The Conservative (Lovecraft)/October 1916/Among the Amateurs
Among the Amateurs
Mr. John Russell of Florida, whose satirical and other verses have formed such a piquant feature of amateur letters, has recently accepted a position with the "Tampa Breeze." He will be in complete charge of the advertising department, besides having duties of an editorial nature. Mr. Russell will be pleased to receive literary contributions from the more experienced amateurs, which he will accept for publication in his paper.
"The Conservative" has not infrequently pondered in perplexity over the persistent use of the expletive "do", "does", or "did" by various amateur bards. Vere these versifiers professed disciples of Dryden and his predecessors, there would be less cause for wonderment, but in view of their largely modern tendencies it appears highly peculiar that they should employ an archaic device censured and ridiculed ever since the reign of Queen Anne. No stigma of poetical puerility or lax scholarship is so patent as a line wherein we are informed that the poet "does sigh" because his Phillis or Chloe "did cast" him aside. Exceptions to this rule of abstinence may be made in certain cases of imitative archaism, but for the average amateur writer, total abstinence is the safer course.
The attitude toward our Association recently expressed by members of the Pedroni "United" is very regrettable. These worthy amateurs see fit threateningly to demand that we abandon our name in favour of their society, which they arbitrarily assume to be legally entitled to the designation "United". Whatever may be the advantages offered us by a more comprehensive title, we are certainly not to be frightened into a change by those who have at least no more right to the name than we.
In the Appleton, Wis., "Evening Crescent" for October 13 appears a highly interesting account of Maurice W. Moe's speech before the Northeastern Teachers' Convention, wherein our noted Private Critic treats of the uses of the phonograph in the teaching of English. Mr. Moe has opened up a wonderful field by his adaptation of the classics, beautifully rendered by the highest talent, to the dally routine of the class room. Incidentally, it will prove a surprise to many persons to learn that such classics as Milton’s "Comus", passages from Shakespeare, and snatches from the later poets, have boon made available to the public in most artistic oral form through the refinement of mechanlcal science.
Though dread of triteness usually deters "The Conservative" from conventional comment on "exchanges", he cannot but remark the great and sustained merit of Mr. W. Paul Cook's now publication, "The Vagrant", whose September issue has just reached this office. Mr. Cook's editorials are of a closely personal character, and recall many incidents of interest to members of the preceding amateur journalistic generation. Though "The Vagrant" bears no official connexion with this Association, we hope that it may reach most of our members; since it contains a phenomenally picturesque and searching sketch of a certain aspect of rural society from the pen of no less a philosopher than Pres. Paul J. Campbell.
The "Schuylerville (N.Y.) Standard" for October 12 contains an admirably interesting essay on the Mohawk Trail by our gifted and venerable poet and essayist, Mr. J.E. Hoag of Greenwich. More of Mr. Hoag's work may shortly be expected in "The United Amateur" in the form of a poem treating of several natural and historical aspects of his native State.
The United's 1916-1917 Year Book, to be issued by a committee of which "The Conservative" is chairman, will contain a rather unusual feature, in the form of a biographical directory or "Who's Who" of the more prominent members of the Association. The idea is due to the fertile brain of Pres. Campbell, and will, it is hoped, serve as a means of creating a closer tie amongst our gifted litterateurs. Members are hereby invited to send biographical notes to this office, for inclusion, in the forthcoming annual.