Bath, Bishop of (English ambassador at Paris), on the initial stages of the divorce of Henry VIII., 25.
Becket, Archbishop (Canterbury), the hero of the English clergy, 158.
Bellay du (French ambassador to England): on Wolsey's position towards the divorce, 94; on the Blackfriars Legatine court, 107; account of Wolsey after his fall, 121; mission from Francis to Anne Boleyn, 250; special mission to Clement, 256; the Pope's reply, 257sqq.; mission to the Pope in regard to Milan, 362; description
of the debate in Consistory on the Bull of Deposition, 369.
Bishops, English: their qualified acceptance of the Royal Supremacy, 161; their official opinions on the divorce question, 166; unanimous against the Annates Bill, 187.
Bilney, Thomas, burnt as a heretic, by a bishop's order, 255.
Blackfriars, the trial of the divorce cause before the Legatine court at, 49; the Papal supremacy on its trial there, 100.
Boleyn, Sir Thomas (Anne Boleyn's father: afterwards Earl of Wiltshire): opposed to his daughter's advancement, 48. See also Wiltshire, Earl of.
Boleyn, Lady, 47; the charge of her being unduly intimate with Henry VIII., 55, 57.
Boleyn, Anne: account of her family and her early life, 47; alleged amour with Henry Percy, ib.; hatred of Wolsey, 48; her personal appearance, ib.; attempt to influence Henry in appointing an Abbess, 71; annoyance at Wolsey's getting a pension after his fall, 132; pleasure at the signs of Henry's breach with the Papacy, 152; said (by Chapuys) to be favouring the Lutherans, 163; unpopularity arising from her insolence and her intrigues, 167; objects to the Princess Mary being near her father, 174; created Marchioness of Pembroke, 193; compliments paid her by the French king, 194; present at the interview between Henry and Francis, 195; continued unpopularity, 201; agrees to a private marriage, 203; a staunch Lutheran, 207; announcement of her being enceinte, 211; her coronation, 230; gives birth to a daughter, 238; Bill establishing the succession in her offspring by Henry, 262; attempts to force Princess Mary to acknowledge her as Queen, 266; alleged threats against Mary, 262, 266, 269, 279; suspected evil intentions against Catherine, 277; meets a rebuff in the acquittal of Lord Dacre, 284; violence and insolence to the King through jealousy, 296; and to his principal Ministers, 297; urges Henry to bring Catherine and Mary to trial under the Succession Act, 312; joy at Catherine's death, 382; friendly message to Mary, 383; Anne's continued unpopularity, 385; letter to Mrs. Shelton about Mary, 387; a second miscarriage, 388; a long catalogue of misdeeds charged against her, 402; Easter (1536) at Greenwich, 404; inquiry into infidelities charged against her, 415; charged before the Council with adultery, 417; sent to the Tower, ib.; alleged to have planned the poisoning of the Princess Mary and the Duke of Richmond, 418; denial of the charge of adultery, 419; charged with having been herself the solicitor to adultery, 420; her trial: the indictment, 426; a reason suggested for her infidelities, 426n.; her trial, 480 sqq.; her confession to Cramer, invalidating her marriage with Henry, 431; her marriage declared null, 431; her dying speech, 435; execution, ib.
Boleyn, Mary: Henry VIII.'s alleged intimacy with, 55sqq.; Chapuys's reference to it, 130.
Bourbon, Duke of: his treatment of Italy after the battle of Pavia, 27; sack of Rome by (1527), 35.
Brereton, Sir William (paramour of Anne Boleyn), 416, 419; execution, 420.
Brewer, Mr.: his translation and interpretation of Wolsey's suggested Papal dispensation for Henry VIII.'s second marriage, 54sq.; his views on the alleged intrigue between Henry and Mary Boleyn, 58.
Burgo, Baron de: appointed to succeed Casalis as Nuncio in England, 144; Chapuys's account of his first interview with Henry, 145; protest against the revival of the statute of Præmunire, 148; Henry's reply, 149; report of an interview with Henry at Hampton Court, and with Norfolk, 150; reply to Norfolk's caution against introducing Papal briefs, 156; his attempted appeal to Convocation, 160; presents Clement's brief to Henry, 162; account of Henry's reception of the threat of excommunication, 169; secret communications with Henry, 205; accompanies the King in state to the opening of Parliament, 206.
Butts, Dr. (Henry's physician): Chapuys's account of his treachery, 323.
Campeggio, Bishop (Salisbury), 64, 92; chosen by the Pope as special Legate to England, 67sq., 74; reception in England, 76; his reports thence, 78; his consultation with Wolsey, 79; suggestion to marry the Princess Mary to the Duke of Richmond, ib.; dilatoriness, 84; account of Lutheran proposals to Henry, 91; his advice to Catherine at Blackfriars, 100; effect upon him of Bishop Fisher's denunciation of the divorce, 107; indignity offered to him on his leaving England, 122; Henry's reply to his complaint, ib.; revenues of his see sequestrated, 238.
Canonists, Henry VIII.'s consultation of, and the results, 136.
Capello, Carlo (Venetian ambassador to London): his account of Anne Boleyn's unpopularity, 201.
Carey, Eleanor: Henry VIII.'s refusal to appoint her Abbess of Wilton, 71.
Casalis, Sir Gregory, English agent at Rome, 37; on a special mission to the Pope at Orvieto, 53; his report, 63; on the Pope's position, 68; account of his interview with Clement to complain of dilatoriness, 84; after the Pope's recovery from illness, 89; résumé of the Pope's position towards the Emperor, 96; protests to the Pope against Fisher being made Cardinal, 338.
Casalis, John (Papal Nuncio in England ): his statement that the Pope desired to reconcile the King and the Emperor, 127; the Nuncio "heart and soul" with the King, 135.
