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The Conquest of Mexico/Volume 2/Index 2

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2270167The Conquest of Mexico, Volume 2 — Index 21922William Hickling Prescott

the temple of Huitzilopotchli i., 430
on measures for procuring victims i., 431
on the divine book i., 434
source of the materials of his works i., 445
translation by, of a poem of Nezahualcoyotl i., 96
on the population of Tezcuco i., 445
on Indian antiquities i., 447
his character of Nezahualcoyotl ii., 111
on Nezahualpilli's punishment of his wife i., 448
account of, and of his writings i., 115
on the massacre by Alvarado ii., 419
on a statue of the Sun ii., 428
authority for Tecocol ii., 433
on the rescue of Cortés by a Tlascalan chief ii., 441
on the Toltec migration ii., 398
Iztaccihuatl i., 290, 316, 319
Iztaccihuatl ii., 162
Iztaes ii., 450
Iztapalapan i., 322
gardens of i., 328
gardens of ii., 178
sack of ii., 178
Sandoval's expedition against ii., 226
See Cuitlahua ii., 231
Iztapalapan causeway i., 328, 331, 358
Iztapalapan causeway ii., 214, 233, 235, 240, 243
Iztapan ii., 334

Jacapichtla ii., 198
Jalap i., 462
Jauhtepcc ii., 205
Jewels i., 372, 448
Jewels ii., 314, 358
Jews. See Israelites
Judges, Aztec i., 23
in Tezcuco i., 23, 24
collusions of, punishable with death i., 24
details respecting i., 23
Montezuma tries the integrity of i., 179
twelve, at the Mexican market i., 379
Julian, fleet burned by i., 461
Julian, year i., 436
Juste, Juan ii., 187, 429

Kings, Egyptian i., 22, 422
Kingsborough, Lord i., 43, 61, 72, 73, 433, 434, 438
Kingsborough, Lord ii, 457, 30
Knighthood i., 242
Knighthood ii., 153
Knotted strings i., 49

Land, revenues from i., 28
held in common i., 424
for the maintenance of priests i., 43
Cholulan cultivation of i., 291
Languages in Anahuac i., 63, 96
Tlascalan i., 243
on coincidences as to, in the Old and New World ii., 391
Indian ii., 391
Othomi ii., 392
Cora ii., 393
Las Casas, Bartolomé de, on human sacrifices i., 430
procures a commission i., 123, 221
protects the natives of Cuba i., 124
on the censure of Grijalva i., 450
on Cortés and Velasquez i., 144, 148
on the etymology of adelantado i., 451
charity and friendship for the Indians i., 221, 453
on proclamation at Tabasco i., 454
battle of Ceutla i., 454
on gestures i., 455
account of, and of his writings i., 220
account of, and of his writings ii., 60
connection with slavery i., 221
bishop of Chiapa i., 223
his death and character i., 224
on the massacre at Cholula i., 469
Latrobe, his descriptions i., 419
on calendar-stone i., 441
describes two baths i., 446
on antiquities i., 447
on Tacuba ii., 426
on the interposition of the Virgin ii., 427
describes cavity in a pyramid ii., 121
Law of honour, the Aztec i., 431
Laws, Aztec i., 23
military codes of i., 32
military codes of ii., 160
Nezahualcoyotl's code of i., 94
Lead, from Tasco i., 79
Legislative power i., 23
Leon, Juan Velasquez de, joins Cortés i., 144
at Tabasco i., 162
in irons i., 197
at Tlascala i., 282
aids in seizing Montezuma i., 393, 397
guards him i., 398
to plant a colony at Coatzacualco i., 416
charged with purloining ii., 8
joins Cortés ii., 25, 28
fidelity of ii., 41, 45, 418
to secure Panuco ii., 44
chivalrous ii., 72
at the evacuation of Mexico ii., 104
killed ii., 115
Leon, Luis Ponce de ii., 349
Litters i., 203, 325, 338, 340, 397, 399
Litters ii., 27, 126
Llorente's Life of Las Casas i., 226
Lopez, Martin, ship-builder i., 407
Lopez, Martin, ship-builder ii., 112, 147, 154, 188
Lord's Supper, rite like the, ii, 388
Lorenzana i., 424
Lorenzana ii., 422, 439
Lucan i., 454, 456, 473
Lucretius ii., 466
Lujo, Francisco de i., 161, 393
Lujo, Francisco de ii., 34, 104
Lunar calendars i., 67
Lunar calendars ii., 460

Magistrates, Aztec i., 23
Nezahualpilli, the terror of unjust i., 448
Maize i., 78
Malinche i. See Marina, 284
Malinche, the mountain i., 280
Mankind, origin of, in America ii., 283
two great families of in America ii. See Aborigines, 385
Manuscripts, scarcity of, among the Toltecs i., 420
materials of the Mexican i., 49
their shape i., 60
destruction of i., 60
collected at Mexico and perished i., 61, 88
Mendoza Codez i., 61
Dresden Codex i., 62
with interpretations i., 434
the Teoamoxtli, or divine book i., 434
Estrella's i., 453
collection of, by Vega ii., 403
Marina, or Malinche, a female slave and interpreter i., 169, 341
Cortés and i., 170
Don Martin Cortés, son of i., 170, 341
interprets i., 202, 204
discovers Tlascalan spies i., 270
Cortés called Malintzin from i., 284
Cortés called Malintzin from ii., 86, 88
discovers conspiracy i., 293
interpreter between Cortés and Montezuma i., 342, 345
urges Montezuma to go to Spanish camp i., 397
finds out Cuitlahua ii., 421
interprets Cortés' address ii., 86
in the retreat from Mexico ii., 112
at Chalco ii., 203
the interview between Cortés and Guatemozin ii., 288
meets her mother ii., 341
marriage of ii., 341
Market, Mexican i., 376
closed ii., 43
Marquess of Oaxaca ii., 356
Marriage i., 27, 85, 104, 281, 284
Martin, Benito ii., 15
Martin of Valencia ii., 327
Martyr, Peter i., 82, 432, 441, 447, 454, 456, 461, 476
Martyr, Peter ii., 248, 353, 362, 419, 420, 445
Massacres i., 304
Massacres ii., 41
Maxixca, cacique of Tlascala i., 262
Maxixca, cacique of Tlascala ii., 47, 130, 131, 135, 140, 148, 153, 352

