iana, (that the Golden Spyndle, moues;And loftie soundes, as wel as Bacchus louesA bashfull Virgine, and of fearefull heartsThe Death-affecter, with delighted Darts;By Sire, and Mother, Phœbus Sister borne;Whose Thigh, the Golden Falchion doth adorne)I sing; who, likewise, ouer Hills of shade,And Promontories, that vast windes muade;(Amorous of Hunting) bends her all-gold Bowe;And sigh-begetting Arrows doth bestowe,In fates so dreadfull; that the Hill-Tops quake;And Bristlde woods, their leauie foreheads shake;Horrors inuade Earth; and fishie SeasImpassiond furies; nothing can appeareThe dying Braies of Beasts; and her DelightIn so much Death, affects so with affright,Euen all inanimate natures. For while sheeHer sports applies; Their generall ProgenieShee all waies, turnes vpon, to All their Banes:Yet, when her fierie Pleasures finde their wanes;(Her yeelding Bowe unbent) to th'ample House(Seated in Delphos, rich, and Populous)Of her deare Brother, her Retreats aduance.Where, Th'Instauration of delightsome DanceAmongst the Muses, and the Graces, sheeGiues forme; In which, her selfe the Regencie(Her vnbent Bowe hung up; and casting onA gracious Robe) assumes; and first sets goneThe Dances Entrie; to which, all send forthTheir heauenly voices; and aduance the worthOf her faire-anckl'd Mother; since, to lightShee Children brought, the farr most exquisiteIn Counsailes, and Performances; of allThe Goddesses, that grace the heauenly Hall.Haile then, Latona's faire-hayrd seede, & Ioues;My song shall euer, call to Minde your Loues.