bos-
ton, 255
John Gilpin, Cal. clipper
ship, 216, 344, 354; rec-
ords, 224, 296, 297, 299,
366; race, 224-6
John Jay, ship, N. Y., 47
John Land, Cal. clipper
ship, 233, 357, 368, 369
John Quincy Adams, ship,
Boston, 156
John R. Skiddy, N. Y.
packet ship, 54
John Wade, Cal. clipper
ship, 299, 351
Johnson, Capt. H. W., In-
vincible, 157, 159, 351;
story of Diadem, 157-9
——Capt., Kate Hooper,
Baltimore, 357
——Napier & Co., 303
Johnston, Capt. John, N. Y.
packets, 44, 45
Jones, Quiggin & Co.,
L'pool, owners of Sea-
forth, 322
Jordan, John, L'pool, in-

ventor of composite con-
struction, 322
Joseph Walker, ship, 242
Joshua Bates, Boston-
L'pool packet ship, 55
Judge Shaw, ship, 293


Kaisow, Brit, clipper ship,
tea trade, 332, 372
Kate Carine, Brit, ship,
Kate Hooper, Cal. clipper
ship, Baltimore, 357
Kathay, Catha, Cal. clip-
per ship, 232, 358
Keay, Capt., tea clipper
Ariel, 326
Kellie Castle, Brit. E. In-
diaman, 32
Kemball, Capt. John, 1788,
Kennard & Williamson, Bal-
timore, builders of Ann
McKim, 60
Kermit, Robert, N. Y.-
L'pool packet line, 42, 46
Kerwin, Capt., Golden West,
Khersonese, Brit, auxiliary
steamer, 287
Kilham, Capt., Jacob Bell,
Killick, Capt., Challenger,
King, Capt., Race Horse,
Kingfisher, Cal. clipper
ship, 358
Klein, Capt., Spirit of the
Times, 359
Knight, Capt., Queen of the
Seas, 355; Morning Light,
Knowles, Capt., Wild Wave,


L. Z., N. Y. ship, 56
Lady Melville, Brit. E. In-
diaman, 32
Lahloo, Brit, clipper ship,
tea trade, 332, 372 ; races,
332-3, 336
Laing & Co., builders, Sun-
derland, Eng., 371
Lamb, Edward, & Co., Bos-
ton, owners, 56
Lanark, Brit, clipper brig,
opium trade, 59
Lancaster, packet ship, 40
Land, Capt. John, 67, 187
Landholm, Capt., John Bert-
ram, 141, 349
Landor, W. S., yacht
America, 310
Lane, Capt. Geo., Sweep-
stakes, 233, 359; Pacific
Mail S. S. Co., 233
Lang, Capt., Sea Witch, 341
Lapham, Saml., builder,
Medford, 52 ,
Laurence & Folkes, build-
ers, N. Y., 49
Lawrie & Co., builders,
Glasgow, 372
Leander, Brit, clipper ship,
tea trade, 332, 372; rec-
ords, 333-6
Leonore, packet ship, 54
Libertas, ship, 282
Liberator, Greek frigate
built in N. Y., 47
Light Brigade-Ocean Tele-
graph, 346
Light Horse, barque, Salem,
1784, 12
Lightfoot, Cal. clipper ship,
Lightning, clipper ship for
Australian trade, 273,
274-5, 285, 337, 346; pas-
sages, 275-8, 281-8; log.

227-8; carrying troops to
India, 282-3
——later ship, 341
Limeburner, Capt., Great
Republic, 243, 293, 357
Lincoln, Wm., & Co., Bos-
ton, owners, 354, 358
Lincolnshire, Brit, ship in
Australian trade, 285
Linnell, Capt., Eagle Wing,
Lintin, ship. Forbes's rig,
Live Yankee, Cal. clipper
ship, 299, 300, 358
Liverpool, packet ship, N.
Y., 42, 43, 48
——packet ship, Boston, 52
Lockwood, Capt., White
Squall, 142, 350
Lodge, John E., Boston,
owner, 357, 359, 361
Logs: Flying Cloud, 178-
81, 211; Raven et al.,
192; Sov. of Seas, 219-
20; Flying Fish and John
Gilpin, 226 ; Dreadnought,
245-6; Romance of Seas,
249; Lightning, 277;
James Baines, 281-2 ;
Sweepstakes, 290; Great
Republic, 294; tea clip-
pers, 329-30; Thermo-
pylæ, 334
Look Out, clipper ship, 369
Lord Amherst, Brit,
schooner, opium trade,
Lord Lyndhurst, ship, 293
Lord of the Isles, Brit, clip-
per ship (iron), tea trade,
208-10, 267, 288, 320, 346,
376; second of the name,
Lothair, Brit, clipper ship,
tea trade, 332, 372
Louis Philippe, Havre
packet ship, 41

Low, Capt. Chas. P., 145,
162, 214-15, 343, 352;
Mrs. Low, 306
——A. A., & Brother,
owners, N. Y., 63, 64, 70,
85, 87, 135, 162, 209, 227,
242, 303
Lowell, Boston packet ship,
Lowther Castle, Brit. E. In-
diaman, 32, 34
Lucas, Capt. Frederic, 254,
341, 362
Lucilla, ship, 52