Maxtla, Tepanec empire bequeathed to i., 91
his treatment and jealousy of Nezahualcoyotl i., 92
oppressions i., 93
conquered and sacrificed i., 93
Mechanical arts, Aztec i., 79
Mechoacan ii., 310
Mechoacan ii., 324
Mechoacan ii., 387
Medellin ii., 324
Medellin ii., 347
Medicinal plants in Mexico i., 365
Melancholy night ii., 105
Melancholy night ii., 116
Melancholy night ii., 226
Melchorejo interpreter i., 151
Melchorejo interpreter i., 160
Mendoza Codex i., 61
Mendoza Codex i., 72, 433
Mendoza, Don Antonio ii., 365, 366
Merchandise i., 82
Messiah, the words Mexico and ii., 389
Metals in Ithaca and Mexico i., 123
Mexico interest and importance of i., 9
ancient and modern extent of i., 9
climate and products of i., 10
primitive races of i., 14
primitive races of ii., 393
legislative power in i., 21
predictions and prodigies connected with the downfall of i., 113, 181, 207, 310
predictions and prodigies connected with the downfall of ii., 168, 169
on the colonisation of, by Israelites i., 73
apathy of, respecting antiquities i., 447
languages of ii., 391
Mexico, city, situation of i., 14
called Tenochtitlan i., 16
settlement of the Aztecs at i., 16
map of, referred to i., 29
map of, referred to i., 422
images spread throughout i., 80
Spanish route to i., 315
first view of, by the Spaniards i., 320
seen from Iztapalapan i., 330
entrance of the Spaniards into i., 331
environs of i., 334
streets in i., 340
population of i., 359
population of i., 340
population of i., 360
comparison of ancient and modern i., 357, 361, 476
description of i., 357, 376
view of, from the great temple i., 381
insurrection in ii., 45, 49, 40, 48, 49
massacre there by Alvarado ii., 41
assault Spanish quarters at ii., 66
fired ii., 71
storming of the great temple at ii., 83, 91, 101, 104
Cuitlahua's acts there after the evacuation ii., 137
Guatemozin's measures for defending ii., 156
second expedition to ii., 162
reconnoitred ii., 190, 202, 226
siege of ii., 225, 229
assaults on the causeways of ii., 234
famine in ii., 204, 247, 250, 268, 271, 272
general assault on ii., 251
measures for securing retreat there ii., 251, 257
destruction of buildings at ii., 267, 278
want of water in ii., 272
pestilence in ii., 279
murderous assault there ii., 282
last assault on ii., 283
tempest there ii., 292
purification of ii., 292
remarks on the conquest of ii., 296
rebuilding of ii., 213, 318, 322
population for ii., 323
disturbances in ii., 346
deserted to visit Cortés at Tezcuco ii., 362
Military institutions, Aztec i., 29
Milk ii., 399
Mines and Minerals i., 79
Mines and Minerals ii., 328, 363
Missionaries ii., 326
Missionaries ii., 346, 369, 388
Mitla, ruins of i., 480
Mitla, ruins of ii., 394
Mixtecapan ii., 146
Monastic institutions ii., 459
Money i. See Currency, 82
Montano, Francisco i., 318
Montejo, Francisco de i., 162
Montejo, Francisco de i., 188, 193, 196, 203
Montejo, Francisco de ii., 333
Montejo and Puertocarrero, mission of, to Spain i., 216
touch at Cuba i., 216
touch at Cuba ii., 15
prosecuted before the Royal India House ii., 15
treatment of, by Charles V ii., 16, 17
influence of Fonseca against ii., 16
Monteleone, dukes of i., 344
Monteleone, dukes of ii., 322, 373
Monterey i., 455
Monterey ii., 447
Montezuma II. i., 20
Montezuma II. i., 43
basrelief of, destroyed i., 81, 365
the orthography of i., 455
message to, by Cortés i., 173
accounts of i., 177, 235, 284
accounts of ii., 94
meaning of the word i., 455, 4
his coronation i., 178
benevolent and religious acts of i., 179
hatred of i., 179, 202, 315, 322, 373
principal cause of his calamities i., 180
resurrection and warning of his sister i., 456
dismayed at the landing of Spaniards i., 183
sends presents and forbids Cortés' approach i., 184
sends presents and forbids Cortés' approach i., 459
exactions of the Totonacs by his tax-gatherers i., 202
his efforts to subdue the Tlascalans i., 245
invites the Spaniards to Mexico i., 284
treacherous embassy from, to the Spaniards at Cholula i., 292
Spaniards, the historians of i., 313
tries to bribe the Spaniards to return i., 323
welcomes Cortés through Cacama i., 325
respect for, near the capital i., 328
his visit to Cortés i., 334
Aztec homage to i., 336, 337, 345, 366, 371
his personal appearance i., 337
his reception of Cortés at Axayacatl's palace i., 341
effect of his conduct on the Spaniards i., 343, 348, 408
effect of his conduct on the Spaniards ii., 4
conversation of, with Cortés i., 343
attempts to convert i., 345, 409
attempts to convert ii., 10, 94
visit to, by Cortés i., 344
his palace i., 344, 365
his palace ii., 322
submission of, to Charles V. i., 348
his domestic establishment i., 366
his wives i., 366
his wives ii., 98
his reception of Cortés at the great temple i., 381
history of his seizure i., 395
accompanies Cortés to headquarters i., 397
respect shown to i., 398, 407
his reception of Quauhpopoca i., 398
his life in the Spanish quarters i., 407
his munificence i., 408
plan for liberating, by Cacama i., 410
intercedes for Cacama i., 413
swears allegiance ii., 3
his gifts for the emperor ii., 6
parting of Cortés and ii., 27
sends a messenger to Cortés ii., 49
checks the Aztecs in an insurrection ii., 43
welcomes Cortés, and is coldly received ii., 44
Cuitlahua chosen successor of ii., 46, 123, 137
prevailed on to address the Aztecs ii., 79
wounded ii., 79
last days and death of ii., 82, 94
commends his children to Cortés ii., 94
fate of his children ii., 98, 104, 115, 156, 424, 425, 449
compassion for him ii., 98, 100
his character ii., 97
respect to his memory ii., 100
his successor ii., 137, 155
son of, goes to Spain ii., 352
Moon worshipped i., 447

