The Dunciad/Index of Matters
Contained in this
[The first Number denotes the Book, the second the Verse and Note on it. Test. Testimonies. Ap. Appendix.
AAddison (Mr.) railed at by A . Philips, iii. 326. ——— Abused by J. Oldmixon, in his Prose-Essay on Criticism, etc. ii. 283. ——— by J. Ralph, in a London Journal, iii. 165.——— Celebrated by our author—Upon his Discourse of Medals—In his Prologue to Cato—In his Imitation of Horace's Epistle to Augustus—and in this Poem, ii. 140. False Facts concerning him and our Author related by anonymous Persons in Mist's Journal, &c. Test. ——— Disproved by the Testimonies of The earl of Burlington, Mr. Tickel, Mr. Addison himself, ibid. Anger, one of the characteristics of Mr. Dennis's Critical writings, i. 106.——— Affirmation, another: Test, [To which are added by Mr. Theobald, Ill-nature, Spite, Revenge, i. 106.Altar of Cibber's Works, how built, and how founded, i. 157, &c. Æschylus iii. 313. Asses, at a Citizen's gate in a morning, ii. 247 Appearances, that we are never to judge by them, especially of Poets and Divines, ii. 426. Alehouse, The Birth-place of Mr. Cook, ii. 138. ——— one kept by Edw. Ward, i. 233. ——— and by Taylor the Water-poet, iii. 19.Arnall, William, what he received out of the Treasury for writing Pamphlets, ii. 315.
Bedlam, i. 29. Banks, his Resemblance to Mr. Cibber in Tragedy, i. 146.
Broom, Ben. Johnson's man, ibid. Bavius, iii. 24. Mr. Dennis his great opinion of him, ibid. Bawdry, in Plays, not disapprov'd of by Mr. Dennis, iii. 179. Blackmore, (Sir Rich.) his Impiety and Irreligion, proved by Mr. Dennis, ii. 268.——— His Quantity of Works, and various Opinions of them—His abuse of Mr. Dryden and Mr. Pope, ibid. Bray, a word much beloved by Sir Richard, ii. 260. Braying, described, ii. 247. Birch, by no means proper to be apply'd to young Noblemen, iii. 334. Bl—d, what became of his works, i. 231. Broome. (Rev. Mr. Will.) His sentiments of our author's virtue, Test. Billingsgate language how to be used by learned Authors, ii. 142. Bond, Bezaleel, Breval, not living Writers, but Phantoms, ii. 126. Booksellers, how they run for a Poet, ii. 31, &c. Bailiffs, how poets run from them, ii. 61. Bridewell, ii. 269. Bow bell, iii. 278.
Broom, Ben. Johnson's man, ibid. Bavius, iii. 24. Mr. Dennis his great opinion of him, ibid. Bawdry, in Plays, not disapprov'd of by Mr. Dennis, iii. 179. Blackmore, (Sir Rich.) his Impiety and Irreligion, proved by Mr. Dennis, ii. 268.——— His Quantity of Works, and various Opinions of them—His abuse of Mr. Dryden and Mr. Pope, ibid. Bray, a word much beloved by Sir Richard, ii. 260. Braying, described, ii. 247. Birch, by no means proper to be apply'd to young Noblemen, iii. 334. Bl—d, what became of his works, i. 231. Broome. (Rev. Mr. Will.) His sentiments of our author's virtue, Test. Billingsgate language how to be used by learned Authors, ii. 142. Bond, Bezaleel, Breval, not living Writers, but Phantoms, ii. 126. Booksellers, how they run for a Poet, ii. 31, &c. Bailiffs, how poets run from them, ii. 61. Bridewell, ii. 269. Bow bell, iii. 278.
