The Correspondence of Marcus Cornelius Fronto/Volume 2/Indexes
Abercius, bishop of Hieropolis, an apocryphal letter of M., II. 299
Accius (Attius) L., born 170 B.C., a Roman tragic poet: chooses out his words, I. 5; Marcus to fill himself with, II. 5; bracketed with Plautus and Sallust as using a certain kind of word (passage mutilated), II. 115; Niebuhr, Actio for Titio, I. 167; called inaequalis, II. 49
Acheruns, the Lower World, "walled in" with rivers, etc., II. 14; herb of death sought in its meadows, II. 17
Achilles, his armour-bearer Patroclus (Patricoles, Cod), I. 167, II. 175; fleetness of, II. 61; exploits of, II. 199; shield of, II. 109
Acilius, censor, "marks" M. Lucilius a tribune for illegal conduct, I. 215
Acilius Glabrio slays a lion in the amphitheatre at Albanura, I. 211
Adherbal, King of Kumidia, his character (from Sallust), II. 163; his letter to the Senate while besieged in Cirta, II. 143
Adurselius (? ), mi Cod. Ambr. 02, I. 168n.
Aedon, a vowel in, dwelt on by harpers, II. 107
Aegrilius Plarianus, tee Plarianus
Aelius Stilo, copyist of the works of Cicero and other writers, I. 167
Aemilius Pius, apparently a pupil of Fronto, recommended to Passieaus Rufus, II. 191
Aenaria, an island off Naples with inland lake, I. 85, 39
Aeschines, the philosopher and disciple of Socrates, mentioned in mutilated passage, II. 50
Aesculapius, specially worshipped by Pius and Marcus, I. 50n.; God of Pergamum, I. 51
Aesopus, a great tragic actor of Cicero's time, I. 165; how he practised acting with a mask, II. 69
Africa, taxes of, farmed by Saenius Pompeianus, I. 233; Africans taken captive by Scipio, II. 29; tres triumphi de Africanis . . ., II. 151
Africanus, see Scipio
Agamemnon, Homer's description of, I. 94, 99
Agrigentines, inventors (?) of ploughs (Cato), II. 201
Ajax, the bull's-hide shield of, II. 107
Albanum, Domitian's villa in the Alban Hills, I. 211; Marcus at (?), II. 315
Albinus, Aulus Postumius, defeated at Cirta (? Suthul), II. 21; Sallust's description of Spurius Albinus' army, II. 163
Albinus, Clodius, proclaimed emperor in Britain and slain by Severus, promoted by Marcus, 311, 13; loyal to M. ibid.
Albucius, an old Roman poet called by Fr. aridus, II. 49; where M in ton Warren suggests Abuccius from Varro, R. R. ill. 6, 6
Alcibiades, as pupil of Socrates, I. 103; II. 11, 61
Alexander, council at his death, from a Gallic rhetorician, n. Ill; his empire divided into satrapies {praefecturae), U. 203; and Apelles, II. 59
Alexandria, friends of Fronto at, I. 237
Alexlnus, a dialectic philosopher of the third century B.C., who delighted in sophistic puzzles, II. 67; called sycophanta, II. 68
Allia, defeat at, 16 July, 390. II. 21
Algidum, a town on Mons Algidus, near Tusculum in Latium, cold before dawn, I. 143
Alsium, a seaside resort in Etruria, 24 miles from Rome, holiday at and letters to and from Marcus there, II. 3, 5, 7 ff. 19
Amasis, king of Egypt 569-525 B.C., a friend of Polycrates, tyrant of Samos, II. 25
Amphiaraus, a tragedy on this warrior and prophet of Argos mentioned in connexion with the earthquake that swallowed him up. It was possibly by Sophocles, II. 69
Anacharsls, a Scythian traveller and sage spoken of as no master of Greek, I. 137
Anagnia, a Hernican town of Latium, 40 miles from Rome, visited by Pius and Marcus, 1. 175
Anaxagoras, the philosopher of Clazomenae, born about 500 B.C., contrasted with Alexin us, II. 69
Andromache, Hector's wife, reference to Homer, II. vi. 491, I. 49
Anicetus, the librarius of Marcus in 143 A.D., II. 139
Antias, Q. Valerius, a Roman historian of 100 B.C., wrote invenuste, II. 49
Antioch, devoted to actors, II. 149; groves of Daphne, II. 307
Antipater, see Caelius
Antisthenes, the Cynic philosopher mentioned in a mutilated passage, II. 50; contrasted with the dialecticians Diodorus and Alexinus, II. 67
Antium, the Fortune of (see Hor. Od. i. 35), II. 105
Antoninus Aquila, see Aquila
Antoninus, Arrius, relative of Pius and intimate friend of Fronto, iuridicus per Italiam regionis Transpadanae, II. 176n.; letters of Fronto to, II. 174, 17S. 18S
Antoninus, Marcus, se-e Marcus Antoninus (Geminus), twin son of M. born 161 A.D., has a cough, II. 33; his description as a baby, II. 121 Antoninus Pius, emperor 138-161 A.D., letters from, to F. 1. 126, 228; from F. to Pius, I. 126 (about speech), 226 (congratulations on accession, July 10), 236 (declining the proconsulship), 254 (on the will of Niger Censorius), 262 (soliciting office for the historian Appian); as emperor, I. 37; anniversary of accession, 1. 227; beloved by F. I. Ill; the most fortunate (or perhaps peaceful) of emperors, II. 23; speeches of F. in praise of, I. Ill, 118, 127, 129, 134, 303; II. 251, 283; praise of, I. 37; kiss of salutation to, I. 227; message to, that he la ill, I. 227; that he has had an accident, I. 247; speech of Pius, I. 241; praises F., I. 127; his indulgentia, I. 234; character and habits of, II. 9; gives Sextius Calpurnius a procuratorship at F.'s request, I. 263; pays fees of Gavlus Clarus for praetorshlp, 11. 155; pittas of larcus towards, II. 127; coins of, II. 115; war In Britain, 11. 251; rebuilt Rhodes, II. 261; thanks of Carthage for benefactions, II. 283; a divine man, II. 9; death of, alluded to?, I. 299; revolt of Celsus against, II. 317; why called Pius, II. 318n.; disasters in reign of, 11. 22; called the great King, I. 130
Antonlus (?), L., the cognomen . . . utus (? Cornutus) Is mutilated, II. 160
Antonius, M., the famous Mark Antony, retreats before the Parthians, II. 203
Antonius, Valerius, a friend of F. has a petition to present to Lucius Verus, 1. 305
Apelles, the greatest Greek painter and friend of Alexander, story of Alexander in his studio, II. 59; contrasted with Parrhasius as not painting unicolora, II. 49; Invested the humblest of subjects with distinction, I. 169; type of supreme excellence, I, 129; Appelles, I. 169
Aphrodite, see Venus
Apolaustus, an actor named Agrippa Memphis, whom Lucius brought from Syria and named Apolaustus (Capit. Vit. Ver. 8), but the actor mentioned under this name may be a second one of the same name (see Mommsen, Hermes viii, p. 213), I. 305
Apollinaris, Sulpicius, conversation with Fronto in Aul. Gellius, II. 279
Apollo, deflects Teucer's arrow (Hom. Il. viii, 311), I. 133; libraries of his temple on the Palatine, I. 179; author of paeans, II. 67; in a doubtful passage as inventor of oars (?), II. 200
Apollonides, Appius, Greek letter to, in favour of Cornelianus, I. 287
Apollonius, a philosopher of Chalcedon and teacher of Marcus, I. 235; his son Apollonius, ibid.
Apollonius Rhodius, opening lines of his Argonautica, II. 106
Appianus, the historian and friend of F, letter from F. with a gift of two slaves, I. 265 f.; Fronto 's answer refusing them, I. 269; F. asks Pius to give Appian an office, I. 263
Appius Maximus, see Maximus
Aquila, Antoninus, apiaro? prjrdpwv, wants a place as instructor of youth in Victorinus's province, II. 171
Aquilinus, Julius, recommended to Aegrilius Plarianus in his province, I. 289
Arbaces (?), a Parthian General who routed and slew Maximus, one of Trajan's commanders—possibly should be read Arsaces (m* Arbalatuce), II. 214
Argo, the ship of the Argonauts, II. 106
Aricia, a town of Latium, 16 miles from Rome, holus aricinum,l. 117
Aridelus, a freedman of M. and L., recommended to M. for a procuratorship, I. 239 Arion, of Lesbos, a famous musician, whose story is told, I. 55 f.
Ariston, a Stoic philosopher of Chios (about 260 B.C.) with Platonic tendencies, Marcus in 146 A.D.
captivated by his writings, I. 217
Aristophanes, the comic poet, the word vivos quoted from a lost comedy (? 'A/cAaifr) in Aul. Gellius, II. 278
Armenia, subjugation of, II. 137; title Armeniacus refused by M.. II. 133; Sohaemus, king of, restored by Lucius, II. 145
Arpinum, birthplace of Marius, II. 205
Arsaces, a Parthian king, letter of Mithridates asking his help (Sallust, Hist, iv), II. 143; a possible reading for Arbaces, II. 214
Artaxata, capital of Armenia, taken by Statius Priscus (Capit. Vit. Mar. 9, § 1), a success attributed to Lucius, II. 133
Artemas, M. Antonius, at Smyrna, II. 295
Artemidorus Daldianus refers to Fronto in his 'Oyeipo/cpmKa, n. 252
Asclepiodotus, a persona grata with Lucius, found fault with by F. in a speech, II. 221, 235
Asellio, Sempronius, a historical authority followed by Nepos in his account of the Numantine war (Hauler), II. 145
Asia, voyage from, I. 159; F. proconsul designate of, I. 235, 237
Aspasia, a teacher of Socrates, ii. 11
Athena, see Minerva
Athenodotus, a philosopher and teacher of Fronto, I. 171; II. 50; taught F. the use of el/coves or similes, I. 205; perhaps alluded to, II. 57
Athens, city of Minerva, I. 50; friends of F. summoned thither from Alexandria, I. 237; exactions of, I. 273
Atrides, see Agamemnon
Atta, a writer of Roman comedies, notable for knowledge of women's language, I. 5
Attica, men of Attica and their thyme of Hymettus, I. 305; Marathon and Cephisia, demes of, II. 295, 7
Atticus, a transcriber of Cicero's works, I. 169
Aundius Victorinus, Gaius, see Victorinus
Augustus (Octavianus), nephew and successor of Julius Caesar and husband of Livia, II. 11, 137; his eloquence (residua elegantia saecuJi), II. 137 f.; his clemency, II. 319
Aulus Gellius, see Gellius
Aurelia (regio), F. bound for, I. 177
Aurelius Opellius, see Opellius
Autrico (m2 for aut Tiro), copyist of Cicero's works, I. 167, 168
Avernus, mentioned in margin of Cod. Ambr. 86, I. 98n.
Avidius Cassius, see Cassius
Baburiana, letter of F. to Arrius Antoninus about her, II. 189
Babylon, its destruction mooted by Alexander's successors, II. 111
Bacchus, defender (cognitor) of dithyrambs, II. 66; vine-bound thyrsus of, II. 85; (Liber) in favour of night, II. 15; called Brisaeus at Smyrna, II. 295
Baecola, a town in Spain m2 Cod. Ambr. 62, I. 168n.
Baiae, a resort on the coast of Campania, Marcus there, I. 93; steaming grottoes of, I. 87; mentioned in the margin of Cod. Ambr. 86
Balbus, Cornelius, apocryphal letter to, II. 313
Balcia Tauri, eastern part of range, words added by ma in Cod. Ambr. 260, II. 214n.
Barbus (?), mi Cod. Ambr. 62, for Balbus, I. 168n.
Bassaeus Rufus, praef. praet. (168-177) under Marcus, referred to by Cassius? II. 293; apocryphal letter of M. to, II. 3ll_
Bassianus, fiayi(TTpiavb<; Ttov fleitof o</>-4>iKia>i>, in apocryphal letter of Marcus, II. 301
Bithynians, speech of F. for, II. 89, 91, 99
Britanni, defeat of Hadrian's troops by, II. 23; war in Britain under Pius, II. 251
Brutus, M. Junius, the murderer of Caesar, his book (De Virtute?) sent to Cicero for correction, delights M., I. 101
Caecilius, a eunuch, II. 317
Caccilius, procurator in Asia, in apocrvphal letter of Marcus. II. 299
Caecilius, the corrector of the Codex, I., 174n.
Caecilius Statius, predecessor of Terence in Comedy, quoted by M. (incolumi inscientia), I. 142; chooses out his words, I. 5; commemoramentum, I. 56; incursim, II. 86
Caelius (or Coelius) Antipater, L., a jurist and historian contemporary with Gracchus, preferred by Hadrian to Sallust (Spart. Vit. Hadr. 16, § 6), wrote verbis singulis, II. 48;? M. reads <ex Coolio, I. 300; extract from, (or the poet Coelius), I. 19
Caelius Rufus, M., an orator, defended by Cicero pro Caelio, II. 158; see also, possibly, I. 19
Caelius Optatus, letter of F. to, recommending Saturninus, II. 240
Caesar, a title of the Emperor designate (e.g. Marcus Caesar) but also used of the reigning emperor (e.g., I. 126), II. 255; the duties of a Caesar, II. 58
Caesar, Gaius Julius, foe and lover of Cleopatra, u. 11; wrote military works and two careful books De Analogia (see note I. 29) in Gaul during his campaigns, II. 29, 265, 257; his eloquence imperatorial, II. 136; his pre-eminent genius and purity of style, II. 255; discusses the use in singular and plural of caelum, triticum, quadrigae, arena, II. 257; Fronto puts Caesar's case for latter word, II. 259; the first emperor, II. 137
Caieta, on the sea coast of Latium, M. going to it, I. 193; Fronto at, I. 191
Calamis, a Greek statuary, his statues "softer" than those of Canachus (Cic. Brut. 70); Fronto, II. 49, implies, according to Hauler's reading lepturga (m* for Turena, which must surely be wrong as a contrast to Etrusca in the vis-a-vis), that Calamis did not do delicate work, but Dion Halicarn. de Isocr. 3 attributes to him XeirTorrjs and xapi? and says > he worked ev tois iKarroiTi. Ktu ai^pwirivois. Yet Calamis made colossal statues of gods.