Morla, Francisco de ii., 108, 115
Morton, S. G ii., 459, 462
Mosaic imitated i., 82
Mound to Quetzalcoatl i., 288, 305
Muñoz i., 43, 446, 450
Murray, C. A. i., 425
Mythology i., 36, 37, 114

Naco ii., 332
Naming children i., 40
Naming children ii., 388
Narvaez, Panfilo de i., 124
notice of ii., 18
commander of Velasquez's fleet against Cortés ii., 18
arrives at San Juan de Ulua ii., 20
his summons to Sandoval ii., 21
Cortés' mission to him ii., 23
Olmedo's intercourse with ii., 23
at Cempoalla ii., 24
proposes to liberate Montezuma ii., 25
Cortés marches against ii., 25
his summons of Cortés to surrender ii., 29
his envoys to Cortés ii., 31
reply to ii., 31
pre parations for assaulting ii., 32, 34
marches to the River of Canoes ii., 32
his sentinels ii., 35, 37
attacked and defeated, wounded ii., 38
treatment of, by Cortés ii., 40
murmurs among his troops ii., 43
property taken from ii., 418
mutinies among the levies from ii., 133, 135, 150, 219, 449
to send Cortés for trial to Spain ii., 149
proceedings in Spain in regard to ii., 218, 446
brings charges against, Cortés ii., 317
Nativities, astrologers consulted at i., 68
Newfire, the i., 71, 438
New Spain, Yucatan called i., 126
early settlements in ii., 325
condition of the natives there ii., 325
population of, in ii., 1810, 447
arrival of Franciscan friars in ii., 327
Royal Audience of ii., 351, 360
New Royal Audience of ii., 361, 363
viceroy of ii., 364
number of languages in ii., 392
Nezahualcoyotl, efficiency of i., 15, 17, 91
poetry by i., 96, 109
poetry by ii., 403
Mexican code under i., 424
meaning of the name i., 48, 448
personal history and adventures of i., 91
conquers Maxtla i., 94
four hitorians of the royal house of i., 445
an illustrious bard i., 96
pile of buildings erected by i., 97, 112
Nezahualpilli, account of i., 112
his treatment of his guilty wife i., 445
his treatment of his guilty wife ii., 406
has forebodings of calamity to his country i., 113, 182
his death i., 113, 180
his obsequies i., 448
address made by i., 178
address made by ii., 98
pardons a son ii., 169
Nobles, Aztec i., 21
treatment of by Nezahualcoyotl i., 94
their manners i., 114, 259, 337
Tlascalan i., 242
chivalrous act of Aztec i., 245
Aztec, meet Cortés i., 334
bear Montezuma in a palanquin i., 334, 340
attend on Montezuma i., 366
massacre of ii., 40
six, deputed to Tlascala ii., 139
sent to Guatemozin ii., 268, 280
four hundred hung ii., 316
accompany Cortés to Spain ii., 352
Northmen visit America ii., 455
Notation i., 63, 67
Numeration i., 63
Nuñez ii., 271

