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The Complete Poems of Richard Barnfield/Cynthia/Sonnet 5

From Wikisource


It is reported of faire Thetis' Sonne
(Achilles famous for his chiualry,
His noble minde and magnanimitie),
That when the Troian wars were new begun,
Whos'euer was deepe-wounded with his speare,
Could neuer be recured of his maime,
Nor euer after be made whole againe:
Except with that speares rust he holpen were.
Euen so it fareth with my fortune now,
Who being wounded with his piercing eie,
Must either thereby finde a remedy,
Or els to be releeu'd I know not how.
Then if thou hast a minde still to annoy me,
Kill me with kisses, if thou wilt destroy me.