McCumm, Jas., Greenock,
owner of Sir Launcelot,
McDonnell, Capt. Chas.,
Marco Polo, 267-8
Mclntyre, L. H., & Co.,
builders, Liverpool, 322
McKay, Donald, Highland
chieftain, 53
McKay, Donald, clipper
ship builder, 42, 53, 205,
225, 258-9, 276, 297;
boyhood, 53, 258; New
York, 53 ; Newburyport,
53-5; East Boston, 56,
62; packet ships, 62, 270;
California clippers, 136,
142, 152, 153, 212, 216,
232, 233, 250; Sovereign
of the Seas, 221; Great
Republic, 235, 243; me-
dium clippers, 255, 258,
290-1; tribute to Abbott
Lawrence, 256-7; Aus-
tralian clippers, 273-83 ;
Civil War, 258; last
years, 258; Mrs. McKay,
221-2; Currier & Mc-

Kay, 53-4; McKay, &
Pickett, 54
——Hugh, builder, Boston,
——Capt. Lauchlan, 217-
215; Sov. of the Seas,
217-19, 269, 355; Great
Republic, 238, 241
McKensie, Capt., Houqua,
63, 145, 341
McKim, Isaac, Baltimore,
owner of Ann McKim,
60, 61
McKinnon, Capt., Taeping,
Madagascar, Brit, ship,
Australian line, 263-4
Magoun, Thacher, builder,
Medford, 51-2
——Medford, builder of
Cal. clippers, 362-3
Malay, clipper ship, 299
Mallory, Chas., builder.
Mystic, Conn., 358, 364
Mandarin, Cal. clipper ship,
135, 136, 145-6, 301,
349; passages: S. Fran-
cisco, 146, 299; Canton,
208; Melbourne, 284, 288
Manhattan ship, 1796,
China trade, 16-17
——N. Y. packet ship. Red
Star Line, 40
——N. Y. packet ship.
Black Ball Line, 41
Manning & Stanwood, own-
ers, Boston, 359
Manson, Capt., 357, 362
Marco Polo, Brit, clipper
ship, Australian service,
265-6, 267-8, 275, 284,
Margaret Evans, packet
ship, 89
Margaret Forbes, ship, Bos-
ton, 52
Maria Somes, Brit, ship, 36
Marion, Brit, ship, 36

Marion Maclntyre, Brit,
barque, composite build,
Marlborough, Brit, mer-
chant frigate, 36
Marquis of Camden, Brit.
E. Indiaman, 32
Marquis of Wellington,
Brit. E. Indiaman, 32
Marsden, Capt., Melbourne,
Marshall, Benj., part owner.
Black Ball Line, N. Y.-
L'pool, 38
——Capt. Chas. H., owner,
Black Ball Line, 41, 43,
73, 303
Mary and John, ship of
Popham colonists, 1607, 1
Mary Broughton, barque,
Mary Fish, N. Y. pilot boat,
Mary Howland, ship, N. Y.,
Mary L. Sutton, Cal. clip-
per ship, 289, 364; rec-
ords, 299, 300, 368, 369
Mary Taylor, N. Y. pilot
boat, 305
Mary Whitridge, Cal. clip-
per ship, 86, 253, 254
Mason, John W., carver,
Boston, 166
Mastiff, med. clipper ship,
Masting of Rainbow, 66-7
Matchless, clipper ship,
Boston, 367
Materials of merchant
ships, 3, 10, 30, 50, 210,
285, 287-8, 301, 313-15,
316, 322, 340
Mather, Capt. Saml., Night-
ingale, 207
Matheson, Sir James, owner
of Stornoway, 198; see

Matthews, Capt, Cal. clip-
pers, 359, 361, 363
Maury, Lieut. M. F., U. S.
N., life, 146-50; Wind
and Current Charts, 147-
8, 205, 226; "Maury's
log," 148; Sailing Direc-
tions, 147-49; Physical
Geography of the Sea,
148 ; Australian routes,
261; opinion of Gt. Re-
public, 294
Maury, clipper barque, tea
trade, 209
Maxon & Fish, builders.
Mystic, Conn., 369
Maxton, Capt., Lord of the
Isles, 209, 320
Mayhew, Capt. P. N.,
Dreadnought, 247
Medway, ship, London-Mel-
bourne line, 263-5
Memnon, clipper ship,
China trade, 70, 202;
California passages, 145-
6, 180
Merchants' Hope, Brit. E.
Indiaman, 232
Merchants' Magazine,
Hunt's, 148
Mercury, packet ship, 41
Mermaid, clipper ship, 299
Messenger, Cal. clipper
ship, 216, 354
Metcalf & Co., builders,
Damariscotta, Me., 352
Meteor, packet ship, 40
——Cal. clipper ship, 354;
records, 253, 366, 368
Middleton, Sir Henry, com-
mander of Trades In-
crease, 1609, 23
Midnight, Cal. clipper ship,
Miller, Capt., Dauntless,
Millett, Capt. I. H., Witch
of the Wave, 172, 206, 353