Oaxaca i., 416
Oaxaca ii., 146, 313, 356
Obsidian i., 80
Ocelotl ii., 460
Olea, Christoval de ii., 255
Olid, Christoval de, sent in search of Grijalva i., 128
joins Cortés i., 144
noticed ii., 12, 34, 46, 72, 78, 104, 108, 112, 126
detached to Quauhquechollan ii., 144
Sandoval and ii., 186
reconnoitres Mexico ii., 190
at Cuernavaca ii., 208
conspiracy against ii., 220
takes post at Cojohuacan ii., 226, 230
his expedition to Honduras ii., 330
defection of ii., 332
beheaded ii., 332
Olmedo, Bartolomé de, father, notice of i., 155
his efforts to convert the natives i., 155, 166, 189, 233
interposition of i., 237, 281, 383
character of i., 212, 283
performs mass i., 387
performs mass ii., 11
attempts to convert Montezuma i., 409
attempts to convert Montezuma ii., 10, 94
mission of ii., 23
meets Cortés ii., 29
goes against Narvaez ii., 36
sermon by, after the surrender of Mexico ii., 296
last years of ii., 323
Oral tradition i., 49, 63, 481
Ordaz, Diego de i., 145
to ransom Christian captives i., 154, 156
attempts the ascent of Popocatepetl i., 317
visits Montezuma with Cortés i., 344
joins Cortés at Tlascala ii., 45
chivalrous ii., 72
storms the great temple ii., 84
at the evacuation of Mexico ii., 104, 107, 112
Ordinances for the government of New Spain, during Cortés' vice-royalty ii., 447
Orizaba i., 198, 233, 290
Orteaga i., 19
Orteguilla i., 409, 12
Otaheitans ii., 455
Otomies i., 244
Otomies ii., 239, 266, 392, 439
Otompan, or Otumba ii., 123, 127, 182
Ovando, Don Juan de i., 43
Ovando, Don Nicholas de i., 130, 132
Ovando, Don Nicholas de ii., 417
Oviedo de Valdez, Gonzalo Fernandez i., 439
on the peso de oro i., 456
on the gold and silver wheels i., 456
on the device of Tlascala i., 465
on Montezuma and Narvaez ii., 417
on the ascendency of Cortés ii., 40
on the massacre by Alvarado ii., 419
account of, and of his writings ii., 42
panegyrises Cortés ii., 433

Pacific Ocean descried by Nuñez de Balboa i., 122
discovered and taken possession of ii., 312
Spanish ideas of the ii., 329
Padilla i., 446
Paintings, hieroglyphical, made in court i., 25
chair for the study and interpretation of i., 25, 62
Aztec laws registered in i., 26, 49
cycles of the Vatican i., 427
of Sahagun i., 42, 44
features of Mexican i., 47
colouring in i., 47
Aztec and Egyptian, compared i., 46
the records made in i., 49
connection of oral tradition with i., 49, 63, 63
Humboldt on i., 432
destruction of i., 60
their importance i., 62
sent to Spain i., 216
of Narvaez and his fleet ii., 22
of the storming of the great temple ii., 422
Palaces i., 97, 101, 341, 344, 361, 387
Palaces ii., 131, 271, 322, 363