Calliope, the Muse, instructress of Homer, II. 67
Callistus, a doubtful reading in a mutilated passage, II. 246
Calpurnius, a friend of Lucius, I. 305
Calpurnius, a messenger of Faustina, II. 317
Calpurnius Julianus, see Julianus
Calvisius, Publius, M.'s grandfather, I. 61
Calvus, C. Licinius Macer, orator and poet, born 82 B.C., his style at the bar quarrelsome (rixatur). H. 48
Camillus, type of military leader, II. 151 Campania, I. 175
Canachus, a Sicyonian statuary of the fifth century B.C., Fr. implies that he did not make statues of the gods, II. 49; but there are certainly such attributed to him.
Cannae, defeat of the Romans by the Gauls, 2 Aug. 216, II. 21, 29
Canusium, a town in Apulia, where Lucius was taken ill with apoplexy, II. 85
Capitolinus, M, Manlius, Baviour of the Capitol from the Gauls, II. 151
Capitolinus, Julius, in his life of Marcus seems to draw from Fr., I. 207n.; II. 133n.; [II. 289]; II. 208n.
Capreolus, a pleader in the case against Herodes, I. 67
Carrhae in Mesopotamia, defeat of Crassus at in 52 B.C., II. 21
Carthage, speech of thanks for restoration of, II. 281; Roman rings sent to, II. 29; Gracchus colonises, II. 141
Cassius, Avidius, the conqueror of the Parthians, took Dausara and Nicephorium (and Seleucia and Ctesiphon), II. 133; letter of F. to, II. 191; his discipline, vigour, and military instinct, II. 193; commissioned by Lucius to draw up memoranda of the war, II. 195; letters in the life of, by Vulc. Gallicanus, II. 292; revolt of, II. 292; in command of Syrian army (apocryphal letter), II. 307: plans revolt before death of Lucius (?), II. 309; his character as general, II. 311; his wife and children mentioned in apocryphal letter, II. 319
Catiline, Sallust's and Cicero's description of, II. 159 f.; Cassius in apocryphal letter likens himself to, II. 293
Cato, M. Porcius, called the Censor, on Galba's acquittal, I. 173; speech on The Property of Pulchra (Cod. m« Dulcha); speech impeaching a tribune, I. 179 *, his Agriculture, I. 181; his Origins, II. 201; attributed ploughs to Agrigentines, ibid.; speech De Sumptu Suo quoted, II. 45; Against Lepidus quoted, II. 3; unknown work on his campaigns quoted, II. 151; sayings (?) of his in a mutilated passage, I. 169, II. 81; intempesta nox praecipitat, I. 144; uses praeter-propter, II. 275; favourite use of atque, imitated by M., I. 152; wrote verbis muUiiugis, II. 48; harangued infests, at the bar saevit, II. 48; Use Of figure jrapaAen/u?, II. 45; in Spain, II. 141 (Sallu$t); speeches from the rostrum, II. 65; his trumpet note, I. 107, II. 75; style compared to pine-nuts, H. 103; his tusculan style (untainted and chaste), I. 43; chooses out his words, I. 5; good at invective, I. 129; consummate orator and commander, II. 151, 201; called catus, ii. 201; statues of, II. 3, 201; busts carried from Senate, II. 151; M. devoted to him, called his patron, 1. 152; M. asks for something especially eloquent by, I. 301; Fronto has been reading him, I. 153; mentioned, I. 167; read by M. 1. 117; imitations: tela volantia, II. 23; sanguinera demittere, II. 84; consiliosus, II. 146; impraesentiarum M. I. 184; felix arbor, II. 180; profanare = dedicare, II. 10
Catulus, Lutatius, despatch on his own exploits (De Consulate) to the Senate, II. 143
Carthage, Fronto 's speech of thanks for, to Pius, II. 281; Cannae, II. 29
Cavius (Gavius) Maximus, see Maximus
Caudium, Roman disaster at, II. 21
Censorius, Niger, a friend of F. and letters about his will, I. 255 flf.
Centumcellae, a seaside resort In Etruria, called Portus (now Civita Vecchia), I. 55; Marcus going to, I. 173
Cenumanus (Gallia Cisalpina), quoted from Helvius Cinna (in Gellius), II. 281
Cephalus, or Kephalus, I. 21
Charila?, freedman of Lucius, I. 301
Charisius, a grammarian about 400 A.D. quotes Fronto, I. 97n., 138n.; II. 8, 228n, 231n.; Ruhnus Be Comp. et de metr. orat. quotes from Charisius as bacchiacs. laetare (cp. I. 80), Frontone
Chrysippus, the great Stoic, got "mellow" every day, II. 11; as rhetorician, II. 67
Cicero, M. Tullius (sometimes called Tullius and his epistolary style Tullianus); speech for P. (Cod. L.) Sulla. II. 100; speech praising Pompey (? Pro Lege Manilla) sent to M., 11. 31; letter to Brutus about B.'s book de Virtute (?), I. 101; list of orators in the Brutus, II. 147; books ad Brutum and Ad Axivm to be copied by M.'s copyist, II. 159; extract from his Pro Caelio, 11. 160; treatises of, read to M., II. 5; speeches of, from Rostrum, II. 65; M. asks for some eloquent speech of, 1. 301; certain words (passage mutilated) occasionally used by, 11. 114; Ciceronian turn of sentence, II. 43; the modus Ciceronis, I. 68; writes copiose, at the bar triumphat, II. 48; his definition of supreme eloquence, 11. 145; Fr.'s extracts from, on eloquence, philosophy, or politics, II. 157; I. 80n.; M. reads a speech of his, I. 301; he asks for some selected letters of C, 11. 157; nothing more perfect than his letters, to be read even more than his speeches, II. 154; style of them, 1. 123 (see also Intr. p. xlin.); summum supremumque os Romanae linguae, II. 142; I. 7; his trumpet note, II. 75; rhythmical, II. 143; master of beautiful language, but not a searcher out of unexpected words, 1. 7; but cp. II. 157 f.; copious and opulent, I. 7; quoted, II. 144; contrasted with Sallust in use of figures, II. 159; mentioned, I. 167; far superior to Fr., II. 101; Tiro, copyist of his works, 1. 167; for criticism of his style by Titianus, see Intr. p. xlin.; the Tullian or easy epistolary style of C.'s letters, I. 123 (bis); tulliana conclusio. I. Ill; II. 42 Imitations of Cic.: fomentum solarium, etc., I. 176 (Cic. Tusc. II. 24); and see Priebe, de Frontone imitationem prisci sermonis adfectante, p. 9, and Schwierczina, Frontoniana, p. 30
Cilicia, friends of Fr. in, I. 237
Cinna, Helvius, poet torn in pieces at Caesar's murder, quoted in Aul. Gellius, H. 281
Cirta, in Numidia (F.'s birthplace), native place of Montanus, its climate, I. 281; letter of F. to Triumvirs and Senators of, I. 293; Victorinus, Silanus, Post. Festus patrons of, I. 293 f .; defeat of Romans at, II. 21
Clitianus, Valerianus, letter to, lost, H. 190m.
Clarus, Erucius, praef. urbi under Pius, friend of Censorius, I. 257
Clarus, Gavius, friend of Fr., II. 151; goes to Syria and Fr. recommends him to Lucius, II. 155
Claudius Quadrigarius, a Roman . historian about 100 B.C., writes lepide, II. 49; uses mortales for homines, II. 269; his style and F.'s love and reverence for him, II. 271
Cleanthes, Stoic philosopher, his wisdom, II. 63; earned his living by drawing water, II. 65
Cleopatra, H. 84; and Caesar, II. 11
Clitomachus, a Carthaginian philosopher, disciple of Carneades, second century B.C., called ancep8 by Fr., II. 48
Coelius (or Caelius) L., a little-known poet, rival of Ennius, uses chosen words, I. 5; extract from, sent (Caelius), possibly the historian (q.v.), I. 19; or (see Priebe, de Frontone etc.), from the orator M. Caelius Rufu3 of Cicero's time
Commodus, succesor of M., as a baby, II. 119 f.; as a boy (apocryphal letter), II. 317; coin of, II. 115
Concordia, a city of Venetia, N. Italy, II. 175n., 177
Consentius, P., fifth century A.D. quotes Fronto, II. 175
Contuccius, tee Repentinus
Corinth, mentioned in story of Arion, I. 57
Cornelianus, praef. praet. in apocryphal letter, II. 299n.
Cornelianus Sulpicius, overseer of Greek affairs, and amanuensis under M., recommended by Fr. to Cl. Severus, I. 285, and note
Cornelius, M., mentioned by Cato in a speech quoted II. 45 (see Festus, s.v. repulsior)
Cornificia, sister of M„ I. 197 Cornificia, daughter of M., her birthday, II. 33; possibly alluded to, H. 19
Cornutus (?), Annaeus (Cod. L. Antoni . . . utus), quotation from, II. 161
Cotinum; the Cotini were south of the Vistula, in apocryphal letter II. 303
Crassus, the triumvir, defeated at Carrhae, II. 303
Crassus Frugi, lucifugax, II. 77
Crassus, Licinius, tristis (iye'Aaoros) II. 77
Crispus, Gaius, see Sallustius
Croesus, and Solon, II. 61
Cupid, or Love, with wings at his shoulders, II. 17
Curius Dentatus, as type of general, II. 151
Cyrus the younger, Xenophon served under, as volunteer, II. 201
Cyzicus, on the Propontis, speech by M. on behalf of, II. 41, 43; earthquake at, II. 41, 69n.
Dacians, Trajan's war against, II. 21, 207; used scythes in war, II. 205
Danube, province beyond, annexed by Trajan, II. 207
Daphne, see Syria
Dausara, a city near Edessa in Mesopotamia^ II. 133
Decimanus, friend (or possibly grandson) of Fr., his death, II. 232
Demosthenes, as type of supreme excellence, I. 129; saying of his (?) that the laws sometimes sleep, I. 217
Demostratus Petilianus, advocate against Herodes, Fr.'s speech Pro Demostrato, II. 220n., 221, 235
Dio Cassius, the historian, anecdote of Fronto, II. 250
Dio Chrysostom, the orator and philosopher, a contemporary of Fr., II. 51
Diodorus Cronus, a captious dialectic philosopher, fourth century B.C., II. 67
Diogenes, the Cynic Philosopher, his brutality, I. 102; fond of denunciation, II. 48, 50; regardless of money, II. 65
Dionysius (Tenuior), a rhetor and Fr.'s teacher, I. 171; II. 83; his fable of the Vine and Holm-Oak, II. 85
Dionysius, a painter of Colophon about 430 B.C., did not paint inlustria, II. 49
Dionysodorus, a cook honoured with a statue, mentioned by Cato, II. 3
Dionysus, see Bacchus
Dis Pater, Hadrian compared to I. Ill; refuses to preside over Sleep, II. 15; ruler of the Lower Regions, ibid.; no power to thunder, II. 135
Domitian, the Emperor, his villa at Albanum, I. 211; saying attributed to him in apocryphal letter of M., II. 311
Domitius Balbus, transcriber of Cicero's works, I. 168
Dorocorthoro, Rheims, the Athens of Gaul, II. 175n.
Egatheus, a freedman of Pius, In charge of codicilli (petitions) under M., II. 95
Elegeia, in Armenia on the Upper Euphrates, Severianus defeated and slain there, 162 A.D., II. 21n.
Eleusis, priests or torchbearers of, H. 135
Ennius, Quintus, born 239, the father of Roman literature, called Quintus .«, I. 77; his Sota, a new copy, I. 79; Annals quoted, tomno leni placidoque rennctus, I. 205 f.; Annals xlv quoted by Favorinus (in Gellius), II. 268: uses/w/pus of bronze in the Annals, II. 267; his tragedy, Telamon, quoted, II. 20; from an unknown play on flatterers, I. 137; quotation in Gellius from unknown play, II. 257; used praeter propter in passage from Jphigenia (in Gellius), II. 275 f.; Annals quoted in apocryphal letter of M., II. 307; a Gaulish rhetor quotes him in reference to the Tiber, II. 110 f.; maxim from, that an orator should be bold, I. 11; called multiformis II. 49; uses chosen words, I. 5; led to write by a dream, I. 95, 99; mugitu personam, II. 75 i M. asks for extracts from, I. 303; what has he done for M., I. 107; M. fires himself with, II. 5; mentioned, I. 167; see Schwierczina, Frontoniana, p. 21, who instances jus et aequom, secundo rumore populi, si noctis si lucis tempus erit
Ephesus, letter of M. to Curator of, H. 290
Epictetus, the philosopher, called incuriosus, II. 50; lame and a slave, used chosen words, II. 52; mentioned in mutilated passage, II. 69; epitaph, II. 69n.
Erucius Clarus, see Clarus
Euphranor, a famous painter and sculptor of Corinth, his work chaste and restrained, II. 49
Euphrates, Stoic philosopher of Tyre, mentioned as a contemporary, II. 51
Euphrates, river crossed by Trajan, II. 201; province reduced by Trajan beyond, II. 207; ferry dues on, II. 215
Euripides, his Ion quoted by M., I. 184
Eurycles, see Ulpius
Euxenianus Publio,? proconsul of Asia, mentioned as helping Smyrna after an earthquake, in an apocryphal letter from M., II. 299
Fabianus, a friend of Fr. befriended by Corn. Repentinus, praef. praet.. under Pius, I 283
Fabii, the 300 slain at the Cremera, II. 147
Fadilla, daughter of M., lodging with Matidia, as a baby, at Minturnae (?), I. 301; her father-in-law Claud. Severus, I. 283n.; referred to as virgo and as being ill, in an apocryphal letter of Faustina, II. 292
Falco, Pompeius, his estate visited by M., I. 141
Fauna, inspirers of prophecy, II. 67
Faustina maior, wife of Pius, perhaps mentioned by Fr. and Pins, I. 127 f.; II. 281n.; query referred to as domina, see note, I. 15
Faustina minor, wife of M , probably mentioned by Pius, I. 129; alluded to in a lost letter, 1. 191; called Aug-.tsta, I. 193; H. 98; ill, I. 193; a good patient, I. 195; message to, on birthday of one of her children, I. 245; her lying-in near, I. 247; legatee under Matidla's will, II. 97; in Syria with Lucius, II. 237; apocryphal letters to M., II. 315, 317; death at Halalae, II. 297n.
