The Collection of Antiquities/Addendum
The following personages appear in other stories of the Human Comedy.
Note: The Old Maid is a companion piece to The Collection of Antiquities. In other Addendum appearances they are combined under the title of The Jealousies of a Country Town.
Blondet (Judge)
Blondet, Emile
- A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
- Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
- Modeste Mignon
- Another Study of Woman
- The Secrets of a Princess
- A Daughter of Eve
- The Firm of Nucingen
- The Peasantry
Blondet, Virginie
- The Secrets of a Princess
- The Peasantry
- A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
- Another Study of Woman
- The Member for Arcis
- A Daughter of Eve
Bousquier, Du (or Du Croisier or Du Bourguier)
Bousquier, Madame du (or du Croisier)
Camusot de Marville
Camusot de Marville, Madame
Cardot (Parisian notary)
Casteran, De
Chesnel (or Choisnel)
Coudrai, Du
Esgrignon, Charles-Marie-Victor-Ange-Carol, Marquis d' (or Des Grignons)
Esgrignon, Victurnien, Comte (then Marquis d')
Esgrignon, Marie-Armande-Claire d'
Herouville, Duc d'
Lenoncourt, Duc de
Leroi, Pierre
Marsay, Henri de
- The Thirteen
- The Unconscious Humorists
- Another Study of Woman
- The Lily of the Valley
- Father Goriot
- Ursule Mirouet
- A Marriage Settlement
- Lost Illusions
- A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
- Letters of Two Brides
- The Ball at Sceaux
- Modest Mignon
- The Secrets of a Princess
- The Gondreville Mystery
- A Daughter of Eve
Maufrigneuse, Duchesse de
- The Secrets of a Princess
- Modeste Mignon
- The Muse of the Department
- Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
- Letters of Two Brides
- Another Study of Woman
- The Gondreville Mystery
- The Member for Arcis
Michu, Francois
Pamiers, Vidame de
Ronceret, Du
Ronceret, Madame du
Ronceret, Fabien-Felicien du (or Duronceret)
Scherbelloff, Princesse (or Scherbellof or Sherbelloff)
Troisville, Guibelin, Vicomte de
Valois, Chevalier de
Verneuil, Duc de