Palenque i., 165
Palenque ii., 354, 388, 394, 396
Panuchese defeated ii., 316
Panuco i., 189
Panuco ii., 45, 149
Papantzin i., 456
Paper i., 59
Paper i., 424
Papyrus i., 432
Pentateuch and Teoamoxtli i., 434
Persia i., 425, 435
Peru i., 432
Peso de oro i., 456
Peso de oro ii., 415
Presquisa Secreta ii., 360
Pestilence at Mexico ii., 279, 292
Peten ii., 340, 342
Philosophy, mythology and i., 36
Phonetic writing and signs i., 56, 58, 62, 431, 433
Picture-writing i., 56, 174, 186
Pilgrims to Cholula i., 289
Pins from the agave i., 78
Pizarro Francisco ii., 345, 353
Pizarro y Orellana i., 450, 451, 454
Plants medicinal among the Aztecs i., 79, 365
Plaza Mayor i., 440
Plaza Mayor ii., 322
Poetry i., 36, 113
Polo, Marco i., 441
Polo Marco ii., 459
Polygamy i., 85, 101, 446
Popes, power of i., 308
Popocatepetl i., 290, 316
Popocatepetl ii., 154
Popotla ii., 112
Porters, or tamanes i., 203, 231, 276
Porters, or tamanes ii., 22, 23, 118, 154, 188
Portraits, Aztec ii., 464
Pontonchan i., 158
Pottery i., 81, 280, 287
Poyauhtlan i., 241, 244
Prayers i., 37, 42, 53
Predictions or forebodings i., 39, 113, 181, 275, 288, 310, 3, 168
Priestesses i., 43
Priests i., 20
Aztec i., 42
their influence i., 43, 50, 55
services by i., 45
duties of in regard to education i., 43, 59
maintenance of i., 43
Aztec and Egyptian i., 429
on secret symbolic char»cters by the i., 58, 59
their lunar reckoning i., 67
under Montezuma i., 181
defend their gods i., 211
consulted by Tlascalans i., 262
disclose the conspiracy at Cholula i., 296
influence Aztec warriors ii., 85
hurled from the great teocalli ii., 237
sacrifice Spaniards ii., 260
cheer Guatemozin ii., 262
immoralities in punished ii., 327
among Tartars ii., 459
Mexican word for ii., 461
Prisoners usually sacrificed i., 27
zeal to make i., 30, 49, 250, 210
treatment of i., 157
Tabascan, taken by Cortés i., 165
Aztec plan in regard to Spanish i., 293, 296
at Cholulan massacre i., 307
Spaniards made and sacrificed ii., 199, 213, 256, 260, 274
Proclamation at Tabasco i., 159
Provisions i., 378
lack of ii., 118, 248
Puertocarrero, Alonso Hernandez de i., 144, 162, 194, 196
Pulque i., 27, 78, 87
Punishments i., 26, 42, 94
Pyramids i., 288, 305, 120
Quauhpopoca i., 391, 396, 398, 401, 403
Quauhquechollan ii., 144
Quauhtitlan ii., 118, 434
Quetzalcoatl, the god of the air, account of i., 38, 166, 288
temple to i., 39, 288
fate of i., 39
tradition respecting i., 39, 181
tradition respecting ii., 4, 169
meaning of the word i., 427
identified with the apostle Thomas i., 427, 486
with Noah i., 427
helmet worn by i., 173
temple of at Mexico i., 385
analogies with Scripture suggested by ii., 380
Quiñones, Antonio de ii., 224
Quintero, Alonso i., 130
Quippus i., 432
Rangre Rodrigo ii., 47
Raynal Abbe i., 440
Rebels ii., 143, 158
Refinement among the Aztecs i., 84, 113
shown in council music i., 95
at Cempoalla i., 201
Religion i., 427
Religion ii., 11
Religious services i., 45
Repartimientos i., 123, 132, 137, 221, 325, 377
Resurrection of Tangapan's sister ii., 433
Reubios, Palacios i., 454
Revenues i. See Tribute, 28, 359
Rigging saved and used i., 218
Rigging saved and used ii., 147, 188
Rio de Tabasco i., 126, 158
Rio de Tabasco ii., 334
River of Banners i., 126, 168
River of Canoes ii., 33, 35, 36
Robertson, William i., 424, 433, 456, 457, 459
Robertson, William ii., 415, 450
Roman Catholic communion i., 166, 212
Royal Audience of New Spain ii., 351, 360, 362, 364
Royal Audience of St. Domino ii., 19, 21, 152, 219
Royal Council of Spain i., 159
Ruins ii., 394
Saavedra i., 334, 337
Saavedra ii., 441
Sacrificial stone i., 45, 47
Sacrificial stone ii., 85, 260
Sahagun, Bernardino de i., 426
account of, and of his Universal History i., 52, 64
noticed, etc. i., 67, 440
on Aztec counsels ii., 401
cited ii., 421, 428, 432
notice of ii., 305
St. Jago de Cuba i., 126, 127, 137
St. Thomas ii., 388
Salamanca i., 129, 220
Salamanca, Juan de ii., 127
Salazar, Juan de ii., 108
Salt i., 245, 261, 274, 331
Salvatierra ii., 24, 39, 40
San Christobal ii., 190
Sandoval, Gonzolo de i., 144, 229, 449
aids in seizing Montezuma, 393
commands at Villa Rica, 406
noticed ii., 21, 25, 30, 37, 72, 416
at the evacuation of Mexico ii., 104, 107, 112
in battles ii., 125, 146
commander at Tezcuco ii., 179, 190, 202
expedition of, to Chalco ii., 183, 197
transports brigantines ii., 186
at Zoltepec ii., 187
wounded ii., 198, 258
misunderstanding of Cortés and ii., 199
conspiracy against ii., 220
expedition against Iztapalapan ii., 226, 231
in the assault ii., 251, 257, 270
his visit to Cortés ii., 258
detachment of, to reduce colonies ii., 313, 316
hangs four hundred chiefs ii., 316
expedition to Honduras ii., 316
accompanies Cortés to Spain ii., 352
death of ii., 353
San Estévan ii., 316, 324
San Gil de Buena Vista ii., 343
San Juan de Ulua i., 127, 168, 363