Catherine of Aragon; death of her male children by Henry, 21; irregularity of her marriage, 23; her character, 24; description of her by Falieri, 32; first discovery of the proposal for a divorce, 34; a scene with her husband, 38; endeavours to obtain the revocation of Wolsey's Legatine powers, 39; no suspicion for some time of Anne Boleyn, 48; believed that Wolsey was the instigator of the divorce, 49; her ignorance of any intrigue between Henry and either Lady Boleyn or her daughter Mary, 58; Catherine refuses to acquiesce in a private arrangement of the divorce, 62; stands resolutely upon her rights, 64; objects to the case being tried in England, 75; the arguments of the Legates to her, 77; the Queen remains still firm, 78; her popularity, 79, 81; the Brief amending defects in Julius' dispensation, 83, 86: Catherine refuses to embrace a conventual life, 87; protest against the trial at Blackfriars, 101; appeal to Henry there, ib.; Catherine pronounced contumacious, 102; her joy at the advocation of the cause to Rome, 108; objection to the summoning of Parliament, 110; first interview with Chapuys, 113sq.; demands from Rome instant sentence in her cause, 125; dislike of Wolsey up to his death, 132; fresh efforts to persuade her to take the veil, 133; the suggestion of a neutral place for the trial, 145; alarm at the enforcement of Præmunire, 149; a party formed in her favour in the House of Commons, 151; letter of Catherine to Clement, 151; sends a special representative to Rome, 159; reception of the news that Henry had declared himself "Pope" in England, 162; distrust of Clement's intentions, 163; renewed appeal to the Emperor, 165; causes of her popularity, 167; her answer to a delegation of Peers and Bishops urging a neutral place of trial, 170; sneer at the "Supremum Caput," 171; question of the consummation of her marriage with Prince Arthur, 171; Catherine separated from her daughter, and sent to Moor Park, 174; English nobles make another effort to move Catherine, 176; her reply, 177; annoyed at the Pope's delays, 179; her opinion on the probable result of the meeting of Henry and Francis, 193; complaints to Charles, 197; the proposal that Cranmer should try the cause in the Archbishop's court, 207; Catherine pressed by English peers to withdaw her appeal, after the passing of the Act of Appeals, 214; her reply, 210; résumé of her position in regard to Henry, 217sq.; summoned, refuses to appear before Cranmer's court at Dunstable, 220; her rejection of the demand that she be styled and endowed as "Princess Dowager," 234; allowed to have the Princess Mary with her, 234; said to have desired a marriage between the Princess and Reginald Pole, 241, 295; absolute refusal of the renewed Cambrai proposition, 240; sent to Kimbolton, and separated again from her daughter, 252; fear of foul play, 254; insistence that Chapuys should appeal to Parliament for her, 262; refusal to take the Succession oath, 271; two accounts of her interview with Tunstal and Lee on the subject, 275sq.; suspected evil intentions of Anne against her, 277; disquiet at the Emperor's inaction, 280; obliged to refuse to receive Chapuys at Kimbolton, 281; her household reduced by Anne, 296; endeavours to quicken the Emperor's resolution, 302; anxiety caused by her daughter's second illness, 304; the Emperor's refusal to interfere the death-knell of her hopes, 309; another appeal to Charles, 319; appeal to the Pope to "apply a remedy," 356; a similar appeal to Charles, 357; what the "remedy" was, 362; Catherine's expectation of "martyrdom," 366; seized with fatal illness, 372; her last letters, 373; interviews with Chapuys, 377; her death, 379; suspicion that she was poisoned, 379sqq.; her burial as "widow of Prince Arthur," 389.
Catholic party in England: incipient treason develops into definite conspiracy, 240; notorious intention to take arms in behalf of Catherine and Mary, 271; all their leaders sank into bloody graves, 461.
Chapuys, Eustace (Imperial ambassador to England): his character, 112; his reception in England, ib.; interview with Henry, 113; and with Catherine, 114; report on the feeling of the people, ib.; report of Henry's refusal to aid Charles with money against the Turks, 126; and of Henry's attack on the Pope and Cardinals, ib.; on Henry's firm determination to marry again, 127; on English popular hatred of the priests, 128; suggestion of reference to the Sorbonne, 129; on Norfolk's dread of Wolsey's return to office, 132; statement that the Commons were sounded on the divorce, 133; report of Norfolk's opinion of probable results of refusing the divorce, 136sq.; Chapuys's mistaken estimate of English feeling, 137; on Wolsey's communications with Catherine, 138; and his desire to "call in the secular arm," 139; secrets obtained from Wolsey's physician, 140; his account of De Burgo's (Nuncio) first interview with Henry (1530), 145; advice to the Nuncio, 146; on Anne Boleyn's jubilance, 152; dislike of his position in England, 153; reply to Norfolk's statement of the superiority in England of the King's to the Pope's authority, 155; astounded by the enforcement of Præmunire against the English clergy, 160; blames Clement's timidity and dissimulation, 162; his account of Henry's treatment of the Pope's attempts at friendly negotiations, 178; report of Henry's denunciation of Papal claims in England, 209; desires the Emperor to make war on England, 213; interview with Henry after the passing of the Act of Appeals, 214; report on Cranmer's judgment, 221; bold action, and consequent discussion with the Council, 226; proposes a special Spanish embassy to London, 233; his high opinion of Thomas Cromwell, 236; attempt to combine Scotland and England through a marriage between James and the Princess Mary, 261; interview with Henry as to Catherine's appeal to Parliament, 263; his intrigues with Scotland and with Ireland against the peace of England, 268sq., 275; speech to the English Council against the Succession oath, 272sq.; presses his views on Cromwell, 275; account of Tunstal's and Lee's interview with Catherine on the Succession oath, 276; expresses fears for the safety of Catherine's life, 277; his pilgrimage to our Lady of Walsingliam (taking Kimbolton on the way), 281sq.; delight at the Irish rebellion, 285; renewed fears for the safety of Catherine and Mary, 286; negotiations for insurrection with Lords Hussey and Darcy, 288sq.; reversal of his revolutionary tactics, 309; fresh negotiations with Cromwell, 309sqq.; belief that Cromwell desired to have the Princess Mary made away with, 