The following very beautiful and pathetic Poem, the production of the HonourableHenry Erskine, was written upon occaſion of the frequent Emigrations from Scotland, more eſpecially from the Highlands.
That the publication of it may tend to heighten and to diffuſe that ſpirit of benevolence and humanity, towards our diſtreſſed countrymen, which ſeems at preſent to be awakened, is the deſign of its preſent publication.—And it is earneſtly to be wiſhed, that it may promote the good end for which it is now preſented to the public.
Copies of it appeared, ſome time ago, in a mutilated form; the preſent is printed from that done with permiſſion of the amiable and diſtinguiſhed author, and it will afford the reader more pleaſure, when he is aſſured that it is entire.