Santa Maria de la Vitoria i., 164
Saucedo i., 214
Saussure M. de i., 472
Science, instruments of i., 438
tribunal for works on i., 95
coincidences as to ii., 390
Sculpture i., 94
Sculpture ii., 395
Sedeno i., 145
Segura de la Frontera ii., 150
Sidonia, Medina ii., 341, 354, 371
Sierra Templada i., 11
Del Agua i., 235
Madre i., 233
de Malinche i., 290, 154, 422
De los Pedernales ii., 342
Siesta i., 342, 371, 443
Siguenza, Dr. i., 427
Silver i., 28, 79, 186
Silver ii., 7, 352, 363, 415
Sin, Aztec origin of ii., 387, 389
Skins, use of human ii., 432
Skulls i., 49, 235, 385
Skulls ii., 393
Slavery, Aztec i., 27, 29
Slavery, Aztec ii., 370
Slaves, sacrificed i., 40
traffic in i., 83, 94
eaten i., 86
expedition for i., 125, 449
given to Cortés i., 165, 210
sent to Spain i., 216
owned by Las Casas i., 221
for sale i., 377
branded ii., 143, 187
hung i., 161
scruples of Cortés as to i., 325, 370
exemption of i., 326
Small-pox ii., 148, 419
Soldiers i., 30, 32, 107
Solís, Don Antonio de i., 206, 452, 457
on Montezuma's oath of allegiance ii., 415
on Cuitlahua i., 431
account of, and of his writings ii., 301
Songs and hymns i., 63
Sothic period i., 437
Southey i., 33, 438, 465, 473
Southey ii., 439
Sovereigns, Aztec i., 30
influence of priests on i., 50
presents to i., 83
reproved i., 102
power of i., 114
the title i., 457
Spain at the close of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella i., 119
subsequently i., 120
gold despatched to i., 127
despatches to, by Cortés i., 215, 216, 151
fruitful in historical composition ii., 59
chivalry in ii., 210
faction in, against Cortés ii., 218, 315, 316, 348, 350
Spaniards, traditions and prodigies i., 39, 129, 181, 273, 275, 310, 471
Spaniards, traditions and prodigies ii., 3, 168
cause of their not being stain in battle i., 50, 254
cause of their not being stain in battle ii., 210
favoured by sanguinary rites ii., 431
their desire of gold i., 165, 172, 186, 210
their desire of gold ii., 173
aided and befriended by Indians i., 171, 183
effects of Montezuma's gifts on i., 187
proposition to return to Cuba i., 188, 193, 195
sickly and distressed for supplies i., 188, 193
troubles in the camp i., 193
reinforced i., 214
effect on, of the destruction of the ships i., 219
fight Tlascalans i., 246, 259, 261, 263
loss of i., 253, 261
the killed are buried i., 261
declared to be children of the Sun i., 262
enter Tlascala i., 278
march to Cholula i., 291
on judging of their actions i., 310
called "the white gods" i., 310
their route to Mexico i., 315
effect of Montezuma's conduct on them i., 343, 348, 408, 4
assaulted in Mexico i., 39, 57
besieged i., 53, 55
assaults on their quarters i., 65
storm the temple i., 83
mutiny among i., 59
at the hill of Otoncalpolco i., 113
all wounded at the battle of Otumba i., 131
cut off i., 132
cut off i., 187
discontents i., 133
remonstrances i., 133, 149
jealousy between the allies and i., 135
reinforced i., 149
great purpose of the i., 160
murdered i., 165
quartered in Nezahualpilli's palace i., 167
Guatemozin's description of Tangapatan i., 433
capture Cuernavaca i., 206
captured and sacrificed i., 213, 215, 260, 274
captured and sacrificed at Cojohuacan i., 214
reinforced i., 217
second assault by the i., 239
their distresses i., 243, 250
joined by allies i., 247
their places of settlement i., 324
general illusion of the i., 330
their dreadful march to Honduras i., 333, 334
Spaniards under Narvaez ii., 18, 19, 24, 43, 104, 115
Spineto, Marquess i., 72
Standard, Aztec national i., 31, 69
of Tlascala ii. See Banner 257
of Tlascala ii., 226
Stars, worshipped i., 447
Statues i., 80, 365
Stephens, John L. ii., 365, 382, 457
Stone houses i., 125, 154, 201, 319, 325, 329, 335
Stone, sacrificial i., 45, 47
Stone, sacrificial ii., 85, 260
Stones, hurling of ii., 71, 84, 93, 198, 203
Strait, efforts for discovering the ii., 329
Suetonius i., 448
Sugar-cane i., 123, 125
Sugar-cane ii., 329, 363
Sully, Duke of ii., 416
Sulphur i., 318, 154
Sun temples to the i., 447
plate representing the i., 186
children of the i., 262
monument to the ii., 120
statue of the ii., 122
Superstition ii., 279
Sword-blades ii., 137
Swords, substitutes for i., 258
Symbolical writing i., 56

Tabascans i., 158, 161, 163, 164
conversion of i., 165
Tabasco, Rio de i., 126, 158
Tabasco, Rio de ii., 334
Tabasco, town of i., 159, 160
Table, ceremonies at i., 85
Tableland i., 12, 243
Tables, hieroglyphical i., 436
Tactics, Aztec military i., 31
Tamerlane, skulls i., 478
Tangapan, lord of Michuacan ii., 433
Tapia, Andres de ii., 208, 251, 257, 266
Tapia, Christoval de, commissioner to Vera Cruz ii., 219, 315
bought off in Castile ii., 317
brings charges against Cortés ii., 317
Taragona i., 309
Tarentum ii., 434
Tasco i., 79
Tasco ii., 323
Tatius, Achilles ii., 460
Tax-gatherers i., 29
Tax-gatherers ii., 4, 204
Tecocol, cacique of Tezcuco ii., 433
Tecuichpo ii., 98, 156, 289, 449
Teeth i., 443
Tehuantepec ii., 363
Telleriano-Remensis Codex i., 430, 434
Tempest ii., 292
Temples, or teocallls to Huitzilopotchli, the Mexican Mars i., 38
account of i., 42, 44, 429

