iana praise (Muse) that in Darts delights;Liues still a Maid; & had nutritiall rightsWith her borne-Brother, the farr-shooting Sunn.That doth her all of Gold-made-Chariot runnIn Chace of Game; from Meles that aboundsIn black-browd Bull-rushes; (and where her Hounds,She first vncouples; ioyning there, her Horse)Through Smyrna; carried in most fiery courseTo Grape-rich Claros. Where (in his rich home,And constant expectation she will come)Sits Phœbus, that the siluer Bowe doth beare;To meete with Phœbe, that doth Darts transferreAs farr as He his shafts. As farr then, beThy chaste Fame shot (O Queene of Archerie)Sacring my song, to euery Deitie.