The Dictionary of Australasian Biography/Ormond, Hon. John Davies
Ormond, Hon. John Davies, M.L.C., was a very early settler in Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, and was one of the agitators in favour of the separation of that province from Wellington. He was for some years Superintendent of Hawke's Hay, and in 1861 was returned to the General Assembly, and sat, with the exception of a three years' interval, till 1890. In the Fox Ministry Mr. Ormond was Minister of Public Works from Dec. 1871 to Sept. 1872, and acted in the same capacity in the Waterhouse Ministry in Oct. 1872. When Major Atkinson assumed the premiership, after the departure of Sir Julius Vogel, Mr. Ormond acted as Secretary for Crown Lands and Minister for Immigration from Sept. 1st to Sept. 13th, 1876, and upon its reconstitution succeeded Sir Frederick Whitaker as Postmaster-General and Commissioner of Telegraphs (Dec. 1876 to Oct. 1877). In 1891 he was called to the Upper House.