
The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Emerson, George Barrell

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Edition of 1920. See also George Barrell Emerson on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

1202576The Encyclopedia Americana — Emerson, George Barrell

EMERSON, George Barrell, American educator: b. Kennebunk, York County, Me., 12 Sept. 1797; d. Newton, Mass., 14 March 1881. He was graduated at Harvard College (1817), and was the tutor in mathematics and natural philosophy there (1819-21). In 1823 he opened a private school for girls in Boston, which he conducted until 1855, when he retired from professional life. He wrote the second part of the ‘School and Schoolmaster,’ of which the first part was written by Bishop Potter of Pennsylvania. He was appointed chairman of the commissioners for the zoological and botanical survey of Massachusetts, in which capacity he published a ‘Report of the Trees and Shrubs Growing Naturally in the Forests of Massachusetts’ (1846); and was also the author of ‘A Manual of Agriculture’ (with C. Flint, 1861) and ‘Reminiscences’ (1878).