The Dictionary of Australasian Biography/Clarke, Joseph

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754174The Dictionary of Australasian Biography — Clarke, JosephPhilip Mennell

Clarke, Joseph, J. P., third and youngest son of the late Hon. William John Turner Clarke, M.L.C. (q.v.), was born at Newtown, near Hobart, Tas., on Jan. 1st, 1835. He managed his father's Tasmanian estates for some years prior to the latter's decease in 1874, when he succeeded to large estates in that colony, and in South Australia and New Zealand. Since that time Mr. Clarke has resided at Toorak, near Melbourne. He married, in 1860, Caroline, daughter of his uncle, Lewis Clarke, who settled in Australia. Mr. Clarke has given many liberal donations to public institutions and charities—notably £5000 to Trinity College, Melbourne, and £5000 to the Anglican Cathedral of that city.