
The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Furtwängler, Adolf

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Edition of 1920. See also Adolf Furtwängler on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

1477733The Encyclopedia Americana — Furtwängler, Adolf

FURTWÄNGLER, Adolf, German archæologist: b. Freiburg, 1853; d. 1907. He received his education at Freiburg, Leipzig and Munich; took part in the excavations at Olympia in 1878-79, and in 1884 was made professor of archæology at the University of Berlin. After 10 years in Berlin he removed to Munich. At Ægina he conducted excavations in 1901 and two years later similar operations at Orchomenos. He was universally recognized as an expert on vases and ornaments of antiquity. He published ‘Plinius und seine Quellen über die bildenden Künste’ (1877); ‘Meisterwerke der griechischen Plastik’ (1893; English trans. 1894); ‘Ueber Statuenkopien im Alltertum’ (1896); ‘Die antiken Gemmen’ (1900); ‘Griechische Vasenmalerei’ (1900-04), with Reichold; the catalogue, ‘Beschreibung der Glyptothek König Ludwig I zu München’ (1900); ‘Ein hundert Tafeln nach der Bildwerken der konigliche Glyptothek zu München’ (1903); abridged edition of ‘Meisterwerke der griechischen Plastik’ (1908; translated into English by Taylor, London 1914).