on the teachings of Egyptian i., 431
built by Nezahualcoyotl, to the Unknown God i., 108
Toltec, dedicated to the Sun i., 447
at Cozumel i., 156
rifted by Alvarado, at Tlatlauqnitepec i., 235
on the hill of Tzompach i., 253, 276
to Quetzalcoatl i., 289, 305, 379
various, at Cholula i., 289
various, at Cholula ii., 117, 387
modern, on the site of Quetzalcoatl's, i., 312
in Mexico i., 379, 385
in Mexico ii., 117
occupied at Cempoalla ii., 35, 38
at Popotla ii., 112
on the hill of Otoncalpolco ii., 113
on a pyramid of Teotihuacan ii., 121
at Xochimilco ii., 211
at Tacuba ii., 215
burnt by Alvarado ii., 273
resemblances to, in the East ii., 394, 395
at Xochicalco ii., 393
resemblances to, in the East ii., 395
Tenejoccan, ii., 464
Tenochtitlan, i., 16
called Mexico i., 16
the word i., 421, 474
prosperity and enlargement of i., 17
Teoamoxtli, i., 434
Teotihuacan, ii., 120
Tepanecs, i., 15
Tepanecs, i., 90, 93
Tepeaca, ii., 150, 132, 132, 143, 150
Tepeacan allies, ii., 159, 263
Tepeacans, ii., 142, 143
Tepechpan, i., 104
Tepejajac causeway, i., 359
Tepejajac causeway, ii., 234
Tetzmellocan, ii., 162
Teuhtlile, i., 171
Teuhtlile, i., 172, 176
Teules, ii., 118
Tezcotzinco, i., 102
Tezcotzinco, i., 108
Tezcotzinco, ii., 394
Tezcucans, or Acolhuans, arrival of the, in Anahuac, i., 15
Tezcucans, or Acolhuans, arrival of the, in Anahuac, i., 90, 421
their character i., 15, 51
assaulted and beaten i., 15, 17, 90
their institutions i., 20, 22, 114
the divine book of the i., 434
their dialect i., 63, 96, 113
their fidelity to young Nezahualcoyotl i., 93
transfer of their power to the Aztecs i., 113, 114
their civilisation i., 23, 113
cause of their superiority i., 114
oppose Cortés, ii., 123
in Cortés' second reconnoitring expedition ii., 200
efficiency of, at the siege of Mexico ii., 239
desertion of ii., 263
Tezcuco, its situation, i., 13
Tezcuco, its situation, i., 15, 90
Tezcuco, its situation, ii., 177, 178
requirements of the chiefs of, i., 16
halls of justice i., 25
golden age of i., 90
historians, orators, and poets of i., 90
contents of its archives i., 96
account of., 97
pile of royal buildings at i., 97, 101
architecture of i., 104
territory of i., 113, 411
territory of ii., 97
reception of Cortés at ii., 48
state of affairs there ii., 165
Tecocol put over ii., 167
brigantines brought to ii., 186, 200
mustering of forces at ii., 224
respect to Cortés there ii., 362
Tezcuco lake, i., 331, 341, 357, 407, 472, 473, 181, 190, 224, 232, 324
Theatrical exhibitions, i., 63
Theogony of Greeks, i., 36
Thomas the Apostle, i., 427
Thomas the Apostle, i., 468
Thomas the Apostle, ii., 388
Thread, Mexican, i., 78
Thread, Mexican, i., 376
Tierra caliente, i., 10
Tierra caliente, i., 172
Tierra caliente, ii., 33
Tierra fria, i., 12
Tin, i., 79, 82, 369
Tin, ii., 323
Titcala, i., 250
Tlacopan, or Tacuba, i., 17, 445, 101, 105, 113, 137, 192, 195
headquarters at ii., 193
Cortés at ii., 215
command at ii., 226
evacuated ii., 229
Tlascala, victims from, for sacrifices, i., 431
inimical to Montezuma and the Mexicans i., 180, 244, 245
Cortés' embassy to i., 244, 246
his march towards i., 240, 248
fortification at the limits of i., 239, 241, 129
first settlement of, i., 241
meaning of the word i., 243, 427
extent of, i., 463
its population i., 464, 467
Spaniards enter i., 278
described i., 279
Cortés' return to i., 290
Cortés' return to ii., 45, 49
from Mexico, ii., 101, 114, 130
brigantines, built there and transported ii., 147, 154, 162, 165, 178, 186
triumphal return to ii., 188
Tlascalan allies, i., 391
Tlascalan allies, i., 305
release captives i., 307
enter Mexico i., 341
enter Mexico ii., 29
Aztec hatred of, i., 341, 388
join Cortés against Narvaez, ii., 29
on his return ii., 47
under Alvarado ii., 420
in the retreat ii., 104
guide Cortés ii., 118
their fidelity ii., 119
in the battle of Otumba ii., 125
return to Tlascala ii., 130
co-operate ii., 143, 147, 159, 188, 193
imitate Spaniards ii., 148
burn records ii., 167
at the sack of Iztapalapan ii., 179
convey brigantines ii., 188
their hostility to Aztecs ii., 195
noticed ii., 202, 207
efficiency of ii., 241, 252
desertion of ii., 263
their return ii., 265
Tlascalans, their early history, i., 241
their institutions i., 241
refuse tribute, and fight i., 244
their battles with Montezuma i., 245
battles with the i., 246, 249, 256, 259
their treatment of envoys i., 256
effect of cannon and fire-arms on i., 253, 260
embassies to the camp of i., 256, 262, 264
treason among the i., 260
night attack by them i., 268
embassy from i., 270
reception of Spaniards by i., 278
their character i., 280
their representations of Montezuma i., 284
exempted from slavery, ii., 326
Tlatclolco, i., 60, 440, 250, 253, 257
occupied by the besieged ii., 272, 276
distress there i., 272
entered by Cortés i., 273
murderous assault there i., 282
purification of i., 293
rebuilt i., 322
Tobacco, i., 371, 443
Tobillos, lances and, ii., 30
Toledo, ii., 355
Toltecs, i., 14
Toltecs, i., 51
Toltecs, ii., 393, 398
Tonatiuh, i., 109
Tonatiuh, ii., 100
Tonatiuh, ii
Tools, i., 79
Tools, ii., 395
Toribio de Benavente, i., 351
Toribio de Benavente, i., 436, 475, 476
Torquemada i., 420
notice of, and of his writings i., 32
cited i., 428
on Mexican intercalation i., 436
on women i., 439
cited i., 445
on pilgrims i., 469
his Aztec and Israelitish analogies i., 383
Torres, Juan de, i., 212
Tortillas, ii., 248
Tortures, i., 48, 436
Totanacs, i., 194
their fondness for flowers i., 200
their feelings towards Montezuma i., 202
exactions of i., 204
Cortés policy as to i., 204
join Cortés i., 206
defend their idols i., 211

