The Devotion and Office of the Sacred Heart of the Lord Jesus Christ/Part 2

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The practice of this devotion.

In general by the practice of this devotion, nothing more is meant than the use of such means as are best calculated to render us true adorers and faithful imitators of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Now this practice is both interior and exterior. The interior practice consists in the inward acts of faith, adoration, love, hope, confidence, gratitude, and the like. The exterior practice consists in outward and visible acts, such as are meant to denote outwardly the inward devotions. Of this sort are prayers, novenas, confessions, and communions, visits to Jesus Christ in the blessed sacrament, associations, confraternities, fasting, penances, and generally all pious and edifying acts, which are performed to honour the adorable heart of our blessed Redeemer. — Whereupon it is not remiss to observe, that we must not so rest and depend on these outward practices, as to persuade ourselves that if we have but performed them, we have therefore fulfilled all justice. This would be confining the whole system of devotion to bare and empty ceremonies. Much less ought they to be considered as a claim to impunity for one’s faults, or as a security of a future conversion, after having long slighted Almighty God’s grace. This would be a gross illusion and a fatal abuse, ever disallowed by true devotion. But, on the other hand, because devotion is misused, it is no reason why it should be condemned or suppressed; for the best things are liable to be misused. The abuse, indeed, ought to be checked, but the devotion itself, wholly saintly and solid, should ever be preserved.

These general notions being once premised, let us now consider in particular the devotions to be practised in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. — Among them some are to be performed every year, some every month, some every week, and some every day.


The solemn festival of this devotion is fixed on the first Friday after the octave of Corpus Christi. This day must be sanctified and consecrated to the love of our blessed Saviour by prayer, pious reading, visits to the blessed sacrament, and every good work; and therefore on the eve of this solemn day, prepare your heart by some act of penance or charity, for the reception of divine grace. On the festival itself, repair to the sacraments of penance and holy communion. At confession accuse yourself, and detest in a special manner your many ingratitudes and acts of disrespect towards the blessed sacrament. Your communion ought to be performed with so much the more fervour, as it is intended as a reparation of honour, and an atonement for the many negligences and defects in former communions. During the day, if convenient, pay a special visit to the blessed sacrament, and there, or in your oratory, at the foot of the crucifix, make a solemn act of atonement to the Sacred Heart, for all the indignities it daily receives in the blessed eucharist, and for such as we ourselves perhaps have been guilty of.


Besides the principal festival, which happens but once a-year, the first Friday of every month has been also consecrated to the Sacred Heart. On ‘that day the clients endeavour to perform, either wholly or in part, the religious duties practised on the feast itself, viz., confession, communion, visits to the blessed sacrament, the reparation of honour, &c.


The zealous clients of this devotion, who endeavour to procure for themselves a more plentiful flow of heavenly graces, are not satisfied with honouring this divine heart once a-month; they moreover consecrate the Friday of every week to its honour, by the performance of some acts of devotion, some good works, or small mortifications, interior or exterior, in order to testify their gratitude, and repair by their love the ingratitude of men to Jesus Christ.



Every morning, as soon as you awake, throw yourself in spirit into that divine heart, which so mercifully watched over you while you were asleep. — Thank Jesus Christ for the institution of the most blessed sacrament; adore that most amiable Saviour, love him most tenderly, and entreat your angel guardian to visit him for you. When dressed, turning yourself towards the next chapel, where the blessed sacrament is kept, make a profound reverence, resolved to present yourself there in person with all proper convenience. In the meanwhile make the following act of adoration.

Jesus Christ, my Lord and my God! whom I believe truly and really present in the blessed sacrament of the altar, receive this my homage, and let it supply for the desire I have of adoring thee without intermission, and in return for those sentiments of love which thy sacred heart expresses for us in the ever adorable sacrament.


Hail, O sacred heart of Jesus! living and quickening source of eternal life, infinite treasure of the divinity, burning furnace of divine love! thou art my refuge and my sanctuary: O my amiable Saviour! consume my heart with that burning fire with which thine is ever inflamed; poor down on my soul those graces which flow from thy love, and let my heart be so united with thine, that our wills may be one, and mine in all things conformable to thine. May thine be the standard and rule equally of my desires and of my actions. Amen.


This is a time when Jesus Christ is little thought of; those, therefore, who shall visit him at this time, cannot but be well received; for as we are then carried neither by custom, nor the crowd, our visits of consequence must be the effect of pure love, and undoubtedly the occasion of very signal favours, as Jesus Christ will never suffer himself to be outdone in point of liberality.


It was the practice of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, every night before he went to bed, to say, upon his knees, three Hail Marys. The first in honour of that instant in which the Blessed Virgin Mary was immaculately conceived. The second in honour of the feast of the Annunciation, when she became Mother of God; and the third in honour of her glorious Assumption, in which after her death she was united to her dear Son. After this, adoring in spirit Jesus Christ on the altar, and casting himself, as it were, into his most sacred heart, he reposed, saying with the author of the Imitation of Christ: In this peace will I rest; in thee, my Jesus! and in thy sacred heart will I repose.



O most amiable Mother of God! life passes away, and death approaches, when the hour comes, be unto me, I beseech thee, a tender mother, and dispose the heart of thy blessed Son favourably in my regard. Ave Maria.


To thee, O sacred heart of Jesus! to thee I devote and offer up my life, thoughts, words, actions, pains, and sufferings. May the least part of my being be no longer employed, save only in loving, serving, honouring, and glorifying thee. Wherefore, O most sacred heart! be thou the sole object of my love, the protector of my life, the pledge of my salvation, and my secure refuge at the hour of my death. Be thou, O most bountiful heart! my justification at the throne of God, and screen me from his anger, which I have so justly merited. In thee I place all my confidence, and, convinced as I am of my own weakness, I rely entirely on thy bounty. Annihilate in me all that is displeasing and offensive to thy pure eye. Imprint thyself like a divine seal on my heart, that I may ever remember my obligations never to be separated from thee. May my name also, I beseech thee by thy tender bounty, ever be fixed and engraved in thee, O Book of Life! and may I ever be a victim consecrated to thy glory, ever burning with the flames of thy pure love, and entirely penetrated with it for an eternity. In this I place all my happiness, this is all my desire, to live and die in no other quality, but that of thy devoted servant. Amen.


Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven,
Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
God the Holy Ghost,
Holy Trinity, one God,
Heart of Jesus!
Heart of Jesus, formed in the womb of the most blessed Virgin,
Heart of Jesus, hypostatically united to the eternal Word,
Heart of Jesus, sanctuary of the Divinity,
Heart of Jesus, Tabernacle of the most holy Trinity,
Heart of Jesus, Temple of all Sanctity,
Heart of Jesus, Fountain of all Graces,
Heart of Jesus, most meek,
Heart of Jesus, most humble,
Heart of Jesus, most obedient,
Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, most chaste,
Heart of Jesus, Furnace of Love,
Heart of Jesus, Source of Contrition,
Heart of Jesus, Treasure of Wisdom,
Heart of Jesus, Ocean of Bounty,
Heart of Jesus, Throne of Mercy,
Heart of Jesus, Abyss of all Virtues,
Heart of Jesus, sorrowful in the Garden,
Heart of Jesus, spent with a bloody Sweat,
Heart of Jesus, glutted with Reproaches,
Heart of Jesus, consumed for our sins.
Heart of Jesus, made obedient even unto the Death of the Cross,
Heart of Jesus, pierced through with a Lance,
Heart of Jesus, Refuge of Sinners,
Heart of Jesus, Fortitude of the Just,
Heart of Jesus, Comfort of the afflicted,
Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, main strength of the tempted,
Heart of Jesus, Terror of the Devils,
Heart of Jesus, Sanctification of Hearts,
Heart of Jesus, Perseverance of the Good,
Heart of Jesus, Hope of the dying,
Heart of Jesus, joy of the blessed,
Heart of Jesus, the delight of all the Saints,

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, O Jesus!

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, hear us, O Jesus!

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, O Jesus!

V. O most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

R. That we may worthily love thee with our whole hearts.


O God! who out of thy immense love hast given to the faithful the most Sacred Heart of thy Son our Lord, as the object of thy tender affection; grant, we beseech thee, that we may so love and honour this pledge of thy love on earth, as by it to merit the love both of thee and thy gift, and be eternally loved by thee and this most blessed heart in heaven. Through the same Jesus Christ our Lord thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

Through thy Sacred Heart, O Jesus, overflowing with all sweetness, we recommend to thee ourselves, and all our concerns, our friends, benefactors, parents and relations, our superiors, and enemies: take under thy protection this house, city, and kingdom; extend this thy care to all such as are under any affliction; and to those who labour in the agony and pangs of death; cast an eye of compassion on the obstinate sinner, and more particularly on the poor suffering souls in purgatory, as also on those who are engaged and united with us in the holy confederacy of honouring and worshipping thee. — Bless these in particular, O bountiful Jesus! and bless them according to the extent of thy infinite goodness, mercy, and charity. Amen.


All the faithful adorers of Jesus are invited to repair in spirit every day, at nine o’clock in the morning, and four in the evening, to his divine heart, in order to make in common some of the following aspirations.

O most sacred heart of Jesus! have mercy on us.

O divine heart, wounded for love of us! let us ever be sensible of thy bounty, and let thy love ever plead in our favour.

O heart of Jesus, burning with love of us, inflame our hearts with the love of thee.

Blessed be the most adorable heart of Jesus my God for ever and ever.

No love, no heart equals thine, most loving Jesus.

O may thy adorable heart be for ever praised, and all thanks both in time and eternity paid to it.

O adorable heart of Jesus! mayest thou be known, loved, and adored throughout the whole world.

O divine fire, ever burning and never ceasing, raise my heart into a flame, that I may always love, and never cease from loving thee.


O Most amiable and adorable heart of Jesus, centre of all hearts, glowing with charity, and inflamed with zeal for the interest of thy Father, and the salvation of mankind! O heart, ever sensible of our misery, and ever in motion to redress our evils, the real victim of love in the Holy Eucharist, and propitiatory sacrifice for sin on the altar of the cross! seeing that the generality of Christians make no other return for these thy mercies, than contempt of thy favours, forgetfulness of their own obligations, and ingratitude to the best of benefactors; is it not just that we, thy servants, penetrated with the deepest sense of the like indignities, should enter upon a due and satisfactory reparation of honour to thy most sacred majesty? Prostrate, therefore, in body, and humbled in mind, before heaven and earth, we solemnly declare our utter detestation and abhorrence of such a conduct. Inexpressible, we know, was the bitterness which the multitude of our sins brought upon thy tender heart; insufferable the weight of our iniquities which pressed thy face to the earth in the Garden of Olives; and unsurmountable thy anguish, when expiring with love, grief, and agony, on Mount Calvary, in thy last breath thou wouldst reclaim sinners to their duty and repentance. This we know, O dear Redeemer! and would most willingly redress these thy sufferings by our own, or share with thee in thine.

O merciful Jesus! ever present on our altars, and with a heart open to receive all who labour and art burdened! O adorable heart of Jesus, source of true contrition! impart to our hearts the true spirit of penance, and to our eyes a fountain of tears, that we may bewail and wash off our sins, and those of the world. Pardon, divine Jesus! all the injuries, reproaches, and outrages, done thee through the course of thy holy life and bitter passion. Pardon all the impieties, irreverences, and sacrileges, which have been committed against thee in the sacrament of the Eucharist, from its first institution. Graciously receive the small tribute of our sincere repentance, as an agreeable offering in thy sight, and in requital for the benefits we daily receive from the altar, where thou art a living and continual sacrifice, and in union of that bloody holocaust, thou didst present to thy eternal Father on Mount Calvary from the Cross.

Sweet Jesus! give thy blessing to the ardent desire we now entertain, and the holy resolution we have taken, of ever loving and adoring thee after a proper manner, in the sacrament of love, the Eucharist; thus to repair by a true conversion of heart, and a becoming zeal for thy glory, our past negligence and infidelity. Be thou, O adorable Heart! who knowest the clay of which we are formed, be thou our mediator with thy heavenly Father, whom we have so grievously offended: strengthen our weakness, confirm our resolution, and with thy charity, humility, meekness, and patience, cover the multitude of our iniquities; be thou our support, our refuge, and our strength, that nothing henceforth in life or death may separate us from thee. Amen.