Faustina, Annia Galeria, daughter of M„ has diarrhoea, I. 203; Fr.'s devotion to her, MM.; is better, I. 205; mentioned (?) by M., I. 225
Faustina, Domitia, daughter of M. just born, I. 251; recovering her health, H 33
Faustinianus, son of Statianus, a friend of Fr., recommended to Cl. Julianus, I. 291
Faustus, a varia lectio in Cod., II. 11On.
Faustus Sulla, called Felix; Fronto calls "Faustian" wines from the Ager Faustianus (a part of the Falernian district) felicia vina, II. 7
Favorinus, a contemporary philosopher of Aries, oratorical (?) pigments from, I. 49; well versed in Greek, II. 263; conversation with Fr. in Gellius, II. 261
Felix, Minucius in his Odavius quotes F., Intr. xvii, II. 283-4
Festus, Postumius, a contemporary grammarian, to be patron of Cirta, I. 295; conversation with Fronto in Gellius, II. 279
Formian villa, mentioned by Faustina and M. in apocryphal letters, II. 317 f.
Fortuna, the goddess, I. 89; worshipped under various forms and names, II. 105; Fors Fortuna, II. 35
Fronto, M. Cornelius, orator huius saeculi, I. 32; use of maxims, I. 3, 130 ff.; a foreigner but sagacious, I. 21; a Libyan of the Libyans, I. 137; II. 135; writes in Greek, I. 19, 125 (? I. 94); letters in Greek to mother of M., 130, 146; influence as orator, I. 18, 77; his? De Differentia Vocabulorum, I. 6n.; against philosophy, I. 289; II. 67; a treatise pro Somno, I. 9n.; glory of Roman eloquence, I. 131; II. 251; <*>iX6(rropyo9, II. 18; uses ordinary common words, II. 87; mediocre talent compared to Cicero's, II. 101; alone talks Latin, I. 129; II. 123; a bad correspondent, II. 193; is to write a history of Parthian war, II. 193 ff.; words used by him given franchise, II. 279; his view of tyrants, II. 285; pre-eminent at bar, II. 257, cp. 199; compared to Cicero, II. 251; his language and learning (in Gellius), II. 253; praise by Favorinus (in Gellius), II. 261, 267-9; careful in distinguishing words, II. 273; always up in the clouds, I. 105
Birthday, I. 15; II. 31; his "gardens" at Rome, I. 123; vintage at his Eorti, I. 213; from Eorti to Rome, I. 299; new bath for his "villa," II. 273; his villas, I. 177, 213, 299; II. 87, 193; fond of birds, esp. partridges, II. 173; addicted to the circus, I. 809; has no secrets, II. 173; refuses to help the unworthy, II. 189; devoted attentions of Gav. Claru3 to, II.. 153; daughter betrothed to Victorinus, I. 293; his ludus, I. 130; his secta, II. 36; his salon, II. 253, 261, 273; apologies for absence from levee, I. 173; consul, see under date 143, office ends Sept. 1, I. 145; proconsul designate of Asia and refusal of office, I. 235, 237; friends in Alexandria and Cilicia, I. 237; Jul. Senex called from Mauretania, ibid.; at Caieta, I. 191; his quaestor, I. 114; took no obscure part in civil affairs, I. 294; refers to \m past life, II. 101, 231; cp. II. 228w.; death of grandson and wife, II. 223, 233; no sons, I. 29 L; loss of 5 children, II. 223; grandson alive, II. 229; ideals of friendship, I. 257; upbraids the gods, II. 223; death near, II. 229; wishes as to last rites, II. 153; descendants of, II. 172n., cp. Intr. xl; pupils, I. 180, 280, 387; II. 240, 212, 245. Speech Pro Demostrato, II. 219, 221, 255; wish to suppress It. II. 235; speech Pro BUhynis, II. 89; disowned, II. 91; altered, II. 101; possibly referred to, I. 81; speech against Herodes, I. 81; II. 221, 235; Pro Carthaginiensibus, II. 281; against the Christians, II. 285 ff.; speech with reference to war in Britain, II. 251; speech as consul designate, I. 303; speech of thanks to Pius, and proclamation at Games, I. Ill, 118, 113 f., 127, 129, 303; encomium on Pius, I. 120, 125; with reply ol Pius, I. 127; speech on oversea wills, I. 155 ff. speeches in favour of Hadrian, I. Ill; speeches on behalf of Saenius Pompeianus, I. 233; speech in Senate, I. 197; two speeches on behalf of friends, I. 239
Letters to Pius, Marcus, and Gav. Maximus about Censorius. I. 258 ff.; to Pius on behalf of Appian, I. 263; to Appian and answer, I. 261 ff.; to Loll. Avitus for Montanus, I. 279; to Corn. Repentinus for Fabianus, I. 283; to Cl. Severus for Cornel ianus, I. 286; to Apollonides for same, I. 287; to Plarianus for Aquilinus, I. 289^ to Cl. Julianus for Faustinianus, I. 291; to Avidius Cassius for Jun. Maximus, II. 191; to Cl. Julianus, II. 93; to Praecilius Pompeianus, II. 89, 91; to Velius Rufus Senex on oratory, II. 87; to his son-in-law Victorinus, II. 99, 169, 171, 174, to Arrius Antoninus, II. 175, 177, 189; to the Triumvirs and Senators of Cirta, I. 293 and note; to Passienus Rufus for Aemilius Pius, II. 191; to Fulvianus, II. 193; to Caelius Optatus, II. 241; to Petr. Mamertinus for Sardius Lupus, II. 243; to Sardius Saturninus, II. 243; to Junius Maximus, II. 245; to Squilla Gallicanus, II. 245; to Volumniu3 Quadratus, I. 307, 309
On Cicero, I. 7; dictum on Plato, I. 33; imitates Sallust, II. 101; devoted to him, I. 153; and see under Sallust; annotates Cicero, I. 309; on Agamemnon's dream, I. 95; adds a line to Lucan, II. 107; Lais, I. 33; on arena and quadrigae, II. 259 ff.; on colours, II. 259 ff.; on mortales for homines, II. 261; on praeter-propter, II. 273; on word for dwarf, II. 279; love and reverence for old writers, II. 271; had not studied ancient authors when young, I. 123; extracts from Lucretius and Ennius, I. 303; Cicero, II. 157; Gracchus? I. 81; Terence, Vergil, Sallust (?), I. 80n.
Kiss of salutation to M., I. 221; encomium on M., I. 131, 135: teaches M. to speak the truth, I. 17; loth to worry him with letters, I. 223; kisses his babies' feet, I. 245; flatters him, I. 131; II. 29; advises Herodea to attach himself to M., I. 171; asked by M. to befriend Themlstocles, I. 235; hi? opinion valued by M., I. 97; takes up role of master again, II. 105, 131; urged by M. to write to Lucius, II. 129; apostrophe to M., II. 133
Pains in arm, I. 35; elbow, I. 39, 187, 219; foot. I. 81, 199, 213, 249 (toes of 1. foot), 245, (sole) 73; has gout, il. 261, 273; shoulder, I. 277, 189; pain in elbow, knee and ankle, I. 187; knee, I. 193, 247, 249, 253; knee bruised, I. 247; hand, I. 307, 309; II. 19, 31, 45, 73; neck, I. 199 (bis), 201, 227, 219; II. 157; eyes, II. 174; every limb, II. 157; groin, I. 225 (bis); II. 157: has neuritis, II. 89; rheumatism, not arthritis, II. 241; sore, I. 215, 247; sore throat and fever, IT. 253; cough and insomnia, I. 309; II. 45; cold, I. 195; serious illness, I. 239; gastric attack, I. 251; cholera (?) I. 243; long ill-health, II. 92, 132, 233, 237, 241, 243; carried when ill by Lucius, II. 241; his fortitude, I. 81, 83; pain in back and loin, I. 225; side and spine, II. 175; see also I. 173, 227, 229, 233
Fronto, infant son of Victorinus, prattles Da, eats grapes, etc., II. 173
Fronto's brother (Quadratus?), mentioned, I. 79. 145, 185; II. 153; raised to high office by Pius, II. 131
Fulvianus, friend of Lucius, II. 193, 195
Furies, scourge of, II. 105
Galba, Ser. Sulpicius, the first great Roman orator, his speeches taken by M. to Centumcpllae, I. 173; liia acquittal by bribery and appeal to pity, ibid.
Gallicanus (rhetor) pompous writing on Alexander, and on the Tiber, n. Ill
Gaul, Caesar's war in, II. 29
Gauran Mount, wine of, 1. 177
Gavins Clarus, see Clarus
Gavius Maximus, see Maximus
Gellius, Aulus, contemporary references to Fronto, II. 252-261
Germany, II. 232; scene of miraculous victory, II. 303
Geryon, the three-headed giant, I. 11
Glaucus, the Lycian chief, exchanges his armour with Diomede (Hom. Il. vi. 236), I. 279
Gnaeus (Cod. Gneus), II. 182
Gracchus, Gaius, tribune, reformer, and orator, farmed out Asia and parcelled out Carthage, II. 141; speeches from Rostrum, II. 65; speeches read by, M., I. 79; M. asks for some specially eloquent speech of, I. 301; his style, I. 79n.; his trumpet note (cp. Cato), I. 107; harangued turbulente, II. 48; at the bar tumultuatur, ibid.; mentioned, I. 167;? extracts from, I. 81
Gratia maior (Kparrta, i. 146), Fronto's wife, I. 13, 113, 183, 191 (bis); goes to Naples to keep the birthday of M.'s mother, I. 145 f.; greeting to from M., I. 231
Gratia minor, Fr.'s daughter, mentioned (?), I. 153; I. 183, 193, 207, 231, 251; betrothed to Victorinus, I. 293; grief at death of her son, II. 229
Gyara, an Aegean island to which criminals were sent, I. 129
Hadrian, the Emperor, praised but not loved by F., I. Ill; character of, II. 9; reverses in Judaea and Britain, II. 23; a great traveller, fond of music, and a gourmand, II. 9; eloquent, II. 207; lowered efficiency of army, II. 207; his progresses, ibid.; gave up provinces won by Trajan, ibid.: his monuments, ibid.; like Numa a peace-lover, II. 209; spurious archaism of, II. 139* saying attributed to him by M. in apocryphal letter, II. 311; also mentioned in apocryphal letter by M., II. 315; a writing of his found, beginning Faustis ominibns, beneath the Fronto script on Ambr. p. 251 (Hauler Versam. 41 d. deut. Phil. etc., 1895), II. 209; sitting in court, II. 250
Hannibal, his duritia, II. 149; Cannae, II. 21, 29
Helios, from Homer, I. 92
Heno. Codex for Ino (Peerlkamp)
Hephaestus (Homer), child of Hera, I. 1 35; lame, ibid.
Heraclitus, the philosopher of Ephesus, his obscurity, II. 49 f.
Hercules, Ms armour-bearer, Philoctetes, I. 167; labours of, II. 107
Hernicans, the word samentum from their dialect, I. 175
Hera, mother or Hephaestus (Homer), I. 135
Hero (and Leander), I. 223
Herodes Atticus, the famous Athenian rhetor, brought up with P. Calvisius, M.'s grandfather, I. 61; friend of M., I. 65; trial of and speech of F. against, I. 61-71; II. 221; on friendly terms with F., II. 221, 235; M. writes three letters a day to him, II. 297; second trial of, II. 295*.; as letter-writer, II. 289; death of his infant son, I. 163; letter of M. to, II. 297; letter of F., to, I. 168
Herodotus, his Ionian Ftyle, I. 43
Hesiod, became a poet in sleep, I. 94; elegiac quotation referring to, ibid.; quoted (Theog. 22 f.), I. 95; reference to introduced by emendation (Jacobs), I. 278 (Naber)
Hiberi, type of barbarians, I. 303
Homer, Calliope instructress of, II. 67; instructor of Ennius, ibid.; historian of Achilles, II. 199; quoted, Iliad, i. 24, ii. 223, I. 94; iii. 112 (eloquence of Menelaus and Ulysses), u. 59; vi. 236 (Glaucus;, I. 279; vi. 334 408 (Menelaua at the banquet), II 50; viii. 311 (Apollo deflects Teucer's arrow), I. 133; ix. 203; (Patroclus and the banquet), II. 175; Lx. 312 (sincerity in word), I. 149; xiv. 350 Uove and Juno couching), I. 45; xxiii. 282 quoted by Favorinus (in Gellius), II. 269; Patroclus, armour-bearer to Achilles, I. 167
Odyssey, i. 58 (smoke of one's fatherland) I. 94, 192; vi. 106, ytyy)9e Se re tftpeva Aijto>, II. 36; iii 117, x. 29, 31. 46, xi. 108, xii. 338, 359, 364, 370, 372 (the wanderings of Ulysses), I. 92 f.; called Graius (emend, for Caius) poeta, I. 192
Horace memorabilia poela, I. 122; Sat. ii. 3. 254 If. (Polemo). I. 123; dead for M„ I. 139; Od. ii. 10, 20 (no bow for ever strung), II. 8; Od. i. 2, 31 (Gods clothed in clouds), i. 44; Ep i. 7, 59 (decisa negotia), II. 211; Od. i. 17, 32; quoted by M. in apocryphal letter, II. 319, see II. 293; imitated (?), I. 8n.; see also Hertz, Renaissance und Rococo, pp. 44, 47 and especially note 77; cp. I. 198, quid me facere oportet and passage with Hor. Ep. I. 6, 17; crassa Minerva, I. 206 (Hor. Sat. II. 2. 3)
Hymettus and its thyme, I. 305
Ialysus, picture by Protogenes, I. 135
Iberians, see Hiberi
Ilissus, a stream in Attica, flower on banks of, I. 31
Ino (Cod. Heno), name of a harper's song, II. 107
Isidorus Lysias, case of. decided by the Imperial Brethren, II. 181
Isidore of Seville, quotes (?), Fronto, II. 284n.
