Inconium, ship, 193 Independence, New York-
L'pool packet ship, 41, 43,
45, 47, 48; carried Presi-
dent's message, 45
Innes, Capt., Serica, 326 Ino, Cal. clipper ship, 152,
153, 351; in U. S. Navy,
253 Intrepid, Cal. clipper ship,
289, 300, 363 Invincible, Cal. clipper ship,
152, 156-7, 159, 301, 351,
366; in Australian trade,
Irons & Grinnell, builders,
Mystic, Conn, 295 Isaac Wright, N. Y. packet
ship, 41, U, 45 Isaac Webb, N. Y. packet
ship, 41, 48 Isaac Wright, N. Y. packet
ship, 41, 48
Ismay, Imrie & Co., L'pool,
White Star Australian
Line, 268 Istamboul, Brit, auxil. ves-
sel, 287 Ivanhoe, packet ship, 48
Jackman, Geo. W., builder,
Newburyport, 52, 360-3
——R. E., builder, East
Boston, 136, 216, 270, 349,
355, 356
—— & Ewell, builders, E.
Boston, 358, 359 Jacob Bell, Cal. clipper
ship, 216, 298, 344, 354
——N. Y. pilot boat, 305
James Baines, clipper ship,
for Australian service,
273, 279-80, 281, 288, 334,
337, 346; carried troops
to India, 281-2 James Cropper, N. Y.
packet ship, 38, 43 James Monroe, N. Y. packet
ship, 38 Jamestown, N. Y. packet
ship, 43 Japan, ship in Australian
trade, 273
Jardine, Matheson & Co.,
China merchants, 59, 197,
208, 325 Jenny Lind, ship, Boston,
66, 217 John Bertram, Cal. clipper
ship, 136, 141, 173, 349;
records, 299, 300, 366 John E. Thayer, ship, Bos-
ton, 255 John Gilpin, Cal. clipper
ship, 216, 344, 354; rec-
ords, 224, 296, 297, 299,
366; race, 224-6 John Jay, ship, N. Y., 47 John Land, Cal. clipper
ship, 233, 357, 368, 369 John Quincy Adams, ship,
Boston, 156 John R. Skiddy, N. Y.
packet ship, 54 John Wade, Cal. clipper
ship, 299, 351
Johnson, Capt. H. W., In- vincible, 157, 159, 351;
story of Diadem, 157-9
——Capt., Kate Hooper,
Baltimore, 357
——Napier & Co., 303
Johnston, Capt. John, N. Y.
packets, 44, 45
Jones, Quiggin & Co.,
L'pool, owners of Sea- forth, 322
Jordan, John, L'pool, in-
McCumm, Jas., Greenock,
owner of Sir Launcelot,
McDonnell, Capt. Chas., Marco Polo, 267-8
Mclntyre, L. H., & Co.,
builders, Liverpool, 322
McKay, Donald, Highland
chieftain, 53
McKay, Donald, clipper
ship builder, 42, 53, 205,
225, 258-9, 276, 297;
boyhood, 53, 258; New
York, 53 ; Newburyport,
53-5; East Boston, 56,
62; packet ships, 62, 270;
California clippers, 136,
142, 152, 153, 212, 216,
232, 233, 250; Sovereign of the Seas, 221; Great Republic, 235, 243; me-
dium clippers, 255, 258,
290-1; tribute to Abbott
Lawrence, 256-7; Aus-
tralian clippers, 273-83 ;
Civil War, 258; last
years, 258; Mrs. McKay,
221-2; Currier & Mc-
Kay, 53-4; McKay, &
Pickett, 54
——Hugh, builder, Boston,
——Capt. Lauchlan, 217-
215; Sov. of the Seas,
217-19, 269, 355; Great Republic, 238, 241
McKensie, Capt., Houqua,
63, 145, 341
McKim, Isaac, Baltimore,
owner of Ann McKim,
60, 61
McKinnon, Capt., Taeping,
326 Madagascar, Brit, ship,
Australian line, 263-4
Magoun, Thacher, builder,
Medford, 51-2
——Medford, builder of
Cal. clippers, 362-3 Malay, clipper ship, 299
Mallory, Chas., builder.
Mystic, Conn., 358, 364 Mandarin, Cal. clipper ship,
135, 136, 145-6, 301,
349; passages: S. Fran-
cisco, 146, 299; Canton,
208; Melbourne, 284, 288 Manhattan ship, 1796,
China trade, 16-17
——N. Y. packet ship. Red
Star Line, 40
——N. Y. packet ship.
Black Ball Line, 41
Manning & Stanwood, own-
ers, Boston, 359
Manson, Capt., 357, 362 Marco Polo, Brit, clipper
ship, Australian service,
265-6, 267-8, 275, 284,
346 Margaret Evans, packet
ship, 89
Margaret Forbes, ship, Bos-
ton, 52 Maria Somes, Brit, ship, 36 Marion, Brit, ship, 36
Marion Maclntyre, Brit,
barque, composite build,
322 Marlborough, Brit, mer-
chant frigate, 36 Marquis of Camden, Brit.
E. Indiaman, 32 Marquis of Wellington,
Brit. E. Indiaman, 32
Marsden, Capt., Melbourne,
Marshall, Benj., part owner.
Black Ball Line, N. Y.-
L'pool, 38
——Capt. Chas. H., owner,
Black Ball Line, 41, 43,
73, 303 Mary and John, ship of
Popham colonists, 1607, 1 Mary Broughton, barque,
53 Mary Fish, N. Y. pilot boat,
305 Mary Howland, ship, N. Y.,
47 Mary L. Sutton, Cal. clip-
per ship, 289, 364; rec-
ords, 299, 300, 368, 369 Mary Taylor, N. Y. pilot
boat, 305 Mary Whitridge, Cal. clip-
per ship, 86, 253, 254
Mason, John W., carver,
Boston, 166 Mastiff, med. clipper ship,
Masting of Rainbow, 66-7 Matchless, clipper ship,
Boston, 367
Materials of merchant
ships, 3, 10, 30, 50, 210,
285, 287-8, 301, 313-15,
316, 322, 340
Mather, Capt. Saml., Night- ingale, 207
Matheson, Sir James, owner
of Stornoway, 198; see
Matthews, Capt, Cal. clip-
pers, 359, 361, 363
Maury, Lieut. M. F., U. S.
N., life, 146-50; Wind
and Current Charts, 147-
8, 205, 226; "Maury's
log," 148; Sailing Direc-
tions, 147-49; Physical
Geography of the Sea,
148 ; Australian routes,
261; opinion of Gt. Re- public, 294 Maury, clipper barque, tea
trade, 209
Maxon & Fish, builders.
Mystic, Conn., 369
Maxton, Capt., Lord of the Isles, 209, 320
Mayhew, Capt. P. N., Dreadnought, 247 Medway, ship, London-Mel-
bourne line, 263-5 Memnon, clipper ship,
China trade, 70, 202;
California passages, 145-
6, 180 Merchants' Hope, Brit. E.
Indiaman, 232 Merchants' Magazine,
Hunt's, 148 Mercury, packet ship, 41 Mermaid, clipper ship, 299 Messenger, Cal. clipper
ship, 216, 354
Metcalf & Co., builders,
Damariscotta, Me., 352 Meteor, packet ship, 40
——Cal. clipper ship, 354;
records, 253, 366, 368
Middleton, Sir Henry, com-
mander of Trades In- crease, 1609, 23
Midnight, Cal. clipper ship,
Miller, Capt., Dauntless,
Millett, Capt. I. H., Witch of the Wave, 172, 206, 353