This little Rosary consists of a small Cross, thirty-eight Beads; that is, five of a larger size, to remind us of the sacred wounds of our blessed Saviour, and thirty-three of a smaller form, answering to the number of years he spent on earth in the great work of our redemption.

Range the whole thus: The Cross stands in the front, or first place; then follow three of the smaller beads, shut up between two larger. After which are three Tens, or Decades of small beads, each Decade terminated with a larger one.


O Jesus! give us thy heart as a pledge of thy love, and as a place of refuge, that we may find therein a secure repose during our life, and a sweet comfort at the hour of our death. Amen.


Thee I adore, praise, and love, O Sacred Heart of my dear Jesus! penetrated with grief at the thought of so many offences, which have been hitherto committed against thee in the most holy sacrament of the altar. I offer up the most amiable heart of thy most beloved mother, with the merits of the saints, in satisfaction thereof. Amen.


O Sacred Heart of Jesus, burning with the love of us; inflame our hearts with the love of thee. Amen.


O Eternal Father, let me offer up unto thy mercy, the Sacred Heart of thy well-beloved Son, even as he offered up himself as a sacrifice to thy justice.

Accept in my behalf all the desires, sentiments, affections, motions, and all the actions of this Sacred Heart: they are mine, because it was immolated for me; they are mine, because for the future I am resolved to possess nothing but what is peculiar to it. Receive, then, the merits of this Sacred Heart in satisfaction for my sins, and in thanksgiving for the benefits conferred upon me. Receive them, O Lord! as so many motives of granting thy servant those peculiar graces he stands in need of, but particularly the gift of final perseverance. Receive them as so many acts of love, adoration and praise, which I now offer to thy divine Majesty. This Sacred Heart, this heart only, can love, honour, and glorify thee as thou deservest to he loved, honoured, and glorified. Amen.


This Association is an assembly or agreement of some pious and virtuous people, who, in order to honour the Sacred Heart, and to make some atonement to it, agree among themselves to perform some particular practice of devotion each Friday of the month.

2. The association under our present consideration, is one of the many devotions practised with great advantage in honour of the Sacred Heart, it being experimentally certain that God Almighty heaps his distinguished favours on such as are thus concerned to honour him.

3. The number of devout persons composing this association maybe more or less, as they shall judge convenient.

4. The choice of these practices, which are to be found in the second part of this book, may be made in the following manner.

Let there be as many billets folded up as there are persons who compose this association: on the inside of each of these must be wrote some particular practice. The whole being mixed together, each draws one billet for himself, and engages himself to offer up on the Fridays of the following month, to the Sacred Heart, that practice which has fallen to his lot.

5. The choice must be made regularly on the last Thursday of the expiring month, or on the following Thursday.

6. Every associate should have in his house or chamber, a picture of the Sacred Heart. The advantage amongst others is this: should any one in particular be hindered from visiting the blessed Sacrament, he may before this picture acquit himself of the obligation he has involuntarily taken upon himself. Jesus Christ has given us an instance and proof of how great merit this practice is in his sight. Of this truth the renerable mother Mary Margaret is a witness, as appears in her life, wrote at large, 1729, by that learned and illustrious Prelate, Joseph Latiguet, at that time Bishop of Soissons, and promoted afterwards to the Archbishopric of Sens. Our blessed Redeemer spoke to her, as is related in the said life, as follows:

“ I am much pleased with the devotion the faithful show for my heart, and for this reason I desire the picture thereof may be drawn and exposed, that by this so amiable a representation the hearts of men may be softened into repentance. I promise that such as, in a more particular manner, honour this picture, shall partake more amply of those graces with which my heart is replenished.”

7. The virtues of the greatest estimation, as most dear to the Sacred Heart of Jesus among the associates, must ever be Meekness and Humility , and the vices opposite to these must be held in equal detestation.

8. In general they roust bear a truly Christian charity for each other, and fly all animosity and aversion.

9. Let each one ask from time to time, through the merits of the Sacred Heart, that God would protect their fellow associates from all evils, spiritual and temporal, and that he would pour down his choicest blessings on them, not in life only, but more particularly at the hour of their death.

10. Nor must their charity end with life. This ought to continue even beyond the sepulchre, and the living endeavour to assist their deceased brethren by their holy prayers.

If, then, devout reader, this Sacred Heart of Jesus is really an object of your affections, as no doubt it ought to be, make up amongst those with whom you live, your family, friends, and domestics, a small association of this nature, and take my word for it, Almighty God will look with a propitious eye both on you, and this your assembly.


In the first, thank the Eternal Father for having given us his only Son in the divine Eucharist, and offer up to him the sentiments of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in acknowledgment of so great a favour.

In the second, return thanks to Jesus Christ, for having instituted this adorable mystery, and for all the favours he has done us in the work of our redemption; as also for having been pleased to make his Sacred Heart known to us in these latter days.

In the third, thank our blessed Redeemer, for all the benefits we have received from him in the blessed Eucharist, and ask of him, that all his designs may be most perfectly accomplished in us.

The fourth shall be, in order to bemoan before the Sacred Heart all the sacrilegious communions which have hitherto been made, and to deplore all the injuries, ingratitudes, contempts, disorders, and irreverences, which have hitherto been committed. If you have shared in these crimes, enter into yourself, and thank Jesus Christ that he has not cast you headlong into hell, nor delivered up your soul to the devil, as he did that of Judas. You must also make this visit to consecrate yourself entirely to the honour and glory of this Sacred Heart.

The fifth ought to be expressly, to adore the Sacred Heart of Jesus in all the churches of the world where he resides.