C Cibber, Hero of the Poem, his Character, i. 107. not absolutely stupid, 109. not unfortunate as a Coxcomb, ibid. Not a slow writer, but precipitate, tho' heavy, 123. His productions the Effects of Heat, tho' an imperfect one, 126. His folly heightned with Frenzy, 125. He borrow'd from Fletcher and Moliere, 131. Mangled Shakespear, 133. His Head distinguish'd for wearing an extraordinary Periwig, 167. more than for its reasoning Faculty, yet not without Furniture, 177. His Elasticity and Fire, and how he came by them, 186. He was once thought to have wrote a reasonable Play, 188. The general character of his Verse and Prose, 190. His Conversation, in what manner extensive and useful 192, &c. Once design'd for the Church, where he should have been a Bishop, 200. Since inclined to write for the Minister of State, 213. but determines to stick to his other talents, what those are, 217, &c. His Apostrophe to his Works before he burns them, 225, etc. His Repentance and Tears, 243. Dulness puts out the Fire, 257. Inaugurates and anoints him, 287. His Crown, by whom woven, 223. of what composed, i. 303. who let him into Court, 300. who his Supporters, 307. His Entry, Attendants, and Proclamation, usque ad sin. His Enthronization, ii. 1 . Passes his whole Reign in seeing Shows, thro' Book ii. And dreaming dreams, thro' Book iii. Settle appears to him, iii. 35. Resemblance between him and Settle, iii. 37. and i. 146. Goodman's Prophecy of him, iii. 232. How he translated an Opera, without knowing the Story, 305. and incourag'd Farces because it was against his Conscience, 266. Declares he never mounted a Dragon, 268. Apprehensions of acting in a Serpent, 287. What were the Passions of his Old Age, 303, 304. Finally subsides in the lap of Dulness, where he rests to all Eternity, iv. 20. and Note.——— His Father, i. 31. His two Brothers, 32. His Son, iii. 142. His better Progeny, i. 228. Cibberian Forehead, what is meant by it, i. 218. ——— read by some Cerberian, ibid. Note. Cooke (Tho.) abused by Mr. Pope, ii. 138. Concanen, (Mat.) one of the Authors of the Weekly Journals, ii. 299. ——— Declar'd that when this Poem had Blanks, they meant Treason, iii. 297.——— Of opinion that Juvenal never satiriz'd the Poverty of Codrus, ii.144.Corncutter's Journal, what it cost, ii. 314.Critics, verbal ones, must have two Postulata allowed them, ii. 1. Cat-calls, ii. 231. Curl, Edm. his Panegyric, ii. 58.——— His Corinna, and what she did, 70.——— His Prayer, 80–Like Eridanus, 182. ——— Much favour'd by Cloacina, 97, &c.——— Tost in a Blanket and whipped, 151. ——— Pillory'd, ii. 3. Caroline, a curious Flower, its fate, iv. 409, &c.
DDullness, the Goddess; her Original and Parents, i. 12. Her ancient Empire, 17. Her Public College, i. 29. Academy for Poetical Education, 33. Her Cardinal Virtues, 45, &c. Her Ideas, Productions, and Creation, 55. &c. Her Survey and Contemplation of her Works, 79, &c. And of her Children, 93. Their uninterrupted Succession, 98, &c. to 108. Her appearance to Cibber, 261. She manifests to him her Works, 273, &c. Anoints him, 287, &c. Institutes Games at his Coronation, ii. 18, &c. The manner how she makes a Wit, ii. 47. A great Lover of a Joke, 34.—And loves to repeat the same over again, 122. Her ways and means to procure the Pathetick and Terrible in Tragedy, 225, &c. Incourages Chattering and Bawling, 237, &c. And is Patroness of Party-writing and railing, 276, &c. Makes use of the heads of Critics as Scales to weigh the heaviness of Authors, 367. Promotes Slumber with the Works of the said Authors, ibid. The wonderful Virtue of sleeping in her Lap, iii. 5, &c. Her Elysium, 15, &c. The Souls of her Sons dipt in Lethe, 23. How brought into the world, 29. Their Transfiguration and Metempsychosis, 50. The Extent and Glories of her Empire, and her Conquests throughout the World, iii. 67. to 138. A Catalogue of her Poetical