The Dictionary of Australasian Biography/Rosewarne, David Davey

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1445047The Dictionary of Australasian Biography — Rosewarne, David DaveyPhilip Mennell

Rosewarne, David Davey, F.G.S., son of David Davey Rosewarne, was born at Redruth, Cornwall, on April 7th, 1854. He was taken at an early age to California, and in 1877 to New Zealand, where he engaged in mining pursuits, which he has ever since followed. He married, at Thames, N.Z., Rebecca, daughter of William Huntley, a settler of fifty years in that colony. In Feb. 1889 he was appointed by the Government of South Australia, Inspector of Mines, Warden of Goldfields, and Inspector under the Mining on Private Property Act of 1888. In the following year he was sent to London as Executive Commissioner for South Australia at the International Exhibition of Mining and Metallurgy, held at the Crystal Palace in 1890, in which year he resigned his official employment under the Government of South Australia, and accepted the management of the Aclare Silver Mine in that colony.