The devout client of the Sacred Heart, finding himself fired with the love and surrounded with the bounties of this amiable Saviour, most ardently pants after the happiness of enjoying him by the closest union. Repair, then, O devout soul! to the holy communion. Go thither with a view to honour, and glorify this divine heart to obtain the graces necessary to keep you from sin, to practise virtue, and to attain to that degree of sanctity to which Almighty God means to raise you. “ Ask all these graces with confidence,” says St. Bonaventure. Can he deny yon any thing, who imparts to you himself? When the happy moment approaches in which yon are about to communicate, imagine you hear this Sacred Heart addressing you in the following manner: “ Come to me, O sinner! that thou mayest ever renounce sin. Come, O afflicted soul! in order to receive comfort. Come, O poor and indigent creature! that thon mayest be admitted to the possession of my Fathers kingdom. Come, O faithful spouse! that thou mayest unite thyself to thy heavenly Bridegroom.” Then answer him thus: “ I joyfully embrace, O most adorable heart! thy kind and tender invitation. I come to be filled with the love of thee, and to live by thy life. I come to lose myself wholly in thee, and to live entirely for, thee. Behold I open to thee the gate of my poor and wretched heart. Open thou thine to receive mine in it. David called thee the God of his heart; be thou the God of mine, and the sole master of it for ever."

After having communicated, imagine that the Son of God pours down the torrent of his graces into your soul, to raise it to life; and say within yourself. It is not I that live , it is Jesus Christ who liveth in me. Make an entire sacrifice of yourself to him, as an atonement for having so long and so obstinately refused him your heart; and should you still feel any reluctance in giving it quite up, beseech him, that, by a total change and conversion thereof, he would add one miracle more to the many he has already wrought. At parting, leave your heart as a pledge at the foot of the Cross, unite it to the heart of the God of love, who resides on the altar as on the throne of his mercies, to receive our tribute of adoration, and to distribute his grace.



Adorable heart of Jesus, hypostatically united to the Eternal Word! ever present in the holy Eucharist, receive my homage, and the tribute of adoration which I here bring, prostrate at the throne of thy glory.

Mayest thou ever be reverenced and adored by all creatures; may the raising of hands, bending of knees, prostrations of body, practised in our devotions; may the prayers, vows, and sacrifices of thy servants be ever agreeable and acceptable to thee. May the angels in heaven ever adore thee, and may the hearts of all the faithful, especially that of the most blessed Virgin, ever breathe out in thy honour a most sweet odour and perfume of love, esteem, and respect

Sweet Jesus I receive this act of adoration. May it be acceptable in thy sight from my hands, and those of thy servants of this association, whom I particularly recommend to thee. — Amen.


Most munificent heart of Jesus, hypostatically united to the Eternal Word! ever present in the holy Eucharist, receive my homage and the tribute of thanksgiving which I here bring, prostrate at the throne of thy bounty.

In the joy of my heart I return thee thanks for all thy favours. Ye creatures of God! brought forth from your nothing; ye children of men, created, redeemed, and sanctified, praise and magnify your great Benefactor: but chiefly thou, O immaculate and most pure Virgin! preserved from all spot and blemish, enriched with the fulness of grace, exalted above the nine choirs of angels, and next in dignity to the throne of God, extol, praise, and glorify this munificent dispenser of all good gifts.

May thy name, O most bountiful God! be ever blessed; may thou be ever praised, and may thy bounty be ever glorified.

Sweet Jesus! receive these my thanks. May they be acceptable in thy sight from my hands, and those of thy servants of this association, whom I particularly recommend to thee. Amen.


Most amiable heart of Jesus, hypostatically united to the Eternal Word! ever present in the holy Eucharist, receive my homage and the tribute of love which I here pay, prostrate at the throne of thy charity.

Be thou ever, O sacred Heart! obeyed and loved by all creatures, even as man is always cherished and loved by thee. Thou hast settled thy affections upon him, and with him thou hast ever desired to dwell. O that I could love thee as thou deservest, and as thou art loved by the angels and saints in heaven; at least with a love if not corresponding to thy favours, equal however in some measure to the greatness of the obligations I lie under. Ye Cherubim and Seraphim! ye thrice happy citizens of the heavenly Jerusalem! and principally thou, O most pure Virgin Mother! supply by thy love whatever is wanting to mine. May thy goodness, O Jesus! be ever praised, magnified, and exalted: mayest thou ever reign as King, Lord, and Sovereign, over all hearts, and may thy amiable heart draw all hearts to thee.

Sweet Jesus! receive this act of love. May it be acceptable in thy sight from my hand, and those of thy servants of this association, whom I particularly recommend to thee. Amen.


Most compassionate heart of Jesus, hypostatically united to the Eternal Word! ever present in the holy Eucharist, receive my homage, and the tribute of atonement for sin which I here pay, prostrate at the throne of thy justice.

What have we hitherto been doing, my God? Thou hast bestowed on us most signal favours, even to the surprise of heaven itself, and these without any merit on our part, even while we offended thee; and as thou lovest us beyond measure, so without measure thou continually heapest thy blessings upon us. For all these what return have we made? what ingratitude have we not shown? O God of pity and compassion! cast the eye of thy mercy on our present repentance, or rather look not on us; look on the blessed spirits of thy heavenly court, and especially on the ever faithful Virgin; look on thy devout servants, who always obey thy commands, hearken to thy inspirations, and follow thy directions. These will intercede with thee in our behalf, these will atone for our sins, plead our cause, and obtain pardon for past neglects. These will keep us firm and unalterable in our present purposes and resolutions of loving and serving thee more fervently hereafter.

Sweet Jesus! receive this act of atonement for sin. May it be acceptable in thy sight from my hands, and those of thy servants of this association, whom I particularly recommend to thee. Amen.


Most bountiful heart of Jesus, hypostatically united to the Eternal Word! ever present in the holy Eucharist, receive my homage, and the tribute of prayer which I here offer, prostrate at the throne of thy mercy.

To whom, my God! can I address my petition with equal confidence.

Thy care watched over me from all eternity; in time thy indulgence drew me out of my non-existence; thy goodness preserves me every moment Of my life, and thy munificence supports, feeds, and nourishes me. But still, my Lord and Creator! I am environed with a world of enemies, who continually disturb the quiet and peace of my mind interiorly, and exteriorly assault my weakness and violence. I am tempted to cry out a thousand times in the day: Save us, O Lord! we perish. Open then a Sanctuary into which I may retire; a refuge where I may be covered against the attacks of my enemies; an harbour, where, after escaping from the tempestuous waves I may repose.