Min, Brit, clipper ship, tea
trade, 320, 371
Minerva, ship, 15
——Brit. E. Indiaman, 32,
Minna, clipper schooner,
opium trade, 59
Minnehaha, med. clipper
ship, 258
Minot & Hooper, owners,
Boston, 68
Minturn, Robt., 109
Miroslav-Young America,
Monarch, Brit, ship, 36
——Aberdeen clipper, 58
Monsoon, Cal. clipper ship,
152, 851
Montana, packet ship, 41
Montauk, clipper ship,
China trade, 63-4
Montesquieu, Girard ship,
China trade, 16
Montezuma, N. Y. packet
ship, 41, 46, 48, 89
Morgan, Capt. E. E., packet
ships, 44
Morning Light, Cal. clipper
ship, 358
Morning Star, Cal. clipper
ship, 233, 346
Morris, Capt., R. B. Forbes,
Moses Wheeler, ship, Bos-
ton, 56
Mumford, Capt. O. R., Tor-
nado, 211-12, 352
Murphy, Capt., Black War-
rior, 356
Murray, Alexander, 11
Myers, Capt., Flora Temple,
Myrick, Capt., Seaman, 350
Mystery, Cal. clipper ship,
232, 358
Mystic, Conn., 160; ship-
building, 105, 295, 360,


N. B. Palmer, Cal. clipper'
ship, 87, 152, 162, 174,
301, 306, 343, 352; rec-
ords, 178, 208, 300, 365;
race with Flying Cloud,
Nabob, Cal. clipper ship,
250, 361
Napier, Johnson & Co., N.
Y., owners of Sunny
South, 250, 303
Napoleon, N. Y. packet
ship, 40
Nashville, New Orleans
packet ship, 41
Natchez, N. Orleans packet
ship, 41, 68; in China
trade, 74-5, 135, 208
Nelson, Capt., Harvey
Birch, 361
Neptune's Car, Cal. clipper
ship, 306-7, 337, 343,
358; records, 253, 297,
Nestor, packet ship, 38
New World, packet ship, 42,
43, 56, 89, 142, 216
New York, packet ship, 38,
Newburyport, 167; ship-
builders, 18, 52; see Currier, Jackson, McKay;
shipbuilding, 7, 49, 68,
105, 243
Newlands, Capt. Alexander,
Lightning, 279
Niagara, first ship built at
E. Boston, 50
Niantic, Brit, ship, 176-7
Nicholas, Jonathan, im-
promptu lines, 170
Nickels, Capt. Edward,
Flying Fish, 156, 213,
225, 297, 345, 351

——Commander John A.
H., U. S. N., 156
Nightingale, Cal. clipper
ship, 164-5, 196, 302,
337, 343, 375; China pas-
sage, 206-7 ; Australian
passage, 284
Nonpareil, Cal. clipper ship,
250, 361
Noonday, Cal. clipper ship,
Norfolk, Brit, ship, Austra-
lian trade, 285
Norma, Brit, clipper ship,
tea trade, 208
Norseman, Cal. clipper ship,
289, 364
North America, ship, 1804,
—— clipper ship, 299
North Beach, S. Francisco,
North Wind, Cal. clipper
ship, 284, 288, 358, 368
Northern Light, Cal. clip-
per ship, 152, 153, 163.
164, 173, 193, 302, 337;
351; records, 227-8, 298,
366 ; quickest eastward
passage from S. Fran-
cisco, 227-8
——later ship, 340
Northerner, Pacific Mail S.
S., 75, 189
Northfleet, Kent, shipbuild-
ing, 32
Nor'wester, Cal. clipper
ship, 361
Nott, Capt., Don Quixote,
Noyes, Charlotte, Mrs. D.
S. Babcock, 161, 306
——Joseph Stonington, 161
Nutsfield, Capt., Taitsing,
Nye, Capt. Ezra, packet
ships Independence, 45 ;
Henry Clay, 89

Nye, Parkin & Co., China
merchants, 70


Oberlin, packet ship, 52
Ocean Chief, clipper ship,
Ocean Express, Cal. clipper
ship, 253, 299, 363
Ocean Monarch, packet
ship (McKay), 56
——packet ship (Webb) ,
Ocean Pearl, clipper ship,
Ocean Queen, packet ship,
Ocean Telegraph, Cal. clip-
per ship, 250, 271, 346,
361; records, 218, 299,
300, 369
Odd Fellow, barque, 217
Ogden, David, N. Y., owner
Red Cross packets, 244,
Oliver Ellesworth, ship, N.
Y., 16
Oliver, Francis, E. Boston
Timber Co., 49
Olympus, ship, 343
Oneida, packet ship, 41
——ship, China trade, 155,
Orbit, packet ship, 1821, 38,
Oriental, clipper ship, 1849,
China trade, 77, 84, 85,
96-8, 142, 202, 375; car-
rying tea to London, 97-
8, 196; California pas-
sage, 224, 366
——Cal. clipper ship, 1853,
232, 358
——later ship, 340
Osgood, Capt. W. H., Trade
Wind, 164, 352; Cyclone,

