The Dictionary of Australasian Biography/Haselden, Charles John Allen
Haselden, Charles John Allen, J.P., Under-Secretary for the Department of Justice, New Zealand, is the son of Charles Haselden and Maria his wife, and was born in London on April 14th, 1838. He emigrated to Auckland, N.Z., in 1860, was appointed clerk in the Militia and Volunteer Office, Auckland, N.Z., in July 1863, and in Feb. 1865 was removed to the Department of Justice, Wellington. He became Chief Clerk in July 1873, and in March 1882 Acting Under-Secretary, an appointment confirmed in May 1886. Mr. Haselden holds also the appointment of Registrar of Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks. He was married at Folkestone, Kent, England, on July 12th, 1860, to Miss Belinda A. A. Tiffen.