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The Dial (Third Series)/Volume 73

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July to December, 1922





Aldington, Richard A Roman Letter (Fiction) 383

Anderson, Sherwood Many Marriages (Fiction) 361, 533, 623

Brown, Slater Four and Twenty Blackbirds 675

Bunin, Ivan Kasimir Stanislavovitch (Fiction) 41

Burke, Kenneth The Consequences of Idealism 449

The Critic of Dostoevsky 671

Enlarging the Narrow House 346

Burke, Kenneth, translator Lucidor (Fiction) 121

Arthur Schnitzler 241

Tristan (Fiction) 593

Cauliflower, Sebastien American Letter 555

Chafee, Jr., Zechariah The Common Law for Laymen 222

Colum, Padraic Lady Gregory's Plays 572

Cowley, Malcolm The Author of Bliss 230

Euphues 446

Keats and Hearst 108

Two American Poets 563

Craven, Thomas The Freudian Incubus 103

Light from Italy 349

Crawford, Nelson Antrim Democracy Diagnosed 219

Dos Passos, John Off the Shoals 97

Eglington, John Dublin Letter 434

Eliot, T. S. London Letter 94, 329, 659

Faure, Elie Reflections on the Greek Genius 525

Frank, Waldo John the Baptist 312

Fry, Roger M Jean Marchand 388

Gilchrist, Helen Ives Balkan Balloons 669

Hesse, Hermann Thoughts on The Idiot of Dostoevsky 199

Hudson, Stephen, translator Thoughts on The Idiot of Dostoevsky 199

Koteliansky, S. S., translator Kasimir Stanislavovitch (Fiction) 41

Lawrence, D. H. The Fox (Fiction) 75, 184

Mann, Thomas German Letter 645

Tristan (Fiction) 593

Mitchell, Stewart Stick of a Rocket 453

Moore, Marianne A Portrait of George Moore 664

Is the Real the Actual? 620

Mortimer, Raymond The Movement 215

Oedipus Tyrannus 441

Strachey's Past 338

Pound, Ezra Paris Letter 332, 549

Powys, Llewelyn Sir Thomas Urquhart, Knycht 277

Purrmann, Hans From the Workshop of Matisse 32

Russell, Bertrand The Aroma of Evanescence 559

What is Morality? 677

Santayana, G. Penitent Art 25

Sapir, Edward A Symposium of the Exotic 568

Schnitzler, Arthur Doctor Graesler (Fiction) 1, 246, 411, 509

Seldes, Gilbert The Altar of the Dead 343

Claude Bovary 438

Nineties-Twenties-Thirties 574

A Trick of Memory 106

Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley Two Portraits 88

Shaw, Vivian Not Literary 228

Specht, Richard Arthur Schnitzler 241

Singarn, J. E. Foreword to Tsang-Lang Discourse 271

Thayer, Scofield, translator Tristan (Fiction) 593

von Hofmannsthal, Hugo From the Book of Friends 23

Lucidor (Fiction) 121

Vienna Letter 206, 425

Wadsworth, P. Beaumont Prague Letter 655

Wilson, Jr., Edmund The Poetry of Drouth 611

Woolf, Leonard, translator Kasimir Stanislavovitch (Fiction) 41

Yeats, William Butler More Memories 48, 133, 283, 395

The Player Queen 486

Yü, Yen Tsang-Lang Discourse on Poetry 274

Zeisler, Paul Bloomfield, translator Doctor Graesler (Fiction) 1, 162, 246, 411, 509