Oxford, packet ship, 41
Oxnard, Henry, owner, Bos-
ton, 52


Pacific, packet ship, 1816,
——ship, 47
——Collins Line S. S., 271,
Pacific Mail S. S. company,
62, 75, 84, 103, 189, 233,
313; first S. S. to reach
S. Francisco, 1849, 103;
first to reach China, 1862,
Paige, James, E. Boston
Timber Co., 49
Pallas, barque, Boston, 15
Palmer, Capt. Alexander,
43, 86, 162
——Capt. N. B., 43, 63, 70,
77-86 (life), 96, 160-2,
242; mate of Hersilia, 77-
80; discovered Antarctic
continent, 81-3
——N. B., 2d, 86
——Capt. Theodore, 97,
Palmer, schooner yacht, 87
Pamparo, Cal. clipper ship,
358, 367
Panama, clipper ship
(Webb), 1844, China
trade, 64, 208
——Cal. clipper ship
(Collyer, 1853) , 232, 284,
299, 358
Panther, N. Y. packet ship,
Parker, D. P., Boston, owner
of Lucille, 52
Paterson, Capt., Phantom,
Patriarch, Brit, ship, Aus-
tralian trade, 333

Patrick Henry, packet ship,
41, 43, 46
Patten, Capt. Joshua A.,
Neptune's Car, 306-7;
Mrs. Mary Patten, 306-7
Paul, Capt. Josiah, Great
Republic, 295
Paul Albert-Lord of the
Isles, 346
Paul Jones, clipper ship,
62-3, 77, 84
Peabody, Alfred, owner,
Salem, 166
——Joseph, owner, Salem,
13, 119
Peggy, Salem ship, brought
first cargo of cotton to
Massachusetts, 13
Pierce, Henry A., Boston,
owner, 354, 355
Penguin, clipper barque,
China trade, 209
Penhallow, Capt., Sierra
Nevada, 361
Pennsylvania, N. Y. packet
ship, 41
Perrin, Patterson & Stock,
builders, Williamsburg,
N. Y., 49, 152, 351
Perry, Capt., Ann McKim,
Perseverance, Brit. E. In-
diaman, 32
Phantom, Cal. clipper ship,
216, 337, 345, 355; rec-
ords, 224, 290, 297, 299,
366, 368
Phillips, J. W., N. Y.,
owner of Invincible, 156
Pierce, Capt., Celestial Em-
pire, 353
Pike, Capt., Meteor, 354
Pile, John, builder, Sunder-
land, Eng., 208
——Wm., builder, Sunder-
land, 320
Pile & Cole, builders, Sun-
derland, 371

Pilkington & Wilson, Liver-
pool, owners, 272
Pitcher shipyard. North-
fleet, Kent, 33
Platt, W., & Son., Phila.,
owners, 136, 164, 350,
Plymouth, packet ship, 52
Plymouth Rock, ship, Bos-
ton, 56
Plympton, H. P., Boston,
part owner of Defender,
Polynesia, Cal. clipper ship,
216, 355, 367
Pook, Saml., naval archi-
tect, 270-1
Potter, Capt. Geo., Archi-
tect, 70
—— Capt., Matchless, 358
President, 44-gun frigate,
—— packet ship, 40
Prince Regent, Brit. E. In-
diaman, 32
Prince of Wales, "Black-
wall frigate," 36
Princess Amelia, Brit. E.
Indiaman, 32
Princess Royal, Brit, ship,
Protection, 92, 94, 95, 316-
Putnam, Capt., Cal. clip-
pers, 353, 355, 357


Queen of Clippers, Cal.
clipper ship, 359
Queen of the East, Cal.
clipper ship, 352
Queen Mab, packet ship, 41
Queen of the Seas, Cal.
clipper ship, 216, 355

Queen of the South, Brit.
iron screw steamer, 286
Queen of the West, packet
ship, 41, 43, 48


R. B. Forbes, ship, 236, 255
—— wrecking steamer, 138-
40, 167-72, 238, 240, 279
Race Horse, Cal. clipper
barque, 135, 145, 198,
349; records, 146, 365
Races: packet, 45; yachts,
64, 159, 310-11; Califor-
nia clippers, 145-6, 189-
92, 212-13, 214-15, 225-
6, 227-8; tea clippers,
200-2, 206-7, 209, 324-
30, 332-3, 335-6; to In-
dia, 282-3
Racing: packet ship, 45;
yacht, 226, 339; Cal. clip-
pers, 145, 192-3, 195,
224, 226, 228, 249; sail
and steam, 311—12
Radiant, Cal. clipper ship,
216, 355
Rainbow, Brit, frigate,
1782, 5
—— first extreme clipper
ship, 62, 65-7, 68, 314
—— later ship, 340
Ranlett, Capt. Chas., 208
—— Jr., 208, 341
Rapid, schooner, Aberdeen
clipper, 58
Rattler, Cal. clipper ship,
250, 361
Raven, Cal. clipper ship,
152, 173, 352; race, 189-
92; log, 192; records, 218,
299, 300, 365
Raynes, Geo., builder, Ports-
mouth, N. H., 52-3, 59,
136, 141, 152, 168, 250,
350, 353