Jews, fast of atonement, I. 145 Jugurtha, from Sallust, II. 161 ff.
Julianus (? the famous jurist Salvius J.? ), visited by Fr., when ill, I. 75
Julianus, Sextius Calpurnius, piven two procuratorships by Pius, I. 263
Julianus Naucellius, Claudius, letter of F. to, in favour of Faustinianus, I. 291; letters to, II. 91, 93
Jupiter, tricked by Juno (Hom. Il. xiv. 350), I. 45; listens to the Muses, I. 167; Feretrius, II. 11; creator of men, II. 13; on question of sleep, n 15; begets Somnus, II. 16; Poly crates washed by Jove's hands, II. 26; the thunderer, II. 71; Jupiter Ammon, II. 134
Juno (or Hera), I. 45; goddess of birth? (Lucina), II. 15
Juvenal, imitated (?), II. 216
Kephalus, see Cephalus
Laberius, Decimus, writer of mimes, first century B.C., uses chosen words, I. 5; on love, quoted by M., I. 142; his dirtobolaria or rather dicta, II. 102; introduced mean and vulgar expressions into Latin (Apollinaris in Gellius), II. 281; delenimenta (Cod. deJiberamenta) deliramenta—beneficia veneficia, I. 166
Laelianus, Pontius, a Roman general In Syria, a strict disciplinarian, II. 149; rescript to, as consul in 163 A.D., II. 291
Laertius=Ulysses, q.v.
Laevius, a little known poet probably of first century B.C., quoted (decipula insidiosa), I. 98
Lais, the celebrated courtezan of Corinth, I. 33; II. 85
Lampadio, a copyist of Cicero's works, I. 167
Lanuvium, chilly at night, I. 143
Laurentuin, warm at night, I. 143
Leander, story of Hero and L., a favourite with actors, I. 223
Led a on the stage (as swan), II. 104
Lesbos, birthplace of Arion, I. 55
Leto (Latona), from Homer, II. 36
Liber, see Bacchus
Libya, oasis of Jupiter-Ammon, II. 133; Fronto a Libyan. I. 137
Livia, wife of Augustus, II. 11
Livv, XXI. 4, perhaps imitated by Fr. H. 208; see also Schwierczina, Frontoniana, p. 36 f., who attributes to Livyauctibus augere, II. 8; litterae laureatae, II. 90; bella bellare, II. 202; desuetudo bellandi, II. 208.
Lollianus Avitus, proc. of Africa, letter of Fr. to, recommending Montanus, I. 279
Lollius Urblcus, praef. urbi, tried the case of Volumnius, II. 181
Longinus, a consular taken prisoner in Dacian war under Trajan, II. 21 f.
Lorium, in Etruria, 12 miles from Rome, where Pius had a villa, hilly road to, II. 121; M. visits, I. 173; letters of M. from, I. 195; II. 295; return to, from Alsium, II. 2, 7; Fronto goes to, II. 33
Love, see Cupid
Lucan, his Pharsalia criticised, II. 105/.
Lucilius, the first great satirist of Rome, born 148 B.C., noted for technical terms, I. 5; called gracilis, II. 49
Lucilius, M., a tribune "marked" by Censor for high-handed conduct, I. 215
Lucilla, Domitia, mother of M., constantly alluded to as domina, I. 15, 29, 155, 173, 189, 193, 219, 247, etc.; Greek letters of Fr. to, I. 125, 131, 146; mentioned in speech on Pius, I. 135; birthday at Naples, I. 1 45; her character, I. 149; chat with M., I. 183; to bring Gratia to Caieta, I. 193; hurts herself, I. 197; illness of, I. 247
Lucilla, Annia, daughter of M., I. 225; lodging with Matidia, I. 301; marriage to Lucius in Syria. II. 237n.; second marriage to Pompeianus, II. 31 6n.; possessed with a devil, In apocryphal letter, II. 299
Lucius see Verus
Lucretius, uses chosen words, I. 5; M. asks for extracts from, I. 303; M. to soothe himself with, II. 5; called "sublime," II. 119; quoted (templa in f era), II. 14; (nullius ante trita solo, i. 925), II. 71; personans mugitu, II. 74. See also Hertz, Renaissance und Rococo, note 77
Lucrinus lacus, I. 98n.
Lucullus, adj. from, in mutilated passage, I. 49
Lupus, see Sardius
Lycurgus, a Thracian king who cut down all vines, II. 65
Lysias, son of Kephaltis, the orator (in Plato's Phaedrus), I. 21, 33 n., 43
Lysias, see Isidorus
Macedon, empire of, II. 203
Macrinus Vindex, praef. praet, apocryphal letter of M. to, II. 311
Maecenas, prime minister of Augustus, his Horti Maetenatiani, I. 123 and note
Maecianus, I. 78 and note
Mamertinus, see Petronius
Marcianus, to plead against Herodes, I. 67
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (called Antoninus by himself, II. 33, and Verus, I. 118; name possibly punned on by Fr.'s quid verius, I. 62); character. I. 73, 171, 233; II; 35, 127; in his letters, II. 297; as peace maker, I. 61, 73; abstemiousness, I. 183; II. 19; always up in the clouds, I. 185; philosophy, I. 197; II. 75, 99; knows men better than Fr., I. 205; as puerulus, I. 61; dislikes conventional fibs, I. 101; praised in F.'s speech on Pius, I. 135, 305; tristior, durus, intempestivus, odiosua, I. 206 cannot take both sides of a question, I. 217; reputation with all classes, I. 233, 245 i as able as Caesar (Fr.), II. 29; trilies to please Fr., I. 97; love of Fr., I. 31, 77, 85; II. 285, etc.; shuns eloquence because it gratifies him, II. 63; his genius, I. 14, 39, 81, 305; II. 37. 47, 75, 125; his pietas, II. 63, 127, 138; keeps his friends loyal to philosophy, II. 71; nobility of mind, dignity of thoughts, II. 75, 79; his virtus, I. 73, 305; II. 125; fulei parendum est, I. 71; benignitas ingenila towards all, I. 235; bonitas, II. 92; a righteous judge, II. 97; fixity of resolve, II. 133; decus patriae, I. 144; decus morum, I. 90; in apocryphal letter compared to the dialogista Cicero, II. 293; and to a philosophising old woman, by Cassius, II. 309; loyalty to Lucius, II. 97, 123, 133, 232; obseguens, II. 134; verecundia of, I. 82
Philosophy, I. 197; II. 71, 75; born on M. Caelius, I. 143; his grandfather, I. 61; takes toga virilis, I. 73n.; at Baiae, I. 93; his mother, I. 1 15, 183; aged 22, I. 123; aged 24, I. 217; at Naples, I. 143; connexion with Herodes, I. 171; II. 297; sacrifices with Pius, I. 181; grape gathering, I. 183; dictates thirty letters, I. 185; at Lorium, I. 195; II. 203; reads at banquets and theatres, I. 207; busts and pictures of, I. 207; writes more than once in a day to F., I. 221, cp. II. 297; recommends Themistocles to F., I. 237: birthday, I. 125, 253; at Alsium, II. 2; his holiday there, II. 5; eschews pleasure, II. 7; at Centumcellae, I. 55; at Signia (?), I. 177; at Caieta, I. 193; learns wrestling, I. 151; hunting, I. 172, 179; riding, I. 150, 181; sweet tone of voice, II. 40, 121; coin of, II. 115; children like him, II. 119, 121 (see also under Cornincia, Lucilla, Fadilla, Antoninus, Commodus); title Armeniacus, II. 133; troubled by Parthian war, II. 29; letter to Eurycles, II. 285; letter to Guild of Bacchus, II. 295; Initiated at Athens, II. 297; apocryphal letters, to Abercius, u. 298n.; to Fur. Victorinus, II. 306; to Bassaeus Rufus, II., 313, to Corn. Balbus, II. 313; to and from Faustina, II. 315, 317; to Euxenianus, II. 299; to the Senate, II. 301; of Lucius to, and answer, II. 309; letter about Albinus, II. 313; assessor and coadjutor to Pius, I. 37, 215; called Imperator while Caesar, I. 80; loves Rome, I. 181; dislike of law-courts, I. 55, 153, 181; cp. I. 13n.; writes with his own hand, I. 67, 183; II. 223; his hand-writing, I. 66,167; surrounded by flatterers, I. 137; subject to cold, I. 180; health (bad), I. 183, 185, 199, 201; II. 127, 223 (good), I. 123, 233; as a sleeper, I. 54, 189; II. 19; defence of sleep, I. 91; room cold, I. 55; scorpion in bed, I. 197; wishes to write history, I. 13
Must dig deep for words, I. 7; chooses with care, II. 3; not to mind correction, I. 11; makes a good maxim, I. 13; scolded by F., I. 15, 109; taught to speak truth, I. 17; writing in Greek, I. 19, 125, 143; letter full of Greek, I. 126; forgets what he learns, I. 19; II. 39; similes, I. 37; eyes opened by F., I. 81; extracts from sixty books, L 139; reads F.'s speech on wills, I. 155; wants a rich subject for declamation, I. 209; compared to Saliust, II. 71: values F.'s judgment, II. 97; owes to F all his knowledge of literature, I. 79; hexameters, I. 15, 125, 139 Eloquence, advance in, I. 105, 167, 305; II. 35, 37; given up for a time, II. 75; in what respect limps, II. 79, 111; M. anxious about, II. 110; "Caesar" speech, I. 19; thanks to Pius, I. 37; language in, I. 53 (? II. 39); epideictic oration, I. 105; speech in Senate, I. 107; eloquence of, I. 121, 133; coming 3peech in Senate (A.D. 145 or 147), I. 189; bottle-simile, II. 39; listened to eagerly, II. 41; uses figures of speech, II. 41; speech on Cyzicenes, II. 43; speech (A.D. 162), II. 81; its fine thoughts, ibid.; Lucius and himself the eyes of the State (?), II. 109; faulty edict of, H. 113; speech on Lucius, II. 135; on Parthian affairs, 1. 11 (? 107, 108)
Reading in old literature, I. 107; Cato, I. 117, 153, 181; Ennius, I. 107; Coelius (?), I. 301; Cicero, ibid.; something especially eloquent of F.'s, I. 301: can only read by stealth, I. 301; II. 29; wants letters of Cicero to improve his style, II. 157; Ennius quoted in apocryphal letter, II. 307; see also under Gracchus, Cato, Plautus, Horace, Lucretius, etc., writes a hendecasyllable, I. 118
Marius, Gaius, born at Arpinum, ii. 205; sketch of, by Sallust, II. 165 ff.
Mars Gradivus, I. Ill; God of war, II. 15; begetter of the Roman pace, II. 21; mentioned In mutilated passage, II. 216
Marsians, power over snakes, II. 23; Marsic (? Massic) wine, I. 177
Martius Verus, general in Parthian war, to draw up memoranda of the war, II. 195; sends news to M. of revolt of Cassius (?), II. 31 In.
Massic Mount (?), I. 177; See Marei
Matidia, great aunt of Marcus, M.'s daughters lodging with her (at Minturnae?), I. 301; will of, II. 94n. and ff.
Mauretania, friends of F. in, I. 237
Maximus, Gavius (or Cavius), letter to, about Censorius, II. 259, 261
Maximus, Appius (? called Santra), a general under Trajan, slain by the Parthians, II. 23, 203, 215
Maximum, Junius, letter of F. to, II. 245; a tribune who brought laurelled dispatches from Cassius, II. 191
Maximus, T. Atilius, II. 295
Menelaus, at the banquet (in Homer II. vi. 408), II. 50; eloquence of (Il. iii. 112), II. 59
Menoetiades, see Patroclus Mercury, with winged ankles, II.
17; controller of messages, II. 67
Mesopotamia, reverse in, under Trajan, II. 23 (see under Maximus); ii. 201
Metellus, L. Caecilius, pont. max. 243-223 B.C., mentioned by Cl. Quadrigarius, H. 268; II. 165
Metellus, Q. Caecilius, Numidicus, mentioned (109 B.O.), I. 167; his exempla, II. 149
Minerva, Goddess of Athens, I. 51; temple at, II. 297; foils the suitors (Homer's Od.), I. 133; child of Zeus, I. 135; mistress of every art, I. 149; II. 15; of eloquence, II. 65; feast of, on 19 March, I. 211
Minturnae, a city of Latium, II. 29n.
Mithridates, letter of, to Arsaces, II. 143
Montanus, Licinius, recommended to Lollianus Avitus, I. 279
Muses, meet Hesiod, I. 44; sing to Jove in Heaven, I. 167; the fifth hour appropriate to them, II. 4; presided each over an art, I. 148
Musonius, Stoic philosopher under Nero, II. 60
Naevius, writer of plays and satires in the old Saturn ian metre, and an epic on the Punic War, in which he served, uses chosen words, I. 5: amor capVatis, I. 114; on flatterers, I. 139 Naples. I. 141, 146; climate, I. 143
Naucellius, see Claudius Julianus
Nazarius (circa 320 A.D.) imitates Fronto, II. 117n.