Aldington, Richard Six Songs for Puritans 181

Bynner, Witter, translator On a Gate Tower at Yu-Chou 644

Coatsworth, Elizabeth J. Evening 276

Sails 387

Crapsey, Adelaide Blue Hyacinths 31

Deutsch, Babette Avatars 205

Hibernal 328

Eliot, T. S. The Waste Land 473

Kang-hu, Kiange, translator On a Gate Tower at Yu-Chou 644

Lowell, Amy Easel Picture: Decoration Day 393

Orientation 392

The Red Knight 393

Loy, Mina Apology of Genius 73

Brancusi's Golden Bird 507

Mitchell, Stewart Two Poems 159

Poore, Dudley Seven Poems 303

Stevens, Wallace Bantams in Pine Woods 89

The Emperor of Ice-Cream 93

Frogs Eat Butterflies. Snakes Eat Frogs. Hogs Eat Snakes. Men Eat Hogs 91

A High-Toned Old Christian Woman 91

O, Florida, Venereal Soil 92

The Ordinary Women 89

Revue 89

Tzŭ-ang, Ch’ên On a Gate Tower at Yu-Chou 644

Williams, William Carlos When Fresh, It Was Sweet 617


Biddle, George A Head December

Bragdon, Claude Two Drawings October

Brancusi, Constantin The Golden Bird November

Cano, Manoel A Drawing September

Chagall, Marc Jew July

On Dit October

Peasant Eating July

Violin Player July

Young Girl July

Cummings, E. E. A Line Drawing August

Davis, Stuart Strawinsky August

de Fiori, Ernesto Bather August

Standing Figure August

Walking Figure August

Dehn, Adolph Blind Beggar November

Drinkers November

Delaunay, Robert St Severin November

Dickinson, Preston Garden in Winter July

Faggi, Alfeo Ka December

The Llama December

Mother and Child December

The Tram December

Gaul, August Sheep July

Gontcharova, Natalia Espagnole August

Grant, Duncan The Acrobats November

Landscape: South of France November

Nude November

Gropper, William Hope September

Tight Rope September

Lachaise, Gaston Model for an Heroic Figure December

Larionow, Michel Esprit des Forêts August

Liebermann, Max Richard Strauss August

Marc, Franz Horses September

Marchand, Jean La Belle Provençale October

Coup de Mistral à Vence October

Maternité October

Matisse, Henri Les Capucines July

The Rape of Rebecca September

Pascin, Jules Two Drawings October

Picasso, Pablo Two Drawings November

Robinson, Boardman The Woman of Samaria July

Rusin, Z. Sholom Asch September

Severini, Gino Fresco October

von Huhn, Rudolf Two Heads December

Wauer, William Rudolf Blümner September

Herwarth Walden September

Nell Walden September


Authors and Titles


Aiken, Conrad. Priapus and the Pool 563

Alexander, Hartley Burr. Odes and Lyrics 236

Armstrong, Harold H. For Richer, For Poorer 456

Aumonier, Stacy. Heartbeat 579

Austen, Jane. Love and Freindship 682

Babbitt, Irving. Rousseau and Romanticism 555

Barrets, J. L., translator. Very Woman, by Remy de Gourmont 353

Bell, Clive. Since Cézanne 215

Bishop, John Peale, and Edmund Wilson, Jr. The Undertaker's Garland 574

Bjorkman, Edwin. The Soul of a Child 233

Bodenheim, Maxwell. Introducing Irony 446

Bottome, Phyllis. The Kingfisher 234

Boyd, Ernest, translator. Boule de Suife Fifi, by Guy de Maupasant.—Germinie Lacerteux, by Edmond and Jules de Goncourt 680

Brink, Roscoe W. Down the River 682

Broocks, Van Wyck. Letters and Leadership 555

Brown, Alice. One Act Plays 114

Bruun, Laurids. The Promised Isle 681

Buccholtz, Johannes. W. W. Worster, translator. Egholm and His God 233

Buchholtz, Johannes. W. W. Worster, translator. The Miracles of Clara Van Haag 580

Buschor, Ernst. G. C. Richards, translator. Greek Vase-Painting 236

Byron, Lord. John Murray, editor. Lord Byron's Correspondence 453

Calderon, George. See Tihoti.

Canby, H. S. Definitions 555

Carr, Gene. Kid Kartoons 684

Carswell, Caterine. The Camomile 681

Cather, Will. My Antonia.—One of Ours 438

Cervantes, Miguel de. Epwin Gile Rich, adapter. The Adventures of Don Quixote 582

Chesterton, G. K. What I Saw in America 683

Cobb, Ann. Kinfolks 113

Colcord, Lincoln. An Instrument of the Gods 682

Colum, Padraic. The Children Who Followed the Piper 582

Coward, Noel. Terribly Intimate Portraits 457

Croce, Benedetto. The Poetry of Dante 114

Crown Prince of Germany. Memoirs of the Crown Prince of Germany 355

Cummings, E. E. The Enormous Room 97

Dana, Ethel Nathalie, compiler. The Story of Jesus 582

Darío Ruben. Charles B. McMichael, translator. Prosas Profanas 354

Dark, Sidney. An Outline of Wells 457

Dart, Edith. Sareel 580

Dawson-Scott, C. The Haunting 457

de Goncourt, Edmond and Jules. Ernest Boyd, translator. Germinie Lacerteux 680

de Gourmont, Remy. John Howard, translator. Mr. Antiphilos, Satyr 233

de Gourmont, Remy. J. L. Barrets, translator. Very Woman 353

De Kay, Charles, translator. Pierre and Luce, by Romain Rolland 353

Delafield, E. M. Humbug 233

de la Mare, Walter. The Veil 114

de la Roche, Mazo. Explorers of the Dawn 113

de Madariaga, Salvador, translator. 684

de Maupassant, Guy. Ernest Boyd, translator. Boule de Suife.—Mademoiselle Fifi 680 PAGE