Forces in this Nation, 139 to 212. Prophecy of her Restoration, 333, &c. Accomplishment of it, Book iv. Her Appearance on the Throne, with the Sciences led in triumph, iv. 21, &c. Tragedy and Comedy silenced, 37. General Assembly of all her Votaries, 73. Her Patrons, 95. Her Critics, 115. Her Sway in the Schools 149 to 180. And Universities, 189 to 274. How she educates Gentlemen in their Travels, 293 to 334—Constitutes Virtuosi in Science, 355, &c. Free-thinkers in Religion, 459. Slaves and Dependents in Government, 505. Finally turns them to Beasts, but preserves the Form of Men, 525. What sort of Comforters she sends them, 529, &c. What Orders and Degrees she confers on them, 565. What Performances she expects from them, according to their several Ranks and Degrees, 583. The powerful Yawn she breaths on them, 605, &c. Its Progress and Effects, 607, &c. till the Consummation of All, in the total Extinction of the reasonable Soul, and Restoration of Night and Chaos, usq. ad fin. Dispensary of Dr. Garth, ii. 140. De Foe, Daniel, in what resembled to William Prynn, i. 103 De Foe, Norton, a scandalous writer, ii. 415. Dennis, (John) His Character of him self, i. 106 ——— Senior to Mr. Durfey, iii. 173——— Esteem'd by our Author, and why, ibid.——— His love of Puns,i. 63 ——— And Politics,i. 106. ii. 413——— His great Loyalty to King George how prov'd, i. 106——— A great Friend to the Stage—and to the State, ii. 413 ——— How he proves that none but Non-jurors and disaffected Persons writ against Stage-plays, ibid. ——— His respect to the Bible and Alcoran, ibid. ——— His excuse for Obscenity in Plays, iii. 179 ——— His mortal fear of Mr. Pope, founded on Mr. Curl's assurances, i. 106——— Of opinion that he poison'd Curl, ibid.——— His Reason why Homer was, or was not in debt, ii. 118 ——— His Accusations of Sir R. Blackmore,— As no Protestant, ii. 268— As no Poet, ibid.——— His wonderful Dedication to G. D. Esq. iii. 179 Drams, dangerous to a Poet, iii. 146 Dedicators, ii. 198, &c. Dunciad, how to be correctly spell'd, i. I
E Eusden (Laurence) i. 104 —Tax'd by Oldmixon with Nonsense, ibid. Ears, some People advis'd how to preserve them, iii. 214
F Falshoods, told of our Author in Print.—Of his taking Verses from James Moore, Test.—And of his intending to abuse bishop Burnet, ibid. By John Dennis, of his really poisoning Mr. Curl, i. 106—And of contempt for the sacred Writings, ii. 268—By Edward Ward, of his being bribed by a Duchess to satirize Ward of Hackney in the pillory, iii. 34—By Mist the Journalist, of unfair proceeding in the undertaking of the Odyssey and Shakespear, Test.—Disprov'd by the testimony of the Lords Harcourt and Bathurst—By Mist the Journalist, concerning Mr. Addison and him, two or three Lies, Test.—By Pasquin, of his being in a Plot, iii. 179—By Sir Richard Blackmore, of his burlesquing Scripture, upon the authority of Curl, ii. 268. Fletcher, made Cibber's Property, i. 131. Mac Fleckno, not so decent and chaste in the Diction as the Dunciad, ii. 75. Friendship, understood by Mr. Dennis to be somewhat else in Nisus and Euryalus, &c. iii. 179. French Cooks, iv. 553. Furius, Mr. Dennis call'd so by Mr. Theobald, i. 106. Fleet-ditch, ii. 271. Its Nymphs, 333. Discoveries there, ibid. Flies, not the ultimate Object of human study, iv. 454. Falshoods and Flatteries permitted to be inscribed on Churches, i. 43.
G Good Nature of our Author; Instances of it in this work, i. 328. ii. 282. Good Sense, Grammar, and Verse, desired to give place for the sake of Mr. Bez. Morris and his Works, iii. 168. Gildon (Charles) abused our Author in many things. Test. i. 296. ——— Printed against Jesus Christ, i. 296. Gildon and Dennis, their unhappy Difference lamented, iii. 173.Gentleman, his Hymn to his Creator, by Welsted, ii. 207. Gazetteers, the monstrous Price of their Writings, ii. 314. the miserable fate of their Works, ibid.
