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The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Flügel, Ewald

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Edition of 1920. See also Ewald Flügel on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

1479746The Encyclopedia Americana — Flügel, Ewald

FLÜGEL, flü'gel, Ewald, German-American philologist: b. Leipzig, 1863; d. 1914. He received his education at the University of Freiburg and at Leipzig, where he received the degree of Ph.D. in 1885. From 1888 to 1892 he was privatdozent at Leipzig, and coming to America in the latter year was appointed professor of English philology at Leland Stanford Junior University. In 1901-02 he was president of the western branch of the American Philological Association. He published ‘Carlyle's Religiöse und Sittliche Entwickelung’ (1887; Eng. trans., 1890); ‘Sidney's Astrophel and Defense of Poesy’ (1889); ‘Neuenglisches Lesebuch I’; ‘Periode Heinrichs VIII’ (1895); ‘Die nordamerikanische Litteratur’ (1907); Prolegomena to ‘Chaucer Dictionary’ (Vol. I, 1911-13), and articles in philological periodicals. He edited ‘Mitteilungen Beiblatt zur Anglia’ (2 vols., 1890-91); ‘Chaucer Lexicon’ (1891 et seq.); and Anglia (1889- ).