The Czechoslovak Review/Volume 2/With the Bohemian National Alliance (2)
The first feeling of discouragement at the apparent intention of the Allies to leave the Austrian Slavs under the Hapsburgs has been succeeded by a determination to work harder than ever for the attainment of Czechoslovak independence. The unfavorable diplomatic situation has emphasized the supreme importance of the Czechoslovak army. The decree of the French president published elsewhere in this issue and a ringing call to arms by Masaryk as head of the revolutionary government helped to increase the number of recruits for the army in France. If only volunteers from Russia can be brought soon to France, the Czechoslovak army will give a good account of itself in the campaign of 1918 and thus strengthen tremendously the claims of Bohemia.
Next to the army in importance is the necessity of urging the justice of Bohemian demands upon the hearts and consciences of America. Among the means to that end is the establishment of an office in Washington, increased press activity and greater efforts on the part of the entire membership of the Bohemian National Alliance so that the leaders in Europe may not suffer on account of lack of funds. For the purpose of carrying out plans for greater activity, removing causes of dissatisfaction and strengthening the whole movement in America a convention of the Bohemian National Alliance has been called to meet in Chicago for February 8th. There will be delegates from cities as far distant as New York and San Francisco, Winnipeg and Dallas.
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