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The Dial/Volume 15/Number 174

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The Dial, Volume 15
Number 174 (September 16, 1893)
578902The Dial, Volume 15 — Number 174 (September 16, 1893)


THE DIAL (founded in 1880) is published on the 1st and 16th of each month. Terms of Subscription, 82.00 a year in advance, postage prepaid in the United States, Canada, and Mexico; in other countries comprised in the Postal Union, 50 cents a year for extra postage must be added. Unless otherwise ordered, subscriptions will begin with the current number. Remittances should be by check, or by express or postal order, payable to THE DIAL. Special Rates to Clubs and for subscriptions with other publications will be sent on application; and Sample Copy on receipt of 10 cents. Advertising Rates furnished on application. All communications should be addressed to

THE DIAL, No. 24 Adams Street, Chicago.

No. 174.
SEPTEMBER 16, 1893.
Vol. XV.



WILLIAM COXGREVE (Sonnet). Marian Mead . . 135 BOOKS OF THE COMING YEAR 135 A FRENCH VIEW OF AMERICAN COPYRIGHT . 136 IBSEN'S TREATMENT OF SELF-ILLUSION. Hjalmar H. Boyesen 137 COMMUNICATIONS 140 A Columbian Celebration a Hundred Years Ago. James L. Onderdonk. AN OLD HOPE IN A NEW LIGHT. W. M. Payne 141 THE VEHICLE OF HEREDITY. Henry L. Osborn 143 THE RECONCILIATION OF HISTORY AND RE- LIGION IN CRITICISM. John Bascom ... 146 Lillie's The Influence of Buddhism on Primitive Christianity. Harden's An Inquiry into the Truth of Dogmatic Christianity. Beach's The Newer Re- ligious Thinking. Mead's Christ and Criticism. Horton's Verbum Dei. Cone's The Gospel. Miil- ler's Theosophy. BRIEFS ON NEW BOOKS 149 Hunting on the Western Plains and Mountains. Two new volumes of Columbus literature. The Se- cret of Character Building. A French protest against materialism in France. A typical English School fifty years ago. An appreciative and judical life of Napoleon . ANNOUNCEMENTS OF FALL BOOKS . . 151 LITERARY NOTES AND MISCELLANY 157