their conversion, 212
join Cortés' expedition i., 231
Trade, i., 376
Trades, Aztec, i., 82
Traditions, ii. See Oral Traditions and Predictions, 386, 392, 398
Traffic, i. See Barter, 82, 243
Transubstantiation, i., 475
Treasure, Axayacatl's, i., 387
Treasure, Axayacatl's, ii., 4, 8, 103, 293
Trees, ii. See Forests, 397
Trials, among the Aztecs, i., 23
Tribes, i., 424
Tribute, i., 28, 29, 42, 77, 79, 180, 206, 244, 424
Tribute, ii., 4, 6
Trinidad de Cuba, i., 144
Truxillo, ii., 344
Tudor, William, i., 462
Tudor, William, ii., 427, 432
Tzin, the termination, ii., 432
Tzompach, i., 253, 276
Tzompanco or Zumpango, ii., 118
Ulloa, ii., 365
Uxmal, ii., 394, 398
Valley of Mexico, i., 13, 290, 320
Valley of Mexico, ii., 214
Vater, ii., 456, 460
Vega, Manuel de la, ii., 404
Velasquez, Don Diego, i., 124
conqueror and governor of Cuba, i., 124
armament of, under Cortés i., 128, 138, 141
difficulties of, with Cortés i., 132
orders the seizure of Cortés i., 145, 148
parusans of, oppose Cortés i., 195
tries to intercept despatches i., 197, 268
fits out a fleet against Cortés i., 216
fits out a fleet against Cortés ii., 18
sends to Spain an account of Cortés' doings, ii., 412
made adelantado ii., 18
intrusts his fleet to Narvaez ii., 18
interference with, of the Royal Audience of St. Domingo ii., 19
sustained by Duero in Spain ii., 149
state of things in Spain, in relation to him and Cortés ii., 218, 315, 317
fate of ii., 320
his character ii., 320
Venice, i., 475
Vera Cruz, New, i., 171, 459
natives flock to i., 172
built at San Juan de Ulua, ii., 20
Narvaez at i., 20, 22
the removal to i., 324
Vera Cruz Vieja, i., 459
Vera Cruz Vieja, ii., 324
Verdugo, i., 220
Vestal fires. i. See Fires, nnn
Veytia, i., 16, 420, 436, 444, 468
Viliafana, ii., 219, 221
Villa Rica de Vera Cruz, colonisation of, i., 196, 207
arrival of a Spanish vessel at i., 214
despatches to Spain from i., 214, 215
despatches to Spain from ii., 172
garrisoned, i., 263
Sandoval at i., 406
Sandoval at ii., 30
Rangre at ii., 47
reinforcements from, cut off ii., 132
troops ordered from, and desire to return to ii., 133
departure from, for Cuba ii., 148
capture of troops, by Velasquez ii., 149
ships at ii., 149, 200, 266
harbour of ii., 333
Volante, ii., 194
Volcanoes, i., 11, 198, 234, 290
Volcanoes, ii., 206, 316, 318
Vomito, i., 10, 232, 455, 459, 449
Waldeck, ii., 382, 464
War, i., 30, 31, 49, 242, 309
Water, ablution with, i., 85, 370
basins of, at Tezcotzinco i., 103
want of, ii., 208
use of, for religious purification i., 458
Weights, i., 379
Weights, ii., 7
Wheels, chronological, i., 436
gold and silver i., 186
White, Blanco, i., 475
Wilkinson, J. G., i., 429, ii., 466
Women, employment and treatment of, in Mexico, i., 77, 85, 87, 376
Asiatic i., 87
sacrificed i., 448
Totonac i., 200
protected at the Cholulan massacre, i., 306, 309
dress of i., 376
accompany the Christian camp i., 107
heroism of i., 263
heroism of the Mexican i., 273, 282
efforts to spare i., 283, 285
to bring into New Spain i., 285
Woodenware, Mexican, i., 81
Xalacingo, i., 463
Xalapa, i., 233
Xaltocan, ii., 190
Xamarillo, Don Juan, ii., 341
Xicotencatl, the elder, i., 246, 279, 139, 153, 262
Xicotencatl, the younger, i., 246, 250, 253, 256
facts respecting i., 260, 261, 265, 272
welcomes Spaniards from Mexico, ii., 120
countenances jealousies ii., 135
favours an embassy ii., 139
leads against Tepeacans ii., 143
imitates Spaniards ii., 159
joins Cortés ii., 225
leaves the army ii., 227
hung ii., 228
remarks on ii., 228
Ximénes, cardinal, i., 60, 120
Ximénes, cardinal, ii., 218
Xochicalco, ii., 394
Xochicalco, lake, i., 329
Xochimilco, ii., 209, 211, 239
Xoloc fort, i., 334
Xoloc fort, ii., 233, 248
Xuarez, Catalina, i., 134, 136, 137
Xuarez, Catalina, ii., 325, 361
Years, Aztec, i., 64, 75
Years, Aztec, ii., 391
Yucatan, the word, i., 125
expedition to i., 125
called New Spain i., 126
Ordaz despatched to, to liberate Christians i., 153, 156, 171
Yxtacamaxtitlan, i., 463
Zacatecas, ii., 363
Zacatula, ii., 312, 324, 329
Zacotollan, i., 79
Zahuatl, i., 280
Zodiacal signs, ii., 341
Zoltepec, i., 429, 132, 187
Zuazo, i., 441, 477
Zumarraga, Don Juan de, i., 60, 430, 446
Zumarraga, Don Juan de, ii., 122
Zumpango, or Tzompanco, ii., 118
Zuñiga, Doña Juana de, ii., 355, 365, 371
Zurita, i., 423, 426, 444