Nealces, a late Greek painter (circa 245 B.C.), painter of small canvasses, II. 49
Nepos, Cornelius, the historian and friend of Cicero, reference to Numantine War quoted, II. 145
Nepos, transcriber of Cicero's works, I. 169
Neptune, cannot thunder. II. 135: refuses to preside over Sleep, II. 15; mentioned in mutilated passage, II. 216
Nerva, the emperor, plagiarized a speech, II 137
Nicephorium (MS. Nicephorus), on the Euphrates, taken, II. 133
Nicias, an Athenian painter about 310 B.C., did not paint sombre subjects, II. 49
Nicias, the Athenian general, II. 143
Niger, see Censorius Niger, reader or secretary to Marcus at Alsium, II. 5
Nigidius Figulus, a Pythagorean philosopher about 60 B.C., II. 267
Nile, fountains of, I. 91
Novius, a writer of Atellane farces about 100 B.C., notable for rustic and comic words, I. 5; passages from, extracted by M., I. 139; possible quotation from his Vindemiatores, I. 183
Numa, a gourmand and holiday maker, I. 11; Hadrian compared to, II. 209; Pius compared to him in margin of Cod. ibid. (see Capitolinus)
Numantia, defeat of Romans before, II. 21; Nepos's account of war with, II. 145
Numida, Julius Celsinus, visits Fronto, II. 273
Numidicus, see Metellus
Nursia, a Sabine city, birthplace of Vespasian, II. 205
Ocha, a cook mentioned by Cato, ii. 3
Olympia, crowns at, I. 271
Opellius or OpiKDius, D. Aurelius, author of Musae, a grammarian and copyist of the works of old writers, I. 167
Optatus, see Caelius
Oroetes, a Persian Satrap who crucified Polycrates, II. 27
Orpheus, his eloquence, I. 71; and Eurydice, I. 132
Osiris, altars of, II. 85; in mutilated passage, II. 138
Pacorus, Aurelius, made King of Armenia by Vologaesus, and deprived by Lucius, II. 145
Pacuvius, a tragic poet born about 220 B.C., called mediocris, II. 49; uses flavus of water and dust, II. 267
Pannonia, soldiers of, II. 209; trial of Herodes in, II. 295
Papirius Cassius. consul, his death imminent (apocryphal letter), II. 313
Parrhasius, the celebrated painter about 400 B.C. contrasted with Apelles as not working in many colours, II. 49
Parthamasiris, King of Armenia, slain at Rome in a tumult, II. 215
Parthians, wore loose wide sleeves, I. 11; as type of barbarians, I. 303; alone worthy foes of Rome, II. 203; defeat the Romans, ibid.; arrows of, II. 205; mail-clad troops of, II. 213; Lucius's memoranda, etc., of the war, II. 193, 199; preamble to history of war, II. 198; anxiety as to, for Marcus, II. 29; for Lucius, II. 117; II. 23n.
Passienus Rufus, letter from Fr. to, II. 191
Paterculus, mistaken reading by Mai in Ad Verum, II. 1, p. 126, 1. 13; I. 142
Patroclus (Patricoles.Cod.) armour-bearer to Achilles, I. 167; called Menoetiades, II. 175
Pausias. painter contemporary with Apelles, painted licentious canvases, II. 49: see Athen. xiii, 3676., where Pausanias is emended by some to Pausias
Penelope, wife of Llysses, her web, I. 49; her suitors, I. 133
Periander, king of Corinth, and Arion, I. 57; coupled with Polycrates, II. 61
Pergamum, citadel of, with temple to Aesculapius, I. 51
Pericles, a disciple of Anaxagoras, II. 69
Perperna, probably consul in 130 B.C., coins of, ii. 113
Persians, their training, I. 107; the great King, I. 271; their kings elected by the neighing of a horse, II. 141; II. 26?j.
Pescennius Niger, claimant to the empire against Severus, given a military post (apocryphal letter) by Marcus, II. 315
Petilianus, see Demostratus
Petronius Mamertinus, father of M.'s son-in-law, letter of F. to, II. 242
Phalaris and his brazen bull, II. 88
Phidias, the famous sculptor, as type of supreme excellence, I. 129; serious work of, II. 49
Philoctetes, lameness of, II. 61
Pictor, Q. Fabius, earliest Roman annalist, wrote incondite, II. 49
Pisitheus, a doctor to M.'s children (apocryphal letter), II. 317
Piso, letter of M. to II. 290n.
Pius, see Aemilrus Pius
Phaedrus (Phaeder, Cod.), in Plato's dialogue I. 33, 43
Plarianus, Aegrilius, legatus of Africa, letter to, in favour of Aquilinus, I. 289
Plato, reference to his Phaedrus, I. 21, 33, 43; Socrates in the Phaedo, I. 187; Aquilinus versed in his doctrines, I. 289; Symposia, Dialogues, and Letters of the Socratics, ii. 11; mentioned in mutilated passage, ii. 50; on ambition, II. 63; contrasted with dialecticians, II. 67; eloquence of, II. 69; phonemata of, II. 74
Plautius (Plotius) Gallus, L., copyist of old writers, I. 167
Plautus, the comic poet, used choice words, I. 5; Plautlne word elavere, I. 7; amoris imber, etc., I. 112; his Colax quoted, I. 137; for polish of style, II. 5; piscatus hamatilis, II. 7; locus lubricus, II. 7; exradicitus, II. 102; certain word3 used by him (mutilated passage), II. 115; his Miles Gloriosus, II. 193; a Plautine expression preserved in the margin, ll. 24n. Fronto imitates him throughout, see passages collected by Studemund, letter to Klussmann (whom also see p. 78) at the end of his Emendationes Frontonianae, pp. xxx, xxxi; also Ehrenthal, Quaestiones Frontonianae, p. 36, 37, and Schwierczina, Frontoniana pp. 19-21. He quotes servitutem servire, pipulus, propinque, superfio, robiginosus, interpolis, impos, recte provenire, frustra esse, precator, impiare, apiculus, argeatiolus
Plautillus (in apocryphal letter), II. 311
Polemo or Polemon, a famous rhetorician heard by M. at Naples, I. 117; cp. II. 241n. See also Philostratus Vit. Soph. p. 231 Kayser
Polemo, the reformed rake and philosopher, (from Horace), I. 123
Pollio, Asinius, "dead" for Marcus, I. 139; his Consilia, II. 142
Polus, a Sophist of Sicily (Plato's Gorgias), I. 103
Polycletus, sculptor of fourth century B.C., famous for his study of human figure, less rough than Calamis, II. 49
Polycrates, tyrant of Samos, crucified 522 B.o.; daughter's dream, II. 27; story of his ring, II. 23 f.; coupled with Periander, II. 61
Pompeius Magnus, Gnaeus, Cicero's praise of and his title of Magnus, II. 31; his letter to the Senate from Spain, II. 143
Pompeius Falco, friend of Pliny the Younger, his estate visited by P. and M., I. 141
Pompeianus, M.'s son-in-law, commander in the "miraculous Victory" (apocryphal letter), II. 303; mentioned In apocryphal letter (possibly Pomp. Quintianus is meant), II. 317
Pompeianus, Praecilius, letters to, II. 89, 91
Pompeianus, Saenius, farms taxes of Africa, letter recommending him to M., I. 233
Pompeii, fig tree of, I. 117
Pomponius, a writer of Atellane farces about 90 B.C., notable for rustic and comic words, I. 5
Pomptine plain, II. 76
Pontius, see Laelianus
Porcius, M., see Cato
Postumius, see Festus
Praeneste, a city of Latium, Fortune of, II. 105 see Ovid, Fasti, vi., 61. Cic. de Div. II. 41, etc.
Proculus, of doubtful identity, character as judge and as man, II. 187
Prometheus alluded to, II. 13
Protagoras, an early sophist (Plato's Theaetetus) entrapped by Socrates, I. 103
Protogenes, painter contemporary with Apelles, took eleven years to paint his Ialysus I. 135; painter of large canvasses, n 49
Puteoli, sea town of Campania, hot noons at, I. 143
Pylades, a pantomimus who took his name from the famous P. of Augustus' time, 1. 305; there were two of the name at this period, one a freedman of Pius and the other of Marcus and L. {see Inscr. Oruter. 33 U)
Pythagoras, his esoteric symbols and signs, II. 48
Pyrallus (?), II. 94
Pyrrhaeans, proverb for averting ill referring to them, 1. 125
Quadi, "miraculous" victory over, II. 301n.
Quadratus, see Fronto—brother of Quadrigarius, see Cl. Quadr.
Quintus, a poet, probably =Ennius, I. 77
Quintillan, imitated by F., I. 100n.; his Inst, vi, Pref. is perhaps imitated in the De Nepote Amis so, H. 222 f.: obsolota et volgaria verba, II. 80 (Quint. 18, 56)
Remus, auguries of, II. 141
Repentinus Contuccius, Cornelius, praef. praet. under Pius, letter to, as "brother," thanking him for good offices to Fabianus, I. 283
Rhodes, rebuilt by Pius, II. 281
Rome, loved by M. I. 181; Mons Caelius, I. 143; the Portunium or Flower Market, I. 164 (margin of Cod.); the Capitol and grove, I. 51; the Ovilia and the Tiber, II. 112; no accepter of gifts, I. 271; empire of, enlarged, II. 9; vicissitudes of, II. 27; inhabitants of old Palatine hill at Rome? m2 Cod., II. 112; Trajan's Forum, II. 304
Romulus, won the Spolia Opima, II. 11; the Sabine women, II. 11; took auguries, II. 141
Roscius, the great comedian, I. 65, II. 67
Rufinus, Sulpicius, honorary treasurer of Guild of Bacchus at Smyrna, II. 295
Rufus Passienus, q.v.
Rufus Senex, Velius, letter of F. to, II. 87
Rusticus, the Stoic philosopher and preceptor of Marcus, the Roman R., n 7; I. 218n.
Saenius, see Pompeianus
Sallustius Crispus, Gaius, imitator of Cato, I. 5; his maxims, I. 13; Jugurtha and Catiline of, I. 15; long extracts from these, II. 159 ff.; new readings in, II. 164n.; Sallust and Cicero contrasted in use of figures, II. 159; antithesis of, ibid.; admired by F., I. 153; M. asks for something especially eloquent by, I. 301; his style (structe), II 49; extracts from (?), I. 80; M. praised for following in his steps, II. 71; his trumpet note, II. 75; manu ventre pene, II. 83; imitated, II. 101; might is right, II. 110; use of antiquitas by, II. 114; certain words (passage mutilated) used by, II. 115; speech plagiarised by Ventidius, II. 137; quotation about Cato and Gracchus, II. 141; letter of Mithridates to Arsaces quoted, II. 143; letter of Pompeius to Senate quoted from, II. 143; letter of Adherbal to Senate from Cirta, II. 143; quotation from lost works, H. 198; constantly imitated by Fronto, e.g., faucibus urgebat, I. 150; tametsi . . . tamen, a common usage in Sallust, i. 202 f.; II. 130; II. 214, 246; also globus, II. 182; in tutus, I. 46; vagi palantes, I. 202; consultor M., I. 60; nullum inter bonos et malos fortunarum discrimen, II. 224; see Schwierczina, Frontoniana, p. 17; simile about a fire (see Suidas under Athenodorus), II. 96
Sallustius, alias Fulvianus, II. 195
Santra, see Maximus, Appius
Sardius Lupus pupil of F., II. 243; grief at brother's death, ibid.
Sardius Saturninus, father of F.'s pupils, II. 241; his son Lupus, II. 243; letter to, on loss of his son, II. 243
Saxa, letter of M. to, II. 290n.
Scipio Africanus, extracts from his Oratiuncxdae by M., I. 139; mentioned, I. 167; Carthaginian prisoners, II. 29
Scipio, Publius, general against Jugurtha (Sallust), II. 163
Scythians, Anacharsis a Scythian I. 137; alluded to as nomad? II. 203
Sempronia, mentioned in Sallust's Catiline, II. 167
Seneca, L. Annaeus, F. a disciple of (ironical), II. 7; mollia et febriculosa prunula of, II. 102; his style in general, II. 102; supposed reference by F. to, Intr. p. xviii
Senex, Julius, friend of F. summoned from Mauretania, I. 237
Senex, Velius Rufus, see Rufus
Serenus, Volumnius. see Volumnius
Sergius Flavius [? Plautus, Quint. x. i, 124; Pliny N.H. ind. auct. b. 2-18 (also Paulus): cp. also (Apuleius) irepl tpwv., p. 262 Hild.l contrasted with Seneca for sobriety of language, II. 103
Sertorius, see II. 143n.
Servilius Silanus, an orator and patron of Cirta, I. 293
Servius, the Vergilian grammarian, refers to Fr. on Aen. vii. 688 (galerum), II. 266n.; on Aen. I. 409; he says Fr. objected to; amicitiae mutuae, cp. I. 11, 236; on Aen. vii. 30; that he used inter for per as Terence, cp. Exempla Elocutionum (? Fronto) s.v.; on Aen. vii. 445; ardeo in rem given as Cornelii elocutio, but in Erempl. Eloc. (? Fronto) only Aen. vii. 628 is quoted
Severianus destroyed with his legion by the Parthians at Elegeia. 162 A.D., II. 21n. 214
Sever us, Claudius, probably the Peripatetic philosopher, whose son married Fadilla, M.'s daughter; letter to him recommending Sulp. Cornelianus, I. 285
Sextus Empiricus, II. 83n.
Sextu3 Calpurnius, given two procuratorships by Pius, I. 263
Sibylla, oracles of, I. 91; Sibylline books, II. 135
Sicily, in the story of Arion, I. 57; Trinacria, I. 92
Signia. unpalatable wine of, I. 177
Silenus, garlands of, made of vine, II. 85
Sisenua, a historian born about 118 B.C., wrote longinque, II. 49; noted for erotics (Milesian Fables?). I. 5
Smyrna, earthquake at, II. 299; letter of M. to Guild of Bacchus at, II. 295 Socrates, In Plato's Phaedrus, I. 33; in the Phaedo (pleasures and pains linked together), I. 187: his irony, I. 101; sapped error by mines, I. 101; in the Symposia and Dialogues and Letters of the Socratics, II. 11; pupil of Aspasia, teacher of Alcibiades, II. 11, 61; captious in argument, I. 48; in mutilated passage, II. 10 (margin, De Socrate), 50, 64
Sohaemus, made king of Armenia by Lucius, II. 145
Solon and Croesus, II. 61
Soteridas, a physician to M. and Faustina (in apocryphal letter). II. 317
Spain, letter of Pompey from, II. 143; see also Hiberi
Spartacus, a gladiator who organized a revolt in Italy in 73 B.C., II. 147; an able general, II. 217 Squilla Gallicanus, letter to, II. 245; his son F.'s pupil pleads at the bar, II. 245; see also emendation by Dr. Hauler, I. 90
Staberius, copyist of ancient writers, I. 167
Statianus, friend of F. and father of Faustinianus, his pupil, I. 291
Stratonabia (?), II. 92
Styx, II. 14
Suetonius Tranquillus, speaks of iephv Ixttovv, ii. 174; quoted in apocryphal letter, II. 293
Sulla, Faustus, see Faustus
Sulla, Publius (Cod. Lucius), Cicero's speech for, II. 101
Syria, Syrian soldiers, II. 208, 210; morals of Daphne (in apocryphal letter), II. 307; Syrian door-keeper (so Cod), I. 270n.