Rebekah, clipper barque,
Record days' runs, 179, 278;
see Best days' runs
Record passages:
transatlantic, 221, 247,
309 (steamer) ; Califor-
nia, westward, 144, 145-
6, 175, 178, 295, 296-
8, 298-300 (in sections);
eastward, 227; Pacific,
195-6, 218
China, 74, 329, 336-7
Australian, 281, 287, 333-
Red Gauntlet, Cal. clipper
ship, 233, 306, 359
Red jacket, clipper ship,
Australian service, 247,
270-2, 337, 346
Red Rover, Cal. clipper
ship, 216, 355; records,
253, 283, 368
Reed, Capt. Saml., Red
Jacket, 272
Reindeer, ship, 56
Reporter, Cal. clipper ship,
345, 359, 368
Republic, packet ship, 52
Rescue, Boston wrecking
steamer, 275
Resolute, clipper ship, 291
Resource, ship, 16
Rhinebeck, 47
Rhone, packet ship, 41, 44
Richardson, Capt. Josiah,
Stag Hound, 144, 178,
350; Staffordshire, 342,
Richie, Capt. A. A., Fair-
field, Cal., 189
Ringleader, Cal. clipper
ship, 359; records, 284,
290, 297, 299, 367, 368,
(to Melbourne)
—— later ship, 340
Robert C. Winthrop, Bos-
ton ship, 255

Robert Lowe, Brit. aux.
steamer, 331
Roberts, Capt., Storm, 355
Robin Hood, Cal. clipper
ship, 250, 361; records,
299, 369
Robinson, Capt. Richard,
tea clippers, 199, 326,
Rockland, ship, 345
Rodger & Co., London,
owner of Taeping, 330
Rogers, S., Salem, owner,
—— Capt. Wm. C, Witch-
craft, 140-1, 350
Romance of the Seas, Cal.
clipper ship, 232, 233, 302,
345, 359; records, 248,
249, 296, 297, 367
Roosevelt & Joyce, builders,
N. Y., 209, 232
Ropes, Capt. John F., John
Gilpin, 345
Roscoe, packet ship, 41,
Roscius, packet ship, 40,
Rose, Brit, clipper schooner,
opium trade, 59
Ross, Sir John, explorer, 84
Rousseau, Phila. ship,
China trade, 16
Rowland, Capt., Mary L.
Sutton, 364
Royal Charter, Brit, iron
aux. steamer, 287
Royal William, first vessel
to cross Atlantic by steam
power, 313
Rufus Choate, Boston ship,
Russell, Capt., packets, 45
—— & Co., China mer-
chants, 58, 63, 64, 70, 97,
Russell Sturgis, Boston
ship, 255


St. Andrew, packet ship, 46
St. Clair, packet ship, 52
St. George, packet ship, 54
St. Lawrence, Brit, mer-
chant frigate, 36
St. Michael, schooner, 15
St. Patrick, Boston ship,
Solamis, Brit, ship, Austra-
lian trade, 333
Salter, Capt. Chas. H.,
Typhoon, 161, 189, 352
Samarang, 346
Sampson, ship, 16
Sampson & Tappah, Bos-
ton, owners of Night-
ingale, 136, 155, 165, 207,
303, 350, 351, 355
Samuel Appleton, Boston
ship, 255, 300
Samuel Badger, ship, 161
Samuel Russell, clipper
ship, China trade, 70, 77,
84, 85, 142, 162, 337, 341;
records to S. Francisco,
145, 298, 300, 365, 367
Samuels, Capt. Samuel,
Dreadnought, 44, 244,
San Francisco passages:
Atlantic ports, 1849, 101,
145; 1850, 145-6; 1851,
174, 175, 178-81, 181-5,
189-94; 1852, 212-5, 217-
8, 222; 1853, 224-8, 233;
1854, 248-9; 1855, 253,
254; 1856, 290, 306-7;
1857, 293-4, 295; General,
69, 233-4, 365-9; long,
Pacific ports, 195, 211, 219
San Francisco, clipper ship,
Sancho Panza, Cal. clipper
ship, 361
Santa Barbara, 86

Sapphire, packet ship, 51
Saracen, Cal. clipper ship,
Saratoga, packet ship, 43
Sargent, Capt. Henry,
Phantom, 345
Saunders, Capt. Thos. M.,
Salem, from cabin boy to
captain, 119-20
Savannah, ship, 47
—— first sailing ship with
auxl. engine to cross At-
lantic, 1819, 313
Schomberg, Brit, clipper
ship, built for Australian
service, 284-5
Scott, John, & Co., builders,
Greenock, 208
Scott & Co., builders, Dum-
barton, 372
Sea Serpent, Cal. clipper
ship, 136, 141, 196, 211,
302, 350; records, 175,
208, 224, 298, 366
Sea Witch, clipper ship,
built for China trade, 68,
69, 73, 75-7, 136, 156,
337, 341; passages, 68-
9, 189-92 (race) ; records,
145, 174, 208, 214, 296,
297, 298, 299, 300, 365
Seacomb & Taylor, owners,
Boston, 270
Seaforth, Brit, ship, first
vessel with steel spars
and rigging, 322-3
Seaman, Cal. clipper ship,
Baltimore, 136, 174, 350;
records, 299, 300, 365
Sears, Capt., Robin Hood,
Seaver, Hon. Benj., Boston,
Seminole, ship, 369
Serica, Brit, clipper ship,
tea trade, 320, 346, 371;
races, 324, 325-30
Severn, ship, 16