314; presses on Cromwell the appeal to a General Council, 321; letter to Charles emphasizing Catherine's appeals for the "remedy," 357; belief that time and circumstances were propitious, 358; reception of Cromwell's protest against the Emperor's supposed intended attack on Henry, 359; interviews with the Marchioness of Exeter, 365; interview with Henry before visiting Catherine in her mortal illness, 374; visit to Catherine, 377; suspicions as to her having been poisoned, 379sqq.; advice to Mary in regard to Anne Boleyn, 383; another plan for Mary's escape, 391; resumes negotiations with Cromwell for a treaty between Charles and Henry, 394; expectations of Henry's separation from Anne, 400; continued negotiations for the treaty, 403; account of the Easter (1536) at Greenwich, 404; Henry insists on a letter from Charles, 406, 408; Chapuys's report to Charles, 409; report to the Emperor of Anne Boleyn's downfall, 418; false account of Rochford's dying speech, 428; his explanation of Anne's mysterious confession to Cranmer, 432; reports about Jane Seymour, 442; the negotiations for a treaty again taken up, 446; introduced to Henry's new Queen, 448; advises Mary to take the Succession oath with a secret protest, 457; on the title "Princess of Wales," 459n.; difficulty with Rome aboit absolution for Mary's "protest," 460; the success of the Reformation indirectly owing to Chapuys, 463.
Charles V. (Emperor): his position in regard to Europe in 1526, 26; his relations to the Church, 43; letter to Henry VIII. on his desired divorce, 44; letter to Wolsey, 45; persistent efforts to bribe Wolsey, 50; allows the Pope to escape from captivity, 52; suggests a private arrangement between Henry and Catherine, 64; declaration of war by France and England against Charles, 65; his reply, ib.; instructions to Mendoza on the Legatine Commission, 74; letter to Catherine, 75; suggestion that she should take the veil, 77; becomes the champion of the Roman hierarchy, 97; seeks Henry's aid against the Turks, 126; determination to stand by Catherine, 133; fear of exciting the German Lutherans, ib.; his coronation at Bologna, 134; reply to the English deputies, ib.; personal interest in the question of papal dispensations—his affinity to his wife, 141; unconscious of the changes passing over the mind of the English people, 154; perplexed by Henry's enforcement of Præniunire, 164; letter to Sir T. More, 167; insistence that only the Pope should be the judge in Henry's case, 171; slight modification in his demand, 173; efforts to effect reunion of the Lutherans with the Church, 175; his position towards England after Cranmer's judgment, 222sqq.; his nearness to the succession to the English Crown, 254; dread of an Anglo-French alliance, 278; suggests a joint embassy to England from the Pope and himself, ib.; causes of his hesitation to accede to the wishes of the reactionists in England, 299, 302; ultimate refusal, 306, 308; proposed treaty between Charles and Henry, 307; letter to Henry relating to the proposed treaty, 335; his successful campaign in Africa, 347: memorandum of the Spanish Council of State, 348; apparent change of feeling towards Henry, 360; modifications of policy after the death of Duke Sforza (Milan), 364; Charles's treatment of Chapuys's alarms about Henry's intentions towards Catherine and Mary, 366; reception of the news of Catherine's death, 392; resumption of negotiations for the abandoned treaty, 394; eagerness for reconciliation with Henry, 396; his proposal, 397; anticipated remarriage of Henry, 398; reply to Cromwell's suggestions on the treaty, 403; proposes the Infanta of Portugal as a wife for Henry, and the Infant (Don Louis) as a husband for Princess Mary, 438; an alternative proposal, ib.; disappointed with Henry's conduct after his new marriage, 448; signally defeated by the French in Provence, 449.
Charterhouse monks: their retractation of their Supremacy oath, 327; executed for treason, 328.
Church reform in the Parliament of 1529, 115sqq., 127sq.
Clement VII., Pope: his political position when the divorce was first mooted, 25; Charles V.'s inroads on Italy, 27; the Pope's appeal for help to Henry VIII., ib.; financial difficulties and the method of relieving them, 30; a witness of the sack of Rome (1527), 35; his captivity, 38, 44; Dr. Knight's mission to, from Henry VIII., 51; the Pope's escape to Orvieto, 52; his desire to please Henry, 62; his suggestion of a compromise, 63: concessions to Henry, 67; consent that the cause should be heard in England, 68; the secret "decretal," 69; alleged contingent assent to the proposal to marry Princess Mary to Duke of Richmond, 80; perplexities in regard to the secret "decretal," 84; fresh pressure from the Emperor, 86; the brief of Julius II., 87; serious illness of Clement, 88; expresses determination not to grant the divorce, 90; résumé of his halting conduct in the cause, 99; between the hannner and the anvil, 105; veers towards Henry's side, 125; desirous to reconcile Henry and the Emperor, 127; his prohibitory brief against Henry's second marriage, 134; the hand of the Emperor therein, ib.; his desire that Henry should solve the difficulty, by marriage, 142; his reply to the English mission after the failure at Blackfriars, 144; issues a second brief forbidding Henry's second marriage, 153; continued desire of a compromise, 160; treatment of the appeal to a General Council, 166; reasons for his delay in the divorce case, 168sq.; brought by Micer Mai to consent to communion in both kinds and to the marriage of priests, 175; attempts friendly negotiations with Henry, 178; Clement's distrust as to the statements about English popular sentiment, 180; he sends Henry another expostulating brief, 181, 189; Ortiz's attempt to extract a sentence of excommunication, 189; Clement's privately expressed wish that Henry would marry without waiting for sentence, 192; another brief prepared against Henry, 196; continued indecision, 197; conditional excommunication of Henry, 198; reception of the news of Henry's marriage, 210; preparation for the interview with Francis at Nice, 231; Clement signs the brief Super Attentatis, 233; interview with Francis at Marseilles, 243; treatment of the French suggestion that Henry's case should be heard at Cambrai, 244; subject to a cross-fire of influences, 256sqq.; the sentence delivered: the marriage of Henry and Catherine declared valid, 259; threat to absolve English subjects from their allegiance, 265; the Brief of Execution (calling in the secular arm) held back, 278; Clement's death, 290.
