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The Country House/Royal Schools of Industry

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The Country House
by Alexis de Chateauneuf, translated by Mary Fox
Royal Schools of Industry
2015779The Country House — Royal Schools of IndustryMary FoxAlexis de Chateauneuf





His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex.


Lady Elizabeth Whitbread,
Lady Augusta Gordon,
Lady Mary Fox,
Lady (V) Holland.

Honourable Miss Fox,
Lady Calcott,
Mrs. Valpy.

It is now ten years since the first of these Schools was established, and instruction is now afforded to nearly one hundred and fifty children of the poorer class, who, but for this aid, would linger on in idleness and ignorance.

The teaching is not merely confined to reading and writing; the main object of the Schools is to inculcate habits of industry, and to teach the principles and practice of the Christian Religion.

On the formation of the Schools, the plan of self-support was adopted, each child contributing a weekly payment—Infants, 1d.; Girls who are taught to work, and the younger Boys, pay 2d.; and the elder Boys, who are taught to write, 3d. Although these payments go some way towards the maintenance of the Establishment, yet the funds hitherto have been found very inadequate, and the deficiency has been supplied by voluntary contributions, the produce of bazaars, ladies' work. &c. One of the most successful sources of profit has been a small Volume, printed under the title of "Friendly Contributions;" the profits from the sale of this Work have been applied to the support of the Schools: three Volumes have already appeared, and the present forms the fourth.

It is conceived that it is unnecessary now to urge one word in favour of the absolute necessity of affording education to all; the question is narrowed to the consideration of what are the most efficient means by which this great object is to be accomplished; it is hoped that, notwithstanding the many excellent charities which claim the attention of the benevolent, few will be found unwilling to aid an Institution which, in addition to teaching to read and write, instils habits of industry and inculcates the principles of Christianity amongst the children of one of the poorest and most populous districts around London.