Shackfords, captains and
builders, Portsmouth, N.
H., 52
Shakespeare, packet ship,
40, 43, 48
Shand, Brit, ship, 344
Shaw, Maxton, & Co., own-
ers, London, 319-20
Sheathing, copper, 61, 285,
320, 322; yellow metal,
Sheer, 18, 237, 320
Sheffield, Capt. J. P., Her-
silia, 77-80
Shelburne, N. S., 53, 217
Sheridan, packet ship, 40,
45, 48
Shoof, Capt., Black Hawk,
Shooting Star, Cal. clipper
ship, 152, 173, 193, 337,
343, 352; records, 214,
222, 298, 299, 366
Shuter, Thos. A., owner,
London, 34
Siddons, packet ship, 40, 43,
48, 84
Sierra Nevada, Cal. clipper
ship, 250, 283, 361; rec-
ords, 295, 296, 369
Silas Richards, packet ship,
Silsbee, Capt., Syren, 352
Silvia de Grasse, packet
ship, 41, 47
Simmons, Capt., War
Hawk, 363
Simonson, Capt., Daring,
Simoon, Cal. clipper ship,
Sir George Seymour, Brit.
ship, 36
Sir Launcelot, Brit, clipper
ship, tea trade, 324, 332-
3, 335-6, 346, 371
Sir Robert Peel, packet
ship, 48

Sirius, Brit, steamer, 313
Sirocco, clipper ship, 298,
Skiddy, Francis, 43
——Capt. William, 43
Skylark, Cal. clipper ship,
299, 359
Smith, Adam, Wealth of
Nations, 92
—— James, & Son, owners,
N. Y., 106
—— Stephen, builder, 47
—— T. & W., builders,
Newcastle, Eng., 35, 36
—— & Co., builders Ho-
boken, N. J., 152, 351
—— & Co., builders, St.
John, N. B., 266
——& Dimon, builders,
N. Y., 45, 47, 65, 68, 70,
135, 349
——Capt., 355, 362
Smyrna, brig, first Amer.
vessel in Black Sea, 15
Snapdragon, Cal. clipper
barque, 232, 299, 359
Sneeden & Whitlock, build-
ers, Greenpoint, L. I., re-
built Great Republic,
Snow & Burgess, owners,
Snow Squall, Cal. clipper
ship, 284, 352
Somes, Jos., owner, London,
34, 35, 36
Sophia Branilla-Falcon, 347
South America, packet ship,
South Carolina, ship, first
to leave S. Francisco in
1849, 101
Southampton, packet ship,
Southern Cross, Cal. clip-
per ship, 152, 195, 352
Sovereign, packet ship,

Sovereign of the Seas, Cal.
clipper ship, 216-21, 235,
237, 281, 337, 344, 355;
speed, 220-1 ; records :
California, 213, 217, 299,
366; N. Y.-L'pool, 220-
1; Australia, 269-70
——No. 2, 258
——No. 3, 341
Sparkling Wave, clipper
ship, 300
Conditions and tests, 9-
10, 11, 39, 46, 71, 90,
134, 192, 198, 205, 243,
286, 294-5, 321, 336-7
Vessels built for, 57,
Speed of Brit, and Amer.
frigates, 4, 8, 10; E.
Indiamen, 30, 35; opi-
um clippers, 59; Amer.
clippers, 135-6, 153,
193, 278, 282 (highest
rate) ; of Brit, tea clip-
pers, 320-1, 324, 334,
335-6; of steamers, 221,
278, 309
Speed in knots, 71, 161, 169,
178, 220, 251, 276, 278,
281, 282, 328; average,
46, 180, 219-20, 245, 278,
Spicer, Capt., David Crock-
ett, 356
Spindrift, Brit, clipper ship,
tea trade, 332, 333, 335,
346, 371, 375
Spirit of the Age, Brit, clip-
per ship, 208
Spirit of the Times, Cal.
clipper ship, 359
Spitfire, Cal. clipper ship,
Splendid, packet ship, 48
Spofford & Tillotson, N. Y.-
L'pool packet line, 42-3
Spooner, see Borrows

Sprague & James, builders,
Medford, 52, 58
Stadt Antwerpen, Belgian
barque, 343
Staffordshire, Cal. clipper
ship, 152, 193, 217, 342,
352; records, 214, 300,
Stag Hound, Cal. clipper
ship, 136, 142-3, 151, 205,
211, 216, 237, 337, 341,
350, 375; records, 178,
195, 208, 298, 299, 365,
Star of Empire, packet
ship, 270
Star of Peace, Brit, ship,
Australian trade, 333
Starlight, Cal. clipper ship,
299, 361
Starr King, Cal. clipper
ship, 255, 299, 362
Steele, Robt., & Son, build-
ers, Greenock, 319, 320,
322, 324, 346, 347, 371,
Steers, Geo., designer and
builder, 49, 250
Stephania, packet ship, 41
Stephen, Alex., builder,
Glasgow, 322, 371
Stoddard, Capt., 349, 358
Stevens, Capt., Southern
Cross, 352
Storm, Cal. clipper barque,
298, 355, 366
Storm King, Cal. clipper
ship, 359
Stornoway, Brit, clipper
ship, 198, 202, 205, 206-
7, 376
Strabo, ship, 52
Sultana, barque, 56
Sunny South, clipper ship,
China trade, 250; slaver,
Supremacy, 339; American,
311, 314; British, 210

