The Conversion of St. Vladimir/Canto 9
The Martial Hymn
of the Jesuits[1]
“O Lord, we give Thee praise—”
Kiev has troublous days.
“That day—the day of wrath—”
They must accept our faith.
“We beseech Thee, Lord, to hear—”
We must convert Vladimir.
“Glory to the Lord on high—”
We shall catch him on the sly.
“Our God is the only one—”
Now since Perun’s race has run.
“Let us peace in prayer seek—”
Our humble faith is meek.
“Blessed be all those who come—”
True believers must be dumb.
“HOLY, Holy, Holy be—”
Every novice will be free.
“In our Lord’s holy name—”
Newspapers are Satan’s game.
“Proper it is, and meet—”
Good old times with honor treat.
“The Lord be ever with you hence—”
Folly is valued more than sense.
“Holy Mother, to Thee we cleave—”
We are threatened here with disbelief.
“Come to us, O Holy Spirit—”
We shall Russia inherit.
“Listen to our plea, Lord, hear us,”
We must make the Russians fear us.
“The heavens of His glory tell—”
Russia shall treat us well.
“Thou art the world’s Saviour—”
We will set up a jolly corps.
“O Lord, we put our hope in Thee—”
Our stay shall be a constant spree.
“Free us from evil, we entreat—”
We shall feed on the choicest meat.
“To Thee, O Lord, we lift our prayer—”
We shall have ham and beef to spare.
“From the depths to Thee I cry—”
Their cellars will our wine supply.
“O Lord, let peace with us abide—”
Their kitchen-maids shall our sport provide.
“The gates of Hell shall not prevail—”
With joy their ignorance we hail.
“My guilt, O my exceeding guilt—”
Our faith on miracles is built.
“Lord, have mercy upon us—”
We are so impecunious.
“O lead us not into temptation—”
Take all you get, is our vocation.
“Thou wert, Thou art, wilt ever endure—”
Their fear of Hell makes us secure.
For ever and ever, Amen.
- ↑ This Canto is a double translation, since every first line in the original was written in Latin.