Two Courses of Eight Lessons each, on “Capital,” will be given at South Place Institute, Moorgate Street, under the auspices of the Socialist League. In these an attempt will be made to give an analysis of Karl Marx' Das Kapital.
Syllabus of the First Course.
Lesson 1.—Thursday, Feb. 12, 1885.—Matter. Motion. Nature. Product. Commodity. Use-value. Exchange-value. Reactive and equivalent forms. Accidental and rare exchange. Barter. General equivalent. Money. Price.
Lesson 2.—Thursday, Feb. 19—Circulation of commodities (illegible text) as a measure of value. As a standard of price. As a (illegible text) circulation. The metamorphosis of commodities. (illegible text)lation. Coin. Paper-money. Thesaurisation. (illegible text)ment. Universal money.
Lesson 3.—Thursday, Feb. 26.—The ⟨formation⟩ of money ⟨and⟩ capital. C-M-C¹ (Formula for simple circulation of commodities). M-C-M¹ (general formula for capital). Comparison of the two formulæ. M¹=M+△M. △M = surplus-value. Capital Difficulties. The exceptional commodity needed. This commodity as labour-power. Labour. The labourer. Means of subsistence.
Lesson 4.—Thursday, March 5.—Labour-processes. Primitive objects. Raw material. Means of labour. Means of production. Consumption. Result of labour. Capitalist and labourer. Labour preserves and creates value. Use-value and value of means of production. Surplus-value again. Constant and variable capital. Surplus-product. Surplus-labour.
Lesson 5.—Thursday, March 12.—The working-day. Its limits. The lust for surplus-labour. English industries under no limitation as to the length of the working-day. Day and night work. Relay system. The struggle between capitalists and labourers IP to the end of the seventeenth century. Compulsory limitation. Factory Acts, 1833-64. Effect of English legislation on other countries. Rate of surplus-value.
Lesson 6.—Thursday, March 19.—Necessary labour-time. Surplus labour-time. Absolute surplus-value. Relative surplus-value. Co-operation. Early forms. Capitalistic form. Manufacture. The piece-worker. Heterogeneous manufacture. Serial manufacture. Comparison. Capitalistic character of manufacture
Lesson 7.—Thursday, March 26.—Definition of machine. Motor, transmitter, tool. Heterogenous machinery. Serial machinery. Effect on the product; on the labourer. Lengthening of working-day. (illegible text) of labour. Factories. The Grand industry and agriculture. Factory legislation.
Lesson 8.—Thursday, April 2.—Recapitulation of the subject-matter dealt with in preceding lessons.
The Second Course of Eight Lessons will commence on Thursday, April 16. They will deal with the production of absolute and of relative surplus-value. Wages. Accumulation. The abstinence theory. Over-population. Expropriation and exportation. The farmer capitalist. The industrial capitalist. The colonial system.
The lessons will be given by Edward Aveling, Fellow of Univ. Coll., Lond.
On Saturday, Feb. 7, a Public Meeting will be held at South Place INstitute, at 8:30 P.m., to explain the objects of the lessons. William Morris, J. L. Mahon, Edward Aveling, S. Mainwaring, C. Mowbray, Joseph Lane, and others will speak.
Lectures free for members of the Socialist League; non-members, 3s. per course of eight lessons; 6d. one lesson. Apply to Edward Watson, 27, Farringdon (illegible text).
All receipts, a (illegible text)ry expenses, go to the (illegible text) of the League. (illegible text)