Clergy (English): their state, and the popular feeling towards them, 115; their sentiments on the contest between Henry and the Pope, 157; unanimous censure of the King, 158; the clergy under Præmunire, ib.; felonious clerks punished like secular criminals, 185; traitor priests executed in their clerical habits, 185, 402; indignation of the clergy at the statutes passed in restraint of their privileges, 451.
Commission to investigate charges against Anne Boleyn, the, 420; the evidence before them, 421.
Cranmer, Thomas (afterwards Archbishop): one of the English deputies at the coronation of Charles V., 134; his marriage as a priest, 202; made Archbishop of Canterbury, 203; the proposal that he should try the divorce cause, 207; gives judgment for the divorce, 220; his qualified oath to the Pope, 227; his high regard for Anne, 421; his alarm for the political results of Anne's guilt, 450.
Cromwell, Thomas: his relations with Chapuys, 229, 235, 240; sketch of his career, 236; eager for the reform of the clergy, 237; alleged desire of the deaths of Catherine and Mary, 286; his discovery of the Emperor's intentions in regard to Princess Mary, 302; on the illness of the Princess, 303; his political principles, 308; in negotiation again with Chapuys, 309, 321, 330, 333; professed anxiety for Catherine's and Mary's safety, 311; Anne Boleyn's enmity to him, 334; statement of English objection to a Papal General Council, 339; interferes with the election of the Lord Mayor, 359; treatment of Chapuys's advances for resuming negotiations of the abandoned treaty, 394; contingent acceptance of the Emperor's proposals, 395; sounded by Chapuys as to Henry's possible separation from Anne, 400; negotiations continued, 403; his knowledge of Anne's infidelities, 413; informs the King, 415; report of the proceedings against Anne, 424; the commission of investigation of monastic establishments, 452; influence over some parliamentary elections, 454; a strong friend of Princess Mary, 455; her refusal of the Succession oath brings on Cromwell the King's displeasure, 457; expresses his belief that Mary will be declared his heir by the King, 460.
DACRE of Naworth, Lord: tried for treason, and acquitted, 284.
Darcy of Templehurst, Lord: his Charges against Wolsey, 117sqq.; opinions on the Royal Supremacy, 186; scheme proposed by him to Chapuys for an insurrection against Henry, 289; intimates to Chapuys that the time of action has arrived, 298; eager for insurrection, 332, 340; comes to a violent end, 461.
Darius, Sylvester, English agent at Valladolid, 82.
Davalos, Rodrigo (Spanish lawyer): his special method of expediting the divorce suit at Rome, 232.
Deceased husband's brother, marriage with, 24, 52.
Deposition, the Bull of: not identical with the Brief of Execution, 353n.
Desmond, Earl of: offers his services to the Emperor against Henry, 269.
Dispensing power, the Papal claim of, in matrimonial matters, 24, 33; various views of canon lawyers, 125; how it affected various Royal families, 141; a Cardinal's opinion of the alleged power, 160.
Dublin, Archbishop of, slaughtered by Lord Thomas Fitzgerald, 285.
ECCLESIASTICAL Courts: their tyranny over the laity, 115.
Edward IV.: his children by Elizabeth Grey declared by a Church court to be illegitimate, 22.
Elections, parliamentary, limited extent of Crown influence over, 453sq.
Elizabeth, Princess; proposal for her marriage with the Duke of Angoulême, 331.
Emmanuel, King (Portugal): married successively to two sisters and their niece, 141.
English people: their sentiments on the contest between Henry and the Pope, 157, 167; wearied of the tyranny of Rome, and of the iniquities of Church courts and the clergy, 451.
Exeter, Marquis of (grandson of Edward IV.: a possible claimant to succeed Henry VIII.), 23, 214, 457, 461.
FALIERI, Ludovico (Venetian ambassador to England): his descriptions of Queen Catherine and Henry VIII., 32; on female succession to the English crown, 123.
Ferdinand (King of Hungary, and King of the Romans: Charles V.'s brother), 133, 342.
Fisher, Bishop (Rochester): his first views about the divorce, 42; his emphatic denunciation of it, 106; objection to the Clergy Discipline Acts, 125; staunch in favour of Catherine, 151; his opposition to the Royal Supremacy overcome by threats, 163; determination to defend Catherine in Parliament, 184; committed to the custody of Bishop Gardiner, 212; released, 231; becomes leader of the Catholic conspiracy, 241; sent to the Tower, 249; again sent to the Tower for refusing to take the Succession oath, 268; created Cardinal, 338; committed for trial, 339; incriminating letters found on him, 341; trial and execution, 343.
Fitzgerald, Lord Thomas: in negotiation with Chapuys, 269; in open rebellion against Henry, 285; want of means, 297; defeat, 301; receives the Pope's absolution for the murder of the Archbishop of Dublin, 332; a prisoner in the Tower, 355; executed, 361.