Thou hast granted the Sacred Heart of Jesus unto us, and in it thy servants have found all these advantages.

The associates of the Sacred Heart, have a particular right and title to this holy and safe retreat; give them then a distinguished place in it. Thou, O Virgin Mother! enforce my petition by thy powerful mediation.

Sweet Jesus! receive this my prayer. May it be acceptable in thy sight from my hands and those of thy servants of this association, whom I particularly recommend to thee. Amen .


Jesus, my Lord and my God, ever adorable! O that I could be present in all the churches throughout the universe, where thou art not adored as thou oughtest to be, and where thy inflamed love is not repaid with the gratitude worthy thy Majesty! I fly, at least in spirit, to these holy places, now profaned, and offer on thy altar there all the love and adorations of thy holy Mother, in compensation for the injuries ever done thee by the Jews, by Heretics, and bad Christians. Eternal praise be to the ever blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

2. O Jesus, true Sun, that enlightens the church, and raises into a flame the hearts of thy servants! I adore thee; and to repair the sloth, indifference, and tepidity of so many religious persons, who, though favoured with the aspect of so burning a luminary, remain cold, insensible, and inanimate, I offer up to thee all the inflamed desire of the Seraphim. Eternal praise, &c.

3. I adore thee, O Eternal Wisdom! and to repair the gross ignorance which has caused us to offend thee, I offer up to thee all the knowledge of those most enlightened spirits the Cherubim. Eternal praise, &c.

4. I adore thee, O most meek and merciful God! and to repair all the sins of anger, passion, and revenge, highly offensive in thy sight, I offer up to thee the peace, mildness, and tranquillity of the Thrones. Eternal praise, &c.

5. I adore thee, O Sacrament of Love! and to repair all the thoughts and criminal desires conceived, even at the very foot of thy altars, I offer up to thee all the pure affections and chaste desires of the Dominations. Eternal praise, &c.

6. I adore thee, O immaculate Lamb! that takest away the sins of the world! and to repair all the irreverences, gazing at dangerous objects, and disrespectful postures, during the time of holy mass, I offer to thee the profound respect of the Choir of Virtues. Eternal praise, &c.

7. I adore thee, O source and origin of all sanctity and innocence! and to repair the abominations committed by wicked priests, who consecrate and receive thee in the state of mortal sin, I offer up to thee the profound adorations and holiness of the Powers. Eternal praise, &c.

8. I adore thee, sovereign Lord of the universe! to whom all knees, both in heaven and earth, should bend, all reverence be paid; and in order to repair the many blasphemies against thy honour, I offer up to thee the praises and homages of the Principalities. Eternal praise, &c.

9. I adore thee, Saviour of the world! to whom all fidelity and glory is due; and to repair the sacrilegious communions, and treacheries of so many false consciences, I offer up to thee the fervent and faithful zeal of the Archangels. Eternal praise, &c.

10. I adore thee, the delight of heaven and earth! and to repair the neglect, indifference, and contempt mankind shows of that amorous invitation, by which thou callest them to thy sweet embraces in the holy Eucharist, I offer up to thee the ready obedience, content, and happiness of the Angels. Eternal praise, &c.

11. I adore thee, never-failing bounty and Goodness! and to repair man's offensive diffidence in thy tender mercy, I offer up to thee the steadfast reliance and assurance of the holy Patriarchs in thy promises. Eternal praise, &c.

12. I adore thee, most amiable Jesus! and revere the sacred mystery of the blessed Eucharist, revealed by thy divine word, taught by the Church, and proved by miracles; and to repair the doubts men have had of thy real presence in the holy sacrament, I offer up to thee the due submission shown by the Prophets to the divine oracles. Eternal praise, &c.

13. I adore thee, most tender and most amiable of all Fathers! and, to make reparation for the errors and infidelities of thy own children, I offer up to thee the faith of the Apostles. Eternal praise, &c.

14. I adore thee, most loving Shepherd! pattern of true charity; and to make reparation for the designs of revenge conceived in my defiance of thy divine prohibitions, I offer up to thee the patience and prayers of the Martyrs in favour of their persecutors. Eternal praise, &c.

15. I adore thee, inexhaustible Fund of Treasures! and to make a reparation for all the robberies committed in thy churches, I offer up to thee the rich and bountiful donations of thy devout servants. Eternal praise, &c.

16. I adore thee, O most watchful Advocate! and to make reparation for the many negligences of those who have any authority in the Church, to correct the abuses and irreverences there committed against thee, I offer up to thee the exact attention and careful solicitude of holy Bishops and Prelates. Eternal praise, &c.

17. I adore thee, O God of infinite Majesty! and whom we can never sufficiently adore and reverence: and to make reparation for all the impious oaths pronounced against thee, I offer up to thee all the pious discourses made in thy honour by the holy doctors of the church. Eternal praise, &c.

18. I adore thee, most hidden and most humble Divinity! and to make reparation for all the contests, disputes, punctilios of honour, and scandal; by which thou hast been offended, I offer up to thee the humility of the holy Confessors. Eternal praise, &c.

19. I adore thee, eternal Priest! whose delight is to offer sacrifice; and to make reparation for the insults and affronts done to thy priests, religions, and virgins, I offer up to thee thy own invincible patience, together with the true and fervent zeal of all good Priests and apostolic preachers. Eternal praise, &c.

20. I adore thee, true Bread of Angels! and to make reparation for the sins committed against thy command of abstinence, I offer up to thee the fasts and temperance of the holy Anchorets. Eternal praise, &c.

21. I adore thee, O God of all purity! and to make reparation for all the sins which have hitherto been committed against the virtue of purity, I offer up to thee the modesty and penance of all holy and religious men and women.— Eternal praise, &c.

22. I adore thee, amiable Spouse of our souls! and to make reparation for all the lukewarmness and indifference shown by many, particularly in time of holy communion, I offer up to thee the raptures and ecstasies of holy Virgins. Eternal praise, &c.

