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The Dictionary of Australasian Biography/Guenett, Thomas Harbottle

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1388351The Dictionary of Australasian Biography — Guenett, Thomas HarbottlePhilip Mennell

Guenett, Thomas Harbottle, is the son of Rev. John F. Guenett by his marriage with Elizabeth Harbottle, and was born at Fleetwood, Lancashire, on June 22nd, 1850. Mr. Guenett was a pupil of Sir Charles Halle and Mr. Ebenezer Prout, and went to Australia for his health in 1872, settling in Melbourne, where he was for several years President of the Musical Association of Victoria and one of the examiners for diplomas and certificates. He was also the founder of the Melbourne popular concerts (string quartette music), and, in addition to acting as musical critic of the Melbourne Argus and Australasian, is one of the examiners for licences and certificates to teach music in the State schools of Victoria. Mr. Guenett married at Balmain, Sydney, on July 18th, 1874, Miss Ellen Geard.