Floriano, Messer: his speech on Campeggio's arrival in London, 76.
Foxe, Dr. (afterwards Bishop): his mission from Henry to Clement, 66; his reply to Chapuys's defence of his action for Catherine, 227.
Francis I. (France), defeat and capture of, at Pavia, 25; his belief that Charles intended to transfer the Apostolic See to Spain, 46; doubts Wolsey's honesty in regard to Henry VIII., 95; negotiations with the Smalcaldic League against Charles V., 135; promise to arrange with the Pope if Henry cut the knot and married, 144; desires the Pope to delay sentence, 165; his compliments and presents to Anne Boleyn, 194; meeting with Henry, 195; encourages Henry to marry and break with the Pope, ib.; fails to keep his apparent promise to Henry, 231; abandons Henry, 243; letter to Anne Boleyn, 250; last efforts at Rome, 256sq.; influence on him of the remembrance of Pavia, 278; desire to set up a Patriarchate of France, 279; promotes the election of Farnese (Paul III.), 291; anxious desire to take Milan, 331, 334; dubious position on the question of the Papal deposition of Henry, 349; fresh aspirations towards Milan, 362; policy towards the Bull of Deposition, 364; successful invasion of Italy, 449; defeats Charles in Provence, ib.
HANNAERT, Viscount (Charles's ambassador at Paris): promotes a treaty between Charles and Henry, 307; his report on Anne's infidelity, 419.
Haughton, Prior (Charterhouse), executed for treason, 328.
Henry VIII.: effect of religious prejudice in estimating his character: on Catholics, 4; High Churchmen, 5; Protestants, ib.; his ministers and prelates must share in whatever was questionable in his acts, 8; his personal popularity, 9; permanent character of his legislation, 10; its benefits extended beyond England, 11; all his laws were submitted to his Parliament, 13; calumnies and libels against Henry in his lifetime, 14; recent discovery of unpublished materials for his history, 15; nature and especial value of these, 16sq.
Henry VIII.: prospects (in 1526) of a disputed succession through the lack of an heir, 21; primary reason for his ceasing to cohabit with Catherine, ib.; irregularity of his marriage, 23; first mention of the divorce, 25; receives an appeal for help from Clement VII., 27; sends the Pope money, 28; the first public expression of a doubt as to Princess Miry's legitimacy, 31; Falieri's description of Henry, 32; the King before the Legatine court, 34; unpopularity of the divorce, 39; receives a letter from Charles urging him not to make the divorce question public, 44; Henry determines to choose a successor to Catherine, 47; attracted to Anne Boleyn, ib.; endeavors to obtain from the Pope a dispensation to marry a second time, 51; résumé of Henry's position, 52sq.; examination of the charge that Henry's connection with Anne was incestuous, 55sqq.; the Pope's advice that he should marry again and then proceed with the trial, 63; Henry joins with France in declaring war against Charles, 65; his statement of his case as laid before Clement at Orvieto, 67; Henry's letter to Anne Boleyn, 70; the Abbess of Winton, 71; Henry's letter of complaint to Wolsey about the appointment of an unfitting person, 72; Campeggio's prearranged delays, 74; speech in the City, 81; resolves to let the trial proceed before Campeggio and Wolsey, 93; Henry's address to the Legates at Blackfriars, 101; refuses to accept Clement, the Emperor's prisoner, as judge of his cause, 102; his momentary inclination to abandon Anne, 111; reception of Chapuys, the Imperial ambassador, 112; interpretation of the advocation of his case to Rome, 123; denunciation of the Pope and Cardinals, 126; approves of the reforming side of Lutheranism, ib.; consults foreign doctors on his cause, 127, 134, 136; continued liking for Wolsey, 129; a brief from Clement forbidding his marriage, 134; Henry invited by Francis to join the Smalcaldic League, 135; desire to recall Wolsey, 136; sends him down to his diocese, 139; the suggestion of a neutral place for the trial, 143; Henry again denounces the Pope and all his Court, 145; emphatically refuses to allow his case to be tried at Rome, ib.; revival of the Præmunire, 147; a step towards the break with the Papacy, 149; Henry's direct appeal to the Pope, 150; Clement's second brief against Henry's second marriage, 153; a struggle with the Pope inevitable, 157; clipping the claws of the clergy, 158; Henry declared Supreme Head of the Church of England, 159; receives the Papal brief forbidding his second marriage, 162; reply to the Nuncio's questions as to the nature of his new Papacy, 163; and to the Pope's appeal for aid against the Turks, 164, 178; disregards the Pope's threat of excommunication, 169; rejects the Pope's efforts at friendly negotiations, 178; alleged bribery by Henry's ambassador at Rome, 179; deliberateness of Henry's conduct of his policy, 182; his reply to Bishop Tunstal's letter against schism, 183; steps towards the toleration of heresy, 186; displeasure with More, ib.; Annates Bill, 187; French advice to Henry to marry without waiting for sentence, 192; meeting with Francis, 193sqq.; the immediate outcome thereof, 195sq.; rumour of his secret marriage with Anne, 196; again threatened with excommunication, 198; Henry appoints Cranmer to Canterbury, 203; privately married to Anne Boleyn, ib.; his law in restraint of the powers of bishops, 205; courteous conduct towards the Nuncio, 206; allows his marriage to be known, 208; preparations for possible war, ib.; appeals to Rome forbidden, 209; résumé of Henry's position (in regard to the divorce) towards the Pope, 218sq.; Cranmer's judgment, 220; Henry informs the Emperor of his marriage, 224; the formal announcement in the House of Lords, 225; discovers that he had been misled by Francis, 231, 235, 245; disappointment at the birth of a daughter, 238; order that the Pope was only to be styled "Bishop of Rome," 250; difficulty in disposing of Catherine, 251; Henry's fears of an insurrection, ib.; the