Tacitus, phrase from (?), II. 62; see also Schwierczina, Frontoniana, p. 36 f.; ne Iiveant neque invideant, I. 72; exemplares, II. 138
Taenarus (or Taenarum) in story of Arion, I. 57, 59
Tarentum. in story of Arion, I. 57. 59; roses of, I. 117
Tasurcus, an Inferior actor, contrasted with Roscius, II. 67
Taurus range, see Balcia, II. 214n.
Telamon, father of Ajax, words to his sons going out to the Trojan war (Ennius), II. 21
Terence, extracts from (? Fronto's), I. 80n.; copied, I. 298; see also Ehrenthal, Quaestiones Frontonianae, pp. 36 f.; Klussmann, Emendationes Frontonianae, p. 78; Schwierczina, Frontoniana, p. 22 f.; and Hertz, Renaissance und Rococo, note 77; rem omnem dilapidare, I. 158; conviciis proteiare, I. 62; ubique phaleris utendum, I. 106; suramus = intimus, II. 220, 234; fac periculum, I. 286, 290
Tereus, a Thracian king, type of criminality, II. 65
Teucer, arrow deflected by Apollo, I. 133
Themistocles, F. asked by M. to befriend him in Asia, I. 235
Theodorus, a rhetorician of Gadara, his emxtipyv-v-Ta, i. 39; II. 1O1n.; II. 109n.
Theophrastus (MS. Thucydides), Aristotle's successor, quotation as to lovers being blind, I. 109
Theopompus, rhetorician and historian (circa 333 B.C.), reputed the most eloquent of the Greeks, I. 143
Thersites, II. 59
Thrasymachus, a sophist, entrapped by Socrates (Plato's Republic and Phaedrus), I. 103
Thucydides, the memorable letter of Nicias, II. 143; his fifty years war (I. 89 ff.)„ II. 197; see also under Theophrastus
Thurselius, reading of m 1 Cod. Ambr. 62, I. 168 Tiber, canalised by an Etruscan (?), II. Ill
Tiberius, his library at Rome in the Palatium, i. 179; the notorious, II. 139
Tibur (Tivoli), temperature at nightfall moderate, I. 143
Tigris, crossed by Trajan, II. 201; ferry dues on, fixed by Trajan, II. 215
Timocrates, mentioned as a philosopher, II. 50
Tiro, reviser of Ciceronian MSS., I. 167
Titius, a poet, probably the Septimius Titius of Hor. Ep. i. 3, 9-14 (cp. Od. II. 6), I. 167
Titianus, on the Frontonians, Intr. xli
Trajan, delighted in actors, II. 9; war in Dacia, II. 121; hard drinker, II. 9; his general defeated by Parthians, II. 203; campaigns against Parthia, II. 205; knew his soldiers by name, ibid.; grudged his generals honours, II. 207; murder of Parthian King Parthamasiris at Rome, II. 213; provinces annexed by him surrendered by Hadrian, II. 207; ambitious of glory, II. 213; popularity in peace, II. 217; equally illustrious in peace and war, II. 215; mentioned in apocryphal letter, II. 315; fond of actors, II. 215
Tranquillus, not Suetonius, I. 307
Trebanius, coin of Gens Trebania (see Eckhel, v. 326), II. 113
Trinacria (Sicily), I. 92
Tullius, see Cicero
Turbo, Marcius, praef. praet. under Hadrian, friend of Censorius, I. 257
Tusculum, Cato's birthplace, I. 43; sunny mornings at, I. 143
Tuscus (?), II. 110
Ulpius Eurycles, curator of Ephesus, letter of M. to, II. 290
Ulpius, mentioned in a letter to Junius Maximus as friend of F., possibly Ulpius Marcellus, the jurist, II. 245
Ulysses, the "labyrinth" of, I. 93; eloquence of (Homer, II. in. 112); II. 59; in Pacuvius (Gellius), H. 267
Umbria, home of Victorinus, i. 215
Urbicus, Lollicus, praef. urbi, II. 180n. and 181
Utica, in Sallust, II. 164
Valerianus, mentioned in letter to Cl. Julianus, II. 93
Valerius, official for "sacred things," in apocryphal letter, II. 801
Valerius, Antonius, to hand a petition in to Lucius, I. 305
Valerius Clitianus, letter to, lost, II. 190n.
Variani alumni, of Matidia, II. 99
Varro, Marcus, the Roman polymath, book of Satires called Exdemetricus (Gellius), II. 261; proverb from satire, II. 273; used expression praeter-propter, II. 275
Vectilianus, Caesonius, officer at Antioch (in apocryphal letters), II. 307
Velius Rufus Senex, see Rufus
Venetus, a Venetian, or for Venetianus, a partisan of the "Blues" In the Circus, II. 91
Ventidius, triumphed over Parthians, II. 137; plagiarised a speech from Sallust, ibid.
Venus, mother of Deceit, I. 151; favours the night, II. 15; her tresses, II. 105
Vergil, most careful in the choice of words, II. 265; calls the olive leaf flatus (? where), II. 267; his use of glaucus, II. 267; extracts from (?), I. 80n. For imitations of see Hertz, Renaissance und Rococo, note 76; Schwierczina, Frontoniana, p. 31
Verus, Lucius, adopted son of Pius and co-Emperor with M., calls himself Verus, I. 296, 306; first mention and speech of thanks (? for consulship), I. 241; illness at Canusium. II. 85; urged to be abstinent, II. 87; eloquent dispatch to Senate, II. 133, 1-45; a good letter to F. excusing himself for not writing, II. 117; bonitas of, II. 92; letter, speeches, parleys with enemy, II. 196 f.; asks F. to make the most of his exploits, ibid.: troops enlisted by, II. 207; military virtues of, II. 131, 209 f.; justice and clemency, II. 213; compared with Trajan, I. 207; fond of actors, I. 305; II. 215; compared to Marius and Vespasian, II. 205; answer to Parthian king, II. 133; discipline of the army in Syria, II. 149; learnt lessons of warfare from Cato, II. 151; scolds F., I. 295; Faustina and her children with him in Syria, II. 237; F. sends him some speeches to Syria, II. 235; frightened by the catafracti of the Parthians, II. 117n.; carries Fronto when ill, II. 241
Vespasian, born at Nursia, II. 205; mentioned, II. 139
Victorinus, Aufidius, F's son-in-law, I. 125; brings news of Faustina, I. 195; opinion of himself as judge, II. 215; F.'s daughter betrothed to him, I. 293; not so eloquent as M., II. 37; mentioned in connexion with F.'s possible death, II. 153; F.'s letters to, II. 169 ff.; see also II. 175n.; asked to befriend Aquila in his province, II. 171
Victorinus, infant son of above, II. 173 and 172n.
Victorinus, Furius praef. praet. 159-167, mentioned in apocryphal letter, II. 306
Villianus (?) to plead against Herodes, I. 67
Viriathus, a Spanish insurgent leader (about 150 B.C.), able in war, II. 147, 217
Vitrasius Polllo, praef. praet. about 172 A.D., mentioned in apocryphal letter of M., II. 305
Vologaesus, the Parthian king who declared war on the Romans, dethroned by Lucius, II. 143; letter of Verus to, II. 213; made Pacorus king of Armenia, II. 145
Volumnius Serenus of Concordia in Venetia, his case for restitution as decurio, II. 177 ff.
Volumnius Quadratus, letters of F. to, I. 307; works of Cicero with annotations by F., I. 309
Xenocrates, I. 122n.
Xenophon mentioned in a mutilated passage with Socrates and other philosophers, II. 50; contrasted with dialecticians, II. 67; served as volunteer under Cyrus, il 201; fond of hunting, ibid.
Zeno, founder of Stoic philosophy, his power of exposition, II. 49, 51; mentioned after Cleanthes, II. 63
accession, anniversary of P's. I. 227
Acta Senatus, I. 110
actors, II. 8, 17, 67, 69, 105, 108, 216; mantles used by, I. 105; Hero and Leander, I. 222; mask of, ll. 69; gestures of, II. 139; at Antioch, II. 149; sent for to Syria by Trajan and Lucius, II. 215. See also under stage
affection, want of family, in Rome, II. 154; cp. II. 18
adjournment in law cases, I, 159
age of exemption from duties 55, II. 185
alder, I. 89
alimentary institutions, II. 99
alliteration (see also Ehrenthal, Frontonianae Quaest. pp. 35ff and Brock, Studies in Fronto, 144 146); barbarism and bleating, F. I. 136; bleating and fleeting, M. I. 151; acidos acinos, passas puberes, M. I. 177; aerumnae adoreae, terrores triumphi, F. n. 20; cadendo caedendo, F. II. 26; cycnum coges cantione cornicum, F. II. 46; amburens in aheno, F. n. 90; amor iugis et iucundus, F. I. 86; peragrare pervenire, F. n. 188; verbi vitium, F. II. 255; impenso et propenso, F. I. 110; neque penaum neque mensum, F. n. 224; intentum et infestum et Instructum, II. 204; profectus provectus, I. 151; allit. of s, II. 120, U. 9, 10; of p, I. 50, line 5; of i, I. 118; of v, II. 236; fortia facinora fecimus, M. I. 178; puri perpetui, grati gratuiti, F. I. 86; hioerati lacessiti, F. I. 102; funduntur fupantur, M. I. 94 F. n. 136; opimus optimus, F. II. 8; vis verbi ac venustas, F. I. 6; dedicavi dcspondi delegavi, M. I. 153; odoris roboris, F. I. 89; rraplovres napappiovres, F. I. 22; ttoXAo iroXXaKi? napa jrXeCaTtov 71 ep.ir6(Jieva ov vpocrrJKaro, F. I. 272; also from Laberius, I. 166; Plautus, II. 6, 24, Caecilius, I. 142, Pacuvius, II. 266, Ennius, I. 76; aspiration ibus rationibus, F. II. 28; tubae tibiarum, F. I. 52; impudens impudica, F. ibid.; pensis parem propositis, II. 204; te tutum intus in tranquillo sinu tutatur, F. I. 36
alumni Variani, II. 98
amanuensis, II. 73
amber, rubbing of, II. 105
ambition, the last infirmity of noble mind, II. 62
anagnostes, I. 223; II. 5n.
anger, I. 259
analogy, Caesar's books on, II. 29, 256
annihilation at death, II. 229
annuity, II. 99
antithesis, Sallust, II. 158. For Fronto's antitheses see Schwierczina, Frontoniana, p. 16w.
ants, I. 49
apoplexy, 11. 83
appeal, right of (poet, in Gellius), II. 257
archaism, II. 77, 79; Hadrian's spurious, II. 139
Argonauts, II. 106
arguing pro and con, Marcus objects to, I. 2l7f.
argumentum ad hominem, I. 173
armour of inferior make, 11. 149
arrows of Parthians, 11. 205
arts, superficial knowledge of, I. 3; noble, II. 183, 191, 224, 243, 244, 245; works of art by various artists, 11. 49; I. 135
assemblies of souls, II. 227 asyndeton, inepta Iniqua, P. II. 100; funduntur fugantur, M. I. 95; ordinatior perfectior, F. I. 112; scabies porrigo, F. I. 226; irascor, tristis sum, ^tjXotvttw cibo careo, M. I. 216; ostendere, definire, explanare, F. II. 67
Atellane farces, I. 40, 106, 139, 304; see also Ebert, de Syntaxi Fronton. p. 41
Atticists, I. 31
audit of accounts by emperor, I. 233
auguries, I. 141
Augusta, title of Faustina minor, I. 193
Aurelia regio, I. 175;
Aurella via, I. 155n.
backbone, lepbv ixrrovv, II. 174
ball-play, I. 99; I. 277
bamboo and reed, II. 180
banquets, public, II. 178; dress for, n. 250
baths, I. 90, 221, 243, 246, 250, II. 4, 5, 57, 127
beauty, how valued by lovers and non-lovers, I. 29
begging the question, I. 271
birds, song of, II. 73; young birds, II. 173
birthdays, I. 51
blood-letting, II. 85
boar-hunting, I. 179
bows rendered useless by wet, n. 212
box tree, I. 249
bread, black and white, II. 121
brigands in Asia Minor, I. 237
brother, a complimentary title, n. 191, 241
buffoons, proverb of, I. 98; Pius amused by, II. 8
bulletin, false, II. 139
burial in carnivorous animals, I. 160
busts of patricians In old days, I. 119; Cato's, II. 151; of Marcus, I. 207
Caelian hill, i. 143
Campus (Martius), II. 1 25
canal of Tiber, m» in Cod., U. 110
Capitol, I. 51
capons, II. 7
Caesar-speech, I. 19
cedars, l. 89
Censor, shuts up gaming houses, n 111
Cerberus, II. 14
changeling, II. 139
charioteer and spectators, II. 17
children (ius liberorum), I. 237
choice (irpoaipeai?) of wise man, II. 61
Christians, II. 283 f, 204n; apocryphal letters, II 299 ff. 302 ff.
Ciceronian style, I. Ill, 123, II. 43
Circus, I. Ill, 309, II. 147, 217; annona et circenses, II. 216
clemency, II. 319
clouds a» goddesses, I. 44.
codex, third writing on, I. 72n.
codicils to will, II. 95; a codicillis, II. 95
coining words, II. 115
coins of lead and adulterated, II. 54, 113
cold in M.'s bedroom, I. 55
colours, II. 263 ff, red and green, ibid.; terms for, in Greek and Latin, ibid.
comedies, I. 107
comitium, II. 43, 65
commonplaces, I. 29, 55; see also Schwierczina, Frontoniana for F.'s use of fables and mythological stories as oratorical common-places, p. 19
comparative degrees, when admissible, II. 183
concord among friends promoted by M. I. 73
congiarium, II. 47; = the corn-dole, II. 216
consilium, I. 287
constitution, i.e. legal enactment or decision, II. 181
conspicuous by absence, II. 3n.