H Handel, an excellent musician, banished to Ireland by the English Nobility, iv. 65. Heydeggre, a strange bird from Switzerland,i. 290. Horace, censured by Mr. Welsted, Test——— Did not know what he was about when he wrote his Art of Poetry, ibid. Henley (John the Orator) his Tub and Eucharist, ii. 2. His History, iii. 199. His Opinion of Ordination and Christian Priesthood, ibid. His Medals, ibid.Haywood (Mrs.) What sort of Game for her, ii. 157. Won by Curl, 187. Her great Respect for him. The Offspring of her Brain and Body (according to Curl) ibid. Not undervalued by being set against a Jordan, 165. Hints, extraordinary ones, ii. 268. Horneck and Roome, two Party-Writers, iii. 152.
I Index-Learning, the use of it, i. 279. Journals, how dear they cost the nation, ii. 314. Jus Divinum, iv. 188. Impudence, celebrated in Mr. Curl, ii. 159. 186. ——— in Mr. Norton De Foe, ii. 415.——— in Mr. Henley, iii. 199.——— in Mr. Cibber jun. iii. 139. ——— in Mr. Cibber sen. passim.
L Lord-Mayors-Show, i. 85. Library of Bays, i. 131. Lud (King) ii. 349. Log (King) i. ver. ult. Lintot (Bernard) ii. 53. Laureate, his Crown of what composed, i. 303.
M Madmen, two related to Cibber, i. 32. Moliere, crucify'd, i. 132. Moore (James). His Story of six Verses, and of ridiculing Bishop Burnet in the Memoirs of a Parish-Clerk, prov'd false, by the Testimonies of—The Lord Bolingbroke, Test.—Hugh Bethel, Esq. ibid.—Earl of Peterborough, ibid.—Dr. Arbuthnot, ibid.——— His Plagiarisms, some few of them, ibid, and ii. 50. What he was real Author of (beside the Story above mentioned.) Vide List of scurrilous Papers.——— Erasmus, his advice to him, ii. 50. Milbourne, a fair Critic, and why, ii. 349. Madness, of what sort Mr. Dennis's was, according to Plato, i. 106. ——— According to himself, ii. 268. Mercuries and Magazines, i. 42. May-pole in the Strand, turn'd into a Church, ii. 28. Morris (Besaleel) ii. 126. iii. 168. Monuments of Poets, with Inscriptions to other Men, iv. 131, &c. Medals, how swallowed and recovered, iv. 375.
N Nodding, described, ii. 391. Needham's, i. 324. Νοῡς, iv. 249.
OOldmixon (John) abused Mr. Addison and Mr. Pope, ii. 283. Falsify'd Daniel's History, then accused others of falsifying Lord Clarendon's; proved a Slanderer in it, ibid. ——— abused Mr. Eusden and my Lord Chamberlain, i. 104. Odyssey, Falshoods concerning Mr. P.'s Proposals for that Work, Test. ——— Disprov'd by those very Proposals, ibid. Owls and Opium, i. 271. Oranges, and their use, i. 236. Opera, her Advancement, iii. 301. iv. 45, &c. Opiates, two very considerable ones, ii. 370. Their Efficacy, 390, &c. Owls, desir'd to answer Mr. Ralph, iii. 166.