King's nomination to bishoprics sufficient, without requiring Papal Bulls, 256; the Papal sentence, 259; passage of the Act abolishing the Pope's authority in England, ib.; refusal of Chapuys's demand to speak in Parliament for Catherine, 263; enforces the oath to the Succession Act, 267; orders more kindly treatment of Princess Mary, 271; the question of demanding the Succession oath from Catherine and Mary, 271sqq.; the King modifies the demand, 270; another meeting with Francis arranged, but postponed, 279; cooling of his feelings for Anne, 280; reported nouvelles amours, 287, 290; interference on behalf of Mary, 287; refuses to acknowledge any special authority in any Pope, 291; prospects of civil war, 301; anxiety for Mary in her second illness, 303; refuses Chapuys's request that she should be again placed under her mother's care, 304; his high opinion of Catherine's courage, 305; desire to be on good terms with Charles, 310; letters to Sir John Wallop for the Spanish Ambassador in Paris, 330: receives a letter from Charles, 335; threat in regard to "Cardinal" Fisher, 339; jealousy of the rival Powers, 350; enthusiastic reception during his progress to the Welsh borders, ib.; slanders against him on the Continent, 359; interference in the election of Lord Mayor, ib.; a period of danger for Henry, 361; opinion that Catherine and Mary must "bend or break," 365; interview with Chapuys during Catherine's mortal illness, 375; effect of Catherine's death, 382; rejoicings in the Palace, 383; Henry's treatment of Mary, 384; beginning of his dissatisfaction with Anne, 387; disappointment at her second miscarriage, 389; present from him to Mary of her mother's crucifix, 395; speculation on his remarriage, 398; rumours about Henry's partiality to Jane Seymour, 400; his legal position towards Anne Boleyn, 401; refuses the Emperor's proposal of reconciliation with Rome, 403; reception of Chapuys at Greenwich (Easter, 1536), 404sqq.; Henry's determined position towards Charles, 406sqq.; his report on the affair to his ambassador to the Emperor, 410; dissolution of Parliament, 413; informed of Anne's infidelities, orders an inquiry, 415; the trials resulting, 422sqq.; the trial of Anne, 425; the mystery of Anne's confession to Cranmer, 430sqq.; the Lambeth sentence, 431; Anne's execution; high personages present by the King's command, 435; competition from the Continent for his hand, 436; overtures for reconciliation from Rome, 440, sq.; Jane Seymour, 441; speedy marriage with her, 444; Mary restored to favor, 445; Henry's declaration of neutrality in the war between Francis and Charles, 449; his return to the Roman communion expected by the Catholics, 450; determination to carry out the Reformation, 452; his difficult position towards the new Parliament, 453; his popularity strengthened by the condemnation of Anne, 454; strength of his affection for Mary, 455; his anger at her again refusing to take the Succession oath, 457; joy at her acquiescence, 458; hopeless of further offspring, 460; close of the first Act of the Reformation, 460sqq.
Husee, John: his letter on Anne Boleyn to Lord and Lady Lisle, 422; on Henry's seclusion after Anne Boleyn's execution, 444.
Julius II., Pope: his dispensation for Henry VIII.'s first marriage, 53; defects in his Bull of dispensation to Henry, 83; alleged brief correcting these, 83, 87; a Roman opinion of the nullity of his dispensation, 160.
Lutheranism: its rapid spread in England, 255, 280, 297.
Lutherans, German: their tacit encouragement by Charles V., 27, 35; his fear of exciting them, 133; decidedly opposed to Henry's divorce, 154.
MAI, Micer, Imperial agent at Rome, 89; resentment of a slight put upon the Emperor, 90; assent to Lutheran political objections to Rome, 91; his opinion of the Pope and his councillors, 103; and of Salviati's instructions to Campeggio, ib.; reports on the mission from Henry to Clement, 143; suggestion of a General Council to settle difficulties, 166; obtains from Clement concessions as to reunion of Lutherans, 175; distracted with the Pope's evasions, 179; charges English ambassador with bribery, 179, 191.
Martyrology: the Protestant longer and no less honourable than the Catholic, 463.
Mary, Princess: proposed marriage of, with Francis I. or with one of his sons, 29; suggested proposal to marry her to her father's natural son (Duke of Richmond), 79; separated from her mother, 174; her father's love of her, ib.; the Emperor's desire to protect her rights, 200; allowed again to live with her mother, 234; deprived of the title of "Princess," 240; letter to her father after his marriage with Anne, 254; attached to the establishment of her sister Elizabeth, 252; anecdotes of the King's affection for her, 252sq.; her determined attitude, 266; "shows her teeth" against the Succession oath, 271sq.; has an alarming illness, 286; belief that her life is threatened, 287; project to convey her out of England, 300; another serious illness, 302; consternation of the physicians, 303; reality of her personal danger, 317; fresh plans for her escape, 319; removed from Greenwich to Eltham, 320; further plans, ib.; petition to the Emperor to "apply the remedy," 355; her friends desire to have her married to the Dauphin, 358; reply to Anne Boleyn's friendly message after Catherine's death, 383; discovery of a letter about her from Anne to Mrs. Shelton, 388; proposal to take the Succession oath with a mental reservation, 390; another plan of escape, 391; rejoiced at the prospect of her father's separation from Amie, 399; received back into her father's favor, 445; question of her marriage, 446; her popularity increased in consequence of the machinations of Anne, 455; the question of the Succession oath revived, 456; by Chapuys's advice she submits (with a secret protest), 457; delight of the King and Queen, 458; her real feelings not disguised, ib.; unable to obtain a Papal absolution for the "secret protest" connected with her oath, 460.