de Nerval, Gerard. James Whitall, translator. Daughters of Fire 233

Dennis, Geoffrey. Mary Lee 456

Deutsch, Babette, and Avrahm Yarmolinsky, translators Modern Russian Poetry 114

Doren, Carl Van. See Van Doren.

Downey, June E., and Edwin E. Slosson. Plots and Personalities 459

Eliot, T. S. Poems 685

Eliot, T. S. The Sacred Wood 555, 685

Eliot, T. S. The Waste Land 611, 685

Farmer, John S., and W. E. Henley. A Dictionary of Slang and Colloquial English 459

Fay, Sidney Bradshaw, translator. World History, 1815-1920, by Eduard Fueter 684

Ferrero, Guglielmo. The Hon. Lady Whitehead, translator. The Ruin of Ancient Civilization and The Triumph of Christianity 115

Ficke, Arthur Davison. Mr. Faust 235

Fisher, Henry W. Abroad With Mark Twain and Eugene Field 236

Frank, Waldo. City Block.—Rahab 449

Freeman, John. Music: Lyrical and Narrative Poems 108

Freeman, John. A Portrait of George Moore in a Study of his Work 664

Fueter, Eduard. Sidney Bradshaw Fay, translator. World History, 1815-1920 684

Furness, Horace Howard. Horace Furness Jayne, editor. The Letters of Horace Howard Furness 783

Fyfe, Hamilton. The Widow's Cruse 112

Garnett, Edward. Friday Nights 581

Gerould, Katharine Fullerton. Lost Valley 112

Goncourt, Edmond and Jules de. See de Goncourt.

Gourmont, Rent de. See de Gourmont.

Graves, Charles L. Mr. Punch's History of Modern England 458

Gregory, Lady Augusta. The Image and Other Plays 572

Grey, Zane. To the Last Man 113

Harrison, Frederic. Novissima Verba: Last Words 459

Hart, Francis Russell. Admirals of the Caribbean 580

Henley, W. E., and John S. Farmer. A Dictionary of Slang and Colloquial English 459

PPsc|Hergesheimer, Joseph.}} The Bright Shawl 579

Howarp, Joun, translator. Mr. Antiphilos, Satyr, by DE Goumom .. . 233

Howe, A. DE WoLre. Memories of a Hostess . . . . . 684

HrBROVA, SARKA B, editor. Czechoslovak Stories . . . . . . . . . . 113

Hurchinson, A.S. M. ThisFreedom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . abo

Hv'rcmnsou VERE. Sea Wrack . . O - 1. )

HyaAMmsoN, ALBERT M. A Dictionary of Engllsh Phrases . e e . . . . . . 4%

JAckson, HoLeroOK. The Eighteen Nineties . . .o . . 574

Jayne, Horace Furness, editor. The Letters of Horace Howard Furness . . . 68 3

JEFFERY, JEFFERY E. Escape . e e e e e e e oo ... 682

Jonnson, CLirroN. John Burroughs Talks : . . . . 683

Jounson, James WELDoON, editor. The Book of Amerlcan Negro Poetry .. . . 236

Jovce, James. Ulysses . . . .. . . 434

Kay, CHARLES DE. See De Kay

LAGcerLOF, SELMA. W. W, WORSTER, translator. TheOutcast . . . . . . . 354

Laing, B.M. A Studyin Moral Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677

Lracock, STEPHEN. My Discovery of England O § &

Lewis, SincLAIR. Babbitt . . Y {

LEWIS WiLmarTH. Tutors’ Lane . ce . . . . . 681

WaLTER. Liberty and the News. —Public Opxmon . e e . . . .o o219

LoFrTINgG, HUGH The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle . . . e e e . . . . 582

LoNGgreELLow, ERNEST WADswOrRTH. Random Memories . . . . . . . . 459

LoNGSTRETH, T. Morris. The Laurentians . O § 1

Lyw~p, Roeert. The Sporting Life and Other Triffes . . . . . . . . . . 581

McCormick, Virginia Taylor. Star-Dust and Gardens 458

McKenna, Stephen. The Confessions of a Well-Meaning Woman 681

McMichael, Charles B., translator. Prosas Profanas, by Rusen Darío 354

Madariaga, Salvador de. See de Madariaga. PAGE

Mansfield, Katherine. The Garden Party and Other Stories 230

Mare, Walter de la. See de la Mare.