P Pope (Mr.) his Life] Educated by Jesuits—by a Parson—by a Monk—at St. Omer's—at Oxford—at home—no where at all, Test. init. His Father a Merchant, a Husbandman, a Farmer, a Hatter, the Devil, ibid.——— His Death threaten'd by Dr. Smedley, ibid, but afterwards advis'd to hang himself, or cut his Throat, ibid. To be hunted down like a wild Beast, by Mr. Theobald, ibid. unless hang'd for Treason, on information of Pasquin, Mr. Dennis, Mr. Curl, and Concanen, ibid. Poverty, never to be mentioned in Satire, in the opinion of the Journalists and Hackney Writers—The Poverty of Codrus, not touch'd upon by Juvenal, ii. 143. When, and how far Poverty may be satirized, Letter, p. vi. Whenever mentioned by our Author, it is only as an Extenuation and Excuse for bad Writers, ii. 282. Personal abuses not to be endur'd, in the opinion of Mr. Dennis, Theobald, Curl, etc. ii. 142. Personal abuses on our Author, by Mr. Dennis, Gildon, &c. ibid.—By Mr. Theobald, Test.—By Mr. Ralph, iii. 165—By Mr. Welsted, ii. 207.—By Mr. Cooke, ii. 138.—By Mr. Concanen, ii. 299—By Sir Richard Blackmore, ii. 268.—By Edw. Ward, iii. 34–and their Brethren, passim. Personal abuses of others. Mr. Theobald of Mr. Dennis for his Poverty, i. 106. Mr. Dennis of Mr. Theobald for his Livelihood by the Stage, and the Law, i. 286. Mr. Dennis of Sr. Richard Blackmore for Impiety, ii. 268. D . Smedley of Mr. Concanen, ii. 299. Mr. Oldmixon's of Mr. Eusen, i. 104. Of Mr. Addison, ii. 283. Mr. Cook's of Mr. Eusden, i. 104. Politics, very useful in Criticism, Mr. Dennis's, i. 106. ii. 413. Pillory, a post of respect, in the opinion of Mr. Curl, iii. 34. ——— and of Mr. Ward, ibid. Plagiary described, ii. 47, &c. Priori, Argument a priori not the best to prove a God, iv. 471. Poverty and Poetry, their Cave, i. 33. Profaneness, not to be endur'd in our Author, but very allowable in Shakespear, i. 50. Party-Writers, their three Qualifications, ii. 276. Palmers, Pilgrims, iii. 113. Pindars and Miltons, of the modern sort, iii. 164.
Q Querno, his Resemblance to Mr. Cibber, ii. 15. Wept for joy, ibid. So did Mr. C. i. 243.
RResemblance of the Hero to several great Authors,To Querno, ut supra. To Settle iii 37.
To Banks and Broome, i. 146. Round-house, ii. prope fin. Ralph (James) iii. 165. See Sawney. Roome and Horneck, iii. 152.
S Shakspeare, to be spell'd always with an e at the end, i. 1. but not with an e in the middle, ibid. An Edition of him in Marble, ibid. mangled, altered, and cut by the Players and Critics, i. 133. very sore still of Tibbald, ibid.Sepulchral Lyes on Church-Walls, i. 43. Settle (Elkanah) Mr. Dennis's Account of him, iii. 37. And Mr. Welsted's, ibid. Once preferred to Dryden, iii. 37. A Party-writer of Pamphlets, ibid. and iii. 283. A writer of Farces and Drolls, and employ'd at last in Bartholomew-Fair, iii. 283.Sawney, a Poem: The Author's great Ignorance in Classical Learning, i. 1.——— In Languages, iii. 165.——— His Praises of himself above Mr. Addison, ibid. Swiss of Heaven, who they are, ii. 358. Silenus described, iv. 492. Scholiasts, iii. 191. iv. 211. 232. Supperless, a mistake concerning this word set right with respect to Poets and other temperate Students, i. 115. Sevenfold Face, who master of it, i. 244 Soul (the vulgar Soul) its office, iv. 441. Schools, their homage paid to Dulness, and in what, iv. 150, &c.
T Tibbald, not Hero of this Poem, i. init. Publish'd an edition of Shakespear, i. 133. Author, secretly, and abettor of Scurrilities against Mr. P. Vid. Testimonies, and List of Books. Thulè, a very Northern Poem, puts out a Fire, i. 258. Taylors, a good word for them, against Poets and ill Paymasters, ii. 118. Thunder, how to make it by Mr. Dennis's Receipt, ii. 226. Travelling describ'd, and its advantages, iv. 293, &c.
VVerbal Critics. Two Points always to be granted them, ii. 1. Venice, the City of, for what famous, iv. 308. University, how to pass thro' it, iv. 255. 289.
W Ward (Edw.) a Poet and Alehouse keeper in Moorfields, i. 233. What became of his Works, ibid.——— His high opinion of his Namesake, and his respect for the Pillory, iii. 34. Welsted (Leonard) one of the Authors of the Weekly Journals, abused our Author, &c. many years since, ii. 207. Taken by Dennis for a Didapper, ibid. The Character of his Poetry, iii. 170. Weekly Journals by whom written, ii. 280. Whirligigs, iii. 57. Wizard, his Cup, and the strange Effects of it, iv. 517, &c.