Maximilian, Emperor: his high opinion of the English people, 20.
Medici, Catherine de' (niece of Clement VII.), marriage of, with the Duke of Orleans, 243.
Mendoza, Inigo de (Bishop of Burgos), mission of, from Spain to France and England, 29, 32, 34, 38; offers Wolsey the bribe of the Papacy, 39; instructed to offer other bribes to win Wolsey's friendship to the Emperor, 45; his first mention of Anne Boleyn, 48; his belief that Wolsey was the instigator of the divorce, 49; reports to Charles on the Legatine Commission, 75; mistaken estimate of English national opinion, 82; recalled: his farewell interview with Henry, 97.
Milan: the question of succession reopened, 362; treaty prepared by Spain for settlement of the dispute, 393.
Molza, Gerardo: his account of Campeggio's reception in England, 76.
Monastic orders: their depraved condition, 325; preachers of insurrection, 326; the "very stews of unnatural crime," 350; continued proofs of their iniquitous condition, 452.
Money, comparative value of, in Henry VIII. 's time, 89, 117.
More, Sir Thomas: made Lord Chancellor, 120; lack of sympathy with advanced Reformers, 131; enforces heresy laws against Lutherans, 151; horrified at the King's claim to Supremacy over the Church, he resigns the Cliancellorship, 163; statement before the Lords of the opinions of Universities on the divorce, 166; his chancellorship distinguished for heresy-prosecutions, 186; resigns his office, 188; sent to the Tower for refusing to take the Succession oath, 268; his prophecy in regard to Anne Boleyn's fate, 329; committed for trial, 339; sketch of his position, 343; trial, 344; execution, 345.
Mortmain Acts: measures to prevent their evasion, 185.
NIXE, Bishop (Norwich): imprisoned for burning a heretic, 255sq.
Norfolk, Duke of (uncle of Anne Boleyn), joins in an appeal to the Pope to concede the divorce, 84; opposed to Anne's marriage with the King, 111; sentiments about the divorce, 114; made President of the Council, 120; his opinion on the absolute need of the divorce (1529), 128; condemnation of the Pope's position in the matter, 129; suspicions of Wolsey's possible return to power, 129, 131sq.; his statement to Chapuys of the necessity of Henry having made succession, 136; suggests the Cardinal of Liège and the Bishop of Tarbes as judges in the divorce cause, 143; cautions Chapuys against introducing Papal briefs into England, 154; firm stand against the threat of excommunication, 164; admiration of Catherine and dislike of Anne Boleyn, 167; heads a deputation of Peers and Bishops to Catherine, 170; consultation with Peers on restraint of Papal jurisdiction, 186; his courtesies to the Papal Nuncio, 206; interview with Chapuys before attending the meeting of the Pope and King Francis at Nice, 230; denunciation of Rome and Romanism, 250; expected that Henry would submit to the successor of Clement in the Papacy, 291; withdrawal from Court, 305; present at the execution of Charterhouse monks, 328.}}
Norris, Sir Henry, 255; present at the execution of Charterhouse monks, 328; a paramour of Anne Boleyn, 416sq., 418, 419; execution, 429.
Northumberland, Earl of (Henry Percy), alleged secret marriage of, with Anne Boleyn, 47; disgust at Anne's arrogance, 297.
Nun of Kent; disclosures connected with, 195, 265; the effect of the "revelations," 247.
OBSERVANTS, the General of the, Charles V.'s guardian of the Pope, 52, 62, 68.
Orleans, Duke of: marriage with Catherine de' Medici, 243.
Parliament summoned after the failure of the Blackfriars court, 110; object of the meeting, 120; impeachment of Wolsey, 121; reform of Church courts, and Clergy Discipline Acts, 125; effect of Clement's delays on, 151; treatment (session 1531) of the Universities' opinions on the divorce, 166; third session (Jan. 1532): formation of an Opposition against violent anti-clerical measures, 182; measures passed in restraint of clerical claims, 185; the Opposition (Peers and Prelates) appeal to Chapuys for armed intervention by the Emperor, 225; the Act of Supremacy, 292; dissolution, 413; a new Parliament speedily summoned after Anne's execution, 453; no account left of the debates in this Parliament, 454; the new Act of Succession, 455.
Patriarchate, a new, proposed, with Wolsey as its head, 38.
Paul III. (Farnese): elected Pope as successor to Clement VII., 290; favourably disposed towards Henry, 291; restrained by Charles from issuing the Brief of Execution, 318; acknowledgment (when Cardinal) of Henry's right to a divorce, 333; prevents the treaty between Charles and Henry, 337; creates Fisher a Cardinal, 338; exasperation at the news of the execution of Fisher, 348; difficulties of desired retaliation, 349; delay in issuing the censures, 351; reasons therefor, 352; desire that Catherine should apply for the Brief of Execution, 356; thinks of declaring Mary Queen in place of her "deposed" father, 358; annoyance at the failure of Fitzgerald's rebellion, 360; thinks himself a new Hildebrand, 362; summary of his Bull against Henry, 363; delay in its issue, 367; a warm debate in Consistory, 368sqq.; professes kindly feelings to Henry after Catherine's death, 403; reception of the news of Anne's fall, 439; overtures for reconciliation, 440sq.; eager solicitations to Henry to return to the Roman communion, 454.
Percy, Henry (Earl of Northumberland): his statement that Anne Boleyn meant to poison the Princess Mary, 253; swears that there was never contract of marriage between him and Anne, 419.
Pole, Reginald: his manifesto accompanying Paul III.'s Bull deposing Henry VIII., 56; his statement of Henry's desire to break with Aune Boleyn, 111; suggested marriage with Princess Mary, 241, 295.