Masters, Edgar Lee. Children of the Market Place 457

Maupassant, Guy de. See de Maupassant.

Moore, George. Astrolabe.—Avowals.—The Confessions of a Young Man.—Esther Waters.—Hail and Farewell.—Héloïse and Abélard.—Lewis Seymour and Some Women 664

Murray, Gilbert. Tradition and Progress 355

Murray, John, editor. Lord Byron's Correspondence 453

Murry, J. Middleton. Still Life.—The Things We Are 671

Nerval, Gerard de. See de Nerval.

Nichols, Robert. Guilty Souls 581

Norris, Kathleen. Certain People of Importance 580

Noyes, Alfred. Watchers of the Sky 236

O'Donovan, Gerald. Vocations 354

Orage, A. E. Readers and Writer 228

Overton, Grant. The Answerer 234

Palmer, John. The Happy Fool 579

Papini, Giovanni. Ernest Hatch Wilkins, translator Four and Twenty Minds 675

Parker, H. T. Eighth Notes 683

Parsons, Elsie Clews, editor. American Indian Life 568

Paul, Elliot H. Indelible 112

Pennell, E.R. & J. The Whistler Journal 354

Pérochon, Ernest. Nêne 235

Perromat, Charles. William Wycherley: sa Vie, son Œuvre 114

Piccoli, Raffaello. Benedetto Croce 349

Poole, Ernest. Millions 680

Pound, Roscoe. The Spirit of the Common Law 222

Prescott, F. C. The Poetic Mind 103

Punch. Mr. Punch's History of England, by Charles L. Graves 458

Pyne, Zoë Kendrick. The Life of Palestrina 693

Quick, Herbert. Vandemark's Folly 353

Rich, Edwin Giles, adapter. The Adventures of Don Quixote, by Miguel de Cervantes 582

Richards, G. C., translator. Greek Vase-Painting, by Ernst Buschor 236

Roche, Mazo de la. See de la Roche.

Rolland, Romain. Charles De Kay, translator. Pierre and Luce 353

Royden, A. Maude. Sex and Common Sense 458

Rumsey, Frances. Ascent 580

Saintsbury, George. A Letter Book 235

Sandburg, Carl. Slabs of the Sunburnt West 563

Santayana, George. Soliloquies in England, and Later Soliloquies 559

Schevill, Ferdinand. The Balkan Peninsula 669

Scott, C. Dawson-. See Dawson-Scott.

Scott, Evelyn. Narcissus.—The Narrow House 346

Sedgwick, Anne Douglas. Adrienne Toner 234

Seymour, Beatrice Kean. Intrusion 234

{{sc|Sheridan, Clare. My American Diary 115

Sherman, Stuart P. On Contemporary Literature 555

Singmaster, Elsie. Bennett Malin 680

Slosson, Edwin E., and June E. Downey. Plots and Personalities 459

Spaeth, J. Duncan, translator. Old English Poetry 458

Speare, Dorothy. Dancers in the Dark 113

Spengler, Oswald. Der Untergang des Abendlandes 647

Squire, J. C. Poems: Second Series 108

Stirling, A. M. W. William De Morgan and His Wife 581

Strachey, Lytton. Books and Characters 338

Strachey, Marjorie. David, Son of Jesse 233

Tannaenbaum, Frank. Wall Shadows 236

Ticknor, Caroline. Glimpses of Authors 684

Tihoti. (George Calderon) Tahiti 115

Toohey, John Peter. Fresh Every Hour 113

Turner, John Hastings. Where Your Treasure Is 681

Van Doren, Carl. Contemporary American Novelists 555

Van Vechten, Carl. Peter Whiffle: His Life and Works 353

Weekley, Ernest. An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English 458

