
The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Balucki, Michael

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Edition of 1920. See also Michał Bałucki on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

1550805The Encyclopedia Americana — Balucki, Michael

BALUCKI, bạ-loots'kẹ, Michael. Polish author, known under the pseudonym Elipidon: b. Cracow, 29 Sept. 1837; d. 1901. As a storyteller he had shining gifts — a brilliant style, free and spontaneous humor — and in both novel and comedies held up to a genial ridicule the shortcomings and prejudices of Polish society. Among his principle works of interest may be mentioned ‘The Awakening’ (1863); ‘The Young and the Old’ (1866); ‘Life Among Ruins’ (1870); ‘The Jewess’ (1871); ‘For Sins Not Committed’ (1879); ‘250,000’ (1883). The best among his comedies are ‘The Chase After a Man’ (1869); ‘The Emancipated’ (1873); ‘Amateur Theatre’ (1879); ‘The Town Council’ (1880); ‘The Open House’ (1883); ‘Miss Valerie’ (1891); ‘The Burgomaster of Pipidowka’ (1894).