Surprise, Cal. clipper ship,
135, 136-8, 174-5, 196,
202, 205, 207-8, 271, 337,
341, 350; records, 175,
195, 206, 208, 296, 297,
298, 299, 365
Susannah, Brit. E. India-
man, 32
Sutton & Co., N. Y., own-
ers, 106, 303
Sweepstakes, Cal. clipper
ship, 232, 233, 301, 345,
359; records, 289-90, 296,
297, 298, 299, 368; log,
Sword Fish, Cal. clipper
ship, 84, 152, 153, 159,
193, 206, 306, 337, 352;
records, 208, 224, 296,
297, 298, 299, 300, 366;
race, 212-13
Syren, Cal. clipper ship,
152, 352


Taeping, Brit, clipper ship,
tea trade, 322, 371 ; races,
324-30, 332-5
Taitsing, Brit, clipper ship,
tea trade, 324, 347, 371,
375; race, 324-30
Talbot, ship, 52
Tampico, brig, 84
Tayleur, Brit, ship (iron),
for Australian service,
Tea Trade, iii:
to England: Amer. clip-
pers in, 96-8 196-7,
200-2; see Tea clippers;
amount, 320 ; freights,
196, 207, 323; premiums,
324, 330
Telegraph, clipper ship,
Cal. passages, 299, 368
Templer, Henry, owner,
London, 34

Teutonic, White Star S. S.,
Thacker & Mangels, own-
ers, London, 34
Thames, Brit. E. Indiaman,
Thayer, Capt., Cleopatra,
Thermopylæ, Brit, clipper
ship, tea trade, 332-6,
347, 371, 375
Thomas, C. W. & H., N. Y.,
owners of Hurricane,
——Geo., Rockland, Me.,
builder of Red Jacket,
Thomas, Brit. E. Indiaman,
Thomas Coutts, Brit. E. In-
diaman, 32
Thomas Granville, Brit. E.
Indiaman, 32
Thomas H. Perkins, ship,
Boston, 255
Thorndike, Capt., Live Yan-
kee, 358
Tindall & Co.'s Australian
line, 263
Tingqua, clipper ship, 298
Titania, Brit, clipper ship,
tea trade, 332, 336, 375;
still in service, 347
Toby & Littlefield, builders,
Portsmouth, N. H., 52,
Todd, Capt., 2d Witch of
the Wave, 364
Ton in cubic feet, 104, 196,
323, 335, 373-5
Tonnage, aggregate:
Afloat, 289; built, 3-4, 52,
151; captured, 7;
owned, 13, 71, 292
(steam), 308; sent out,
33; sold, 292
Tonnage, detail:
American, early, 1, 2, 4,

Tonnage, detail — Continued
6, 14-18, 51-4, 80, 119;
packets, 38, 40, 42, 45,
46, 142, 243; opium
clippers, 58-9 ; China
clippers, 60, 62-5, 68,
70, 96, 250; California
clippers, 135-6, 142,
153-6, 159, 161-6, 216,
233, 254, 349-64; Aus-
tralian clippers, 235,
242, 265-7, 270, 273;
pilot boats, 193, 305;
increase in, 42, 151,
British: E. Indiamen, 23,
25, 32-7; Aberdeen
clippers, 58; tea clip-
pers, 198, 199, 205-6,
208, 320, 322-3, 333,
371-2; Australian clip-
pers, 267, 284, 338;
steamers, 286, 287
Tonnage Laws, 20, 198-9,
315, 323, 373-6; see Tax
Topaz, packet ship, 51
Tornado, Cal. clipper ship,
152, 211, 283, 343, 352
Toronto, packet ship, 48,
Trade Wind, Cal. clipper
ship, 152, 164, 193, 337,
343, 352; records, 224,
299, 366
Trades Increase, Brit. E.
Indiaman, 1609, 23
Train, Enoch, Boston,
owner, 54-5, 153, 221, 255
Train's Line, Boston-
L'pool packets, 55-6, 270,
Trask, Capt. Benj., packet
ships, 43
Trenton, packet ship, 52
Trident, ship, 1805, 17
Trieste, barque, 291
Triton, ship, 1805, 17
Trufant & Drummond,

builders, Bath, Me., 152,
351, 357, 360
Tucker, Capt., Swallow, 362
Turner, Capt., Starr King,
Tuscarora, packet ship, 40
Twilight, Cal. clipper ship,
295, 364, 369
Two Friends, brig, 15
Typhoon, Cal. clipper ship,
152, 161, 337, 342, 352;
race, 189-92 ; records,
192, 208, 299, 300, 365


Undaunted, Cal. clipper
ship, 345, 359
Union, sloop, 15
Upham, Hon. Chas. W., 169
Upton, Geo. B., Boston,
owner, 56, 136, 155, 233,
Utica, packet ship, 41