West, Rebecca. The Judge 441

Wharton, Edith. The Glimpses of the Moon 343

Whitall, James, translator. Daughters of Fire, by Gerard de Nerval 234

Whitehead, The Hon. Lady, translator. The Ruin of Ancient Civilization and Triumph of Christianity, by Gugliemo Ferrero 115

Whitton, Lt.-Col. F. E. Moltke 355

Wilkins, Ernest Hatch, translator. Four and Twenty Minds, by Giovanni Papini 675

Wilson, Harry Leon. Majesty Bunker Bean.—Merton of the Movies 106

Wilson, Jr., Edmund, and John Peale Bishop. The Undertaker's Garland 574

Woop, Clement. Nigger 680

Worster, W. W., translator. Egholm and His God, by Johannes Buchholtz 233

Worster, W. W., translator. The Miracles of Clara Van Haag, by Johannes Buchholtz 580

Worster, W. W., translator. The Outcast, by Selma Lagerlöf 354

Yarmolinzky, Avrahm and Babette Deutsch, translators. Modern Russian Poetry 114



Children's Book Week 583

Mr Eliot and the Dial Award 685

Occam's Razor 239

Secession 239

Mr Spingarn's New Manifesto 118

Statue of Bowdler, A 358

Suggestion to the Censor 460

Typographical Errors in Ulysses 240


Ambush 463

Chauve-Souris 117, 237

49-ers, The 689

From Morn to Midnight 116

Greenwich Village Follies, The 584

Hassan 585

Loyalties 688

Music Box Revue 688

Old Soak, The 464

Plantation 356

Rose Bernd 585

R.U.R. 584

Serpent's Tooth, A 463

Six Characters in Search of an Author 689

Springtime of Youth 688

Strut Miss Lizzie 356

Tempest, Marie 463

La Tendresse 688

Tinney, Frank 464

To Love 688

Vaudeville 237

The World We Live In 689

Ziegfeld Follies 356


Art and the Masses 586

Kent, Rockwell 586

Passing of Dada 586

Robinson, Boardman 690

Salons of America 691


Bach Festival, The 465

Miriam, Alice 589

International Composers' Guild 695

Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da 693

Szymanowski, Karol 589



A. E. 51

Avenue Theatre, The 72, 133

Babbitt, Irving 96

Beardsley, Aubrey 285

Bel Esprit 550

Bridges, Robert 94

Capek, Karel 655

Castle on the Rock, The 58

Cézanne, Paul 32

Cocteau, Jean 552

Cubism 27

Czech Painters and Literary Groups 656

D'Annunzio, Gabriele 552

Davidson, John 156

Descharmes, René 332

Dostoevsky, Fyodor 199, 330, 671

Dowson, Ernest 153, 288

Faggi, Alfeo 620

Flaubert, Gustave 332

Freud, Sigmund 430

Gonne, Maud 395, 401

Gregory, Lady Augusta 406

Harvey, Alexander. The Most Romantic Episode in Literary History 203

Henley, William Ernest 143

Irish Agrarian Movement 396

Irish Literary Society 145

Johnson, Lionel 149, 283

Joyce, James 434

Kassner, Rudolf 428

Lawrence, D. H. 331

Lloyd, Marie 659

Mackenzie, Compton 329

Marchand, Jean 388

Mathers, Macgregor 294

Matisse, Henri 32

Neumann, Karl Eugen 426

Parnellites and Anti-Parnellites 396

Professorship of Poetry at Oxford 94

Proust, Marcel 552

Psychology of the Crowd 430

Reinhardt, Max 211

Rhymers' Club, The 145

Russell, George. See A. E.

Saintsbury, George Edward 95

Savoy 286

Schnitzler, Arthur 206, 241

Sharp, William 296

Sinclair, May 330

Spengler Oswald 647

Stanislawski and the Moscow Art Theatre 211

Stern, E. B. 330

Strauss, Richard 213

Symons, Arthur 283

Synge, John 298

Verlaine, Paul 297

Viennese Theatre 206

Weston, Jesse L. 611

Whibley, Charles 95

Wilde, Oscar 135, 288


American Letter 555

Briefer Mention 112, 233, 353, 456, 579, 680

Comment 118, 239, 358, 460, 583, 685

Dublin Letter 434

German Letter 645

London Letter 94, 329, 659

Modern Art 586, 690

Musical Chronicle 465, 589, 693

Paris Letter 332, 549

Prague Letter 655

Theatre 116, 237, 356, 463, 584, 688

Vienna Letter 206, 425