Consul, unidentified, I. 189; Acilius Glabrio slew a lion in the amphitheatre, I. 211n.
consumption, air of Cirta good for, I. 281
conventions in speech, I. 101
cooks honoured with statues, II. 6
copyists of MSS. I. 167
corn supply, II. 179, 216
corrector of Codex, I. 131, 174n., II. 218n.
country house or villa, I. 176. See horti
crucifixion, II. 27
curriculum for oratory, II. 82
dancing, II. 105; Pyrrhic, I. 99; with cymbals, II. Ill; not reputable for women (Sallust), II. 169
day and night, fable of, II. 13 ff.
dead, look of the, II. 227
death, II. 227; early death, ibid.
Deceit, a goddess, I. 151
decurions, see Municipal Senators
deputation of Municipal Senate, II. 179
destiny, II. 225
dialecticians, II. 67, 71, 79, 83
diarrhoea, I. 203
dictating letters, I. 185, 248, II. 44
dilemmas, II. 67
dithyrambs, II. 67
diminutives (46 F, 26 M.) See for list Schwierczina, Frontoniana, p. 157
divorce, II. 183
docked words, II. 7
dog in Christian banquets, II. 283
dole (annona), II. 216. See congiarium
dolphin, I. 27, 57, 59; as swimmer, II. 67
door-keeper, P. 271
Dorian word (spadix), II. 265
dreams, I. 51, II. 17; Agamemnon's, I. 95; Ennius', ibid.; daughter of Polycrates', II. 27
dropsy, heated sand as cure, II. 253
drunghi, barbarian word it ] standards or troops, II. 301n.
dust, praise of, I. 44
eagles, flight of, II. 67
ears tingle when others speak of us, I. 114
earthquake, II. 41, 69
eating varies with different professions, II. 59; lawyers' wives great eaters, I. 145; Hadrian as gourmand, II. 8; Numa, II. 11
elephants, I. 163, II. 217
eloquence, oratory, rhetoric, the art of words: words, their choice and arrangement, I. 3; common ones preferable to unusual, if equally significant, I. 7; common and old words, II. 80; to be hunted out, I. 5, 7, II. 27, 261; choiceness of, in special authors, I. 5; Cicero's use of, I. 7; unexpected words, I. 7; unusual when to be used, I. 7; difference in, by alteration of one letter, I. 7; order important, I. 11; far-fetched ones never used by Marcus, I. 53; kinds of words, I. 105; choice words, II. 51; doubled, trebled, etc., II. 53; mean and slovenly, II. 107, 281; rhythmical and fluent, II. 105, 107; jingling, II. 103; absurd to coin words, I. 219, II. 115; old, often discoloured like coins, II. 115; adparatus verborum, I. 288; verba suo suco imbuta, II. 112; current words to be used, II. 113: orators, supreme excellence of,. I. 121; must not speak down to their audience, I. 121; boldness required, I. 11, 15, 119, II. 39; first rate and second rate, II. 43; oratorical art of Chrysippus, II. 69
Eloquence, ruler of the human race, II. 137, 139; delight of gods, II. 65; art of, I. 40 ff. II. 75, 83; powers of, II. 77, 137, 139; of Orpheus, I. 71; Caesar's eloquence, I. 53> II. 136: diiferent purposes of, in a Caesar, II. 59; the highest (ace. to Cicero), II. 144; praise of, II. 67; partitiones orationum, II. 88; exordium, ii. 91; technical terms of in Greek, II. 69, cp. 75; holds the most honoured place in F.'s eyes, I. 281; cannot, like a passed on, II. 141; the most eloquent speech of all, II. 31; tragedies useful in, I. 107; difference of style in forensic and other speeches, I. 41; various styles of, I. 103; oratory a help to verse writing, I. 107; oratorical insincerit-ies, I. 101; U3e of maxims in, I. 101; moderatio of oratory compared to facilitasC!) of history, H. 158; kissing connected with oratory, II. 239; a letter called an "oratio," II. 98; eloquence and philosophy, I. 288, II. 55 f., 75, 79 (dialectics), 83, philosophy supplies the thoughts and eloquence clothes them, II. 39, 71, 79; the nova elocutio, II. 81
Figures of speech {<rxnvara >, n 40, 77, 86, 159; required to qualify and soften down thoughts, II. 79; epanaphora, II. 40, 86; paraleipsi3, II. 41, 77; paronomasia, II. 158
emancipation of slaves in the arena, n119
Emperors, attendance on, I. 87; decisions of, I. 157; penalty of position, I. 297; purple cloak of, II. 65; attend to wishes and comfort of the people, II. 65, 216
empires before Rome, II. 201n.; her empire won by disaster as well as success, II. 26
entrails, inspection of, II. 241
envy, among M.'s entourage, I. 73, II. 229; of the living, II. 205; Trajan's envy of his generals, II. 207
epanaphora (Cicero), II. 159
epigram, I. 41, II. 90
erotics, I. 5, 27
exercise, II. 41
extracts from writers, I. 14, 16, 81, 139; Ennius, I. 303; Gracchus (?) I. 81; Lucretius, I. 303; Caelius, I. 19; Cicero, I. 80n., II. 157; Cicero annotated. I. 309: Sallust, I. 80n.; Vergil, ibid.; Terence, I. 80n.; Novhia, M. I. 139; Scipio's speeches, M. I. 139
eyes, harmonizing, II. 109
fable of day and night, II. 3; of vine and holm-oak, II. 85
Falcidian law, II. 94n.
Falernian wine, II. 7, 51
fallacies, II. 67
fame, love of, II. 62
farces, I. 107
fasting as a cure, I. 235, II. 85
fatalism, II. 309
Fates, I. 137, II. 223; as spinners, II. 225
fighting with beasts in arena, 1. 119, 211
figures (<Txw ara > schemata, q.v.), II. 87
fines, law as to, II. 125
fir tree, I. 49, 89
fish, strength of, in their tails, II. 23 fishing, II. 9
flattery, I. 137
flower market, I. 64
flower that turns to sun, I. 29
flute players, II. 9, 17
fly, pertinacity of, I. 25
forehead, touching, as sign of amity, II. 239
forgiveness, see pardon
Fortune, I. 169; temples to, I. 89; of Antium, Praeneste and of all sorts and kinds, II. 105; fortune, I. 69; things in power of, not to be valued, II. 61; pinguis fortuna, II. 26
forum, II. 42, 125, 153; of Trajan, II. 305
fox, II. 6
friends, promoting unity among, I. 73; true friendship, I. 257, 259, II. 76; a sharing of joys and sorrows, II. 93
frogs in Alsian marshes, II. 5; as swimmers, II. 67
fullness does not admit of comparison, II. 182
funeral, a public, for Matidia, II. 97
fury's scourge, II. 105
gambling in camp, II. 149
games of the Circus, I. 111, 309, II. (?) 146, 178, 217, and see Circus
gargling, I. 180
Gardens of Maecenas, I. 125; Fronto's, I. 299
generosity, I. 297
geometers, I. 135
gifts, exchange of, I. 279
glory, love of, II. 62
Gods everywhere, I. 53, we must have faith in, I. 247; of dreams, mysteries and oracles, I. 51; of the roads and seas, I. 51
golden age, the, I. 47
gong (discus), for dinner, I. 183
goodness, II. 183
gnome (yv^^r)), see maxim
Graecianized soldiers, II. 307
grammarian, friend of F. II. 281; unnamed, II. 275
grapes, Marsian or Massic, of Gauran mount, of Signia, I. 177; eaten by babies, II. 173
Greek, Marcus' writing in, I. 19; Fronto, I. 128; Greek letters, I. 20, 130, 146, 160, 261, 268, 286
greeting (salutem), II. 239, and of course passim
grove on Capitol, I. 51; sacred groves, II. 87
guild of Bacchus at Smyrna, II. 295
gutter, children of, II. 94
gymnasium, I. 23, 76
halcyon, II. 7
hair plucked from their bodies by soldiers, II. 149
hand-shaking, II. 239
harpers on one note, II. 107
healing, gods of, I. 51
heap-fallacy, II. 67
heat, suspended, I. 13
hendecasyllable by Marcus, I. 118
hexameters by M. I. 125, 129
Hernican word, I. 175
Hero and Leander, I. 223
herring-roe, I. 182
history, Marcus writing, I. 1; historians' lies last, II. 201; how to be written, II. 142
holidays at Alsium, II. 3
holm-oak, II. 81
honour (fides) the first consideration, I. 71
horn -dilemma, II. 67
horses, neighing of, decided Persian empire, II. 141
horti Maecenatiani, I. 122; F.'s horti and villas, I. 177, 213, 299, II. 87, 193
hot springs and grottoes of Baiae, I. 87
hyenas, I. 133: m2 Cod. for lions, II. 111
hunting in vivarium, I. 173; boars, I. 179
Ionian Sea, I. 34
immortality, no consolation, II. 227; doubtful, II. 229
Imperator, when Marcus first given the title, I. 81
incest attributed to Christians, II. 283
infamy and ignominy, II. 181, 187
informer's brand, II. 7, 181
injuries to be passed over, I. 69, II. 215
insincerity, Homer's testimony against, I. 149; Marcus dislikes conventional insincerities, I. 101
irony of Socrates, I. 103
Italian origins, Cato's, II. 201
Jews, I. 144
judges and assessors, I. 215 f.
kissing, I. 146, 204, 208, 221, 229, 230, 232, 244, 299, II. 239
knight's census, I. 8
knowledge, superficial, I. 3
labyrinth of Ulysses, I. 93
last infirmity of noble mind, II. 63
laughter, I. 151; hiding the lips in ibid.
Lares and Penates, II. 228
laws, sometimes sleep, I. 217; old law of fines, II. 125; law courts, whole days in, I. 55, 153, 181; testimonials to character iu, I. 285; severity on the bench, II. 187; judges, I. 215, II. 97; acta cognitionum, II. 92; Hadrian in Court, II. 250; trial, II. 13; legal business, II. 153
lawyers' wives great eaters, I. 147
laying down office, etiquette of, I. 147; an old law, II. 180, II. 24
legal terms, testimonium denuntiare, F. I. 100; in indicio pareas, F. I. 208; in integrum redigi, I. 244; parum cavisse, II. 12; intro., I. 154; ne fraudi sit, II. 88; delatorius, I. 208, II. 6; demonstrate, II. 12; in solutum dependere, I. 244; see also Schwierczina, Frontoniana, App. II.
legions, deciwa fulminatrix, II. 30 In.; prima and decima, II. 302
letters dictated, I. 185; took long to reach Syria, II. 117; agreement of Lucius with Fronto as to, II. 117, cp. I. 184
levees at court, I. 87
liar syllogism, II. 67
libraries at Rome, in Apollo's temple, in Tiberius' palace, I. 179
likenesses of Marcus, I. 207
linen books, I. 175
lions, I. 48, 119, 163, 211; to do work for men, n. Ill
logic of dialectics, II. 83
love, charms, I. 23, 166; different sorts of, I. 29 f.; cause of cessation, II. 195; love rational and fortuitous, I. 89; love and silence (?), II. 201; love and fame, II. 241
lovers and their darlings, I. 21 ff. II. 43; disgrace of thi3 relationship, I. 25, 27
lyre, II. 141
maenads, chaplets of vine, II. 85
magistracy, how to lay down, I. 147
mail-clad troops of Parthia, IT. 213
manuscripts of Ennius, I. 89; of old writers, I. 167; of Cicero, I. 309
marigold, turns to sun, I. 29
masters, vana et stolida turba, II. 100
materia (vn60e<ns), I. 104. See also under theme
maxims, I. 13; for each day, I. 55; by Fronto, II. 2L4, 11. 6, 7: I 2, I. 5; I. 42, 1. 21,1. 164,11. 20,21; I. 260, 11. 13, 14; Intr. xxxvi.; and see Brock, Studies in Fronto, p. 119. Fr. says he was largely taught by the method of maxims, I. 14
memoranda of war, II. 194, 198, 234
metaphor (see also under simile), II. 87; bend to oars, I. 107; torches, II. 217; military, II. 54; naval, II. 38; lora, I. 16; II. 82 (Sallust); crowbars to words, I. 11; midwife, II. 70; and passim
might and right, II. 110
military career, books a training for, II. 147
milk, a remedy for children, II. 43
mimes, I. 305; represent various characters with the same mantle II. 105; Pylades, I. 305
mind against body, I. 187
miraculous victory, the, II. 303
mists as goddesses, I. 44
mole on cheek, II. 43
mourning at funerals, I. 160
mule of eloquence, II. 141
municipal senators (decuriones), law as to, II. 177 ff.; payments by, II. 179, 183, 187; privileges of, ibid.; duties of, II. 183
myrt'es and bays, I. 49, 89
mysteries, I. 51, II. 297 f.
nature the mother of invention, II. 201
natura affection, I. 281. See also under philostorgus
necklace of pearls, II. 94
negligence, praise of, I. 47
neighing of horses decided succession to Persian monarchy, II. 141
neuritis, II. 89. See also under Fronto
new year celebration, I. 229, 231
Nile fountains, I. 91
nomads, I. 237 (Libyans); II. 203 (? Scythians)
notary, public, II. 177
nugalia, and rules for writing, I. 41 ff.