Pommeraye, La (French ambassador in London): his denunciation of "that devil of a Pope," 181; recommendation that Henry should follow Louis XII's example, 188, 192.
Præmunire, 118, 147; proclamation for its enforcement, 148; embarrassments caused by its revival, 164.
Prejudice, influence of, in judging historical characters, 2sqq.
REFORMATION, English: at first political rather than doctrinal, 6; its characteristic excellence, 7.
Reunion of Christendom, Charles V.'s efforts for, 175.
Richmond, Duke of (cr. 1525), natural son of Henry VIII., 22, 395; present at the execution of Charterhouse monks, 328; educated as a Prince, but his position not recognized by the law, 453; his popularity and resemblance to his father, 455; Surrey's proposal that the Crown should be settled on him, 455; his death, 459.
Rochford, Lord (Anne Boleyn's brother): mission to Paris to announce his sister's marriage, 208; present at the execution of Charterhouse monks, 328; specially attentive to Chapuys, 404; refused the Garter, 415; takes part in the tournament (1536), 416; arrested, 418; charged with incest with his sister, 420; his trial, 426sq.; Chapuys's account of his dying speech, 428; the real speech, ib.
Smeton, Mark (paramour of Anne Boleyn), 415, 410, 419; execution, 429.
Sorbonne, the: suggested reference of the divorce cause to, 129.
Soria, Lope de (Minister of Charles V. at Genoa), his letter on the sack of Rome, 36, 43.
{{hanging indent|Spain: the Cabinet's discussion of Catherine's position after Cranmer's judgment, 221sqq.; their decision, 223; debates on proposed treaty between Charles and Henry, 307, 335.
Spaniards, the; their atrocities in Italy, 29, 35.
Succession to the English throne, danger of a disputed, 21, 79, 123; various possible claimants if Henry VIII. had no heir, 23.
Succession, Act of, 264; the oath to it enforced, 267; debate in Council as to its enforcement on Catherine and Mary, 271sqq.; (after Anne's death) the discussion of, 454sq.
Suffolk, Duke of: his mission from Henry to France, 94; Chapuys's report on his sentiments about the divorce, 114; made Vice-President of the Council, 120.
Supremacy, Act of (explaining in detail the meaning of the Royal Supremacy), 292sq.; enforced, 327sqq.
Sussex, Lord: one of a deputation of nobles to Catherine at Moor Park, 176; proposes to Parliament (after Anne's execution) that the Duke of Richmond should have the succession to the Crown, 455.
TARBES, Bishop of (afterwards Cardinal Grammont): his mission to England from France, 30; the first publicly to question the legitimacy of the Princess Mary, 31, 81; (ambassador to Clement VII.) his statement of Clement's real opinion on the divorce, 134; suggested by Duke of Norfolk as a judge in the divorce cause, 143; caution to Clement as to the consequences of his losing England, 168; mission to Rome to demand a General Council, 195; a proposal to Clement apparently in Henry's name, 244.
Talboys, Sir Gilbert: married the mother of Henry VIII.'s illegitimate son, 22.
Throgmorton, Sir George: his statements about Henry VIII., Lady Boleyn and her daughters, 59sqq.
Tunstal, Bishop (Durham): his letter to Henry on the Royal Supremacy, 182; speech in favor of the Succession Act, 273 sq.; mission to Catherine on the subject, 275.
WALLOP, Sir John (English representative at Paris), 306, 373, 424.
Warham, Archbishop (Canterbury), assessor to Wolsey as Legate, 34; doubtful as to the divorce, 42; afterwards in favour of it, 142; his halting opinions, 151; protest against the Royal Supremacy, 183; dying protest against the anti-papal legislation, 187.
Weston, Sir Francis, paramour of Anne Boleyn, 417sqq., 422sq.; execution, 429.
Wilton, the state of the convent at, 71; Henry VIII.'s letters on the appointment of its Abbess, 72.
Wiltshire, Earl of (Sir Thomas Boleyn, Anne Boleyn's father), 111, 134; one of the English deputies at the coronation of Charles V., 134; withdraws his opposition to his daughter's marriage with the King, 208; present at the execution of the Charterhouse monks, 328.
Wolsey, Cardinal: his first efforts to promote the divorce of Henry, 25; eager to maintain the Papacy, 26; his desire of an Anglo-French alliance, 29; a pensionary of the Emperor, ib.; brings the question of divorce before his Legatine court, 34; his policy after the Sack of Rome, 37; the proposal to make Wolsey Archbishop of Rouen and Patriarch, 38; refuses the Emperor's offered bribe of the Papacy, 39; mission to Paris, 41; interview with Bishop Fisher, 42; further bribes offered him by Charles, 45; signs the French Cardinals' protest against the Pope's captivity, 46; disgust at the King's selection of Anne Boleyn, 49; at first endeavors to check the divorce, 50; sends a draft dispensation for the Pope's signature, 53; the wording thereof, 54; consultations with Campeggio, 79; the secret decretal, 84, 88; chances of Wolsey's election to the Papacy, 88; his boundless wealth, ib.; letter to Campeggio on Catherine's position, 93; in doubt about the progress of his French policy, 94; foresight of coming events, 97; the Legatine court at Blackfriars, 99; delays, 105; effect of Bishop Fisher's interposition, 106; Campeggio refuses to pass sentence, 107; despatch to the Commissioners at Rome, ib.; causes of the animosity that broke out against him, 116; the manifold sources of his wealth, ib.; his son, 117; Lord Darcy's list of complaints against him, ib.; details of his fall, 120sqq.; hopes of return to power, 131; obliged to resign the sees of Winchester and St. Albans, 132; allowed a grant by way of pension, ib.; becomes the friend of Catherine and the secret adviser of Chapuys, 138; starts to visit his diocese, 139; his death at Leicester Abbey, 140.