he Turrets of a Man of infinite Might;Of infinite Action; substance Infinite,Wee make accesse to; whose whole Being reboundsFrom Earth to Heauen; & nought but Blisse resounds.Giue entrie then, ye Dores; more riches yetShall enter with me; All the Graces metIn ioy of their fruition: perfect PeaceConfirming All; All crown'd with such encrease,That euery emptie Vessell in your HouseMay stand repleate, with all thing precious.Elaborate Ceres, may your Larders fillWith all deare Delicates; and serue in still.May, for your Sonne, a Wife make wisht approch,Into your Towrs; and rapt in, in her CochWith strong-kneed Mules. May yet, her state proue staidWith honord Huswiferies: Her faire hand laidTo artfull Loomeworks; and her nak't feet treadeThe Gumme of Amber, to a Golden Beade.But I'le returne; Returne; and yet not presseYoure bounties now assaid, with oft Accesse;Once a yeere, onely; as the Swallow prates,Before the welthie Springs wide open Gates.Meane time I stand at yours: nor purpose stayMore time t'entreate. Giue, or not giue; awayMy feet shall beare me; that did neuer come,With any thought, to make your House, my Home.