nurse, II. 43, 115, 125
nymphs, chaplets of vine for, II. 85
oak tree, I. 89; holm-oak, II. 84
oil, anointing with, H. 57
old age, II. 185, 187; a twilight, II. 186
olives, how eaten, II. 103; leaf called flavus by Vergil, II. 267
Olympia, I. 27
onion (Laberius), 1. 142
oracles, ambiguous, I. 17, 51; of the Sibyl, I. 91
orators of old, I. 107; scarcely 300 since foundation of Rome, II. 147
oratory, styles of, I. 1 05
orthography: I have not thought it necessary to alter the inconsistent spelling of the Codex (repraesentavi, i. 228, and caenae for cenae. I. 306). Naber has treated the matter fully in his edition, pp. 277-282, and see Weissbrodt in the Braunsberg Ind. led. 1872, 18. The interchange of 6 and v, which occurs very often, was a peculiarity of African Latin, see Brock, Studies in Fronto, p. 178, and so possibly the Codex in this respect may be faithful to Fronto's original spelling. We find velua for belua, brebis for brevis, valneo for balneo, benia for venia, viduo for biduo, civi for cibi, vibo for vivo, and many others. The aspirate Is most capriciously used: Oratins occurs and harena, umor and Hamrno (Ammon), aduc and even hii
ovilia, the voting pens in the Campus Martius, II. 113
oxymoron; esuriales feriae, II. 10; velocia stativa, I. 158
paean, II. 67
palaestra, I. 22, see also alipta
Palatini (m2 Cod. Anibr. 349) inhabitants of old M. Palatinus at Rome; Palatium, I. 129, 294, II. 279
palladium, II. 54
palm (Laberius), I. 42
painter of a horse, u. 161; painting. I. 135, II. 49, 59
pan-pipes, II. 73
paraleipsis, II. 40, 45
pardon is man's peculiar privilege, II. 117. See also under wrongs
paronomasia, II. 158 (Sallust)
patricians, want of natural affection in, II. 285
partridges, I. 239, II. 172
patrons of states, I. 293
pearl necklace, II. 95
people, influence in State, I. 121, II. 217
philosophy, discipline of, I. 2; where suitable, I. 33; Marcus turns to, I. 217; precepts of, II. 28; philosophy and eloquence, I. 288, II. 55 ff.; Irony of philosophers, I. 101; they do not always agree, II. 62; difference of style among, II. 49; must not covet things out of their power, II. 61; do not always practise what they preach, I. 63; mantle of, II. 65; philosophy supplies thoughts, eloquence words, II. 71; may lead to a perverse decision, II. 99; a hit at philosophers, II. 277; mirifici homines, II. 88; experience set above plulosophy, I. 168 f.
pictures of tha Parthian war, II. 195
pine tree, I. 49, 89
pirates, I. 57
pitch, contact with, denies, I. 65
plains, horror of, II. 77
pleasures linked to pains, I. 187
ploughs and the Agrigentines, II. 20 1
poems, old, I. 6; poet unnamed, II. 253
pomp of F.'s style, I. 106, Intr. x.
Pomptine plain, II. 77
post, the imperial, I. 159
pot-herb, in a golden dish, I. 165
presents between friends, I. 267
private and public usages compared, I. 269
processions, II. 217
proclamation at the Games, I. 111
procurators, I. 203, 239
property valuation, I. 277
prophecies, II. 67, 165; children of prophets, I. 23
prosperity too great, II. 23 ff.
proverbs, see I. 43, axe of Tenedos, I. 19; with tips of lips, I. 2, II. 102; open the eyes, I. 80; a man we can play odd and even with in the dark (Cicero too), I. 99; against the stream, u. 47; domestica testimonia, I. 100; €i« Uvppaluiv Ke<t>a\i)v, I. 124; amici mores noveris non oderis (scurrarum proverbium), I. 131; ti enl rfj <t>aiefj /xvpov (Varro and Cicero), II. 273; tov avTov ircu^eiv $ca\ cmovSd^etv, II. 92; ante gestum post relatum (Cicero too), II. 122; rostro supino, II. 122, touching pitch, I. 64; neque arae neque foci nee viae, quod volgo aiunt, . . . usurpantur, F. I. 114; facilis ad lubrica lapsus, II. 112; ef otKov «5 oIkov (Appian), I. 268
Providence, II. 225
provinces, lots for, I. 2S7
Prytaneum, I. 270
puns and assonance (see also alliteration), on name Verus? F. I. 62, 241; iugum, F. II. 26; Venetus venierit, F. II. 90; legere, M. I. 76; caput capita, M. I. 130; valeo, Si. I. 54; providence, II. 225; volpem. . . voluptatem, F. II. 6; gravatius . . . gratius, F. II. 204; suavis . . . saviata, F. I. 232; oris atque orationis, F. II. 238; videri, F. II. 12; adversis avertamur, F. II. 226; virum . . . verum, F. I. 62; decessero . . . defecero, M. I. 112; in spurious letters, Avidius . . . avidus, Verus . . . verum, II. 303, 314, see also p. 292
pyrrhio reel, I. 99
quaestor of Fronto (? his brother), I. 115
quails, their flight, II. 67
Quindecimvirs and sacred books, II. 135
races in the stadium, i. 149
reason, no temple to, I. 89; compared with Fortune, ibid.; reason and intuition (impetus), i. 89
recommendations and testimonials to friends, I. 285
redness of fire, blood, shell fish saffron, gold, II. 263
reeds, II. 181
relegatio, II. 181
religious town (Anagnia), I. 175
rescripts, I. 220,? l. 304
revolution welcome to poor and needy (Sallust), II. 169
rheumatism, Fronto's, II. 153, and see under Fronto.
rhythm (prose) in Fronto's sentences, I 102, last two lines; 164, 11. 20, 21; 222, 11. 19, 20; 302, 11. 8, 9,; II. 134, last line; 136, first line, II. 62, lines 15, 16. See also Brock, Studies in Fronto, p. 143
ring of Polycrates, II. 25
rings of knights at Cannae, II. 29
Roman defeats, II. 21, 23
rostrum, II. 43, 65
rowers, time given to, II. 5, II. 39
rowing(?), taken from Nature, II. 201
rudders, Fortunes represented with, II. 105; the helm of State, II. 250
rustic chaff, I. 163; talk, I. 151
rusticatio MeT» voKiTelas, II. 156
Sabine women, rape of, II. 11
sacrificing, I. 27, 45, 181, II. 165 (Sallust); thank offering and sin offering, I. 23
salutation, morning and evening, II. 250
saffron water sprinkled In theatre, II. 65
schemata, II. 40, 86, II. 77, 158
school, Fronto's, I. 130; his secta, II. 36
scorpion in bed, I. 197
scythes of Dacians, II. 204
sea, I. 27
seaside resort, II. 7
Senate, decision in, I. 173; sitting of, I. 133, 189, II. 123; M. asked his opinion in, I. 8; journals of, I. Ill; his3peech in, I. 189
sewer, coins in, II. 105
shepherds, adventure with, I. 151
shrine, deserted, I. 45; township full of shrines, I. 175
shell-fish, II. 7
Sibyl, I. 91
siesta, II. 5
similes and their use, I. 35, 37, 39, 130 ff., 205; fever and exercise, I. 23; fountains and rivers, I. 23; flies and gnats, I. 25; robes, I. 40, 121; II. 53; priest and farmer, I. 45; growth of trees, I. 49; clarion and pipes, I. 53; ants and spiders, I. 48; hot springs, I. 87; saffron scents from a distance, I. 97; Pyrrhic reel, I. 99; a farmer, M. I. 117; speed of horses, I. 123; II. 103; hyena, snakes, spears and arrows, ships, lines, I. 133; fowls, II. 141; midwife, II. 141; painting, II. 161; 6vos Xvpas, II. 141n.; Orpheus, II. 145; Ialysus picture, I. 135; lame Hephaestus, I. 135; bleating, I. 137; race in stadium, i. 149; flowers and garlands, I. 165; II. 125, 185: pot herbs in golden dish, I. 165; dreams, I. 205; animals and their young, I. 259; bow, ii. 9; winking, II. 9; gardens and manure, II. 9; bulls, II. 27; parents and children, II. 37; leather bottle, M. ii. 39; rowing and sailing, II. 39; hospitality, II. 51; banquet, II. 50, 53; recruiting, II. 55; coinage, II. 55, 113; women's hair, II. 61; poultice, II. 63; swimming and flying, II. 67; swords, II. 69; light (? Sallust), II. 97; wind and sun, II. 123, 127; helmets, ii. 137; pipes, II. 139; lightning, II. 183; journey, II. 185; harvest and vintage, II. 185; torches, II 185; cavalry and warships, I 181; fire fanned by breeze, II 199; tall trees and wind, n 215; spinning, II. 225; in spection of victims, II. 241 helmsman, II. 251; island Aenaria, I. 35, 39; see also Beltrami, La tenderize letterarie . . . del Frontone, p. 39
slang, "horribiliter," M. I. 130; ? pinguis, F. (a "fat" fortune), II. 227
slave, fugitive, I. Ill; emancipated in arena, I. 119; present of two slaves, I. 264
sleep, argument against, I. 91; iu quarrel of day and night, II. 13; begotten by Jove, ii. i7; death's counterfeit, I. 97; instructor of Ennius, II. 67; Marcus and sleep, see under Marcus.
smoke, praise of, I. 44; of one's fatherland, I. 95, 192; and watery eyes, I. 87
snakes, I. 133; and lizards and the Marsi, II. 23
soldiers, demoralised in Syria, II. 149, 207 (Trajan), 209; in Jugurthine war (Sallust), II. 165: could not vault on horses, II. 149 spears feebly thrown by, II. 149 seasoned by small battles, II 149; sloth fatal to, II. 209 . dandy ways of Syrian soldiers of gaucherie of Pannonians, II. 211; discipline and duty of general, II. 211
son, a complimentary title, I. 308
sovranty, dependent on eloquence, II. 119
soporific juice, II. 17
speech, insincerities of, I. 101; forensic, etc., I. 41; useful for generals in the field, II. 31
spiders, I. 48
spolia opima, II. 10
stage, sham lances of, II. 109; see also under actonj
stammering, II. 73, 109
statues of Arion at Taenarus, I. 69; of Cato, II. 3, 201
style, different in art and philosophy II. 49
suovetaurilia, II. 10
superstition, I. 144
swan-song, II. 47; swan, H. 105
syllogisms, II. 28, 82
synonyms, II. 76, 82; see also Schwierczina, Frontoniana, p. 151 ff.; and Brock, Studies in F. p. 110 f.; method from, u. 109; collecting, II. 77; several for meaning ' ask," I. 208; ^iro/aeva <cat irapaKoXovBovvTo, I. 38; Fronto has 125, Marcus 19; cp. in English, traps and snares, wrath and indignation, leaps and bounds, shape and form, many a time and oft, tied and bound, aches and pains, null and void, lamentation and mourning and woe
tautology, paratis . . . parabat, I. 56; tutum tutatur, I. 36
tax farming in Africa, I. 233
tears of dissemblers, II. 17
technical language of the arts, I. 5
Tenedos, axe of, I. 18
testimonials to friends, I. 285, and see Fr.'s various commendatory letters under Fronto
theatre, dislike of, by M. 1. 139, 141; M. reads in, I. 207; seats in, I. 275; saffron water in, II. 65
themes (materia, q.v.), I. 19; 209, 210
thunderbolt, II. 69, 135; Jove the thunderer, II. 68, 71
Thyestean banquets of Christians, II. 284n.
thyme of Hymettus, I. 305
Tiber canalised, II. 111
town-hall banquets, I. 271
trees, that can be lopped, I. 49; consecrated, II. 87; catachanna, I. 140; II. 103; their growth (oak, fir, alder, cedar, pine, box, myrtle, etc.), I. 89 ff.; "happy" trees, H. 181; tree twisters, I. 71
tribune, action of, I. 215; tribunitia potestas, I. 221n.
trireme, I. 11
tropes, II. 87
truth, M. taught to tell the, I. 17
tyrant, Fronto on, II. 285
Tyrrhenian Sea, I. 34
Umbrian word, I. 44
urochs, II. 217
utterance, various words for perfect, II. 74
verse, of use in oratory (especially tragic verse, I. 107
verses in Fronto, see Ehrenthal, Quaest. Frontonianae
facti causa latet factum spectatur o-o, II. 215
sponte dei iuvisse volunt et dignum ope - - II. 32
modulatae I Vocis amatores primas audisse feruntur | aves, II. 72
cuius spes opesque omnes io vobis solis sunt sitae, I. 298
ut quisque a more quempiam deperit, eius etiam naevolos saviatur, II. 42
ager neglectus fructus uberes ferret, I. 46
trepidant et pavent, fugam frustra meditantur, II. 74
tantum profundi patiar, ne luna occidat
ventus lucernam ne interimat, ne quid tibi
e frigore impliciscat, ne fluctus (ne) vadus,
ne piscis aliqua noxsit - o - o - I. 222
neve motus venti cuncta funditus percellerent, II. 15
salvu' sator sit, salva si(e)nt sata, salva seges sit, II. 120
Atticis propinque thymum serpyllumque Hymettium, I. 304
verses by Fronto, II. 106, a line added to Lucan, and perhaps 2 Greek elegiacs? 1.94
on verse in prose see Brock, Studies in Fronto, 124
Verus, pun on name, I. 62
Vestal virgins, disqualification for, II. 73
Vines, a curse to men, II. 65; under divine patronage, II. 65, usefulness oi, II. 85; fable of vine and holm oak, II. 85 (cp. Jotham's parable, Judges, ix. 8)
vintage, I. 175, 183, 213, 249; II. 185; catches of vintagers, I. 181
virtue, II. 183
vivarium, I. 172
voyage in winter, I. 169
Vulcan-flre, I. 178
wakefulness, praise of, I. 91
waters for rheumatism, I. 83, 90; hot at Baiae, I. 87, 245
will power over body, I. 187; oversea wills, I. 156 ff.; will of Niger Censorius, I. 255 ff.; gifts under, I. 267; codicils to, II. 95; tied and sealed, II. 99; where kept, I. 60
wines, new, I. 79; kinds of, I. 177; II. 50; Saguntine Cretan, Falernian, II. 71, 51; Faust ian, II. 7; "happy" wines, II. 7; mixed with water, I. 277
wings of Mercury and Love, II. 17
winds as Gods, I. 44
wise men, how distinguished. II. 61; do not practise what they preach, II. 63; II. 88
women at Rome during war (Sallust), II. 169; virtuous. I. 149; their looks, I. 19; their talk, I. 5
wrestling master of M. I. 151; see also under palaestra and I. 151; II. 8
writing with stilus, I. 138; with calamus, I. 117; erasures, II. 45 wrongs, private, to be passed over, I. 69; II. 117