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The Conservative (Lovecraft)/January 1916/Departed

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The Conservative, January 1916
edited by H. P. Lovecraft
4745582The Conservative, January 1916 — DepartedH. P. LovecraftMaude Kingsbury Barton


By Maude Kingsbury Barton

I wander out into the fields, I linger under trees
I hear the songs of lovely birds, and drowsing of the bees.
I glance up to the cloudless sky, such glory there I see!
But still I find no happiness is left on earth for me.

The streamlets are as sparkling, and the sky is just as blue
As the day that you departed. I wonder if you know,
As your spirit soar'd on upward, and left me here below,
That my heart was breaking, breaking, that you wore call'd to go?

The autumn leaves are falling, there's a ling'ring bud or two
In my garden of the roses, I see you flitting through.
I ever hear your laughing voice, I see your golden hair,
The sunlight shining on it, and your eyes beyond compare.

The moon is shining brightly, O the silver moon so white.
But to me the earth is gloomy since you are not here tonight.
I wonder if in Paradise, where all the angels are,
You can look down upon this earth and see me from afar?

My soul, my soul is fainting with a longing for the time
When I'll be call'd from this green earth to yonder Heav'nly clime.
When your sweet spirit mine can moot, never again to part,
In Paradise's garden, hand in hand and heart to heart.