23. I adore thee, most worthy object of the love and affection of men and angels! and to repair the profanations committed in thy churches by the effusion of so much innocent blood, as also to make some atonement for the poor and indigent manner thou art entertained there, I offer up to thee the piety of all the blessed Saints, and the distress and want in which thy persecuted servants were. Eternal praise, &c.

24. I adore thee, Son of the ever glorious Virgin! and to make a general reparation, as much as lies in my power, for all the indignities thou hast suffered from men since the institution of this adorable mystery, I have recourse to thy holy Mother, looking upon her as, under thee, the greatest and most secure refuge of sinners.

O Queen of heaven and earth, hope of mankind, who adorest thy divine Son incessantly, I entreat thee, that since I have the honour to be of the number of thy children, thou wouldst interest thyself in our behalf, and make satisfaction for us, and in our name, to our eternal judge, by rendering to him the duties we ourselves are incapable of performing. Amen. Eternal praise, &c.

Will you let me, devout soul, recommend to your piety another most easy practice. You have, perhaps, a number of friends, and those equally engaged with you in this holy devotion. Take to yourself some of these acts, divide the others amongst these your friends. Let each recite daily, and offer up to God the acts he has taken; nothing can be more agreeable to the amiable and offended heart of your divine Saviour, or more satisfactory for so many offences daily committed against him.


Through thy adorable heart I bless and praise thee, my Lord and my God! for having so often admitted me to participate of the divine food of thy precious body and blood, and comforted me with thy sweet and blessed presence in the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist. May every creature celebrate thy praise, O merciful and loving Redeemer! for having bequeathed to thy children so inestimable a legacy— But lest, on account of my sins, thou shouldst reject my praises, be pleased, O my God, to accept, in conjunction with them, the canticles of immaculate praise which the choir of angels and blessed spirits incessantly sing forth to thy glory.

Vouchsafe, O glorious Jesus! that, after making a perfect act of contrition, and a sincere confession of my manifold sins, I may, at the hour of death, humbly adore and devoutly receive thee present in the blessed Sacrament of the altar, as a sweet viaticum for my support and comfort in my awful passage to eternity; and that having obtained a full and complete pardon of all my sins, I may close the last scene of my mortal life in the true faith and communion of thy holy Catholic Church, and in perfect love and charity with all mankind. Amen. Sweet Jesus! Amen.


Consider, first, that the heart of Jesus, by its infinite union with the Divinity, and on account of its own divine perfections, draws all the complacency of the eternal Father, and is worthy of the respect and adoration of all creatures. What obligation then can be more urgent for us than to pay all kind of respect which we are capable of, to a heart which is deserving of infinitely more than we can offer? — What more just than to endeavour to atone by our respect and reiterated homage, for the irreverences, abuses, and sacrileges with which we have perhaps to reproach ourselves with regard to this divine heart? But we must not stop here; we must moreover have a lively sense of the offences and ingratitude of others, and endeavour to atone for them as much as lies in our power. Nor must we be satisfied with our own atonement; we must aspire and contribute as far as we are able, to excite all creatures to join us in so just and so holy a duty.

O adorable heart of my amiable Jesus! I adore thee with the most profound homage I am capable of; I beg thy pardon for all my past offences, irreverences, and Sacrileges; I acknowledge their injustice and enormity; I beg thy pardon also for all the sins and ingratitudes which have hitherto ever been committed against thee: I most humbly beseech thee to accept my homage and the ardent desire I have to love and honour thee, and grant that I may live to see thee known, adored, and loved by all creatures.

Consider, secondly, the infinite obligations we lie under to the sacred heart of Jesus for the love he bears us, and for the inestimable gift he bestows on us in himself in the blessed sacrament of the altar. We ought to be ever grateful, ever mindful of so great a favour; and yet how few are there who ever think of it; how few who ever return him thanks for it. How happy should we be, if, incapable as we are of offering him any thing which is not infinitely inferior to what he has done for us, we knew how to benefit by his goodness, which induces him to be satisfied with the sincere offering up to him of our own hearts and yet by a monstrous ingratitude we refuse even to grant him what he asks, when it is not in our power to grant him what he deserves.

I am penetrated with confusion and sorrow, my amiable Jesus! when I reflect that I have hitherto lived so forgetful of thy benefits, and so careless in returning thee my thanks. It grieves me to think how unjust I have been in refusing thee my wretched heart. Alas! my adorable Saviour! wilt thou deign now to accept it? It is truly humbled and contrite. I will for the future rather forget my right hand and my own heart, than forget thee. I will invite all creatures to unite their thanks with mine and to repair with me our past ingratitudes; and I will not omit to beseech thee, that, through the merits of thy adorable heart, we may, after having loved and served thee in this life, sing eternally thy mercies in heaven. Amen.

Consider, thirdly, that the sacred heart of Jesus is the most perfect of all hearts, and the only one which ought to serve as a model to all others; our hearts cannot have any claim to eternal happiness, but in as much as they have conformity and resemblance with the heart of Jesus. O! that we would but seriously reflect on this truth; that we would but consider what a happiness it is for us to have any likeness to Jesus Christ; how humble should we be, how patient, how ready to forgive injuries, and to love our enemies, of which Jesus has given us so great an example! Happy they, who, by a sincere devotion in the Sacred Heart, constantly apply themselves to imitate the virtues of this divine heart

I beseech thee, my amiable Saviour! to bless with thy grace the endeavours of those whom thou hast inspired with zeal for the devotion to thy amiable heart. May it be more and more propagated among the faithful, and may they acquire by this means such a conformity with thee, who art the model of the elect, that they may deserve to be partakers of the glory which thou enjoyest in heaven. Amen.


Beloved object of our most tender affections! may all honour, glory, love, and benediction be ever given to thee. Be thou our comfort in adversity, our guide in prosperity, our safety in dangers, and protection against all our enemies, visible and invisible. Amen.