Vail, Thos., builder, N. Y.,
Valparaiso, ship, 164
Vancouver, ship, 208
Vanguard, packet ship, 48
Venice, ship, 161
Very, John Crowninshield,
——Capt. Saml., Hurri-
cane, 163, 351 ; Mrs. Very,
Vicksburg, ship, 47
Victoria, packet ship, 44, 47
Victory, packet ship, 244
Viking, Cal. clipper ship,
Vimiera, Brit. ship, 267
Vincent, Wm., builder, N.
Y., 16
Voltaire, ship in China
trade (Girard), 16

Vulcan, Brit, ship, first iron
sailing ship, 1818, 313


Wakeman, Capt., Adelaide,
Wanderer, Brit, clipper
schooner, opium trade, 59
War Hawk, Cal. clipper
ship, 363
Wardle, T., & Co., N. Y.,
owners of Eclipse, 136,
Warner, Capt., Sov. of the
Seas, 269-70; Donald Mc-
Kay, 281
Washington Irving, packet
ship, 56
Waterman, Capt. G. B.,
Highflyer, 344, 354
——Capt. Robt. H., 73-7,
145, 189; Britannia, 73-
4; Natchez, 68, 74-5;
Sea Witch, 68-9, 73, 75,
208; Northerner, 75, 189;
Challenge, 156, 181-9,
350; Mrs. Waterman, 75
—— & Elwell, builders,
Medford, 52, 63
Watkins, Capt. Jas., Akbar,
Watson, Capt., Polynesia,
Webb, Isaac, builder, N. Y.,
47, 48, 53, 74, 217; & Co.,
——Wm. H., son of Isaac,
builder, 42, 48, 62, 63,
135-6, 142, 152, 156, 159,
164, 212, 216, 232-4, 250,
291, 349-52, 354, 359
——Wilsey, father of
Isaac, 47.
——& Allen, builders, N.
Y., 48
Weld, W. F., & Co., owners,

Boston, 304, 357
——& Baker, owners, Bos-
ton, 363
Wells & Emanuel, owners,
N. Y., 106, 304
West Point, packet ship, 44,
Westervelt, Aaron and Dan-
iel, sons of Jacob A., 49,
——Jacob A., builder, N.
Y., 48-9, 216, 227, 232,
250, 297, 352-4, 358-9
——& Co., 49
——& Sons, 49, 152, 162,
——& Mackay, 46, 48
Westward Ho, Cal. clipper
ship, 216, 237, 255; rec-
ords, 224, 253, 295, 297,
298, 300, 366, 367, 368
Whirlwind, Cal. clipper
ship, 216, 284, 343, 355
Whistler, Cal. clipper ship,
299, 360
White Squall, Cal. clipper
ship, 136, 142, 196, 242,
337, 350; records, 298,
299, 300, 366
White Swallow, clipper ship,
298, 369
Whitridge, Thos., & Co.,
owners, Baltimore, 254
Wigram, Robt., builder and
owner, London, 35, 36,
Wild Dayrell, Brit, clipper
schooner, opium trade,
Wild Hunter, clipper ship,
Wild Pigeon, Cal. clipper
ship, 152, 353; records,
299, 300, 366
Wild Wave, Cal. clipper
ship, 360
William G. Anderson, U. S.
clipper barque, 141

William Tell, packet ship,
41, 47
William Thompson, packet
ship, 38
Williams, J., & Son., build-
ers, Williamsburg, N. Y.,
136, 152, 349, 352
——Jabez, builder, N. Y.,
216, 355
 ——Capt. John E., An-
drew Jackson, 247, 295,
—— & Guion, owners, 304
Willis, Capt., Cal. clippers,
351, 361
Wilson, W., & Sons, owners,
Baltimore, 356, 357
Windhover, Brit, clipper
ship, tea trade, 332, 336,
346, 372
Windsor, Brit. E. India-
man, 32
Windsor Castle, Brit, ship,
Winged Arrow, clipper ship,
299, 300
Winged Racer, Cal. clipper
ship, 216, 344, 355, 367
Winsor, Capt. C. F., 344,
351, 354, 356
Witch of the Wave, Cal.
clipper ship, 152, 153,
166-72 (trip on), 173,
353; records, 206, 299
Witchcraft, Cal. clipper
ship, 136, 140, 211, 302,

350; records, 178, 248,
296, 365, 366, 367
Wizard, Cal. clipper ship,
216, 355
Wolfe, W. A. & A. Foster,
Jr., N. Y., owners of
Courier, 54
Woodhouse, Capt. Philip,
packet ships, 43
Woodside, Capt., Wizard,
Wooton, Jas. A., packet
ship captain, 44
Wylo, Brit, clipper ship,
tea trade, 332, 372
Wyteerhoven, Capt., 343


Yang-tze, Brit, clipper ship,
tea trade, 322, 333, 347,
Yorkshire, packet ship, 41.
46, 48, 89
Yorktown, packet ship, 48
Young America, Cal. clip-
per ship, 84, 232, 233-4,
301, 306, 337, 360; rec-
ords, 233-4, 297-300, 367-


Zerega, Capt., Queen of
Clippers, 359
Zerega & Co., owners, N.
Y., 56, 359