The Czechoslovak Review/Volume 2/Text of British recognition

Guard of Honor for the Flag of the 21st Czechoslovak Regiment,
Presented by the City of Paris.
The British Government issued the following declaration on August 13th:
Since the beginning of the war the Czechoslovak nation has resisted the common enemy by every means in its power.
The Czechoslovaks have constituted a considerable army, fighting on three different battlefields and attempting in Russia and Sibeia to arrest the Germanic invasion. In consideration of its efforts to achieve independence Great Bitain regards the Czechoslovaks as an Allied nation and recognizes the unity of the three Czechoslovak armies at an Allied and belligerent army waging regular warfare Austria-Hungary and Germany.
Great Britain also recognizes the right of the Czechoslovak National Council as the supreme organ of Czechoslovak national interests and as the present trustee of the future Czechoslovak government to exercise supreme authority over this Allied and belligerent army.