The Dancing Master (1686)
The Dancing-Master:
Or, Directions for dancing Country Dances, with the Times to each Dance for the Treble-Violin.
The 7th Edition, with Addition of several new Dances, and Times of Dances, never before printed.
London, Printed by J. P. and sold by John Playford, at his Shop near the Temple Church, 1686.
Musick Books sold by John Playford, at his Shop near the Temple Church.
Muse’s Recreation on the Lyra-Viol, containing variety of new Lessons newly Reprinted with Additions. Price stitcht 2 s.
Choice Aires, Songs, and Dialogues, being most of the newest Songs sung at Court, and at the public Theaters; composed by several Gentlemen of His Majesty’s Musick, in Five several Volumes in Folio.
The Musical Companion, containing variety of Catches of Three and Four Parts; and also several choice Songs, Ayres, and Dialogues, of two, three, and four Parts, in one Volume in Quarto. Price bound 3 s. 6 d.
The Second part of the Musical Companion, containing a new Collection of merry and Loyal Catches, and other Songs, of two and three Parts. Price 1 s. 6 d.
A brief Introduction to the Skill of Music, both Vocal and Instrumental, by J. Playford, newly Reprinted with Additions of a Third Part, containing the Art of Composing Music, of two, three, and four Parts. Price bound 2 s.
The Psalms in Metre, as they are sung in all Parish Churches, with the proper Tune to every Psalm, composed in three Parts, viz. Cantus, Medius, and Bassus, by John Playford, and printed in a small Volume, convenient for to carry in the Pocket to Church. Price bound 3 s. 6 d.
Music’s Handmaid, containing choice Lessons for the Virginals and Harpsichord, newly Reprinted with Additions of plain and easie Rules for Beginners to understand the Gamut, and the Notes, thereby to play from the Book, all engraven on Copper Plates. Price 2 s. 5 d.
The Pleasant Companion, containing new and pleasant Ayres and Tunes for the Flagolet, with plaine instructions for Learners, newly Reprinted with Additions. Price 1 s. 6 d.
Musick’s Delight, containing new Lessons for the Flute or Recorder, with Instructions for Learners. Price 1 s. 6 d.
The Division-Violin, containing a choice Collection of Divisions for the Treble-Violin to a Ground-Bass, all fairly engraven on Copper-Plates, being of great benefit and delight for all Practioners on the Violin, and are the first that ever were printed of this kind of Musick. Price 2 s. 6 d.
The Art of Dancing, called by the Ancient Greeks Orchestice, and Orchestis, is a commendable and rare Quality fit for young Gentlemen, if opportunely and civilly used. And Plato, that Famous Philosopher, thought it meet, that young ingenious Children be taught to Dance. It is a Quality that has been formerly honoured in the Courts of Princes, when performed by the most noble Hero’s of the Times, The Gentlemen of the Inns of Court, whose sweet and airy Activity has crowned their grand Solemnities with Admiration to all Spectators. This Art has been Anciently handled by Athenæus; Julius Pollux, Cælius Rhodiginus, and others, and much commended it to be excellent for Recreation, after more serious Studies, making the body more active and strong, graceful in Deportment, and a quality very much beseeming a Gentleman. Yet all this should not have been an incitement to me for Publication of this Work (knowing these Times and the Nature of it do not agree,) But that there was a false and surreptitious Copy at the Printing-Press, which if it had been published, would have been a disparagement to the Quality and the Professors thereof, and a hinderance to the Learner: Therefore for prevention of all which, having an excellent Copy by me, and the assistance of a knowing Friend; I did venture this ensuing Work to the publick view, and gentle censure of all ingenious Gentlemen, lovers of this Quallity; whose favourable acceptance has mov’d me, in this 7th Edition, to make Large Additions of 47 new Dances, and many new Dance Tunes, never printed before, correcting the Errors, both of the Tunes and Dances, which were in the former Impression; and for the more easie playing of the Tunes, barred every Semibreve. By which I hope it will gain your favourable acceptance. Yours,
John Playford.
An Alphabetical Table of the DANCES contained in this Book.
The new Dances added to this 7th Edition have this Mark * before them.
There is newly printed a new Edition of the Violin Book, entituled, Apollo’s Banquet, (first Part,) containing new Ayres, Theatre Tunes, Horn-pipes, Jiggs, and Scotch Tunes. The second part of this Book contains a Collection of French dancing Tunes, used at Court and in Dancing Schools; as, several new Brawls, Corants, Bore’s, Minuets, Carols, Sarabandes, etc. Most of which are proper to play on the Flute or Recorder, as well as on the Violin. Price 1 s. 6 d.
A Table, explaining several Characters which are set down in the Rules for Dancing.
D. | Is for Double. | A Double is four steps forward and backward, closing both Feet. | |||
S. | Is for Single. | A Single is two steps, closing both Feet. | |||
Set and turn Single. | Is a Single to one hand, and Single to the other, and turn Single. | ||||
Wo. | Stands for Woman. | ||||
We. | Stands for Women. | ||||
Cu. | Stands for Couple. | ||||
Co. | Stands for Contrary. | ||||
2. | Stands for | Second. | |||
3. | Third. | ||||
4. | Fourth. | ||||
· | This is for a Strain played once. | ||||
: | This is for a Strain twice. |
☉ | This stands for the Men’s places in the Figure. |
☽ | This stands for the Women’s places in the Figure. |
The Figure half round, is the Hay half round. | |
The whole Figure is the Hay all four round. |
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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