The Dial/Volume 15/Number 169/Topics in Leading Periodicals
Topics in Leading Periodicals.
July, 1893 (First List).
Algerian Riders. Illus. T. A. Dodge. Harper.
American Woman, The. M. C. de Varigny. Pop. Science.
Army as a Training-School. Edmund Hudson. Forum.
Bacon and Shakespeare: A Symposium. Arena.
Bimetallic Parity. C. Vincent. Arena.
Booth, An Actor's Memory of. John Malone. Forum.
British Etching. Illus. F. Wedmore. Magazine of Art.
Californian Farmers. J. R. Grayson. Californian.
Californian Missions. Illus. Laura B. Powers. Californian.
Chicago Architecture. Illus. Barr Ferree. Lippincott.
Chicago's Gentle Side. Julian Ralph. Harper.
Chinese and the Law. T. J. Geary. Californian.
Christ and the Liquor Problem. G. G. Brown. Arena.
Christian Preacher's Functions. Lyman Abbott. Forum.
Civic Duty. James Bryce. Forum.
Color in the Court of Honor at the Fair. Illus. Century.
Crime, Is it Increasing? Popular Science.
Education and Selection. A. Fouillée. Popular Science.
English Race Meetings. Illus. R. H. Davis. Harper.
Evil Spirits. J. H. Long. Popular Science.
Exmouth, Admiral Lord. A. T. Mahan. Atlantic.
Fair, On the Way to the. Illus. Julian Hawthorne. Lippincott.
Foreign Policy, Our. W. D. McCrackan. Arena.
Fort Ross, California. Illus. Overland.
"Fourth," Celebration of the. Julia Ward Howe. Forum.
French Canadians in New England. H. L. Nelson. Harper.
Galton, Francis, Works and Work of. Frederick Starr. Dial.
German Soldiers. Illus. Poultney Bigelow. Harper.
Hardy, Thomas. Harriet W. Preston. Century.
Homeric Question Once More. Paul Shorey. Dial.
Human Brain, The. Illus. C. S. Minot. Popular Science.
Indians, Famous. Illus. C. E. S. Wood. Century.
Innocence and Ignorance. Solomon Schindler. Arena.
Italian Gardens. Illus. C. A. Pratt. Harper.
Japan, An Artist's Letters from. Illus. J. LaFarge. Cent'y.
Japanese Morals. Illus. W. D. Eastlake. Popular Science.
Kemble, Fanny, at Lenox. C. B. Todd. Lippincott.
Literature Congresses, The. Dial.
Man in the Glacial Gravels. J. W. Powell. Popular Science.
Meissonier Exhibition. Illus. Claude Phillips. Mag. of Art.
Mental Suggestion. Illus. A. McL. Hamilton. Century.
Money Question, The. C. J. Buell. Arena.
Morton, Gov., and the Sons of Liberty. W. D. Foulke. Allan.
National Gallery, The. Illus. M. H. Spielman. Mag. of Art.
Nice to Genoa. Illus. Fannie C. W. Barbour. Californian.
Panama Canal, The. Overland.
Pension Scandal. C. McK. Leoser and J. J. Finn. Forum.
Petrarch. Gamaliel Bradford, Jr. Atlantic.
Petrarch's Correspondence. Harriet W. Preston. Atlantic.
Physics, Teaching. F. Guthrie. Popular Science.
Poor, Private Relief of. Herbert Spencer. Popular Science.
Portsmouth Profiles. T. B. Aldrich. Century.
Presumptive Proof. J. W. Clarke. Atlantic.
Public Libraries and Public Museums. E. S. Morse. Atlantic.
Reason at the World's Congress of Religions. Arena.
Royal Academy Exhibition. Illus. Mag. of Art.
Russian Passports and Police. Isabel F. Hapgood. Atlantic.
Russian People, A Voice for the. George Kennan. Century.
Russian Persecution. Joseph Jacobs. Century.
Salt Lake City. Illus. H. R. Browne. Californian.
Salvini's Autobiography. Tommaso Salvini. Century.
Science, Recent. Prince Kropotkin. Popular Science.
Siddons, Sarah. Edmund Gosse. Century.
Sierra, Heart of the. Illus. Lillian E. Purdy. Californian.
Slang. Brander Matthews. Harper.
Social Spirit in America. J. H. Crooker. Dial.
Spanish Inquisition an Alienist. H. C. Lea. Pop. Science.
Summer, In the Heart of. Edith M. Thomas. Atlantic.
Swift, Dean. Illus. M. O. W. Oliphant. Century.
Truth vs. Point. Robt. Timsol and F. M. Bird. Lippincott.
United States and Italy. G. P. Morosini. Lippincott.
Women Wage-Earners. Helen Campbell. Arena.
World's Fair Prospects. F. H. Head and E. F. Ingals. Forum.
Writing, Style in. Edgar Fawcett. Lippincott.
Yellowstone Fossil Forests. S. E. Tillman. Popular Science.