1. The end of this association is, with the grace of God, to revive continually, and nourish in our souls, the love of Jesus Christ, excited by the excess of his love for us. The heart, in general, is the most expressive symbol and incentive of love; that of Jesus Christ in particular, as under our present consideration, naturally calls hack to our memory his boundless charity, and animates us, as much as may be, to a fixed resolution and desire of repairing the outrages committed daily against him in the adorable sacrament of the altar,

2. For your becoming a member of this association, it is required that your name be registered in the book where die association is kept, and that you go to communion on the day of your admission, in order to gain the plenary indulgence granted on that solemn occasion, and to take up the spirit of this devotion, by consecrating yourself solemnly to the divine heart.

3. The associates should be particularly careful and studious in frequently uniting themselves in mind with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, by means of repeated acts of Faith, Hope, Charity, Contrition, &c.

4. Let no day pass without some offering or prayer in honour of this adorable heart. One of the following acts, as a token of your allegiance and the distinctive mark of this association ought never to be neglected.

“Adorable heart of my Jesus! living Source of all Grace, and Model of Perfection, sanctify every moment of my life, and especially that of my death.

“Heart of Jesus! have mercy on us. Heart of Jesus! burning with the love of us, inflame our hearts with the love of thee.

“May the adorable heart of Jesus live and reign over all hearts.

“ Heart of Jesus, infinitely pure! grant us purity of body and heart!

5. Every Friday, but in particular the first Friday of each month, should be set aside and appropriated by the associates, as a day of humiliation and atonement to Jesus Christ for all the injuries and indignities whatsoever received by him in the adorable Eucharist. Some particular acts of devotion, as the reparation of honour, the litany, or what else your own piety may suggest; some small sacrifice of your humour, victory over your passions, or mortification, may very deservedly be recommended; some self -denial, or alms, may be proper to take place on such an occasion.

6. All should, if they can conveniently do it, approach the holy sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist on the feast of the Sacred Heart: on this solemn festival, besides the ordinary prayers on such occasions, each one should repeat with new fervour the act of consecration to the divine heart, the reparation of honour, &c.

7. Besides the above-mentioned communion, two communions in particular should be yearly observed; the one in behalf of the living members of this association, the other for the relief of the deceased brethren; and in their other prayers and devotions they should often remember and recommend to God, both this and the other associations of the Sacred Heart, and endeavour all they can to draw on each one a large share of those blessings and graces which flow continually from this adorable heart.

8. Finally, let every one of this association make it his chief business and endeavour to draw from the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a most reverential and tender affection towards our dear Lord and Saviour in the holy Eucharist, an efficacious desire of his own proper sanctification, and a well-governed zeal and solicitude for that of his neighbour, united with him in the same, devotion, and under the same bonds and rules of charity, promoting, according to bis power, but with prudence and discernment, the same holy practices to the greater glory of the sacred and adorable heart of Jesus Christ, inflamed with an ardent zeal for the honour of his eternal Father, and the salvation of mankind.

“ Though the above rules and regulations oblige not of their own nature, under any sin whatsoever, yet the associates, we persuade ourselves, will not on that account be less exact in the performance of what the rules prescribe, or less faithful in their purposes entered upon between God and their own consciences.”

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus ever live, be praised, and adored.


We Brother Francis of S. Reginald, Prior of the venerable Arch-confraternity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, at Rome.

To our beloved in Christ, the associates in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the faithful of either sex, who are any ways British Subjects, or descended from them 9 wheresoever they dwell; greeting in our Lord.

Whereas, his Holiness of pious memory, Clement XII., has by sundry decrees, viz., by one of the 7th of February, 1732; another of the 28th March, ditto; and a third of the 12th of June, 1736, granted many favours and privileges to our Arch-confraternity of the Sacred Heart; and among the rest has empowered it to unite and associate to itself any particular confraternity of the Sacred Heart, extant any where out of Rome, and to impart to it all and every indulgence, grant, or release of the canonical penance due to sins, that has at any time been heretofore granted to this our Arch-confraternity, by his said Holiness.

And whereas a confraternity of the Sacred Heart, erected in the church or domestic chapel of the English Fathers of the society of Jesus, at Bruges, has applied to us, through its solicitor in Rome, Signor Joseph Monionelli, in order to obtain leave to be thus associated to ours, and to share in all its privileges and grants; we have thought fit, considering the many good works of piety, penance, and charity, performed in that confraternity at Bruges, (which as to all essentials is modelled upon the same plan as ours,) to unite and associate it to our Arch-confraternity, pursuant to the power given us for this purpose by the Holy See; and we grant to it and its members all the indulgences and particular favours mentioned in the Pope’s briefs, still keeping within the terms of the decree of Clement VIII. which directs such associations and communications of spiritual treasures.

Moreover, besides the indulgence and special favours set down in the abovem-entioned Papal grant, we impart to the said Confraternity a share in all the masses, prayers, mortifications, pilgrimages, and other good works performed throughout the whole world by the several religious orders of Benedictions, Bernardins, Dominicans, Franciscans, Carmelites, Theatins, and Fathers of the Society of Jesus, pursuant to the power we have received thereunto from the superiors of the said orders, as may be seen in the authentic deeds belonging to our Arch-confraternity, and lodged in our archives.

For the proof whereof we have caused the present deed, signed by our own hand, to be Underwritten and published by the secretary of our Arch-confraternity, and to be sealed with the seal thereof.

Given at Rome, in the usual place of our congregation, the 30th January, 1767, in the 9th Year of his present Holiness Clement XIIIth.’s Pontificate, formerly our fellow-associate, and now our most liberal father and, protector.

Br. Francis of S. Reginald, Prior.

Br. Philip of S. Joseph of Callassantio, Secretary.

Registered, book the first, page 63, No. 38.


We permit the publishing of these letters of aggregation, still with due regard to be paid to the decree of Clement the VIII. Quaecumque a sede Apostolica, and we approve of the choice made by the associates, of the Friday after the octave of Corpus Christie for the principal feast of the association, in order to gain the plenary indulgence; and of the first Sunday in Advent, the second Sunday after the Epiphany, the third after Easter, and the first Sunday of October, to gain the indulgences of seven years, and of so many quarantines, or forty days.

Given at Bruges, in our episcopal Palace, the 20th March, 1767.

