
The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Beck, Richard

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Edition of 1920. See also the disclaimer.

659489The Encyclopedia Americana — Beck, Richard

BECK, Richard, German geologist: b. Aue, 24 Nov. 1858. After finishing the regular courses at Leipzig and Freiburg, he specialized in natural science. In 1883 he became a member of the geological survey of Saxony. In 1895 he resigned this position to become professor of geology at the Mining Academy of Freiburg. He was by this time becoming widely known as a specialist on ore deposits, in which department he has made valuable contributions. His ‘Lehre von den Erzlagerstätten’ (1900) is a standard work which has been translated into most European languages, including an American edition in English (New York 1905). It treats of the physical features and origin of the metalliferous deposits.