The Dictionary of Australasian Biography/Bagot, Captain Charles Hervey
Bagot, Captain Charles Hervey, was born in Ireland, and entering the army, reached the rank of captain, serving with distinction in the East. He emigrated to South Australia during Colonel Gawler's term of office, and engaged in pastoral pursuits at Kapunda. He was a member of the first entirely nominee Legislative Council, was member for Light in the mixed Council which replaced it, and also sat in the present Upper House under responsible government. In the first-named he distinguished himself by his opposition to Colonel Robe's proposals for endowing the religious bodies and imposing a royalty on minerals. He is mainly known as one of the discoverers and original owners of the Kapunda Copper Mines. He was also the founder of the town of Kapunda. He died in Adelaide on July 28th, 1880, at the advanced age of ninety-two.