By the Order of his Lordship, the Bishop of Bruges,

C. Beerenbrock, Secretary.

A Petition that British Subjects might partake of the advantages of this institution, though remote from, and unable to attend in the Chapels appointed for the Association.

Holy Father,

The president and the members of the Confraternity of the most holy heart of Jesus, instituted for the subjects of Great Britain, of both sexes, in the chapel of the English Seminary, at Bruges, in Flanders, and associated to the Arch-confraternity of the same title erected in the church of St. Theodore at Rome, prostrate themselves at your Holiness’ feet, and dutifully represent the signal advantages arising from the said Confraternity in the increase of spiritual fervour among the faithful, and desirous to transmit these religious fruits to the latest posterity, humbly supplicate your Holiness to grant, that the members of the said Confraternity of both sexes, who are not at liberty to visit the aforesaid chapel on the days appointed for obtaining the indulgences granted to the Confraternity, may obtain all and every one of them, as if they had personally attended, provided they perform all the other good works prescribed for obtaining the said indulgences.


At the audience of his Holiness, Feb. 23rd. 1768.

Our Holy Father Pope Clement XIII. is graciously pleased to grant the prayer of the petition, and enacts, that such members of the said confraternity, as have it not in their power to visit the aforesaid chapel on the days appointed for obtaining the indulgences granted to the same, may have the benefit of all and every one of them, provided they perform all the other religious duties prescribed on that occasion; and his Holiness was pleased to order, that this his concession should be at all times considered as valid, without the expedition of a brief.

Dated Rome, from the office of the Secretary of the holy Congregation of Indulgences.

Cardinal Calani,


Borgia, Secretary of the sacred Congregation of Indulgences.


The greatest part of the Right Reverend Bishops of the kingdom of Poland, and the association of this city, which bears the title of the Arch confraternity of the most sacred Heart of Jesus, having united their instances for a proper office and mass of the most sacred heart; the Congregation of the Sacred Rites, held the 25th January of the current year, well apprised that the devotion of the Heart of Jesus, under the favourable aspect and influence of the respective bishops, has been extended through most parts of the Christian world, and frequently honoured by the See Apostolic, with thousands of briefs of indulgences, granted to almost innumerable confraternities, canonically erected under the title of the Heart of Jesus, as also understanding that by the petition of the said office and mass nothing more is intended than an extension of this devotion, and under that symbolical figure, a renewal of the memory of that divine love, with which the only begotten Son of God took on himself our nature, and being obedient even unto death, exhibited himself, as he teaches us, a pattern of mildness and humility of heart: upon these considerations, at the motion of His Eminence the Right Reverend Lord Cardinal Bishop of Sabina, having first heard the R. F. JD. Cajetan Forti, promoter of faith notwithstanding the previous decision on the 30 th July, 1729, the said Congregation judged proper to accede to the supplication of the bishops of the Kingdom of - Poland, and the above-mentioned Arch-confraternity of this city, reserving to itself in due time the deliberation and approbation of the petitioned office and mass. And this desire of the Congregation, intimated by me to our Most Holy Father, Clement XIII., Pope; His Holiness having gone through the tenor of the decree, approved of all and each particular of its contents, this day, 6th February, 1765.

Joseph Maria Fornon Prefectus.

S. BurghesiUs, S. JR. C. Secretariat

In place ✠ of the seal.






As the adorable Heart of Jesus was formed in the chaste womb of the blessed Virgin, and of her blood and substance, so we cannot in a more proper and agreeable manner show our devotion to the Sacred Heart of the Son, than by dedicating some part of the said devotion to the ever pure heart of the Mother. For you have two hearts here united in the most strict alliance and tender conformity of sentiments, so that it is not in nature to please the one without making yourself agreeable to the other, and acceptable to both. Go then, devout client, go to the heart of Jesus, bat let your way be through the heart of Mary. The sword of grief which pierced her soul, opens you a passage: enter by the wound love has made; advance to the Heart of Jesus, and rest there even to death itself. Presume not to separate and divide two objects so intimately one, or united together, but ask redress in all your exigencies from the heart of Jesus, and ask this redress through the heart of Mary.

This form and method of worship is the doctrine and the very spirit of God's church: it is what she teaches us in the unanimous voice and practice of the faithful, who will by no means that Jesus and Mary should be separated from each other in our prayers, praises, and affections. This consideration has engaged the sovereign Pontiffs and head Pastors of the Church, to give the self-same practice to the pious practices instituted in honour of the Sacred Heart of Mary, as they give to those of the adorable Heart of Jesus, both within their proper limits. They both have equally their (vasts and solemnities, both their associations, and those too equally enriched with the treasures of the Church, under the liberal dispensations of its governors. Many are the pious and virtuous souls, who have drawn most signal fruit and advantages from these devotions.

Come then, hardened and inveterate sinner, how great soever your crimes may be, come and behold! Mary stretches out her hand, opens her breast to receive you. Though insensible to the great concerns of your salvation, though unfortunately proof against the most engaging invitations and inspirations of the Holy Ghost, fling yourself at the feet of this powerful advocate. Her throne, though so exalted has nothing forbidding, nothing dreadful; her heart is all love, all tenderness. If you have the least remains of confidence and reliance on her protection, doubt not she will carry you through her own most blessed heart, in the most speedy and most favourable manner to the truly merciful and most Sacred Heart of her Son Jesus.



O Holy Mother of God, glorious Queen of heaven and earth! I choose thee this day for my mother, my queen, and my advocate at the throne of thy divine Son. Accept the offering, may it he irrevocable! I here make of my heart. It never can be out of danger whilst at my own disposal: never secure but in thy hands.

Ye choirs of angels, witnesses of this my oblation, bear me up in the day of judgment, and next to Jesus and Mary be ye propitious to me, should the enemy of my salvation have any claim upon me. Obtain for me at present the gift of a true repentance, and those graces I may afterwards stand in need of for the gaining of life everlasting.

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  1. This feast has no fixed day. It is solemnised in some churches, with the approbation of the Ordinary, on the 8th of February; in others on the first of June, and in some churches on Sunday within the octave of the Assumption.