Text divider from 'The Contented Wife, with the Husband's Answer', a chapbook printed in Glasgow in 1802
My wife is a notable girl I must own,And now I do love her most dearly.She never did scold when that I came home,Was I ever so late or so early.I stagger'd to bed, where all night I did ly,Snoring fast by her side like a pig in a sty; I sometimes call'd her names but she ne'er would reply,No man e'er was happier married.
Her goodness at length did my wildness reclaim,That I should abuse such good nature:I thought with myself I was much to blame,And therefore resolve to grow better.I've left off my drinking and reveling quite,My kind wife and children is all my delight,My health I preserve, and my money stood by me,No man was e'er happier married.
She is a good wife and a house-wife besides,Although I have been such a villain,She will make a groat go further indeed,Than many one will make a shilling.She's none of those wives that drinks coffee or tea,Or gossips about with her neighbours all day,Or e'er goes abroad unless it's with me,No man e'er was happier married.